Old players now playing on US servers?




Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Really? I must on a different Virtue then. All I see is some people ((talking like this)). Weird thing is they tend to say EVERYTHING like that, at least on PuGs. So they become kinda pointless.

Had a few casual RPers on teams as well but nothing major, mainly battle cries and wise-cracks which are easy to get into the spirit of,

Of course I do avoid Pocket D...
This is how i've found it mostly too, ((everyone talking like this)) in broadcast and occasionally in teams, but for the most part i rarely come across anyone roleplaying at all, and if i do then it tends to be nothing more than speech binds set up on certain powers.

The thread certainly took a different direction than i had intended that's for sure. Rather than finding folks on the US servers from the EU to get with i find myself reading a debate about whether servers should be merged or not. Some things never change



Originally Posted by Scotsmania View Post
This is how i've found it mostly too, ((everyone talking like this)) in broadcast and occasionally in teams, but for the most part i rarely come across anyone roleplaying at all, and if i do then it tends to be nothing more than speech binds set up on certain powers.

The thread certainly took a different direction than i had intended that's for sure. Rather than finding folks on the US servers from the EU to get with i find myself reading a debate about whether servers should be merged or not. Some things never change

I did find out that there's a sizable EU contingent on Victory though, so my next alt will be there I think. That'll give me a good spread of PuG teaming and some of the "team with regulars" stuff I miss from the EU.



Originally Posted by Scotsmania View Post
This is how i've found it mostly too, ((everyone talking like this)) in broadcast and occasionally in teams, but for the most part i rarely come across anyone roleplaying at all, and if i do then it tends to be nothing more than speech binds set up on certain powers.

The thread certainly took a different direction than i had intended that's for sure. Rather than finding folks on the US servers from the EU to get with i find myself reading a debate about whether servers should be merged or not. Some things never change
Yes, it seems its inevit... Sorry If my comment in the beginning began the derailment of your thread.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I couldn't disagree more.

I have noticed since I17 landed there are a lot more returning players and also a lot of new players.

Let's hope that the trend continues
This happens every issue release... people come back to try the new shiny, give it a month when sub runs out again and it will drop again.

If the server list was merged in all honesty I could see people just using this to get there accounts NA side so they dont have to pay for a new account then transfering out to freedumb or something.

Id definately have charecters on union again if this happened though but I think people would spend more time on the more populated servers, just take a look at the less populated american servers now, there more or less ghosttowns and I think this is how EU might end up.

I agree though something does need to be done and regardless of whether people do move away one server list is definately a positive thing and would definately encourage people like me, who moved to NA from EU, to at least make a charecter on EU servers. Different timezones being one thing worth focusing on, people play NA servers at night and EU during day if your from UK since the times can mesh together anyway



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
We don't need a server list merge, we need Union and Defiant to be merged into Virtue.

No. We don't.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
No. We don't.
This really.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
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Yeah, it's interesting how it reflects the small-mindedness of nationalism



I am on Defiant and no plans of playiing on the Us servers, am happy leveling and teaming on Defiant

Defaint is still an active server as far as i can see, no plans to leave

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
Yeah, it's interesting how it reflects the small-mindedness of nationalism

HAHA what an ignorant comment!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
Yeah, it's interesting how it reflects the small-mindedness of nationalism
Except of course that Rabbit and the others come from different countries. I'm from a different country to those 3 as well, and I'm currently playing US side and I still think it's a hideously horrible idea.

Your comment makes no sense. Which could be why there's a smiley attached I guess.*



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
Yeah, it's interesting how it reflects the small-mindedness of nationalism
You should be a constituent runner for the Tories', your brash blaséness is becoming quite irritating in these conversations. I've lost all credit in reading your comments quite rapidly, your reaching an almost neanderthal simpleness of the current predicament.

Also, you clearly have no understanding of politics and I amusingly suspect you represent the cause of Brighton Pavillion caving to the Green Party.

Back on topic, I have had several thoughts about moving to NA because I really do miss this game when it is bustling with heroes and villains alike. The last time I didn't make an effort to create or join a team in villains was probably around Issue:7 and sadly I really miss it. However, in contemplation of the amount of effort and time I have spent on this side of the border I believe the best option is simply to call it a day, I've played so long and I can't be bothered restarting. Also, theres lots of other games I may draw my attention into.

Also, I really hate the fact when your subscription is up you can't post here anymore - it strikes me very odd.




Carnifax: I was looking at the parallel here of people being pointlessly protective about a closed off virtual world on a computer "nation", when everyone would benefit far more from a larger world and being able to play together, to real nationalism versus people just ignoring emotional tribal boundaries. It's human nature to form cliques and tribes (look at the mass racial/identity politics being used by people like the SNP, BNP, Sinn Fein, Plaid Cymru..) but it's so much better when people are actually able to rise above reactionary instincts and work together...

Fury: Calm down, silly as that sounds.

Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
HAHA what an ignorant comment!



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
Carnifax: I was looking at the parallel here of people being pointlessly protective about a closed off virtual world on a computer "nation" when everyone would be far better off playing together to real nationalism versus people just ignoring emotional tribal boundaries. It's human nature to form cliques and tribes (look at the mass racial/identity politics being used by people like the SNP, BNP, Sinn Fein, Plaid Cymru..) but it's so much better when people are actually able to rise above reactionary instincts and work together...

Fury: Calm down, silly as that sounds.

Oh right I see...

Well no I don't really. People were saying "Being merged with Virtue is a horrible idea" (that's what the 3 people in question were agreeing about). I'm not sure what's nationalist about that? People (including me) think it's a ridiculous idea, not because of some sense of nationalism, just because server merges are a bad idea in general, and us being merged with what is already the highest population server is a bad idea from NCSofts point of view as it just aggravates the situation with regards to other low population servers.



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
Carnifax: I was looking at the parallel here of people being pointlessly protective about a closed off virtual world on a computer "nation", when everyone would benefit far more from a larger world and being able to play together, to real nationalism versus people just ignoring emotional tribal boundaries. It's human nature to form cliques and tribes (look at the mass racial/identity politics being used by people like the SNP, BNP, Sinn Fein, Plaid Cymru..) but it's so much better when people are actually able to rise above reactionary instincts and work together...

Fury: Calm down, silly as that sounds.

If you had bothered to read some of my other posts. You might notice that I want a merged SERVER list. Not merged servers.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



I never said you did, I was saying the fact you don't want a server merge seems to be out of cliquey kind of thinking rather than what would actually be best... It'd be great if we did actually get merged, it'd solve all the problems of not many people and mean we wouldn't lose our supergroups like we did with a server list merge (nearly everyone would migrate to somewhere not dead given a chance anyway, meaning the only things left and wasted would be supergroups which are actually the one thing that is hardest to build up RE prestige)



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
I never said you did, I was saying the fact you don't want a server merge seems to be out of cliquey kind of thinking rather than what would actually be best... It'd be great if we did actually get merged, it'd solve all the problems of not many people and mean we wouldn't lose our supergroups like we did with a server list merge (nearly everyone would migrate to somewhere not dead given a chance anyway, meaning the only things left and wasted would be supergroups which are actually the one thing that is hardest to build up RE prestige)
You're assuming that it's possible to transfer supergroups (or even merge servers, it's never been done here). You're also assuming people won't scream blue murder when they get their supergroups (assuming they can be transferred) and their characters renamed and simply rage-quit.

At least with a list merge any migration from the EU servers to others (which isn't a given) can happen under the control of individual players, instead of forcing it on them; all a EU player would have to lose is their current global name.



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
Carnifax: I was looking at the parallel here of people being pointlessly protective about a closed off virtual world on a computer "nation", when everyone would benefit far more from a larger world and being able to play together, to real nationalism versus people just ignoring emotional tribal boundaries. It's human nature to form cliques and tribes (look at the mass racial/identity politics being used by people like the SNP, BNP, Sinn Fein, Plaid Cymru..) but it's so much better when people are actually able to rise above reactionary instincts and work together...

Fury: Calm down, silly as that sounds.


Yea, ... that OR it could be that merging the 2 servers together and into an American server means i'll be loosing about 10 characters, my sg, and I'll be forced to play a server I have a horrible connection too.

But I'm sure it must be small minded 'nationalism'. Really? How do you even come up with **** like that.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
I never said you did, I was saying the fact you don't want a server merge seems to be out of cliquey kind of thinking rather than what would actually be best... It'd be great if we did actually get merged, it'd solve all the problems of not many people and mean we wouldn't lose our supergroups like we did with a server list merge (nearly everyone would migrate to somewhere not dead given a chance anyway, meaning the only things left and wasted would be supergroups which are actually the one thing that is hardest to build up RE prestige)
I think you are the one not thinking.

A server merge is the worse of all options (even worse IMHO then doing nothing)

In a server merge I think the chances of losing our SG and bases are very high.

Also if there was a server merge we in the EU would be merged with NA servers with the lowest population, not as you dream the highest.

I also think, with a list merge, you will find a large number (well talking to my SG mates) would stay on the server they are on now plus make some Alts on other servers.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Server merge has been stated several times it will not happen, because it shows the game is dying and gives bad publicity.

However a server LIST merge would be a smart move since people wouldnt have to pick between EU and US servers anymore when buying the game, plus people can play different servers different times of the day which will improve the community as a whole since if people play EU during EU daytime, then play US during nighttimes it balances it out a bit more.

I do realise not many people are going to play the entire time lol but its just a demonstration of how this would effect the servers. If this was done even americans would possibly consider playing EU if they played during there night time.



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
with a server list merge there will be only global name change (if your unlucky).
Actually I think there would be an easy way around that, unless you have a very long one. All they'd have to do is disable the service to change your global name before the merge, run a program that adds EU with a space before the Global, merge the lists, give out a free global name change and activate the service again. This way everyone could try to get their old one back and if it's taken, either stay "EU something" or choose a new one.



Originally Posted by Cats View Post
Actually I think there would be an easy way around that, unless you have a very long one. All they'd have to do is disable the service to change your global name before the merge, run a program that adds EU with a space before the Global, merge the lists, give out a free global name change and activate the service again. This way everyone could try to get their old one back and if it's taken, either stay "EU something" or choose a new one.
But what if the EU one is longest active one? I'd hate to lose my Global of 4 years just because someone starting on the US servers picked that name last week.

But, honestly, if it comes down to it I'm willing to sacrifice my global name for a list merge.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
But what if the EU one is longest active one? I'd hate to lose my Global of 4 years just because someone starting on the US servers picked that name last week.
So what? If there's two with the same name, someone has to step back. It's an easy solution and we europeans are the ones asking for it and the ones who will benefit most from it, it's only fair if they hold the privilege of keeping their global names. And you can still stay "EU TrueMetal" if you want.



This reminds of Ultima Online, which had a similar server list (and several other games I can't quite recall atm).
Either way I'd be in favor of a merged server list (even if it will wreak havoc on the globals...) - an actual server merge however? Hell no! (Can you imagine the fury it would cause when some people who've both played a character with the same name for ages suddenly have to rename it? Well ONE of them would get shafted anyway... and then there's the S/VG names as mentioned before.)

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