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Thankyou Paragon Studios
Thankyou War Witch for coming and posting a wonderfull piece, im very sad at the announcement of one of the games i have had the pleasure of playing for near on 7 years is coming to an end, ive only ever played one other game as much as this and that was EQ1, its still going, and i wish CoH was still to be going as the time i have and still would like to have in the game has been very special to me.
I have many friends now from playing the game, done alot of things i would never seen me ever doing like traveling over seas to meet these friends and its all due to the community, and friendship from a video game that has been and still has the strongest most passionate community out there.
No other MMO i have played makes me feel that warm when playing Coh, they jsut dont seem to have that magic that CoH brings with it.
I do wish this was not the fate of the game, the fate of teh fantastic devs as we all know you deserve far better then what has happened, its ths suddeness, the shock that i think that has thrown the fan base the game as far as all can tell is doing well, it seems to be flying the flag high for one of the longest running mmo's out there.
I wish you all the best and all the folks at Paragon the best in recovering from this, it so not right that it has to end like this for all involved.
CoH will be missed by many, and hopefully many will have many happy moments, memories of their time in this game i know i do.
Quote:They changed lightform so as you dont turn into aa ball of light as well, ARRRGGG !! what are they doing as it looked good to turn into a super wisp !!It was changed to the handclap so that they could remove the "Must be on the ground" requirement. You can now activate it while flying.
They also tweaked the "Ball of light" godmode (sorry, I forget the name) so that you don't transform when using it, and they tweaked its recharge and duration. You can now make it permanent, just like a Warshade's godmode.
I loved the peacebringers for that as well as was fun fighting as a ball of light !
I think ill miss them, they where defiantly nice sorta effects, charatistics of the uniqueness of the peacebringers forums.
Ive never rolled a warshade am thinking about one tho , but was so surprised on what they have done to the pb animations.
thanks for the replay on the reasons tho, iguess makes sense for the hanclap that way but the footstomp imo was more impressive. Be nice if the options was returned back to us even in the animations , i dont mind being on the ground
Hi all, am not long back to playing COH. One of my favorite characters was my pecebringer, i mainly played her in human form. One of the powers they have is called Solar Flare. Now when i last played the game the peacebringer had a fab FOOTSTOMP animation for this power.
Now as i was playing this toon for first time in a while last night i was gutted to see that the Solar Flare is some pants hand clap animation !! What happened to the glorious footstomp animations that the Khelidans used to have ?
I thought i remeber BABs a while talking how could change the animation of some of the powersets in icon, so i head over there and look through the animations for the powers no sign of any option to have footstomp restored back to my character
I know , well unless its changed that the SUper strength chars had an option to change thier animations, and think was footstomp one of them ?
I dont know but i know my PB jsut dont feel the same without the fun footstomp animation/power. Clapping the hands in a wave sorta effect well is quite poor subistute for the mighty footstomp !!
Quote:Not happy about this, not happy at all.
We get robbed of our global identities because of something we have no choice in? Thanks alot!
We get access 11 extra servers in exchange for the confirmation that we've effectively had second class accounts since launch and our history of loyalty to the game means frak all. Way to make a player feel valued!
Personally I'd rather ditch access those 11 servers than lose My Name.
As for the US account holders saying it's no big deal. Try considering it from our point of view, what if you were the one losing a global handle you'd had for the last 5+ years?
Pretty much same as im thinking on hearing this outrageous propsal by Ncsoft/paragon .
And this line also i agree on
Personally I'd rather ditch access those 11 servers than lose My Name.
As i only play on 1 server i have not filled all my slots so why would i want another 11 sodding servers at risk of losing my global name !!!
Im still fuming on reading how we in EU are getting treated for a game we have been loyal and remain loyal to, but this is just a big kick in the nuts from them !!! -
I have not read all the posts but from waht im gathering that ther is chance that us EU players will lose our globals !! A global ive had since game started many years ago.
This Idea of losing global if EU player on server/forum merge is outrageous im not to happy at the sound of these latest proposals so why on earth they decide to do this crazy idea !!!
And dont se why we need a gloabl server lsit with EU and Us on same list, its fine the way it is EU has there 4 servers and US there many. if this global namer change is jsut as merging servers its not a good plan
Certainly not appealing to me, i hated wow for this and now looks like COH going this way to
Why are we getting this as this is what made COH more appealing to the casual player was not having these large scale wow style raids. Now i not happy that this has been announced, it certainly seems a big step back for the casual gamer having these epic over clutter ui raids.
And no doubt if you dont do them you will feel left behind, as COH seems to be focused on turning into WoW now for heroes , and that wont keep me playing. Be more likely to drive folks away, i know if the game turs nout that all you do at 50 is 48 man raids then i be offski.
Ahh , i dont know im just not taken with this , early days i guess till see it but i wont be sitting in 48 man teams ever. Ill jsut do without, and in time i guess ill feel so left behind then will proberl lose tyhe urge to play a game that i have been playing and enjoying for the past 7 years.
I wasnt going to buy GR as i designed my toons on concept of them being hero / villian but was forced into getting it jsut for the alpha slot, to keep my toons in line with what the majority was doing but i feel as tho i proberly a minority here as most prob thing that 48 man raids are the way forward for a game that has opted not to do that route for its user base for so long only now to decide we cant thing of any other orginal idea for a mmo game then to get loads of you together to take on a mission that takes 48 coordianted bodies to take down one mob
Teams of 4- 8 have always been more enjoyable in my book then the enmass raid system of wow and other mmos , sad times now that COH is also to do this -
Quote:Well thats nice and fun for the EU players seeing as we could only get Going Rogue via NCsofts Store... we had zero EU boxes....
I to wish we in EU had a boxed edition, i would have gladly paid full price for a boxed expansion pack. But with this steam offer i decided to buy it but would have rather preffered to get a boxed EU version then som virtual download and key.
So next expansion please for COH can we get a boxed edition in EU please. -
I would like at some time tghe devs to put a toggle in to turn thiese feature on or off as find it can be annoying on large teams when your mini map gets swamaped in large red triangles.
As can diable other things on the map id like to disable this if i so desired. -
Yip seen her twice the other day and snagged the badge
I am on Defiant and no plans of playiing on the Us servers, am happy leveling and teaming on Defiant
Defaint is still an active server as far as i can see, no plans to leave
Favorite part so far
The ability to have more then 3 missions and the contacts giving their tel number sooner
I quite like the water effects to
New arcs /contacts
New Posi
Not to keen on the new Wentworths UI tho or the flickering i now get when opening like contact windows, badge windows , contact dialouge. And also the new lame flight sound -
Ive notcied when open any window, i get a performance drop and also a bit of flickering, be it badge , mission or contacts tabs
now with i17 there is a nice feature that many will like that ability to see the last mobs, maybe the last glowie, its a QoL feature that many will like. But waht i want to know is it possible to turn it off, as i do not like my map screen being filled with loads of red triangles especially in full team as the mob size is huge and all i see red triangles all over my map !
I would like to know if this can be turned off, i turned off special on the mini map and it had no effect at all. -
the new enhancement font is terrible to read, do hope it gets made back to a proper readable size.
Quote:I got my Isolator this way on Snow, is where i first ran into Golden Girl as she to was working on it, but know now and all my other chars now get it in the tutorial or Oro, so no more sitting awaiting on the lone RV spawn to appear, it was a bit of chore logging in each time to see if the little chap was there.Or if you just want to bleed from both eyes, you can go into Recluse's Victory and defeat the lone Contaminated that spawns once an hour in the tram.
Yes is updater issues EU side, at times i get connecting , and had it go up to 15 one time , but most times its about #5 !!
But before I used to never ge the connecting meessage as was always instant log in, the next box always appeared straight away , they have changed something and its causing updater problems -
Quote:I think problem is NOT in our ISPs, but in the EU servers... lag has got worse in the last couple of weeks,
Yes this i to have noticed, the EU servers seem to have lost some of there stability and am now constantly getting long loading times on launcher and quite a bit more rubber banding/mapservering while playing.
Feels as tho the servers arn't getting the same dev love they once had to keep things running smoothly.
Yes am to finding this , was logged in and the chat was taking forever to appear. Logged out to go eat supper and now have uber massive dl happining, looks like COH EU servers are struggling for hamster power at mo, least is not as bad as STO updater it takes years to update....
Hope it all lcomes good as at mo its major lag fest EU side -
After todays downtime ive had problems getting my updater to connect, seems to take forever. And seems to be stuck saying connecting while counting up all the time
Not sure if its to do with the EU client servers or not that are causing this issue but never had this problem yesterday.
I'm not a fan of playing Masterminds, and prob not gonna make a DS mm either, but i would love to have a whip based power set for a scrapper based toon.
Lets hope that in time it does get developed and introduced into the game, as think be fab to have that as power set for scrappers.
Got 3 more of my alts to 50, so was happy with that
I dont use set IOs cba with them slap them on AH for 5 inf jsut to get shot of them. I will use normal IOs tho as they quite easy to obtain and craft, but if they not avalible to my character, SOs will do me fine.
Avatea has posted an update on the problem we are having in the Defiant/ Union posts
Looks like router issues on the EU servers