Your Double XP weekend stories
Honestly, this double XP weekend has felt kind of uneventful for me because I have patrol XP on all my characters almost all the time, so I'm sort of in constant double XP.
So now it's over heres my 4 days worth
Lvl 45 Dom to 50
Lvl 46 Corr to 50
Lvl 41 Def to 44/45
Lvl 27 Corr to 36
Lvl 4 Brute to 36
Lvl 1 Dom to 4
Now besides monday night i'm taking some downtime to get back to RL lol.

Was on a low 30's team in Croatoa Friday. We were steamrolling. We got the mission with the red caps and several hostages that you have to escort, outdoor map, on a hill... someone said it was a teamwipe mission, which it often is. We go in, find the first hostage, dive in... and bam! Teamwipe. Leader decides to drop the mission. Not that it really mattered much because all of the missions in that arc involve red caps and many of them have ambushes. But we did okay on the rest of them -- very good in fact.
Saturday, same toon, different team. Mid 30's in Croatoa. We have an ice tanker who takes a lot of damage, and a scrapper who dies multiple times (VERY squishy). The other scrapper was fairly squishy too. I'm busy hitting my heal (dark defender) as often as it pops up. At the end of the mission, after dying again, the scrapper says we need to turn up the difficulty. So the leader does, and guess which mission is next?
I hesitate to warn people that we're likely facing a team wipe, but then the leader (who keeps checking paragonwiki for details on the missions) says that there are multiple ambushes for each hostage. I say yeah, it's easy for a team to wipe in this mission. But in we go, locate a hostage, and all descend upon him. People die. I manage to survive and rez them. Somehow we rescue the hostage, survive the ambushes, and start to lead him out. But the tank insists on running straight into every group of red caps we see on the way out.
And... that works remarkably well, actually. It means we move slow and steady and don't get spread out. We do the rest of the mission that way, and only come close to a full team wipe once.
At another point, I think it was the team from Friday, we spot Jack in Irons and decide to take him down, then look for Eochai and find him and Jack (another one) fighting up North where they always are fighting. No less than 3 members of the team (me included) logged in second accounts to help our low-30's team separate the two GMs and take them down. ^_^
So far I played a new scrapper on Freedom from 1-10 Thursday night, then Friday and Saturday I took my dark/dark defender Dark Girl Four from 22 to 35, and then Sonic Girl Seven from 35 to 38. No complaints.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Today, I discovered that Dual Pistols with Laser Sights + Ninja Run + Pistols drawn while moving and jumping = AWESOME.
I discovered that double XP + Redside = No real progress
The best part of the weekend for me has been an all controller ITF. We had a few deaths along the way, but it was tons of fun and we steamrolled Romi. I was on my grav/storm and able to let loose with all the powers available without worrying a bit about knockback. I even gained 3 levels on it.
Excluding that, other runs out with different heroes, the event hasn't felt much like double xp this weekend...damn auto sk!
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

My double XP weekend has been one of frustration because my internet is acting up and I don't know house is clean I guess it has some positive side effect not being able to play or surf....
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
1 more day to go but there's my happenings:
-got a very old corr of mine up to 40, whose been sitting in dust @ 38 for months
-Grabbed up on a Hecatomb:ACC/Something while doing old oro missions with my main corr, sold for 209mil, and totally io'd the guy out, can't wait to go GM/accolade hunting now.
-Got Jack Frost for my new Ice dom, 15-32 in a couple of hours
-my merc mm whose been at 47 forever got to 50 yesterday!!!
-all in all, a good DXPW
EDIT: started a DP/FM blaster too, sexeh set!
My DXP weekend stories;
I went to a fabulous concert on Friday. Mozart's Oboe Concerto. Beautiful
I performed with a wind band in aid of Marie Curie on Saturday. Good fun if not quite so beautiful.
Now I am heading off to see Alice and Wonderland.
Real life has taken over this DXP weekend for me.
Oh, but in-game I did manage an early morning Synapse with a fabulous wee group of people. Was great fun.
Tried to play, realized I can't do the same old stale content any more, even if it was 4x XP.
Cancelled account til GR, hoping that it brings a ton of new mission maps and some new gameplay in.
Not a rant about the game itself, but anything that's as repetetive as CoX content is will get stale and boring after 5 years.
Good thing I still have 4 more years to go :-P
Casual friend of mine putting together a PuG redside. I bring my Fire/Pain Corr who needs levels. We get two more Corrs (both DP, of course), a Widow, and friend's Dom. We start off with a paper in Nerva at +0.
There is a moment of confusion as I explain that no, the Widow doesn't have to "Tank", although we could use a "pointman" to keep the team in one group, and if we just all attack at once then the Alpha damage is spread around more so I can easily negate it.
Mission goes swimmingly, team leader switches up to +2, invites a MM and another Dom. We run the "Casino full of Longbow" mission. A few deaths because of splitting, but gobs and gobs of XP, funtimes, everyone's happy. Things are looking up!
And then Widow's player goes "You know, I could swap to my 50 Brute and farm TV at +4". And of course everyone is enthusiastic because yay farming! Farming is more XP than just running papers!
...except me, because to me, swapping from mission running to a farm is like swapping from being paid $5.75 an hour to lounge around on the beach with cool drinks and a laptop to being paid $6 an hour to wade through horse manure.
So I excuse myself politely and leave, all the time thinking "man, farmers ruin *everything*".

Character index

I ran into a positive, enthuasiastic, but inexperienced team leader last night, redside. The leader kept trying to get eight players on a PUG mayhem, until it was pointed out that seven players earning XPs is better than 7 players standing around, looking for an eighth player. By that time, a couple of people had given up waiting and dropped, so it was good that the leader was willing to listen. Then once in the mayhem, the leader (DP/pain) ran around with lots of hit points missing and ... seldom used his aura heal. He kept getting defeated over and over because he so infrequently used his heal. He also wanted to go to jail after his first couple of defeats, and had to be coaxed into not doing that so that the final ambush that allows the mayhem to complete wouldn't split.
That leader did at least listen, came across as a nice person, and will probably do better at playing and leading after some more experience.
This morning I got onto a better PUG, with skillful teammates who were there to have fun by being social. We started early with the jokes and dialogue, even before the first mob was encountered, and it kept up for pretty much the whole session.
Lots of levels earned so far, but that's a pleasant side effect to having enjoyed being on several different teams.
Played vastly on one of the big two servers for population and heard multiple times about people not finding teams. I've never really waited overly long for one even if I got on a team that was lower level than me.
Worst team was the PuG Posi TF(I can see your shocked faces already ) Lead was a 3 month vet who had a bad build, but had numerous set bonuses on a level 17, was rude, and told people it would take 1-2 hours yet we were doing the non-stealthed version. Four hours later, we finished. I fear how it would have gone if TFs hadn't been reworked to be so easy now. (insert TFs are boring as hell now rant here)
Loved seeing a +3 Croatoa mission and having my level 23 tank handle it when we added in more damage. Hated the lead leaving and sticking me with lead on a +3 Croatoa mission that didn't go so smoothly in vast part due to end drain.
Is this a troll rave?
Maybe this thread should be reposted after reactivation weekend is over . . .
Seriously though, no need to be negative. I, among many, am having a great time. And I play this game 2-3 times a week anyways.
One of Six, Cannibal 6
The Good: All-SG Team running radios mishes in PI. Had as much fun bantering with sg-mates as I did fighting/earning double xp.
The Bad & Ugly: A random PuG with an anal-retentive leader who insisted on micromanaging everything. He also wasted way too much time before every fight explaining "his strategy" in excruciating detail. I stuck around for one mish out of a perverse desire to see what a train wreck it would turn out to be. Lol, I was not disappointed.
Winteriel Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker | @TBoxer Global | City of Heroes R.I.P. (2004-2012)
Mission team in PI. We steamroll a Council mission, everyone thinks we're the bee's knees and the cat's pajamas. Then we run a Carnie cave mission. Someone says, "Oh great, Carnies!" Two of us reply with various versions of "Oh great." One person says, "I've never fought them." Two people say, "What are they?"
Things go well until we hit the 5-tier cake room. Virtually nobody can fly. Leader and several others jump straight to bottom without warning, aggro a huge portion of the room. Teamwipe ensues.
Go back in, (rushing in before buffs are completed mind you), tank rushes past first couple of carnies to gather a group that continues to grow (troller pets and other teammates attracting other groups). Scrapper goes afk in the middle of a huge battle. Multiple Master Illusionists, including the boss, teamwipe ensues.
Repeat several times. People keep saying, "We have to stick together!" and "Follow the tank!" then the tank superjumps up to a different floor without warning, half the team doesn't know where he is, and people fall into the bottom (which still isn't cleared). Teamwipe.
Finally clear the 4th floor following the tank, then finally down to the bottom level to finish off the boss. Everyone's happy. But why isn't the mission done? I point out that we've never visited the top floor. People are shocked to realized there's a whole floor of enemies left. I try to make sure everyone enters via the ramp so we're all in the same place, but find myself fighting a Master Illusionist near the entrance pretty much by myself while the tank and much of the team rushes to the center of the room to take on a different Master Illusionist.
Teamwipe, tank quits, team leader quits. Rest of team breaks up.
There's a thread on the scrapper boards: "Why I play a scrapper". I came up with another reason today: when the entire team is clueless or can't focus, my scrapper can still kill the bosses and complete the mission, solo if necessary. But I was playing my defender. :/
And I fear we've left several new players with the impression that carnies are impossible and should never be fought.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I thought to myself, "Hey, maybe someone will be ON redside Triumph for once! I can level my thugs/poison MM!"
But ah, it was too much to hope for.
My Crab spider got two levels by helping curb-stomp Reichsman into the floor. A team with a Zombie/Dark MM, Night Widow, Crab, full elec brute and a kin corr? And then some? It wasn't a fight. It was a symphony of destruction
Oh, and my DP Blaster got from level 13 to lvl 31 thanks to SG mates and near constant teaming all day saterday good times.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Have had a nice time so far this DXP weekend. Nothing particularly amazing but managed to get some nice levels:
* Ice/Stone Tank - managed to get him from 36-39 so far and he will be running a TF later on so will hopefully get another level or two.
* Rad/Dark Defender - managed to get him from 24-28 after he has been sat around for a while
* Traps/DP Defender - managed to get him from 8-19 and still finding DPs rediculously flash and fun
* Broadsword/Shield Scrapper - managed to get him a couple of levels (13-15) after doing Atta's Hollows mission solo
* Dark/Fire Brute - managed to get him a couple of levels (24-26) after a quick play session
* Necro/Thermal MM - this toon has been sat around for quite a while so leveled him from 9-16 when duoing with an SG friend.
Im happy with what Ive accomplished and had some fun along the way
Okay, have a couple of pistol 'fenders (Rad/DP, Emp/DP) up into their 20's from get-go.
Have a SoA that I created about a year ago, got up to 9, then left because it was actually painful to play in those lower levels. Was able to get him to his mid-level respec and went Bane. Became a completely different animal at that point and is now QUITE fun to play.
Stacked two more levels on my FF/Archery defender (now a level and a half from 50).
Then, to make a bit of coin, fished out a Nemesis Automaton mission on my main and ran it x8. Took several hours (playing at work and had to stop frequently (sometimes even in combat) to take care of stuff here at the office). Took a couple friends in to get them a few levels and some inf. They wanted to just bail when they got too sleepy. I told them it was OK and AFK farmed them. One friend got about 2.9 levels and the other went from 3 to someplace in the high teens.
Only one sour note out of all of it. Right before I went to do the Nemesis farm, I tried going back to one of my defenders. We lost a tank and picked up an overzealous scrapper who had no communications skills (basically not watching to see if the rest of us were ready and charging a bunch of +3 bosses). 6 Blasters, 1 scrapper, and 1 defender on the Argot'BurWot mission.
After nearly TPK'ing twice, and being unable to heal consistently due to getting the crap mezzed out of me and being killed the scrapper gets irate and:
DonkeyHeadCovering: Would it kill you to heal us?
Me: Well, considering I spent most of my time mezzed, it kinda...did.
He continued on in that vein, so I made my apologies to the team captain and took my leave.
Got my bubbler to L50 whilst breaking a foot off in Romulus' nethers.
Tacked another level onto my Ill/Cold
And working towards L27 for my SOA.
1-25 for my new Rad/Nrg Blaster PUGing.
1-30 for my new Shld/Mace Tank PUGing.
Then I went for crazy, continuous xp/inf at the Storm Palace in the Shadow Shard. A whole zone full of delicious bags of double xp and near constant fighting for as long as you can stand it. 16,000 (or so) xp for a single 51 Brute? Yes please! I'm amazed we never saw anyone else around there.
Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.
Let's hear them. The good, the bad, and the ugly. What moment defined the weekend for you? Did you get a purple drop running an ITF? Or did you taste bitter defeat at the hands of a poorly organized pug? I'll get the ball rolling with mine.
The best part of the weekend for me has been an all controller ITF. We had a few deaths along the way, but it was tons of fun and we steamrolled Romi. I was on my grav/storm and able to let loose with all the powers available without worrying a bit about knockback. I even gained 3 levels on it.
The worst part was pugging with a tank that tried to corner pull everything. Even the Praetorian robots that shot him full of holes before he could make it back to the corner. Then the rest of the team rushed in and mowed them down. Next mob. Deja-fricking-vu! He tries it again. Time after time, until we got a Kheld that tanked things properly.