Final Objective Markers
Well, your use of "enemies" kind of clues me that you didn't have it down to the last ONE yet. That might have something to do with it.
EDIT: Erp! Don't listen to me! According to the Wiki, that last "spawn" should show, so I'm talkin' out meh hat!
Dec out.
I believe it has to do with the percentage of the bad guys that are left, not just the last one. I forget what the exact number is but at like only 5 or 10% of the bad guys remaining they should start showing up on the map.
I have seen this working, however I've also seen it do some weird things like putting some ???? marker at some seemingly random point in the maps at some point, but it was after the mission completed.
There is always a chance there is a bug in there, especially since its a new feature, but has worked for me before.
I have seen this working, however I've also seen it do some weird things like putting some ???? marker at some seemingly random point in the maps at some point, but it was after the mission completed.
I also had a strange thing occur on a CoT map. Entering the last room (after already clearing out the "jail" room), I killed 2 of the 3 mobs, and when only 1 mob remained, the red arrows showed up. But.. not only did the red arrows for my last mob show up, but about a dozen red arrows showed up in the Jail room.
Further examination of the arrows showed that they were marking the Mystical Barrier (Jail doors), the Dampening Field (-TP zone in each cell), and even the [Crystal of Pain]s (the Red damage crystals). The Red Damage crystals in my current room did not show up as a red arrow. The ones in various other areas of the map did not either. They can not be targeted, and neither can the dampening fields. It seems silly for them to have shown up.
I defeated the last spawn and all arrows disappeared just as mysteriously as they appeared. haha
To the op:
Some missions apparently have objects or areas that might internally count as an entity and it may be affecting the way the "last objective" feature is working. If you have more than one foe in a single mob left, it should be displaying for you, but if you have a runner from more than one mob, it counts as 2 active mobs and usually wont show you where they are yet.
I saw the ??? marker in the middle of an explored room on a ship map last night (the friend's mission) along with 3 markers in a hallway moving into the front room (the patrol we had missed). We spent a minute or so in that middle room before deciding it was a bug and moved on to the patrol. Once we defeated them the mission completed and the bogus marker disappeared.
The first mission with the missing hostage had been almost totally cleared. The only thing remaining was a spawn at the entrance (we went right instead of left in a circle hall and missed them) and the spawn with the hostage in one of those dead-end mail-box rooms at the bottom of some side stairs that I've never seen a spawn in before. Even after I defeated the guys on the first floor and was making my way back to floor 4, the hostage's marker never showed up.
One I didn't mention was in a defeat-all paper mission versus Goldbrickers. When we got to the final room with only two guys in it, I opened up my map and no markers were present. We defeated those two and the mission completed.
I have NEVER seen markers show up for my missions. Not in beta and not in live. But I do see them in other's missions. I guess I'll /bug it next time. I hadn't before because I assumed I was doing something wrong.
See my theory about Show Last Objective...

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Those missions had been cleared except for the final few enemies.
I DID see a final objective show up last night. My first that I'm aware of. It was a glowie hunt for 4 and the last glowie showed up as a white star as soon as I grabbed the 3rd one. There were lots of enemies left - a 6-8 man spawn guarding the final glowie and a council jail room holding... I have no idea... I'll use the technical term for it - "a LOT." What a battle that was.
I have also had the bogus ??? red arrow show up on mission maps. The last time it happened was in a defeat all, and it appeared when there was one mob left. When I finally did get the last mob, he was was nowhere near the ??? arrow and no red arrow ever appeared at his actual location. However, the ??? arrow disappeared after I defeated him. On other occassions this happened, it was not a defeat all, and I didn't want to spend forever looking, so I don't know if there really was one last mob or not.
Based on the above, I suspect the ??? arrow appears when there is one final mob but for some reason the game can't accurately pinpoint its actual location. But that's just a guess.
Most of the time, this feature has worked just fine for me, but it does seem there are a few bugs. You're not doing anything wrong, the feature should work automatically, so definitely petition it, I'm sure the Devs will get it ironed out.
I believe it has to do with the percentage of the bad guys that are left, not just the last one. I forget what the exact number is but at like only 5 or 10% of the bad guys remaining they should start showing up on the map.
I have seen this working, however I've also seen it do some weird things like putting some ???? marker at some seemingly random point in the maps at some point, but it was after the mission completed. There is always a chance there is a bug in there, especially since its a new feature, but has worked for me before. |
Perhaps the triggers are "mobs" of a sort that are just invisible, intangible with perfect perception.
Crossing these spot earlier in the mission triggered NPC dialog
I've had an ambush come from one of the ??? markers. I checked the location before clicking the last glowy and there was no spawn there, but clicking the glowy triggered a 3 wave ambush that came from the marker location.
"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"

I've had lots of the issues posted above, and I chalked it up to it being a new feature with glitches to be worked out. I figure I'm getting WAI information about 30% of the time, and I'll just be satisfied with that for now.
I've had an ambush come from one of the ??? markers. I checked the location before clicking the last glowy and there was no spawn there, but clicking the glowy triggered a 3 wave ambush that came from the marker location.
I bet that is it. I could readily believe our missed patrol in the ship map originated in the location marked by our ???.
The reason I say this is because it happened to me during the new Heroside arcs last night... the mission where you go into the dam and there are a bunch of non-combative freakshow. As soon as we killed the mob at the end of the map, all the Freakshow turned Red, and there was a ??? arrow on the Eastern side. Once we planted/diffused the bombs, the ??? arrow turned into a red objective marker, and the Boss and his mob were in that location.
It is very strange behavior how this works (or doesn't :P).
I've had a few missions (even a 'Defeat All' mission) where I've defeated 90% of the mobs and there are no mini-map updates as to where the last mob/mobs are located at.
From my understanding you have to defeat 90% (?) of the mobs before the markers on the mini-map show up; meaning, if you try to stealth a mission (let's say it's a mission where you have to click/find 5 glowies) and you get 4 out of 5 glowies but can't find the last should not show up on the mini-map until 90% of the mobs are defeated.
The only thing is that I have had missions where it is a multiple click glowie mission (only need to click glowies to complete the mission) and I've clicked 3 or 4 of them and only needed one more and noticed that the map was showing a marker for the last glowy (without defeating any mobs). It was a very nice surprise.
If it's NOT supposed to do that then I'd like to suggest that the devs change it to do that (if possible). Sure on a defeat all mission, defeating 90% of the mobs is common to do....but when I'm trying to 'stealth' the mission (because of time limits or whatever), then it should mark on the map when I've done 80-95% of the mission objectives.
Oh and if you have a defeat all mission and you've cleared the whole mission but still haven't completed it and there are no markers on the map, type in /whereami and then do a /bug report and note the mission map in the bug report along with the mission, contact info/ could just be a bug.
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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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I would like at some time tghe devs to put a toggle in to turn thiese feature on or off as find it can be annoying on large teams when your mini map gets swamaped in large red triangles.
As can diable other things on the map id like to disable this if i so desired.
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
Is there some trick to making these show up? I've seen them on the map when it is someone else's mission, but when it is mine I never see them. Final hostage I can't find - nothing... missed patrol on someone else's defeat-all - sure no problem markers work fine... missed hall and a spawn on my defeat-all mission - nothing.
What am I doing wrong? I can't find an option to turn it on/off. Do you have to actually have exposed the area on the minimap? Both of my examples above were in an unexplored room or hall. But even when I entered the area (allowing the enemies to beat on me while I cleared it on the map) the markers never did show up.
This is something I'd really love to have working.