what's Ypur Favorite part of I-17 ????




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
....and you're basically ventilating your moth.

This made me laugh - but then im amused easily by little things.

(My GF says that too come to think of it and and im not sure what she's meaning.... :P )

*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf*
Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf*
Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf*
I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf*



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Yeah, but it's not like the Black Market had squat for supply anyway.
Sad yet true, but I'm really starting to lose my patience when everything breaks down simultaneously, especially when I can't get salvage or craft. Add in crashing for some people and I can really see why they are rather unhappy with the situation considering this "free" issue.



It competes with i16 as best issue since the 9-12 sequence of extreme improvement.

1. The new arcs which finally defeat the worst enemy of supers... LACKEYISM

2. Find last objective

3. The minor interface and functionality improvements like recipe rarity

4. 1 mission to get a phone number. I've been asking for it and generally thinking the devs must be crazy for not doing it, and here it is

5. Email

6. Ultra mode

The biggest turkey of the issue, other than its rushed release, is the market interface. It reminds me of I13 PVP, which introduced a great thing (improved mez system) with a terrible idea (DR), for a system which is a slight improvement, but could be so much better and annoys those who used it most. Search for salvage is a huge help, but the vertical display is anti-functional and there is no way to refine searches. They are text only rather than a combination of category and text.

Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
On the other hand, I can't tell you how much *better* the new interface is to me.

I run to Wentworths, drop the recipes I have gathered into the slot, and hit Find so I can sell them. OMG that's so much better then typing out the name and then scrolling through all the various recipes with the different enhancements and levels. Or worse opening each little tab under recipes and going to each recipe in turn. Selling things previously sucked.

Since I generate a lot of recipes and salvage from doing missions and just want to sell them off the new interface is awesome.
Not only could you do that before, but clicking find is unnecessary. In either interface you just put it there, expand it, and list a price.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Not only could you do that before, but clicking find is unnecessary. In either interface you just put it there, expand it, and list a price.
I think what he means is you can put an item in the interface and it searches for the current prices automatically (he said "press Find" but this is unnecessary).

The old interface did not do that, or if it did mine was broken because it never looked up any prices for me, I had to do it manually.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
As for Servere's complaints, I wouldn't know if he has valid issues or not, since I gave up reading his posts years ago. The atrocious lack of spelling, grammar and punctuation make me feel stupider for having tried to parse whatever it is he's attempting to say.
It's not really very fair to ignore someone because of the way they write - people can have dyslexia, or other learning problems, or have had trouble with education oppotunities through no fault of their own - so you should never dismiss someone because of their spelling and grammar, even if it needs little bit more effort to work out what they're trying to say.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
I think what he means is you can put an item in the interface and it searches for the current prices automatically (he said "press Find" but this is unnecessary).

The old interface did not do that, or if it did mine was broken because it never looked up any prices for me, I had to do it manually.
That's still just like it was. Originally the workaround was to minimize and then maximize the list, now it is to press the search button.

I'm guessing that was not known by everybody?

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



I love that we finally get new craftable temp powers. I heart those.
And the email attatchments. Now my rich toon can support all my others finacially =P



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
I think they're laid on a little too thick (for example, the constant beeping of a car horn when I'm in Wentworth's is totally immersive in that it gets just as grating as it would IRL ).

Yeah, I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I live in NYC - my apartment is on the corner of the bldg above a busy intersection, my office is right above 6th Ave., and the honking makes me want to shove pencils in my ears.

So I'm standing at Ghost Falcon on P.I., upgrading ALL my enhancements, and it's a little traffic circle right there, right?

And the cars are driving around and around, honking every 5-10 seconds, around and around. HONK.....HONK HONK...honk HONK...honk...HONK HONNNNNK...HONK..HONK.....HONK HONK...honk HONK...honk...HONK HONNNNNK...HONK..HONK.....HONK HONK...honk HONK...honk...HONK HONNNNNK...HONK..HONK.....HONK HONK...honk HONK...honk...HONK HONNNNNK...HONK..HONK.....HONK HONK...honk HONK...honk...HONK HONNNNNK...HONK..etc.

And I had to turn off my speakers.

I don't like the car horns. I get enough of them in real life, don't need them in my "relaxation".

Ideally there'd be a switch for specific sounds in Options.




They easily could have named it Issue 17:QOL

The earlier cell phones, last enemy/object finder, closer missions, color-coded recipes and BM improvements are WONDERFUL! I am really enjoying running missions again! Well, i'm gonna get back to it, have to work tomorrow.



Favorite part so far

The ability to have more then 3 missions and the contacts giving their tel number sooner

I quite like the water effects to

New arcs /contacts

New Posi

Not to keen on the new Wentworths UI tho or the flickering i now get when opening like contact windows, badge windows , contact dialouge. And also the new lame flight sound

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Favourite part about i-17? That i no longer hate exempin down to the lower levels on my mains!

Before i used to think "posi? Really dont want to go that low again and be bored on my mains", but now im all for it and cant get enough posi/new arcs since they are so much fun!

Water effects do look great though

Like the influence transfer system. Thanks to that i decided to play and start to slot my level 46 warshade again who was 100% unslotted since i hadnt played it for 2 years. I am now back in love with it again and slowly slotting it!

Finally being able to make a VEAT! Took me 4+ years and only got a villain to 42! Now i can make a VEAT! Woot!

DONT like the new enhancement screen though, it makes it hard to see the real numbers and at what level they are. Not sure if there is a zoom in button for that screen?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Favourite part about i-17? That i no longer hate exempin down to the lower levels on my mains!

Before i used to think "posi? Really dont want to go that low again and be bored on my mains", but now im all for it and cant get enough posi/new arcs since they are so much fun!
Hehe I did love your "so this is what its like to not know what happens" when we were running through the new Posi TF part one.

The calls of "oooh new map" and "ooh that looks good" throughout the TF which took, what, an hour at most? Yes the new Posi TF is awesome.

Also the end AV in part two is designed around minimum group size, managed to duo him with my Invuln/SS tanker and a Pistols blaster.



My favorite parts have been the new Positron task forces and the new arcs.

My least favorite parts have been temporarily having the markets unavailable, the bug that requires redoing customized powers and weapons (a few of which cannot be fixed in the tailor interface), and the rampant negativity.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Draggynn View Post
allowing 7 missions and the drop mission option.
This. 7 missions FTW



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I love, 100% adore, our new personal bank account feature!!
I haven't heard of this before. What "personal bank account feature"?



Originally Posted by Klaatu View Post
I haven't heard of this before. What "personal bank account feature"?

Means to e-mail your influence to yourself on a global name so that any of your characters can use it at any given time.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



My favorite part is probably color-coded recipes. I haven't even touched the rest of the I17 features.

My least favorite part is that the Mac Client, for many players, goes straight to a black screen and you can't play without deleting a bunch of config files and rebooting your Mac every time. I hope they'll fix that soon.


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Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post

And I had to turn off my speakers.
I was surprised at how much honking I can hear in Icon in Steel Canyon. Finally opted for turning off my speakers too.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



my my my!..such hate from people telling me to stop hating.heed your own warnings much?

thought not. theres an ignore button if you dont like me or my posts . but i wont sugarcoat anything when it comes down to my money and wasting it. thats the best part about working for a living. i want certain things with my money and if it doesnt happen then guess what. i have every right to make sure it gets known until its fixed or i get my money back. ahh the american way rocks even if its getting over a bad patch job by the devs

thankfully you guys and your hate make my posts stick out more.for that i thank you.i know the devs wont answer me and between most of your dribble i might have even gotten thrown under the rug. but with your constant hate spam toward my posts you made them even better.

sorry to tell you though but um people dont always have the same opinions that you all do and infact a few here actually agree with me. so your basically just directing your little school girl crushes toward me and frankly i got big shoulders so bring it on baby!



Not sure if this is new in I17 or not, but I've noticed an alternative floating animation when you activate Fly, followed by some types of emote.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'm digging the new Posi quite a bit (did it three times in the last couple of days), but I hadn't taken a shot at the new story arcs yet.

The pretty and shiny is good, even if I can only use it to take pictures or run back demos (I can't play with UM on with my weak computer).

Enjoy the new sounds.

The other stuff is good, too, but is more convenient rather than "OH YEAH!" to me.

Dec out.



Email attachments, hands down favorite feature of I17 for me.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not sure if this is new in I17 or not, but I've noticed an alternative floating animation when you activate Fly, followed by some types of emote.
Tried this several times and I'm not seeing it. Can you explain what you mean?

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Honestly, the one mission where you enter in one zone, go through some sewers, and come out in another. For some reason I find that interesting.

Also, the ambient sounds are nice.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!
