Any chance of access to USA servers pls?




Title says it all......reason behind this request is that Union + Defiant are pretty dead tbh.
I dont call 12 ppl in PI a lot (specially when 8 of em are our friendly Korean inf farmers) and the chances of snagging a team lately is pretty low.
You may get the odd random invite but apart from that it seems that everyone has decided to solo (probbly due to AE nerf and the fact they are learning to play their chars now).
SWG just announced 12 server closures due to their "successful" server migration scheme (successful = why in the blue hell didnt we stay with what we had instead of that CU crap)
so at least ppl there will get more populated servers now.
I see they sprung another double xp weekend (some kind of ploy to try and lure CO players back who are on the fence) so that may up the numbers a little but thats just gonna make PI a farmtown again.We already get the short end of the stick with 2 english servers for the same price as US yet with many more servers so we have to fork out extra money for more char slots,just wish NCsoft would buck up their ideas and try n get new blood into the game with some new content (dreading the trick or treat fest coming up).
I mean how many times are the Rikti gonna invade? at least spice it up a lil with something different or are they saving the pennies to buy new servers for Aion?

Peace out and flame on . . . . .



I have no issue with allowing players to play across the pond. I doubt you'd get much resistance from the players, but that decision might be up to NCSoft corporate suits, rather than Paragon Studios.



I'm not sure why the UK got separate servers in the first place. It's not like the game is set in London on those servers or something, it's still in Rhode Island. Time-of-day considerations? Some arcane legal concern? I mean, I can see giving Germany and France their own servers, simply because of the language barrier, but halfhearted cultural rivalry jokes aside, it's not as if people from the US and UK can't understand each other. Except possibly for Glaswegians and people from Georgia.



I am given to understand that the EU server and client code have significantly more internationalization support, and thus are in separate branches of development. I suppose that support could be rolled into the NA client and the branches merged, but that would probably take some effort and produce a considerable number of bugs before it was finished.

There's also the time zone issue - I expect the idea was that the EU servers would be more active at the times when most EU players are able to play. I am not sure how that expectation has borne out, or whether it is even a particularly relevant concern.

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Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Except possibly for Glaswegians and people from Georgia.

Heyyyyy. I can make a decent stab at understanding Glaswegian whilst living in Georgia. Dundonian is another matter, I lived in Dundee for 4 years and STILL struggled with some folks.

My German teacher was from the Gorbels. He also taught Russian, and I have no idea how he ever got anyone passed the oral exams.

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I'll say it yet again: unless there is some kind of very important logistics or legislation concern we were never told, I feel having a separate EU version of the game incompatible with the US version was a big mistake. It hurts the US population some, hurting European players playing on the US servers (like me) by employing fascist localisation rules which keep redirecting me to EU products incompatible with my mage, almost causing not insignificant expense on the wrong thing. It hurts the EU population, as well, but segregating them into their own little ghetto where there are much fewer players, as well, by barring them from playing with the US population.

I really do hope that server LISTS will be merged and we will be allowed to play on each other's turfs.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I have to say the ONLY reason they do it is for latency. I work at a huge software company and we have smaller nodes in other parts of the country and world for our apps due to global traffic management and getting the user to the closest node for best response times.



Originally Posted by GreenPiranha View Post
I have to say the ONLY reason they do it is for latency. I work at a huge software company and we have smaller nodes in other parts of the country and world for our apps due to global traffic management and getting the user to the closest node for best response times.
Actually most of the EU players get a better connection to the US servers than they do to their own EU servers.

This is because the Internet infrastructure in Germany (where the servers are hosted) is incredibly poor and the data has to jump through so many hoops to finally get to the servers that it causes more lag than the transatlantic connection to the US servers.

Over the past 3 years or so there's been an uncountable number of times where people have complained about major lag on the EU servers, only for the European Support (which nolonger exists, the only part NCsoft has in Europe is marketting, even the servers are stored by a third party) to say it's not them but some other part of the connection causing the problems.

Server list merge, oh damn yes please. I still don't understand why games launch with a US and EU version, the only one that even remotely made sense was Age of Conan, where the US game was more heavily censored in the T&A department because apparently Americans can't handle the sight of bare breasts or a bare bum in a game that had a Mature rating...

The German version was heavily censored in the blood department but left all the sexy stuff in, while the UK one was censored in neither department because the BBFC gave it a certificate of an 18.

However City of Heroes only has three possibly kinky things and they fall (just barely) within the teen rating, Silver Mantis and her incredibly kinky dialogue, Carnival of Shadows and Dominatrix and her 'servants' (not to mention the implied relations with her grandfather *shudders*).



the only one that even remotely made sense was Age of Conan, where the US game was more heavily censored in the T&A department because apparently Americans can't handle the sight of bare breasts or a bare bum in a game that had a Mature rating...

The German version was heavily censored in the blood department but left all the sexy stuff in, while the UK one was censored in neither department because the BBFC gave it a certificate of an 18.
Huh? If I'd known about this, I might have tried Age of Conan. Care to elaborate?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



American censors seem to be very against anything that is 'sexual' but kind of blaise about violence and gore. The American version of Age of Conan had the nipples removed from the semi-naked female demon pet and her backside covered up.

The Germans are the reverse and kind of blaise about the sexual but very against blood and violence, so the big, really gorey fatality moves your character occasional pulls off (such as the curb stomp head squish) had the blood removed and some were taken out altogether (such as the curb stomp).

The rest of the world had a completely uncensored version which had a female succubus pet in just booties complete with nipples and the over the top fatalities.



Pretty much agree with the sentiment of having merged server lists. I'd have no problem with having Europeans have access to US servers.



Hmm... I might have to look into that per... I mean that game! Pity all I hear about Age of Conan's quality as an actual game is always so very negative. Even the screenshots I've seen didn't look interesting.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I for one would love to have our fellow Cox'ers from across the pond be able to play on the NA servers with out having to specifically buy another "version".

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm guessing it has to do with international licensing issues and IP laws. It's the same reason you have walled-off regions for DVD and Xbox games. Technically, there's no reason you can't play a European region DVD in your player, but they artificially enforce the regions.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



As a side note, I wonder if the devs anticipated how merging the NA and EU boards would make the issues of EU players a lot more visible, and a lot more awkward to step around. Whereas before they could tailor announcements to one side or the other of the great divide (or just omit announcements of NA-exclusive events on the EU side altogether), that simply isn't feasible now. And NA players seem pretty willing to support equal privileges for fellow players, all things considered. It's kind of heartening, in a way.

So, yeah, I support a merging of the server lists (though not the servers), and the server and client code branches as well if need be. Yes, even though this most likely will take away developer time and effort away from shiny new toys and introduce a fair number of bugs. More people to play with adds value to the game, for both populations.

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I don't think that's it, NT. Other MMOs (EQ2, for example) allow their players access to all servers, regardless of region.



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
I don't think that's it, NT. Other MMOs (EQ2, for example) allow their players access to all servers, regardless of region.
Indeed, when playing Guild Wars, I hop between US and EU instances of the hub towns all the time. There's even a drop-down menu to do it - of course, GW has a rather different mapping between servers, instances, and characters than CoH.

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Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I'm not sure why the UK got separate servers in the first place. It's not like the game is set in London on those servers or something, it's still in Rhode Island. Time-of-day considerations? Some arcane legal concern? I mean, I can see giving Germany and France their own servers, simply because of the language barrier, but halfhearted cultural rivalry jokes aside, it's not as if people from the US and UK can't understand each other. Except possibly for Glaswegians and people from Georgia.
What language barrier? The one that precludes you and I from communicating you mean? Most Germans I know who play online know enough English to read an intermediate complexity novel. They might not be able to express themselves as easily as they may comprehend, but they'll be more legible than a native speaker who talks in all single letters and numbers.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



I've been told people like playing on empty servers and your are wrong to expect otherwise in an MMO.

Personally I hope you get to join us soon, but make sure you don't join any of the empty servers here, the people playing on them like them just as they are. If they ran into you at the trainer it might drive them over the edge.



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
What language barrier? The one that precludes you and I from communicating you mean? Most Germans I know who play online know enough English to read an intermediate complexity novel. They might not be able to express themselves as easily as they may comprehend, but they'll be more legible than a native speaker who talks in all single letters and numbers.
I can attest that the better spoken English speakers, at least on Union, tend to not be English.

And, while in the past I tended to be against merger stuff...ech, what the hell? So long as I get to keep my names, I don't mind that much.
Names is the main non-logistical/technological reason, I think.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Drednaught_EU View Post
Title says it all......reason behind this request is that Union + Defiant are pretty dead tbh.
I dont call 12 ppl in PI a lot (specially when 8 of em are our friendly Korean inf farmers) and the chances of snagging a team lately is pretty low.
You may get the odd random invite but apart from that it seems that everyone has decided to solo (probbly due to AE nerf and the fact they are learning to play their chars now).
SWG just announced 12 server closures due to their "successful" server migration scheme (successful = why in the blue hell didnt we stay with what we had instead of that CU crap)
so at least ppl there will get more populated servers now.
I see they sprung another double xp weekend (some kind of ploy to try and lure CO players back who are on the fence) so that may up the numbers a little but thats just gonna make PI a farmtown again.We already get the short end of the stick with 2 english servers for the same price as US yet with many more servers so we have to fork out extra money for more char slots,just wish NCsoft would buck up their ideas and try n get new blood into the game with some new content (dreading the trick or treat fest coming up).
I mean how many times are the Rikti gonna invade? at least spice it up a lil with something different or are they saving the pennies to buy new servers for Aion?

Peace out and flame on . . . . .
Bearing in mind this IS Uni and School going back time. I know it is for me, I just spend more time online then I should
That and peoples wallets are possibly starting to growl at them...any number of RL reasons.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I would give my support to merging the server lists.

Having the option to play on any server would be very refreshing for all concerned - particularly the long term players.

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Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



I am of course fully in support for server list merging. Especially since all benefits of playing on an EU server (like having maintenance at a convenient time instead of in the middle of the afternoon) has been taken away. Leaving only the inconvenience of having less servers and only depopulated servers to play at.