Old players now playing on US servers?




Did some of you people not read his post?

He asked for people who moved to the US servers.

I´m not an "old" player but i moved and happy that i did. Starting fresh was a bit dauting in the social netwrok aspectt but otherwise i didnt have much issues.



Originally Posted by Wondering_Fury View Post
Ah yes, the naivety of once again the person who is the on the safe side of the barricade.


It isn't naive. It's just asking that this shrieking is kept to the bloody threads where it's relevant, rather than being jolted into every other ******* thread on the EU sub-forum. Well, alright. That's naive given how whiny your lot are. Eh.



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
It isn't naive. It's just asking that this shrieking is kept to the bloody threads where it's relevant, rather than being jolted into every other ******* thread on the EU sub-forum. Well, alright. That's naive given how whiny your lot are. Eh.
Actually it is when you believe that such a topic created in this sub-forum does not in any way hint to that particular subject. You are being naive or oblivious to the fact that the other answer to the question is "No I have not, because....." which then leads on to "why...".

For goodness sake, use common sense why would you ask this question here, when you know to expect an answer like that, it's hardly out of context. Especially when within the parameters of this sub-forum, a very large proportion of the posters are EU subscribers?

He is asking about whether or not, simply put, old players now play on NA which is a valid question. However, considering that I know a few of the EU-to-NA transfer people, they will not respond to this thread. Hence the apparent misconception that we are whining or derailing the subject.

As have many pointed out, I have also not moved nor felt any compelling need to since I've put far too much effort into my account to simply revert back to the start again. Although I am sad that good players such as Terror and Carni' moved but c'est la vie.

EDIT: If your debasing the simpleness of our situation like that then your opinion is humorously exact of those that are, again, as I said on the safe side of the barricade.




I just wanted to pop back into the thread and apologise for my poor mood yesterday. I didn't mean to start an argument or even more rabid speculation.

In short, I am an old player but even though I have attempted to make the move to the US, I miss the EU community far too much. I hope for an elegant solution to our segregation from the rest of this excellent community so that we can have the best of both worlds.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



I didn't move across to the US servers, I started there before the Euro servers existed. I play or have played on all the US servers.

There used to be decent sized Euro communities on many of the servers, but the only one I currently know about is on Victory (I am one of the leaders of www.eurocore.org which has SGs and VGs on Victory, and some of the players play other places as well), plus I believe some RPers on Virtue. I used to play a fair amount with other Euro players on Freedom, Infinity, Protector and Virtue, but all the people I played with there have now either quit the game or shifted servers to Victory.

If you play UK morning time, the Aussies on Justice are often good for a team (Australia global channel), as their evening peak is 0930 GMT in the winter, 1130 BST in the summer.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Londoner
Not quite sure what your saying here.

Anyway i have been all for ANY sort of merger since the demise of Brighton.

I feel that what is now left of the EU population is not worth preserving in any way shape or form, so **** it, merge us into a low pop US server, or better still offer us EU> US transfers.

Sadly however i have had 0 faith in this company for a long time regarding their EU plans and i am quite sure they will continue in the usual way.

And they can bring out as many expansion packs as they like, an empty server is an empty server, what on earth is the point of buying an EU version of GR without some reasurance of longevity?
The time of "oh server mergers look bad for games" is well and truely over, so is the old bollox about "well there are still enough subscribers" , subscribers dont fill servers, they are just people stupid enough to pay for a game they no longer play, like me.

Wake and smell the coffee NC. Tell whats left of your loyal customers whats going to happen, silence is not golden, its bollox.
- Says it all.



All European residents playing an the NA servers should be forced back to the EU servers by NCSoft. That'd solve our population problems.

No? Bad idea?
*sigh* I can dream right?

Anyway, I'm not leaving the Eu servers. I still have friends here and a semi-active SG I can run SF's with. I'm not starting all my 30+ characters again, nor the several billions of inf I've amassed over the years or my SG base.

If it comes to the point that they close the Eu servers due to underpopulation or whatever and I'm not getting a full account transfer to the US servers (I'm willing to compromise on the SG base, a prestige grant for a new one would be nice though), I'm simply gone. That's not to mention that I have a much worse connection to the US servers than I have to the Eu ones.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I played tankers for over 3 years on EU, however after mission architect got released my entire SG just gave up. No one wanted to play city of farmers and were happy running regular missions and not farming 1-50 in a couple of hours.

Anyway 1 by 1 every single player dropped out of the SG simply because they had enough trying to get into teams that werent farming other than when SG members were online. Over the space of two months we went from a full, populated SG that would rival a lot of the SG's on Freedom, down to two members active daily. The final player said he was off to American servers in an attempt to get more teams and at the time EU was being shafted from every angle, being ignored in forums, mid day server downtime etc. All PvP had also died due to i13 as well. Generally life seemed better over at America.

I stayed on EU for another month or so, then the population declined even further and a lot more AE noobs started showing up in every single team I was in, asking very stupid questions and generally making everyones life hell. Most of them refused to even move from the door because thats all they did in farm missions.

I finally had enough, I stopped subbing my account and took a few months out until I saw an advert for Going Rogue somewhere. It peaked my interest but rather than resub my account, I made a trial on EU. I was literally disgusted to find at 5:30pm that theres were 96 people not hidden on heroes and 1 villain not hidden (me). So I made a trial account in America, deciding EU wasnt worth it and went to Freedumb. By this time it was about 6pm gmt and there were 500 ish heroes online 200ish villains.

I decided I would give America a shot.

Within ten minutes of me making an account on Freedumb I was invited to AE teams, which i said no thanks because I wanted in on a sewer team. However 25 minutes in I got nothing so rather annoyed with this I went over to Virtue. Within two minutes of making a charecter there, I was invited to a sewer team. However we got to the second mob and half the team was just standing still, playing a tank I know this only too well at this level so I pressed f7 to shout 'Ready!' and no one replies. I said 'You guys there?' then I get a message from the team leader saying 'Just *bleep*ing tank you noob', I was a little annoyed but I went against my judgement and ran into a mob, needless to say the team still stayed still appart from the one guy who was very rude. I got killed, and the other guy ran, the rest of the team were woken up then it seemed and they started attacking.

Figuring this sucked I quit team to search for another. Then I get 3 messages from random players in the team saying things like I should kill myself etc. Which I just found pathetic and blocked them, anyway after this incident I started asking on broadcast for another team and someone asked what happened with last one so I explained and 7 or 8 people all laughed and told me to 'QQ more *bleep* noobs' and general crap like that.

Having enough of that, I went to try Freedumb villains, since I figured I hadnt played villains in a long time since EU was dead. Within minutes of being on vills I got a regular team invite and was offered into chronos which i accepted. I got to about level 20 with nothing but farms being advertised on SG chat so I ended up quitting. I was very very close to leaving the game completley when I got an invite from Adrian Maxwell into The Ignios Institute of Higher Learning.

This turned out to be a godsend. They actually run regular missions and only recruit non noobs because there recruited from teams with an ignios officer in who sees there decent players. Yes we dont have the numbers of Chronos but judging by the community Im damn happy about that fact. Within a month I got promoted to Officer due to me helping out, I got my own room in the SG base and we have weekly officer meetings to discuss SG events. We even have a PvP night.

Although I really do miss the old EU community, its far from what it was and I cant see me ever going back. I would have prefered old EU simply because theres a lot more idiots in America and a lot more people who just want to talk crap about things they know nothing about, just for the sake of being included in conversation.

However I really cant see any amount of marketing bringing EU back from the dead now, theres not enough players to interest new players to begin with. Keeping the server list seperate was a stupid idea from day 1, this was always going to happen. As long as people are willing to pay for an American subscription when there from the EU, NCSoft will not do anything about it since there making twice the money from people buying the game twice, particularly if they have all the costume addons and stuff too.

I really feel for you guys still on EU, the devs wonderfix of making it easier to get teams really doesnt seem like its going to help at all since if you go into a zone and its empty it isnt going to keep players there for long anyway.

If anything it will have the opposite effect if its cross server teams since most will say there from Freedom and new players will think theres a massive population there so why not move?

Anyway I just read my post... I think I wrote an essay I apologise didnt realise I wrote so much but the decline of EU was something that greatly saddened me. Its also the reason I wish they would kill AE farming in the US but no one seems to give a damn here either which is sad.

Also my old charecters names were Protection (my main tanker for a long time) Predatoric (Another tanker) Starcrash (PB) and Commander Psyche (Psy/Psy blaster). I had many others, mainly level 50 tanks but my mind goes blank now its been that long



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
All European residents playing an the NA servers should be forced back to the EU servers by NCSoft. That'd solve our population problems.

No? Bad idea?
*sigh* I can dream right?
Bad idea, unless they're going to give me 100 slots per server or multiple accounts. I have 170 toons on my US account. While I can just about play in French, it would not be my choice, so I'd be limited to 72 EU side. After bringing 47 50s across (and no I don't PL, I just play a lot), I suspect I have more than the remaining 25 at level 35 or higher. Just doesn't fit.

Also, the best teaming on the US servers in the EU morning is with Aussies in their peak time. It would be a big shame to lose that.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Bad idea, unless they're going to give me 100 slots per server or multiple accounts. I have 170 toons on my US account. While I can just about play in French, it would not be my choice, so I'd be limited to 72 EU side. After bringing 47 50s across (and no I don't PL, I just play a lot), I suspect I have more than the remaining 25 at level 35 or higher. Just doesn't fit.

Also, the best teaming on the US servers in the EU morning is with Aussies in their peak time. It would be a big shame to lose that.

170 . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . woah

I've tried playing on the NA servers and even contemplated joining their servers again when i took a 3 week break.

Stupid characters that i built up and people i know convinced me otherwise!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Yea, I realize this. I wasn't being entirely serious.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I think Predatoric's post just about sums up my opinion, and the forecast of my own attempt at going to NA servers save the good SG - good luck Predatoric. I think the devs' and anyone with a bleeding pulse should read that post and take in every word.

Last point I make, and in summary to the OP's question, I won't be moving to NA unless it is a secure transfer of my account. I haven't got GR nor will I, unless prior to GR I hear EU will be "saved". After that, my sub is getting cancelled and I leave an entirely affronted player - in regards to customer service and standard. ( Sure, one person won't matter, but I'll know not to delve into EU servers if there is a split server choice next time - and I'll happily advise lots of others too ).




I already cancelled cos of this. No new people, only a very dwindling amount of people left that aren't farmers or korean goldfarmers with 8 PCs botting... and with no games being sold and no marketing it's only going to get worse, if you play at all the US would be the only real option, and I worked way too hard on my supergroup to restart, so I just play other stuff when I feel like playing a computer game



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
I already cancelled cos of this. No new people, only a very dwindling amount of people left that aren't farmers or korean goldfarmers with 8 PCs botting... and with no games being sold and no marketing it's only going to get worse, if you play at all the US would be the only real option, and I worked way too hard on my supergroup to restart, so I just play other stuff when I feel like playing a computer game
You're overreacting a wee bit. You make it sound like there's absolutly nothing to do or noone to play with. I still run PuG SF's and teams every week, and sometimes everyday. Are there fewer people on the EU servers? Definatly. But it's not exactly a ghost town either. Not yet anyway.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Also for the EU it is vital to join a few channels like for Union; Sals badgehunters, Union Taskforces and/or Union chat.
So to prevent players from experience too few people on EU... get the new players we do have or people already in the game but not in the channels... into the channels.
(Shameless commercial for the channels)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



EU Servers need to be merged and server list shared with Usa.



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
badgehunters are obsessive compulsive sad acts. My idea of fun is not http://tinyurl.com/warcrap
Your subscription not up yet?

A shame.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
badgehunters are obsessive compulsive sad acts. My idea of fun is not http://tinyurl.com/warcrap
Awww you're still here? Shame.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by deathkitten_EU View Post
badgehunters are obsessive compulsive sad acts.
I don't think there are many players who only play to collect badges - it's just another part of the game, like WW, or PvP, or the AE, that some people focus on more than others.
I love collecting badges, but I'm not going to cry myself to sleep at night becuase I wasn't around when the first anniversary badge was available, or that I'd have to go rogue to collect all the red side badges

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Badgehunting is a great pursuit, I enjoy it a lot and will always indulge in activities that help other badgehunters, even if I've already got the badge. If you don't enjoy badgehunting, then don't do it, but also please don't put down those that do badgehunt because everyone can enjoy CoX in their own way within the limitations of the engine and intent of the various game systems.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



I just remember it being annoying trying to beat things and sometimes getting some anal badge anorak trying to say everyone on the team should waste another hour or whatever doing something rather than doing it fast because they wouldn't get their banal little pixellated sense of self-worth otherwise...



Originally Posted by Zorn View Post
EU Servers need to be merged and server list shared with Usa.

I couldn't disagree more.

I have noticed since I17 landed there are a lot more returning players and also a lot of new players.

Let's hope that the trend continues

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I expect even more for Going Rogue...

What about a permanent way to transfer from US to EU and obtain the passport badge? Only one way transfer. It doesnt cost a lot and it will give people to ability to do just that.

Will not make much difference but at least a few will do it.

I have over 4 years invested in my toons and my SG. I build a huge base (several) and am immersed in teh rp on UNION. I am not moving my main anywhere!!!

But if the list was combined I would try out other servers with alts. Or start new ones on another english server. I would advice the good community whenever I would be in teams with idiots.. to the few with half a brain in the team. And people would not only leave but a few would also be curious and want to take a look at Union.

Eventually the whole thing will reach a balance. Union will end up with about the same population as Champions I guess... But the whole game would be better for it.

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- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
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