Pretty please new patron sets for villains
Note that scrappers getting a new epic pool only brings them up to the same number everyone else has always had. They only had three before while every other non-Kheldian AT has 4.
But yeah, more options for all. Personally I'm still a fan of the 'give villains normal epic pools plus make patrons for heroes' idea.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
I don't want anymore patron sets.
I do want Ancillary sets.
After reading this and seeing that scrappers are getting another Ancillary pool in the form of blaze mastery.
Could villains please get some more options either associate them with the existing patrons or give us some more patrons as just having the 4 sets is kinda boring and they don't always fit all that great with concepts.
Hows about,
Regent Korol she could give a access to a psi based set.
Dr. Aeon could give gadget/munitions type set.
Or hows about looking out side of Arachnos.
Maestro from the council for a Sonics based sets.
either Clamor, Bile or Dreck for a radiation based sets.
Hows about some aspect of Bat'Zul to give fire based sets.
also a little left field i know but what about some representative of the legacy chain for earth based powers?
So pretty please can villains get more Patrons sets?