Your Double XP weekend stories




I made my first stalker Friday and got him up to level 24 by the time I logged out last night. I know that isn't a whole lot, but I was also playing STO at times and doing some work around the house.

The most memorable PUG I was in was one in PO where after a mission the team leader asked me to set my difficulty to the highest for better XP. I should have known better, but went ahead and did it. With everything conning purple we quickly team wiped, so I went and turned it back down. We then tried for 15 minutes to explain to the leader how to reset a mission, but utterly failed.

I did enjoy the weekend a lot and the stalker was fun. I have been finding myself a little burned out after taking 6 brutes to 50 and the different play style brought my interest back.



Well I had a spiffy weekend, considering how much time I napped -_-. Let's see...

Got 22 lvls on a DP blaster, 14 on DP def, 17 on DP corr, 3 on a corr to hit 50, 3 on Rad blaster, 2 on Electric scrapper, 4 on the um mid 20s Dom, 2 on a pre 18 Brute. Between decent sized teams and the odd TF, it was a blast!

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Got my Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation Blaster from level 6 to level 28.

This is actually quite impressive for me; I can level a Scrapper like nobody's business, but my other Blaster (Fire/Elec) went through at least two double XP weekends I can remember, and she's still only level 34. Every level had been like pulling teeth.

With DP/MM, it's been incredibly fun. I suspect it's because the stylishness of the set hasn't worn out yet, thanks to the increased levelling giving me new powers quickly.

I think I'll take the DP/MM Blaster to the AE building, and try out some of the new arcs that have been featured.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



I wasn't able to play much this weekend and when i did play I had to use my left hand for controls due to an injury. In other words, I made better progress on my debt badges than my experience bars on most characters.

However, yesterday I was able to gain a level or so on my Fire/Dark corruptor by teaming with some great SG mates.



Daimyo Shi Stalker 41 to 42
Icy Duel Heaters Corruptor Duel Pistols 1 to 14
Murimoto Taro Master Mind 28 to 32
Onna Gatana Scrapper 26 to 32
Oprative MacDoanld 24 to 28
Unit Bob 24 to 29

I had times were Teaming was easy and then there were times I had to search from place to place to get a team. Drove me nuts and because I was doing mid level guys mostly I didn't want to lead [Should have led with Daimyo Shi would have got more level that way.] Teamed with Smurphy at one point that was an awesome team, just kept rolling! I kept to my nearly bazzar rule of switching Characters ever team break up. Several Characters got Bling badge, the one on Smurphy's deam got both of the first Debt badges.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



I only played one character, but I was able to get a new DP/Devices blaster to level 17 (almost 18).

I was hoping to hit 20, but I didn't have enough time this weekend. Still, close enough.



Originally Posted by Days_ View Post
My DXP weekend stories;

I went to a fabulous concert on Friday. Mozart's Oboe Concerto. Beautiful

I performed with a wind band in aid of Marie Curie on Saturday. Good fun if not quite so beautiful.

Now I am heading off to see Alice and Wonderland.

Real life has taken over this DXP weekend for me.

Oh, but in-game I did manage an early morning Synapse with a fabulous wee group of people. Was great fun.
IMO, You rock about a zillion times more than all the 'I got a hundred toons to the level cap and i haven't slept for 4 days' types.




The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Sadly, none here. Busted computer that can't play CoH.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I logged on twice for less than an hour each time.
With the lack of new things to do, I dont have much interest in getting more level 50s, already have over 20... and they all just sit there at the party gettin dust.



It was nice to see the servers back up to the numbers we saw regularly through the first half of last year (around 1000 to 1200 on Virtue hero-side during prime-time Saturday -- it's been around 600-700 regularly since September (excluding hidden characters)).

While on Victory, I could find teams, but it was still sad to see its population max at about 300 but generally stay in the 200s (hero side)... even so, I was able to get my controller from 39 to 45 and give my SG some valuable prestige.

However, I still think some sort of server merge should happen...




I spent most of my time during DXP face down.
I had the first three debtbadges before lvl 30, and fouth before 40 with a fair amount of progress to the 5th

I had a little bit of a habit of running into groups to take alpha while hailing bullets!

Had lots and lots of fun, playing with friends who i love to death!
Participated in two costume contests and got 2nd and 3rd place respectively.
*shakes fist at psygon and gonk*



Sadly, I couldn't find much satisfying action red-side (Freedom), although I did get my very neglected DM/Nin Stalker to 36 (Blinding Powder FTW!) Too many meatheads recruiting for the ever-present AE farms ("Trust me, this will be WAAY more XP!" No. No it won't.) Too few PuGs.

Blue side on Virtue however was much more fun. Got my Fire/Fire Blastard to 35. Rolled a DB/WP scrapper and got her to 26 in nothing flat (she was 14 before the end of the first sewer team :-D). Sadly, she's broke!

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



I think I should have bounced around on more characters this 2xXP weekend because I found myself spending way too much time at WW and Paragon U. buying, selling, and crafting so as to keep my inventory open on the Scrapper I was trying to level on Virtue.

Still, I think I leveled him from 26 to 34 mainly by playing solo and by joining the Cape Radio folks on a Katie TF and a Ernesto Hess TF, the first of either I've ever run. Also ran a fun, but ultimately futile ITF with them on Friday night, the highlight of which, for me, was my dom sniping the Phalanx computer to death by herself after the team wiped no less than six times by trying to bum-rush it. Didn't get any merits, but got lots of Infamy and several rare salvage drops, so it was still worth it.

Unfortunately, I picked a lousy weekend to get sick since it's the first 2xXP weekend since January of '08 that I haven't had plans. I spent more time sleeping on Sunday than I did playing, which was disappointing because it meant that I never got around to playing any of my villains on Guardian.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I was running a AE story arcs on my lvl 22 Stalker and I heard 'anyone up for a cap SF?' in a chat channel. I wasn;t sure if I'd done that one, so i jeaded over and joined. The group got to 6 players and we started, and the leader gave me the star as I was the highest level. Just before making me leader, he accepted one more player, who joined just before I clicked the start of the SF. This player was a lvl 40 Plant Dom with no vet badges. His first words after joining were 'is this an AE?'

The SF went ok, tbh. We had a few teamwipes but no-one ragequit or anything, for the most part the whole team did a great job. We cleared some maps, stealthed those we could.

The lvl 40 didn't do anything outrageously bad mechanically apart from running into a giant crowd of mobs once or twice (only once or twice, mind). But he drove me (and a few others on the team it transpired via tells) crazy asking 'is that it?' after every mission, and saying things like 'who'll PL me to 50 - I'll pay 3mil inf!' He knew nothing about anything outside of the AE building, it seemd, and was going on and on about just wanting to 'get to 50 so i can ge spiders' - He meant Banes, and when informed that if he bothered to read some of the information freely available all over the official site, he'd know that come Issue 17, Banes would be available to him at lvl 20 (even when told this, he said ' so when I17 jits, I just have to get a toon to 20 and then i can have a spider?'

In the last misson, just after we'd cleared Infernal and his human cohorts but before we'd got onto the Hordelings all over the map and with the 5 altars and Bat'Zul to go, he said 'Gotta walk my dog guys' and went AFK at the back of the room.

We left it until all the hordelings were cleared and we were about to click the last altar and summon Bat'Zul before we kicked him. I think that was quite fair tbh.

Half of me hated him, and half of me wanted to be friendly and try to encourage him to slow down and take a stroll around the game at a normal pace.

AE Babies. Gah.


PS We completed the SF without him, and I'd like to say that that PuG was a blast, really. All of the other team members I'd happily group with again.


The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I took the only blaster that I like up a few levels running radios in PI with an SG mate and a few who were LFT. Things went really well and I had a good time.

Spent a lot of time leveling my BS/SD. The first PUG was not to my liking and I ended up dropping after a mish and teaming with an SG mate for about an hour. Called it the night and hopped back on the next day.

Ended up on a team running at a much higher level and after a bit I ended up with the star. I was not really in the mood to be the star but fortunately one of the others who remained was great tank and a lot of help. Plus the same SG mate was on and it is always fun running with even just one other SG member.

So we did radios in Talos until I dc'd. re-joined for a mission and then took a break as I had been on for 8 hours at that point.



Got my brute from 46to 49 doing the ITF fun run Saturday and newspaper runs on Sunday. Had fun with SG mates. Then I help lvled a few SG mates on Virtue Sunday night on another fun run of ITF. Man have VEAT, three fenders, two tankers, scrapper and a blaster on a team is saying steam rolling time.
I had a good Double XP weekend.



My Stalker didn't get a single team invite the entire weekend. I thought that was weird. I did manage to take him from 20 to 31 solo though.

VG invites were going around alot. One of my newly created chars got a VG invite mere minutes after being created while she was still in the tutorial.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I logged on twice for less than an hour each time.
With the lack of new things to do, I dont have much interest in getting more level 50s, already have over 20... and they all just sit there at the party gettin dust.
Hopefully Going Rogue will placate your appetite for new content.

I can't say much if you expect an infinite amount though.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Every so often I weaken and decide to give AE another chance, after a steady dozen disasters, every time I've set foot inside.

So, Dxp or no Dxp, once again I had the joy of experiencing...

Blind Invite *accept what the heck*
"come to AE bldg"
What are we doing?
"I think it's a mish arc"
Leader keeps adding people via Blind Invites "come to AE bldg" they drop almost immediately.
Finally get steady around 6 people.
"let's start"
It's a farm map with some nicely made demons and custom enemies, all red-purple.
Starting to hand out buffs prior to starting...
*Team Wipe*
blaster 1 "that was so my fault I'm sorry"
blaster 2 "oops my bad"
Me: "Well, so far this is just like every other disasterous AE experience I've ever had - this is gonna take all night - so long folks".
Quit team
Tell from Leader "it isn't too hard i hate people who quit LOSER"
Me: "And I hate people who Blind Invite me to AE farm mishes that Team Wipe on the first mob - but that seems to be my sorry lot in life" /ignore Leader

Most memorable experience this weekend.

And every time I say Never Again, and every time I weaken and give it another go.

Well this time NEVER AGAIN.

I hate that place.



Tremendously busy 2XP weekend.
We had a set of fairly rare upper degree initiations at my Lodge this weekend, so setup Friday, final rehearsals early Saturday and the initiations themselves Friday evening. Got home about 0300.

Sunday was an annual brunch with a bunch of old friends, followed by an after party, followed by food coma and an early night of it at home.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Had a great weekend overall!

Took my spines/elec scrapper, Severe Tire Damage, from 16 to 21 by randomly soloing some stuff.
Took my widow, Arachnos Mender, from 41 to 44 by doing all 4 original SFs back to back to back to back in 6 hours.
Took my soldier, Termination Shock, from 16 to 26 on a Tarikoss SF and then a Silver Mantis SF.

In RL, made cheesecakes as usual, went to a relief party for Haiti (with cheesecakes), made some more progress on putting real plants in my fish tank and made dinner and watched the Oscars with a friend.

...I forgot what experience means.



Arbiter Fabulous Task Force.

Several teams running Freedom Phalanx in cowboy hats, underwear and body glitter.




Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Every so often I weaken and decide to give AE another chance, after a steady dozen disasters, every time I've set foot inside.

So, Dxp or no Dxp, once again I had the joy of experiencing...

Blind Invite *accept what the heck*
"come to AE bldg"
What are we doing?
"I think it's a mish arc"
Leader keeps adding people via Blind Invites "come to AE bldg" they drop almost immediately.
Finally get steady around 6 people.
"let's start"
It's a farm map with some nicely made demons and custom enemies, all red-purple.
Starting to hand out buffs prior to starting...
*Team Wipe*
blaster 1 "that was so my fault I'm sorry"
blaster 2 "oops my bad"
Me: "Well, so far this is just like every other disasterous AE experience I've ever had - this is gonna take all night - so long folks".
Quit team
Tell from Leader "it isn't too hard i hate people who quit LOSER"
Me: "And I hate people who Blind Invite me to AE farm mishes that Team Wipe on the first mob - but that seems to be my sorry lot in life" /ignore Leader

Most memorable experience this weekend.

And every time I say Never Again, and every time I weaken and give it another go.

Well this time NEVER AGAIN.

I hate that place.

You had ample warning flags in that sequence even before the mission started that the experience would probably be a bad one. It's not the fault iof the AE that such things happen. Try this:

1. Go to the MA Stories and Lore forum.
2. Join the 'MA Arc Finder' global chat channel.
3. DON'T accept blind AE invites or speak to anyone who's in a starter AE building, especially if they're over lvl 20.
4. Profit.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."