EU Servers Keeled over ?




Was teaming away quite the thing then mapservered on Defiant, got dropped to the login screen, but was unable to connect.

Then decided to come right out, but now the EU patcher seems to be stuck in a connecting loop, and from what im gathering folks are not being able to log in again.

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Aye seems to have fallen over - hopefully I wont be blamed for it coz I was trying to send an ingame email to avatea when I got the mapserver disco message

Get away from that computer once in a while!

Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.




So from this we now now Union and Defiant are out - any other servers having problems, and yes - log in screen just loops through connecting attempts and no further.

Get away from that computer once in a while!

Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.




Nice of em to keep us updated on the problem isnt it. . . . . .
Always on a bloody weekend too



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
Had the same problem as you. Was in a mission, then got dc'ed and was unable to even get back to the log in screen.
Took some time, but now im back in game.
which server are you able to log onto? - Im up to connection attempt 19 at the moment

Get away from that computer once in a while!

Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.




Was able to log in on union and defiant.
Just being able to be able to log in (away from that next or quit option was great).
If it does not work, I recommend just restarting the pc. Hopefully that helps.
That was what I did... well that an a restore savepoint (have had an irritating thing happening while i play so wanted to test if simply restoring would fix it). Even though after such a restore though it took some time to be able to play.
So no.. i do NOT recommend you doing a Restore savepoint. Again Unless you've planned it, do NOT do that. Just do a Restart of your computer.

That was.. scary, just after i posted this... I did get a mapserver.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Avatea has posted an update on the problem we are having in the Defiant/ Union posts

Looks like router issues on the EU servers

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069