Old players now playing on US servers?
I'm on the US servers, Virtue as well. My experiences basically mirror yours. Started on Defiant, moved to Union (and the great Art of War SG too) when the pop difference between them became big and moved US side when I came back after a wee break after Xmas. (I swear I'm not stalking you. Maybe you're stalking me!!)
I know at least one other person has done the same too.
My global is @Carnifax, feel free to add me as a Global friend and a shout if you ever fancy a team, I've mostly been red-side so far.
Not sure if I would be "old player"...
But, no I will not cancel my EU account and start over (even though I sometimes would want to create chars on Virtue). I got too much invested in my chars on Union for me to jump ship...
I do know of a few people from my sg and a few others that have dropped EU and joined the NA servers. (I really dislike the segregation and the continued support of the flawed system of seperate server lists)
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
I probably shouldn't have put "old" players in the title, i'm one of those that type as i think and well, i was thinking about auld players at the time
I'd love to play alongside any of you, auld players or not, hell i feel like a newbie with all this new fangled stuff in the game
We're out on the lash tonight, or at least starting on it before we head out, but i'd love to team with some of you over the weekend. I've a bunch of toons hero side on virtue in various levels up to 50, current one 32 but playing on villain side atm on a 22 MM.
Well I'm an old player but only a 3 year vet
I feel the same as Lady Arete. I have put to much into my EU alts.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman
Not sure if I would be "old player"...
But, no I will not cancel my EU account and start over (even though I sometimes would want to create chars on Virtue). I got too much invested in my chars on Union for me to jump ship... I do know of a few people from my sg and a few others that have dropped EU and joined the NA servers. (I really dislike the segregation and the continued support of the flawed system of seperate server lists) |
I started on the US, changed to EU, played there for god knows how long, started to hate the community, switched back to the US last year after a fair bit of dithering trying to find some other game worth playing and RPing in.
I had to remake my main (now have 4 lvl50s, including copies of my main and second, 2 fresh concepts, and working on a 5th)
I lost my influence (i now have more inf on both red and blue than i ever had on my other account)
I lost my friends list (granted most of them had left before i had, but i dragged a friend with me, and have some new friends now)
I lost my vet rewards (although that recent fix they did that knocked the numbers up for some accounts means i kinda got them all back)
switching has been completely possitive for me. Results may vary of course.
Formerly EU, made the jump to the US (and Virtue) a while ago. It's been a positive experience overall, really - get away from the usual Doom Prophets shrieking in the global channels, and I can fit into the roleplay community without really feeling really ******* awkward around a few of its members.
I'm annoyed with myself for not making the jump sooner, honestly.
Not sure if I would be "old player"...
But, no I will not cancel my EU account and start over (even though I sometimes would want to create chars on Virtue). I got too much invested in my chars on Union for me to jump ship... I do know of a few people from my sg and a few others that have dropped EU and joined the NA servers. (I really dislike the segregation and the continued support of the flawed system of seperate server lists) |
EU server performance is due to the EU net infrastructure. Short of completely rewiring everything themselves, there's not a lot that can be done about that.
let us play on the american ones instead, merge EU characters and SGs onto it
= loads of people, everyone happy.
I've been playing on the US servers the past month, but for old time's sake I paid for a month on my EU account - after logging on last night to grab the birthday badge on my favourite characters, I almost wish I hadn't bothered.
Where is everyone? There were loads of people on for the event nights, I thought the servers would be more lively.
Can someone tell me what passes for prime-time on Defiant & Union? I think I must have blinked and missed it.
NCSoft: Please merge the server lists!
Only way to drag my claws from Defiant is when the server gets shut down.
Good luck to all of those who decide to jump over the pond though!
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Only way to drag my claws from Defiant is when the server gets shut down.
Good luck to all of those who decide to jump over the pond though! |

But I would like the server lists merged.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman
Not sure if I would be "old player"...
But, no I will not cancel my EU account and start over (even though I sometimes would want to create chars on Virtue). I got too much invested in my chars on Union for me to jump ship... I do know of a few people from my sg and a few others that have dropped EU and joined the NA servers. (I really dislike the segregation and the continued support of the flawed system of seperate server lists) |
100% agreed with this

Thelonious Monk
Can we take the grousing back to the SHAFTED!!111! thread please.
no, it's a valid point and I think it's about time that ncsoft took notice, this is just the latest thread of many on the subject of why aren't the servers being merged already..
Not sure if I would be "old player"...
But, no I will not cancel my EU account and start over (even though I sometimes would want to create chars on Virtue). I got too much invested in my chars on Union for me to jump ship... I do know of a few people from my sg and a few others that have dropped EU and joined the NA servers. (I really dislike the segregation and the continued support of the flawed system of seperate server lists) |
I've tried three times to start up an account on the US servers and it's been a mixed experience. The significantly higher number of players made teaming more fun and regular but I missed my old friends and I found the RP community impenetrable.
If my SG collapsed and my friends moved on maybe, maybe I might consider jumping ship. But to be honest, I think that this is what NCSoft is counting on: people getting tired of the EU servers and moving to the NA of their own accord or quitting entirely. When the EU servers have so few people on them that it becomes uneconomically viable to maintain them, then maybe we might see some form of list/server merge. However, the same argument for shutting down the EU servers would also apply to investing any sort of time or money for transferring EU players to the US. And then we're into the 'Korea Syndrome' again.

Sorry, not in the most positive of moods today.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

It's actually a thread asking for players who made the jump, not yet another springboard to make hyperbolic claims of how terrible the EU is being treated, and how much easier the game could be fixed in some hypothetical dreamworld.
But, eh.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Thought so. G'night folks.
This, this, a thousand times this.
I've tried three times to start up an account on the US servers and it's been a mixed experience. The significantly higher number of players made teaming more fun and regular but I missed my old friends and I found the RP community impenetrable. If my SG collapsed and my friends moved on maybe, maybe I might consider jumping ship. But to be honest, I think that this is what NCSoft is counting on: people getting tired of the EU servers and moving to the NA of their own accord or quitting entirely. When the EU servers have so few people on them that it becomes uneconomically viable to maintain them, then maybe we might see some form of list/server merge. However, the same argument for shutting down the EU servers would also apply to investing any sort of time or money for transferring EU players to the US. And then we're into the 'Korea Syndrome' again. ![]() Sorry, not in the most positive of moods today. ![]() |
I am one of the few voices that does not want a list merge. It would kill the EU and several of the lower populated US servers at a single stroke as people left for some kind of "new utopia."
What the EU needs is more bodies - that's the simplest solution. If Defiant and Union got say 50% more new blood I bet you'd find a lot of former EU players who have shipped stateside would come back - thus making the populations even healthier.
Yes I would love to team with some of my friends on the NA servers, but I don't want to sacrifice what I have already to do that.

Thelonious Monk
It's actually a thread asking for players who made the jump, not yet another springboard to make hyperbolic claims of how terrible the EU is being treated, and how much easier the game could be fixed in some hypothetical dreamworld.
But, eh. |
Just curious if any of you folks are now on the US servers? Most of you (probably all) won't remember me but i've noticed a couple of names in this section that i recognise.
. Those toons are from a looong time ago.
I used to keep a US account running alongside my EU ones when i played and decided to reactivate that one instead of the EU's at the weekend for population reasons, but it would be grand to get with some EU folks when playing. Characters i played most back then were Kabaal (Emp def and beloved first toon, not counting a deleted blaster who preceded him), Be-elzebub (DM/Regen Scrapper) both on Defiant my original home, and Zep (Spines/Regen Scrapper) on Onion that despite my misgivings of the smell over there AoW made feel welcome, and supplied the appropriate nose plug
Currently playing on Virtue.