Any chance of access to USA servers pls?




Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. IMO this needs to be done, and I don't care what it takes. If it meant taking Defiant and Union offline for a week to fly them to the USA, I would support that. (provided I had already been given access to the US servers of course )

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



I'm personally curious of the logistics involved in adding the European servers to the US server list.

Hmmm I know you can summon 'The Troyinator' by saying his name three times, which dev do we need to summon in order to get a 'yay' 'nay' or 'possibly'?



I would welcome our friends from across the pond access to all the NA servers as well.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



I, for one, would welcome our foreign friends. I'd love to have some EU players on the US servers.



As someone with an odd play schedule I would welcome an influx of our EU brethren with open arms.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
Most Germans I know who play online know enough English to read an intermediate complexity novel.
That's as may be, and I expect it's true - but I also expect a lot of those German gamers would still have been annoyed if they'd been presented with an actual German release of a game that required reading and writing English. Or, at least, I bet that's what the thought process at NCsoft was when they decided to have German-language servers.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I've been told people like playing on empty servers and your are wrong to expect otherwise in an MMO.

Personally I hope you get to join us soon, but make sure you don't join any of the empty servers here, the people playing on them like them just as they are. If they ran into you at the trainer it might drive them over the edge.
For those of you who are puzzled by this, I should explain that Frosti is grinding his axe here because of a thread in PQ wherein he took the stance that finding a team should require no effort whatever, and that since it does that's prima facie evidence that The Game Is Dying. If you came in late, I should further assure you that this is bosh of a high order.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
For those of you who are puzzled by this, I should explain that Frosti is grinding his axe here because of a thread in PQ wherein he took the stance that finding a team should require no effort whatever, and that since it does that's prima facie evidence that The Game Is Dying. If you came in late, I should further assure you that this is bosh of a high order.
At least being wrong hasn't stopped you from posting, that's a credit to your ineptitude I don't recall saying the game is dying (at least not on these forums). Though apparently some people in the EU are feeling it is pretty sparse and would like a crack at playing with us.

I said what I said in this thread in complete seriousness. One of the main rallying points behind denying server mergers is that people like playing on their empty server(s). I have no idea how many people could come onto the NA servers if they gave EU players access to them, but someone literally said they don't like seeing other people at the trainer. One EU person could be the toppling point in that case.

I'd rather not risk it, so come play on freedom, you're always welcome there EU players. It also works well because most freedom players want more players around, so freedom would be happy and the empty servers in NA would remain happily empty too. Also most pvp'ers are on freedom so if that interests you then great. I'm just trying to facilitate happiness. It's what I do.



Why merge? Why not just have every server, both NA and EU, listed in the server list? This way every player can play on any server.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Forget Freedom, come to Infinity!

Drinks on me, mates.



Originally Posted by Oya View Post
Why merge? Why not just have every server, both NA and EU, listed in the server list? This way every player can play on any server.
That would be the likely course of action, but it then leads one to think that if EU players are saying they are tired of teaming with tumble weeds they would probably xfer or start rolling new toons on some of the NA servers. Probably more than would start rolling toons on the EU servers, though some back and forth would happen I'm sure.

I'm just letting them know that freedom will gladly take them in.



Being from N.Ireland myself and playing on Freedom (US server) I think it would be great, Freedom is a good bit quieter during the off times now and this would be good for both parties.


LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I'm just letting them know that freedom will gladly take them in.
Give them your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...



I really would like access to a combined server list.
Of course there are some possible troubles to be sorted out first:

Global names - Maybe they could change the global names as they did with the forum merger? Although I guess that might kill the global friends lists...

Different Clients (particularly German and French) - Personally I wouldn't mind having to install two separate clients of the game if every other solution fails.

Lag - Can't actually see any problems as it seems that quite a number of Europeans are already playing on US servers and I don't see them complaining.

So, all in all? Yes, please!

New and improved(?): @Changa

DIPLOMACY, n. The patriotic art of lying for one's country.
Ambrose Bierce, Devil's Dictionary



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
That's as may be, and I expect it's true - but I also expect a lot of those German gamers would still have been annoyed if they'd been presented with an actual German release of a game that required reading and writing English. Or, at least, I bet that's what the thought process at NCsoft was when they decided to have German-language servers.
A lot of Germans already play on the English EU servers because their server is very near dead. And that is a lot more deadish then any server you have seen so far.



Originally Posted by Oya View Post
Why merge? Why not just have every server, both NA and EU, listed in the server list? This way every player can play on any server.
This would be the best approach IMO. Even from a PR viewpoint it would be more "We're unifying our community" as oppose to merging servers which would cause a Chicken Licken "The Sky is falling, the sky is falling" wave of doooom (all my analogies will be based around kids nursery stories for the foreseeable future. Damn things lodge in the brain).



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
A lot of Germans already play on the English EU servers because their server is very near dead. And that is a lot more deadish then any server you have seen so far.
True. Although the numbers are sometimes nearly equal to those of Defiant. Then again, just the english client/no German server is likely to scare the rest away. I know of enough Germans who are not that confident in their grasp of English. Of course that would be the worst-case scenario for Zukunft.

New and improved(?): @Changa

DIPLOMACY, n. The patriotic art of lying for one's country.
Ambrose Bierce, Devil's Dictionary



Imo we wil get a Server List merge or even a server merge soon.

The population on the EU servers is so low atm that the costs of running seperate EU servers will exeed the income from subscriptions soon.

CoX has many faults which can drive players away but unpopulated servers are the worst thing for a mmorpg and will kill it very fast.....



Since most of the french forum talks from this past weeks is about server merging/server list merging/account transfer, Avatea came and said:

This is not on the agenda for the simple reason that it's impossible
(Translation from this post)

Since the server I play on have 25 players at the moment, I want anything that could give me a "playable" server, at whatever reasonable price it is. My personnal choice is account transfer: tool already exists, players who don't want to move can stay, etc...



This is not on the agenda for the simple reason that it's impossible
Is this actually impossible though, or the Power Customisation kind of impossible?

Sorry if that seems a little snide, but over the last few months the devs have proven that when it comes to groundbreaking changes that are of immense value to the playerbase, they have the skill, the ideas and the determination to make it happen.

I cannot think of a game change that would have more value to the EU playerbase than a server list merge. Period.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Forum Moderators don't have the best record in the world in knowing NCSofts upcoming plans either. Hell, look what happened to all the other NCSoft EU Mods & Staff.



I am happy the way Defiant and Union are currently, id not want to merge them, or leta lone be merged with US servers.

If what your looking for is access to the US servers alongside access to the EU ones that be fair enough. But dont want Defiant/Union to jsut dissapear and become merged

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Would love them to merge the Server lists hope it happens soon



I'm all for it, as long as they get their passports and get deloused first.

I joke I joke I kid I kid.

I'm all for having more players, especially competent ones.

You might even find your doppelgänger across the pond!

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575