what's Ypur Favorite part of I-17 ????




Whats your favorite part of I-17 ???? Mine has to be the new market interface. Everything is in alphabetical order and for people with OCD like me it is a great improvement. Every category is now perfectly layed out and anything I need to find is right there. The new ultra mode also kicks butt. So what do you like best about I-17 ?????

Stupid typo in title...................bah

Keeping it Brutal !!!!!!!!



Realizing that, yes, it is time for a new graphics card.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Color-coded recipe drops.
This... and that we know GR is closer than before.



The little things, actually. I haven't been on for months so I haven't had the chance to even get to know what's IN the issue, until it went live today.

But what has impressed me a lot are the NPCs walking around, with their bags of groceries and coughing and crinkly bags... The sounds - cars beeping, with engines... It seems more ambient than ever, and particularly combine that with the shadows and such? It makes for a far more realistic experience.

I haven't even started on new stuff, like contacts and the apparently-awesome story arcs, and the new Posi, and the badges. Heck I'm still so far behind on powersets and toons, I haven't even leveled my PLANT troller to 50 yet...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Never again spending thirty minutes tearing my hair out searching for the last guy in a kill-all.



So far I've really liked the e-mail attachments. I had a number of enhancements and recipes that brough builds closer to completion, but since my characters were split between two supergroups I had no convenient means to transfer them. Now, things are where they belong.

I'm also digging the revamped Market window.



I like that the shiny graphics don't kill my performance like I thought they would.

And while I'm not going to use it until GR comes out and I can avoid redside, I'll pre-emptively assert that I like the Demon Summoning set.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
The little things, actually. I haven't been on for months so I haven't had the chance to even get to know what's IN the issue, until it went live today.

But what has impressed me a lot are the NPCs walking around, with their bags of groceries and coughing and crinkly bags... The sounds - cars beeping, with engines... It seems more ambient than ever, and particularly combine that with the shadows and such? It makes for a far more realistic experience...
Glad you noticed Our Sound Engineer Adam Kay gets all the credit for these improvements, and he's devoted a lot of extra time above and beyond his regular duties to go back and enhance the overall ambient sounds. I'm constantly amazed how much the sound adds to the experience.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Awesome work then.

Now, if only we could tie our FEET to the footfall sounds instead of the GROUND ...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Glad you noticed Our Sound Engineer Adam Kay gets all the credit for these improvements, and he's devoted a lot of extra time above and beyond his regular duties to go back and enhance the overall ambient sounds. I'm constantly amazed how much the sound adds to the experience.
Ah ha! We finally get a name to attach to "The Sound Guy"! Tell that man he is doing an excellent job and I really appreciate the work he put into making the world that much more immersive! That, and he should get a raise.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Ahh, Issue 17. You have made gathering all the goodies and Inf between my characters onto one of them that much more easier. How I love this feature so much.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Glad you noticed Our Sound Engineer Adam Kay gets all the credit for these improvements, and he's devoted a lot of extra time above and beyond his regular duties to go back and enhance the overall ambient sounds. I'm constantly amazed how much the sound adds to the experience.
Give Adam a pat on the back, then. He did a very good job! Thank him for silencing Demon Summoning, too, while you're at it. The set sounds wonderful now

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



the market ui. just need to fix that flood bug and its pretty solid.



you know, i thought it was going to be tails. lets face it, i'm the dragon guy, right? well, that is good, separating tails meant that i finally could have martial arts robes with tails(thematically important for rian..and something i have wanted since issue 4) but as a qol thing, i tend to like to stack missions, so the new 7 slots thing is appreciated. and since i like playing defenders, the additional soloing oomph is pretty welcome too. i have about 5 defenders who are really loving the change for when my friends are attending to life and i dont have the temper for pugging.



Originally Posted by HotFlash View Post
Mine has to be the new market interface.
I am going to strongly disagree here - from a functionality standpoint (as well as a "looks" standpoint) the new UI is pretty terrible. It's got some nice features like the ability to find all savage required for a recipe, but it's clunky, counter-intuitive, and some of the ways it works will require me to re-learn how to search for items. For example, let's say I type "Decimation" into the search box (and have autocomplete turned off, since with it on I can't search for partial matches). I'll get both recipes and enhancements. With the old market system I could click the "recipes" or "enhancements" categories on the left side to filter my search results, but now those same buttons act as search-starters.

Anyways... I like the email feature because it means I can consolidate inf and enhancements on servers where I play most often, even if the characters who are generating that stuff aren't on that server. Ultra Mode is nice but the continuing quirks with ATI cards make me a sad panda.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Ah ha! We finally get a name to attach to "The Sound Guy"! Tell that man he is doing an excellent job and I really appreciate the work he put into making the world that much more immersive! That, and he should get a raise.
For me, sound is a very important part of the experience. But so far, I've found the audio changes to be a mixed bag. While I love the new ambient aural effects, I think they're laid on a little too thick (for example, the constant beeping of a car horn when I'm in Wentworth's is totally immersive in that it gets just as grating as it would IRL ).

I don't care for the new Fly sound. I find it too intrusive and distracting. The 'hup' sound my characters make when they jump is now sometimes distorted. Many of the footfalls sound a bit off (and aren't in synch with my character's running anymore)... all of this pulls me out of the experience rather than drawing me in, and is a step back rather than a step forward.

However, I do think the general development direction is the right one. I just hope there's some refinement coming (and some old issues addressed... like the fact that, in Cimerora, when walking on the "sidewalks", it still sounds like you're walking on a wooden surface rather than stone).

On a related note (and getting back on topic), my favorite part of this issue has to be the new power sets (even though I've already had DP for a little bit). Specifically, their visual and audio design. Truly inspired.

Anyways, please forgive the rambling, but if you glance at my sig, it might become clear why audio is something I'm particularly vested in.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



Yeah, the interface IS clunky. Before when my transaction inventory was arranged horizontally with large icons, I could fit around eight items on the window size that I preferred, Right now, I can only fit about three, because it's arranged in wide rows vertically, on a section of the window that's vertically fairly small, to start. And to top it all off, when you click on an item, it opens in this HUGE tab of extra stats I don't care about, basically monopolising the entire "MORE" field, causing me to have to scroll the window a lot. Before, I barely ever had to scroll at all.

As well, there's a bug in there currently that won't show you how many bids and lists there are for an item in the MORE section of the window, displaying "0 Bids, 0 For Sale" despite there being both bidders and sellers. You CAN click the newly convenient "Search" button next to each item which will auto-find that item in the upper portion of the window, and it DOES show bidders and listers there, but that's a worse hack than we had to use before to get item stats to show up.

To be honest, the Market interface is now a lot more fat, and I regret not working with it in Beta now. Guess that goes to show why I don't get invited to regular Betas.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
To be honest, the Market interface is now a lot more fat, and I regret not working with it in Beta now. Guess that goes to show why I don't get invited to regular Betas.
It was much worse in beta. They did a lot to improve it.

But I find its fundamental design to be poor, so, from my perspective, there was only so much lipstick they could slap on that pig.

While I'll still use the market, my marketeer days are over. With the introduction of this UI, the market aspect of the game has ceased being a draw for me.

Which is a shame, 'cuz it was a rather significant draw.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
Never again spending thirty minutes tearing my hair out searching for the last guy in a kill-all.

Tons of great stuff in this issue and I am having a blast with Demon Summoning in Open Beta right now. But for sheer QOL this has got to win hands down.

Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I am going to strongly disagree here - from a functionality standpoint (as well as a "looks" standpoint) the new UI is pretty terrible. It's got some nice features like the ability to find all savage required for a recipe, but it's clunky, counter-intuitive, and some of the ways it works will require me to re-learn how to search for items. For example, let's say I type "Decimation" into the search box (and have autocomplete turned off, since with it on I can't search for partial matches). I'll get both recipes and enhancements. With the old market system I could click the "recipes" or "enhancements" categories on the left side to filter my search results, but now those same buttons act as search-starters.

Anyways... I like the email feature because it means I can consolidate inf and enhancements on servers where I play most often, even if the characters who are generating that stuff aren't on that server. Ultra Mode is nice but the continuing quirks with ATI cards make me a sad panda.
With the auction house UI's I am gonna have to agree with mac...My biggest pet peeve is if you type in "Decimation" or whatever into a search field you get recipes and enhancements. It seems that way even if you have Recipes selected in the category window. This really does seem counterintuitive. Make is so that if you have recipes picked in the category selection that is all that comes up in searches and I would be a lot happier about the new UI.



Haven't had a chance to sample everything, but two things did jump out at me with my newly-rolled character...

First, the reduced distances for early missions means I don't have to go running all over Galaxy City to get where I'm going. It's so much easier and less aggravating now. Second, getting the contacts' phone numbers earlier also makes the game go more smoothly.

Both of these features mean I can focus more on playing and less on traveling.



Hmm, I would say the heavy nerf but thats the only thing thats brings me somone to kill into RV now days. Badges....



My favourite part of I17 is called City of Heroes

Love it all so far. I17 is the best issue since Issues 9-12 IMO

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by OMGWTFLOLPWND View Post
Hmm, I would say the heavy nerf but thats the only thing thats brings me somone to kill into RV now days. Badges....
Don't recall seeing a "nerf" to heavies in the patch notes.

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