what's Ypur Favorite part of I-17 ????




To be perfectly honest, my favourite part of I17 isn't really part of the Issue itself. My favourite part in practically the last several years is the "All Things Art" thread

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My favorite part has to be the cutscenes at Adair's arc and the second half of Positron's Task Force. Those are DRAMA. (And now supposedly there's music in them as well? Must go find!)


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
The sad part is that you actually do have legitimate grievances (the market being down leaves me not wanting to play the game at all because my recipe inventory keeps filling up -- better than losing stuff though), you're just being so whiny about it.

funny coming from a fanbois about it ..guess it means nothing coming from you.i mean after all who should be complaining about a product they pay for when it doesnt work..

maybe you should tell toyota that as well...screw those people and their sticky gas pedals too!

i have no right to play a game i pay for ya screw me!! stupid whiny people.

yeah you make sense ...oh and gg stay off me ..i dont think your comments are funny nor cute and have no issue helping you get back to the ban list.



Can someone please translate that guy for me? I'm starting to question my English here.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



lemme explain it for you tow.

this has nothing to do with new emotes,costumes or standing in atlas with a 50 or loving the devs for everything they do.this is about pushing a huge bugged out issue before it was ready and using beta players who dont do enough testing.

now that they are working overtime and new patches like todays to fix the garbage they put out i think it shows you exactly why i have a right to be upset and angry in paying for 2 subs and a preorder and not being able to play without crashing every hour.

im also upset about the "techs" telling me to play in safe mode as a solution.im more upset about the hotfix,lag,ati,nividia,crashes and bugs. not to mention that the market is down. server tokens are down and basically this game is running at only half strength. now you might not have any issues but that doesnt mean i dont have a right to complain or "whine" about it.

as one of the ones WITH crashing im not happy with the work the devs are doing and as a paid costumer i have EVERY right to complain. so stop harrassing me..thank you

get it now or you still confused?



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
get it now or you still confused?
Well, when you put a bit more effort to explain, yes, it's much easier to understand. Run-on sentences don't help, and I'm not saying this to be a dick. I literally could not comprehend the idea of your previous post.

Yes, you have every right to complain. I'd say you're doing more than your fair share. I don't believe you have every right to resort to hyperbole and exaggeration, though, because I honestly don't see any of the problems you mention, bar the Market outage, and even that doesn't seem like too big of a problem.

Every Issue has people crashing, every issue has people with graphic corruption. It's a fact of life. It sucks that it had to be you this time around, believe me. I've been on the wrong side of a few of these, and I was never very pleased. But the most I can say is give it time. It'll get fixed.

To be bluntly honest, however, I'd rather have the new Issue for myself and the people who can run it sooner than have the Issue delayed for however long it takes to make it so no-one will ever have issues with it at all. Even if an early release ends up boning ME, then them's the breaks. I'd still sooner see the game keep some pace over sitting around until no-one cares about the new stuff anymore.

And again - it was the anniversary. They had a hard deadline. No way around it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My favorite part of I17 is the Recovery Serum temp power. Pre-Stamina that thing is worth its weight in gold.

Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Color-coded recipe drops.
Oh, and this! This, is awesome.

Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
Never again spending thirty minutes tearing my hair out searching for the last guy in a kill-all.
And this! The end of X-Com syndrome! Fantastic!

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



I'm loving the color-coded Recipe Drops. Before this, I was obsessively checking every Recipe dropped. Now, only if I see Yellow or Orange. Otherwise...meh, "What's another generic to vendor?".

Yes, the input lag thing ground me to a halt. A quick question asked on VU and I was pointed to the forum thread with the answer. A few minutes later and all was well.

The new emotes were fun to play with while I bounced around Boomtown with my 4yo on my lap using /e jackhammer and /e picklock to "fix the broken cars".



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Yes, the input lag thing ground me to a halt. A quick question asked on VU and I was pointed to the forum thread with the answer. A few minutes later and all was well.
Huh? Could you point me to that? I suspect I might be seeing that, but I thought it was a crappy mouse that I had to swap my old for because my new rig doesn't have a PS2 and I'm a Luddite who still uses PS2 keyboard and mouse.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Huh? Could you point me to that? I suspect I might be seeing that, but I thought it was a crappy mouse that I had to swap my old for because my new rig doesn't have a PS2 and I'm a Luddite who still uses PS2 keyboard and mouse.
What my problem was: I could release the movement keys and they would act as if I had pressed them for at least twice as long as I had, resulting in bizarre movement patterns.
Apparently, this was related to my ATI videocard. Why? I've no idea.

The solution for my particular problem was here:

Your problem may be different.



Hmm - wish they had one of those for nVidia, as I just started getting this issue.

Need to look at further. Hasn't been a big deal so far.



Ah, if it's an Ati thing then it shouldn't affect me, as I'm running n-vidia. It just seemed to me like my mouse look would lag slightly behind what I ordered it to do, but it may be the case that it went AHEAD of what I wanted. See, I'd played Assassin's Creed 2 before that, and that both lagged and had a REALLY slow mouse, so I got used to wide, sweeping turn, and in City of Heroes, that spins you around twice with sensitivity set to 200%

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
My favorite part has to be the cutscenes at Adair's arc and the second half of Positron's Task Force. Those are DRAMA. (And now supposedly there's music in them as well? Must go find!)

The music is totally awesome - the Jenni Adair cutscene music sounds like strings and horns - very short and simple, but very effective - and the Dr. V cutscene starts off with this really awesome sort of gothic sounding chanting, and then becomes more modern, but still sinister.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
funny coming from a fanbois about it ..guess it means nothing coming from you.i mean after all who should be complaining about a product they pay for when it doesnt work.
Well, it does work - but it's got a few problems right now that are affecting the markets, and although they're an important part of the game, you should sitll be able to play without them for a bit.

maybe you should tell toyota that as well...screw those people and their sticky gas pedals too!
A possibly lethal fault with real world transportation isn't quite the same thing as your digital self not being able to sell your digital items for digital cash for 72 hours

i have no right to play a game i pay for ya screw me!! stupid whiny people.
There's constructive criticism, and then there's whining

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
this has nothing to do with new emotes,costumes or standing in atlas with a 50 or loving the devs for everything they do.this is about pushing a huge bugged out issue before it was ready and using beta players who dont do enough testing.
Actually, we were tesing the heck out of it, closed and open beta - but the main things being focused on were Ultra Mode and Demon Summoning, along with the new arcs, and there were a lot fo tweaks made to them based on our feedback.
The redesigned WW UI did get tested, but as no one spotted the stacking bug, it's quite possible it only appeared once the patch went live.

now that they are working overtime and new patches like todays to fix the garbage they put out i think it shows you exactly why i have a right to be upset and angry in paying for 2 subs and a preorder and not being able to play without crashing every hour.
I'm pretty sure prepurchasing GR doesn't actually come with a guarantee of perfect gameplay from I17 onwards

im also upset about the "techs" telling me to play in safe mode as a solution.im more upset about the hotfix,lag,ati,nividia,crashes and bugs. not to mention that the market is down. server tokens are down and basically this game is running at only half strength. now you might not have any issues but that doesnt mean i dont have a right to complain or "whine" about it.
Well, they could have just said "QQ moar", but that's not really very constructive - so they suggested playing in safe mode as the best way to play while they work on making the game better for you.
Everyone has the right to have wahtever opinion they like about the game and I17 - but there are ways of stating your opinion that would make it come accross better.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



says you..

keeping quiet doesnt solve nor help. something im sure your aware of or at least i hope you can understand

and i unlike you would have rathered waited then to rush anything.so as your opinion is to rush it out to make a deadline that clearly it wasnt ready for mine isnt.this is a clear result on not trying hard enough to fix the things by a certain date.which they clearly have said is why they dont like to do in the first place then did anyways.

if you are a closed beta tester i see why this game is the way it is.thanks it does explain alot.so unless you can actually be helpful in getting my 45 dollars back your wasting your time and mine and i really could care aless about your opinions. stop harrassing me for the sake of listening to yourself.

oh and tow im not trying to be a dick either...but dont tell me i dont have a right to complain nor ***** when i just paid 45 dollars this week for a non working game. so if you and gg wanna harrass me then maybe you do need to step back and heed your own advice.

and gg it was nice when you wenrnt here tellnig everyone how wrong they were and you so right..i see by your posts it wont be much longer till you go back on it..happy banning to ya!



With all due respect, there were dozens of hard-working, intelligent, and thorough players participating in closed beta (and exponentially more in open beta). The CB forums had a great deal of information of players tracking problems, providing solutions, giving problem instances, and you have NO idea how many problems were FIXED before this issue went live. The rednames were engaged in a constant dialogue with us of how to fix things (and not just technical stuff, but also content, mission placement, and other stuff to make the game more enjoyable).

If you've got a grudge against GG, that's your call. But don't diss the entire CB community just because you may or may not have been a part of it, and we didn't catch every little problem that reared its head. To the best of my knowledge, the Auction house bug/error/whatever did not make its presence known during the beta, ergo none of us caught it.

No one is MAKING you stay here. That's not me telling you or anyone else to leave, but do not put the onus of your remaining in this game, and continuing to pay for it, on anyone but yourself. It's your money, it's your time, and it's your choice whether you stay here. Others have left because their principles wouldn't allow them to stay - you can take that road too if you want. Or you can stay the course, and continue to submit bug reports, work with the GMs and customer support, and try to contribute to the overall improvement of the game you pay for.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
...oh and gg stay off me ...
Originally Posted by Severe View Post
so stop harrassing me..thank you
Originally Posted by Severe View Post
stop harrassing me for the sake of listening to yourself.

oh and tow im not trying to be a dick either...but dont tell me i dont have a right to complain nor ***** when i just paid 45 dollars this week for a non working game. so if you and gg wanna harrass me then maybe you do need to step back and heed your own advice.

/harrass Severe



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
says you..

keeping quiet doesnt solve nor help. something im sure your aware of or at least i hope you can understand
I don't think anyone's telling you to keep quite - they're just suggesting you could get your opinion accross in a more constructive way.

and i unlike you would have rathered waited then to rush anything.so as your opinion is to rush it out to make a deadline that clearly it wasnt ready for mine isnt.this is a clear result on not trying hard enough to fix the things by a certain date.which they clearly have said is why they dont like to do in the first place then did anyways.
I17 was working very well on Test - but there are some things that will only ever show up on the live servers when there are thousands of people doing all kinds of stuff that beta testing just doesn't have time for - unless betas were run for months.

if you are a closed beta tester i see why this game is the way it is.thanks it does explain alot.so unless you can actually be helpful in getting my 45 dollars back your wasting your time and mine and i really could care aless about your opinions.
In my opinion, I think you should wait and see if they're planning anything to compensate the few players who've been having problems with I17, and if you're still unsatisfied, contact customer support.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
oh and tow im not trying to be a dick either...but dont tell me i dont have a right to complain nor ***** when i just paid 45 dollars this week for a non working game. so if you and gg wanna harrass me then maybe you do need to step back and heed your own advice.
Go to hell. Unless you want to find a direct quote where I said you didn't have the right to complain, which you won't because I still have my short-term memory, then kindly think before you post and avoid putting words in other people's mouths.

And while we're on the subject of quoting, could you kindly quote where you were promised a working game NOW when you bought a pre-purchase for an expansion that's not due for months. Because I have serious doubts you're going to find that. Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning are part of Going Rogue. Their being released early is a perk. Treat it as such.

Look, dude. You can complain all you want, but don't be a dick about it. Because despite not trying to be, YOU ARE. You exaggerate, you insult, you're rude, you're crass, you're inconsiderate and you're basically ventilating your moth. You don't like the new Issue. WE GET IT! Now answer me this - are you not going to be satisfied until the rest of us are miserable and bitter as you are? Because that's the only thing you're achieving here. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
says you..

keeping quiet doesnt solve nor help. something im sure your aware of or at least i hope you can understand

and i unlike you would have rathered waited then to rush anything.so as your opinion is to rush it out to make a deadline that clearly it wasnt ready for mine isnt.this is a clear result on not trying hard enough to fix the things by a certain date.which they clearly have said is why they dont like to do in the first place then did anyways.

if you are a closed beta tester i see why this game is the way it is.thanks it does explain alot.so unless you can actually be helpful in getting my 45 dollars back your wasting your time and mine and i really could care aless about your opinions. stop harrassing me for the sake of listening to yourself.

oh and tow im not trying to be a dick either...but dont tell me i dont have a right to complain nor ***** when i just paid 45 dollars this week for a non working game. so if you and gg wanna harrass me then maybe you do need to step back and heed your own advice.

and gg it was nice when you wenrnt here tellnig everyone how wrong they were and you so right..i see by your posts it wont be much longer till you go back on it..happy banning to ya!
Live bugs are a fact of life with any MMO, period. There are bugs that will only develop when you have a few thousand players (or even several hundred) using the system. They suck for those affected, absolutely, but they are relatively short and its totally RANDOM who gets hit with it and who doesn't. Also, with any patch, no matter the size, it takes TIME to optimize the code on the live server, thats just a fact of coding.

Blaming the CB testers is... well.. childish. The core people who are routine CBs are VERY concise and methodical in their testing. Do they catch every bug? No, no one can. But I can assure you that without them, any issue would be a flat out disaster.

Oh.. and I must comment on your fallacy- you did NOT pay $45 to play an unplayable game. You paid $45 to play an expansion that will be released in 3 months. Bugs aside, the ONLY thing that that $45 "entitles" you to in I17 is Dual Pistols & Demon Summoning. THAT is all.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Seeing how BM and globals are both down at the moment, I can commiserate with Severe.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
says you..

keeping quiet doesnt solve nor help. something im sure your aware of or at least i hope you can understand

and i unlike you would have rathered waited then to rush anything.so as your opinion is to rush it out to make a deadline that clearly it wasnt ready for mine isnt.this is a clear result on not trying hard enough to fix the things by a certain date.which they clearly have said is why they dont like to do in the first place then did anyways.

if you are a closed beta tester i see why this game is the way it is.thanks it does explain alot.so unless you can actually be helpful in getting my 45 dollars back your wasting your time and mine and i really could care aless about your opinions. stop harrassing me for the sake of listening to yourself.

oh and tow im not trying to be a dick either...but dont tell me i dont have a right to complain nor ***** when i just paid 45 dollars this week for a non working game. so if you and gg wanna harrass me then maybe you do need to step back and heed your own advice.

and gg it was nice when you wenrnt here tellnig everyone how wrong they were and you so right..i see by your posts it wont be much longer till you go back on it..happy banning to ya!
Your cluelessness about how the games and MMO industries work is duly noted, you may wish to stop digging now before you end up in China.



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
Seeing how BM and globals are both down at the moment, I can commiserate with Severe.
Yeah, but it's not like the Black Market had squat for supply anyway. Okay, snarky comment aside, having both the Market and our Globals down are nuisances. I'm biased, since I use both of these features.

In the mean time, I'm rotating alts as thier inventory of "Stuff I don't want to vendor for peanuts" gets filled. This is a good way to ensure that they all get thier Anniversary badges this time, and hey, it was time to move them for Day Jobs anyway. I recommend this.

Also: It's not like Global Channels haven't proven to be a fragile thing anyway, having broken multiple times in the past, often during Issue release, IIRC.

I can see why Severe is unhappy, I just feel that he is taking it to a higher level than needed and is expressing it in a way that is not the most effective towards getting solutions. I wish him (and all of us) luck in getting these two popular features back into operation.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Yeah, but it's not like the Black Market had squat for supply anyway. Okay, snarky comment aside, having both the Market and our Globals down are nuisances. I'm biased, since I use both of these features.

In the mean time, I'm rotating alts as thier inventory of "Stuff I don't want to vendor for peanuts" gets filled. This is a good way to ensure that they all get thier Anniversary badges this time, and hey, it was time to move them for Day Jobs anyway. I recommend this.

Also: It's not like Global Channels haven't proven to be a fragile thing anyway, having broken multiple times in the past, often during Issue release, IIRC.

I can see why Severe is unhappy, I just feel that he is taking it to a higher level than needed and is expressing it in a way that is not the most effective towards getting solutions. I wish him (and all of us) luck in getting these two popular features back into operation.
Globals were working for me last night, but not the night before. I figure they'll come back.

As for Servere's complaints, I wouldn't know if he has valid issues or not, since I gave up reading his posts years ago. The atrocious lack of spelling, grammar and punctuation make me feel stupider for having tried to parse whatever it is he's attempting to say.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction