Old players now playing on US servers?




I've recently returned to CoX after taking a little breather. Things seem to have mellowed quite a bit since Architect took over and the new graphics options make the game look rather attractive.

I have a sneaky suspicion, however, that most of the players I knew have moved onto greener pastures. Maybe they'll all be back in time for Going Rogue.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



Ah the good old chestnut on merging server lists…….YES PLEASE

Having stuck a month’s subs on to have a look at the nice new shineys and pickup that yearly badge, I am still struck by the complete stubbornness of NC to allow the server lists to be merged.
Cryptic seem to have managed to achieve a world sever and payments for subs, as one half of the original COX development team they do seem to have robbed every idea that we the players were asking for over the years, wrapped them up in a shiny new game, and proudly sold it to the world as champions!
A quick look at it seems to go like

1. One uniform server…..check
2. Power effect customisation…..check
3. Larger and seemingly unrestricted zones…..check
4. The ability to build the fabled Mage Tank…sadly check

I could go on but I won’t, NC has a bloody good game hear, but “and there is always a but” don’t seem to want to pay attention to what the paying public would like to have and seem to pay the price for it.

Having come back for a month’s poke, despite the nice new effects, stuff that for me has been there for years is still there, micro lag where things seem to have a slight shudder and a seemingly ghost like state of play with a lack of players.

Now go play on the US severs and despite the quite bizarre restrictions placed on the trial accounts, there are people seemingly everywhere at all levels bouncing, flying and running round no lag at all or none that I can personally see, and an awful lot of free alt slots to play with.

If I could drag my sorry collection of alts with me and have access to the US servers my subs would be back for a good while, I like some of the subtle changes that have been done, little boosts to powers, or a more considerate placement of a hospital in the hollows, little things that overall make one impressive thing.

BUT “its still there”

I won’t be subbing up as things stand. I feel rightly or wrongly that the US severs have a more pleasant play experience, and I would prefer to play there, I would happily buy a US game pack if I could drag my stuff over there, but there is no way that as things stand I will want to use the euro zone!

Its way way past time that NC should be looking at this, it’s been asked for as long as I have been playing, same as a merged forum was impossible to do, now it seems it’s not, its time NC extended its merged state to the server lists as well and advertise the fact as well make it an advantage, it would work for both sides of the pond US would gain 4 extra servers as well!

Come on NC wake up and smell the cash



Originally Posted by Scotsmania View Post
Just curious if any of you folks are now on the US servers? Most of you (probably all) won't remember me but i've noticed a couple of names in this section that i recognise.

I used to keep a US account running alongside my EU ones when i played and decided to reactivate that one instead of the EU's at the weekend for population reasons, but it would be grand to get with some EU folks when playing. Characters i played most back then were Kabaal (Emp def and beloved first toon, not counting a deleted blaster who preceded him), Be-elzebub (DM/Regen Scrapper) both on Defiant my original home, and Zep (Spines/Regen Scrapper) on Onion that despite my misgivings of the smell over there AoW made feel welcome, and supplied the appropriate nose plug . Those toons are from a looong time ago.

Currently playing on Virtue.

Reactivated my NA account [not even at the 3 month vet mark so everybody thinks im a newb!] and now currently play 80% NA and 20% EU.

Have been on some MAJOR car crash PUGs already. Was on a posi tf last night and me being the emp defender, my job was to keep the team alive. Well that was the hardest job in the world. Most of the team just kept splitting up all over the map! But chaos is fun so i guess i cant really complain

My first day there i had an old mate recognise my global and said hi That one moment of him going

"Holy **** its you damz!"

was worth the reactivation Slowly getting to know people on there. Playing on freedom since its easily 400 - 700 people online at the time that i play and constantly being invited for things. So send me a tell @damz if you fancy teaming

Healer damz [currently level 30 emp/rad defender]
Noob Buster [currently level 25 fire/dark scrapper]
Ultimate Damz [currently level 6 elec/shield scrapper]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Reactivated my NA account [not even at the 3 month vet mark so everybody thinks im a newb!] and now currently play 80% NA and 20% EU.

Have been on some MAJOR car crash PUGs already. Was on a posi tf last night and me being the emp defender, my job was to keep the team alive. Well that was the hardest job in the world. Most of the team just kept splitting up all over the map! But chaos is fun so i guess i cant really complain

My first day there i had an old mate recognise my global and said hi That one moment of him going

"Holy **** its you damz!"

was worth the reactivation Slowly getting to know people on there. Playing on freedom since its easily 400 - 700 people online at the time that i play and constantly being invited for things. So send me a tell @damz if you fancy teaming

Healer damz [currently level 30 emp/rad defender]
Noob Buster [currently level 25 fire/dark scrapper]
Ultimate Damz [currently level 6 elec/shield scrapper]
You missed the hilarity of the Dual Pistols release Damz. I was playing a Plant/Emp for that on Virtue, it was great fun running with around 5 DP Blasters, 2 DP defenders usually Traps or Kins) and me.

Twas rather funny being surrounded by tonnes of Trenchcoat wearing show-offs doing the splits and whatever when shooting their guns (DP animations are silly, especially when 7 people are doing them).

Edit : Hi Nom!!



It's awfully sad to see another good player leave Union, however I don't blame you at all Damz. I would almost be following you straight through that door, but I think I've played this game to it's potential. I'm not hijacking this thread to an "I'm leaving, gav meh what I wantz nao or else". There was plenty of that in the EU forums, I'll lose my forum posting tommorow, so you can all get some peace.

I hope the servers do get a list merge, and if so I'll be right back into it.

As a local man said; from his Cymbeline:

The game is up.




This makes me sad too. I'm pleased that people are having a good time on the NA servers but it also means we've lost some quality people over here too. I tried for the fourth time on the NA servers last week and cancelled just as quickly. I think I've just invested too much into my alts on Union to just dump them all. Plus I miss my friends.

Sad to see you go as well Fury, I hope that we do get our list merge and then maybe we'll see you again. This from the latest post by Black Pebble on the Marketing thread:

The European Community
I have extensively read the pressing issues from our European customers – it was in one of those threads that someone referred to CoH Marketing (and not in the most positive way) as a “Black Pebble” so that’s where I got my board handle from. Although my role focuses on North America, it does not mean Europe is off my radar.

Please know that we are very aware of your concerns, and we are not ignoring them. We are working to increase the visibility of CoH in Europe, but also the attention our European customers get. There are multiple initiatives in place, and once they’re close to fruition, I would love to share the details with all of you. Until then, I can reassure you that our European customers are very important to us, and we want to make certain that the things we do for you provide significant value.
We can but wait and hope to hear what's going to happen.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



The thought of such well-known players as Damz etc leaving for the US really does make me sad.



Originally Posted by Soul Storm View Post
The thought of such well-known players as Damz etc leaving for the US really does make me sad.

well you know one of the reasons why i've decided to play NA mostly now mate

Dont get me wrong though, my EU account will always be the one that i play if they ever did do a merger. My characters on it just have too much time and effort in them to totally throw away

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
well you know one of the reasons why i've decided to play NA mostly now mate

Dont get me wrong though, my EU account will always be the one that i play if they ever did do a merger. My characters on it just have too much time and effort in them to totally throw away
OK, first you change your global to something that isn't Damz and now you jump ship to NA? Booo I say, boooo!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



omg what the hell damz u actually suck!!! who we gonna bully now!!!!! i did take the 14 day free trial over the pond and was very tempted by the amount of players they have over there was fun but the roleplaying server is not for me but all there servers seem to be busy!....but! im with these guys staying here till that fateful day when we can no longer log on! hopefully that market lady will sort us somthing out but highly doubtful warwitch who posted ages still hasnt got back with anything just we wonna impliment somthing but thats all we ever heard shame realli u will be slightly missed... p.s TRAITOR!!!!!!!



Now now... that is very harsh fatal...
We all are entitled to what we want as fun, allthough that Damz changed his name on EU was a little shock. *sniff*
We will just see Damz less then before as the US stole another player from us, but I do wish him alot of fun over there.
Try to pursuade them Devs that its time to merge the server lists Damz. Remember you are one of our 5'th Column now
Is that not so Agent 005 Damz?

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Ok wow didnt expect any real sort of reaction from me changing my EU global Might as well say why i did it since i'll only be playing EU like one day a week now

Long story short, over last year or so get "not so nice" messages sent to me while both offline/online off what seems like completely random people since i have no idea who they are Know my sense of humour and my daily forumage [new word woo!] are very marmite [either love or hate it] but was still like "well who are these people, dont even know WHO they are".

Soooooooooo, decided to change me global to something completely different and remain "in the shadows" as such. At that time i did plan to play a lot more often than usual but not on a character everybody know is mine [shadow waster/lord lightman]. Still wanted to play a lot but in a way that people would not recognise its me as such.
So when i logged on that night, put myself on global hide [thought it would work] and changed my global. Instantly had msgs of dude what the hell!? Really should be a way of not having a global change not show up on every single chat channel . . . . . .

So everybody instantly knew shadow waster was me lol, i had one last great noob moment in me as it was

Could this post be seen as a "awww damz!!!" pull? Possibly, but thats the kind of sacarstic response i would get ingame But its who i am, i speak my mind and love to be random

Oh and to those people ingame who i know read these forums, i DONT give away money "to bribe people to love me" as you say. I give it away because i have no need for it and actually like to make somebody smile [hence all my past random competitions].

I was at the start of that post but then got all grrrrr lol

Anyway umm what else can i add to the post? A noob moment surely!

Do you still get time for your day job badge if you log off at night?

Damz/noob/shadow []

*Edit note to self* Dont put so many smileys next time!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
Now now... that is very harsh fatal...
We all are entitled to what we want as fun, allthough that Damz changed his name on EU was a little shock. *sniff*
We will just see Damz less then before as the US stole another player from us, but I do wish him alot of fun over there.
Try to pursuade them Devs that its time to merge the server lists Damz. Remember you are one of our 5'th Column now
Is that not so Agent 005 Damz?
tiz only how me and the damz greet each other or have friendly banter when teaming or doing the MS raid he got me killed on serveral times :P i always greet him with ''damz sucks'' he knows its how we roll xD



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
tiz only how me and the damz greet each other or have friendly banter when teaming or doing the MS raid he got me killed on serveral times :P i always greet him with ''damz sucks'' he knows its how we roll xD
You suck lol

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



You know what might help people not knowing your new global? Not advertising it on your signature on the forums.


Yeah, I was one of the people that went noooooooooooooooooooooooo when I saw you had changed your Global... it made me a sad bunny.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I have to admit, I'm really tempted to go back to the US servers myself.

Only thing that's making a tough decision is my Vet rewards, characters and Costume codes and stuff. Oh and Badges. All my lovely, lovely badges.



Glad to hear the main reason Damz for your decision.
I'm now a little angry on the [censored by myself] peeps that gave you those messages. I hope you petitioned for harrasment and put them on your ignore button.
And yes... global name changes, even if they are on your global ignore... will show up for those that can see those channels.
F.ex I do have a few influence/RTM spammers on my global list (only people I got really) and when they did change... I did see their new name.
Thus somewhere out there, I do know that there is one player who may not know or expect that he is on the global ignore list from many players. Since he allowed RTM'ers to mostlikely PL his account... or he bought an account. *shrugs*

In any event, I do hope you will enjoy yourself on the US servers, Eu will be a little emptier without you that is for sure. (So Devs.. merge the serverlist already! Please.. with sugar on top)

@fatal well if that is how you both treat each other, then who am I to say no. Since it is done in good spirit between the both of you with a smile. (Although its not quite my cup of tea... oh well)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by mereman View Post
One thing that keeps me on EU is the chance to team with Wabbit.

I might get the chance to see if Blue Wabbit stew is as good as ordinary Rabbit stew
I wondered this a week or so ago, but is this infamous Blue Wabbit the same person that always had different coloured animals for toon names years ago on Defiant?

If so then i don't think we ever knew each other too well, but we spent a lot of time in the same teams.



yeah reason for damz leaving sucks big time! just eliteist jerks i suppose. as i say the 14 day free trial i took on US side has made me very tempted to take the leap but i just cant have to much this side to loose, maybe this is what the devs wanted all along? for us to take the plunge ourselves so they dont have to do anything? just a thought. i wish someone would get back to us!!! warwitch make with the community friendly/repping that you once said you where going to do! i know GR is taking most of peoples time up but! the rate people are leaving/switching to US there wont be anyone left here to play GR with



As an Aussie (so on US servers) currently on holiday in Europe, I'd really like to be able to log in to the European servers. And at home to have the option of playing EU servers when the US ones are quiet, so I vote 'yes' to a merge of the server list



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
yeah reason for damz leaving sucks big time! just eliteist jerks i suppose. as i say the 14 day free trial i took on US side has made me very tempted to take the leap but i just cant have to much this side to loose, maybe this is what the devs wanted all along? for us to take the plunge ourselves so they dont have to do anything? just a thought. i wish someone would get back to us!!! warwitch make with the community friendly/repping that you once said you where going to do! i know GR is taking most of peoples time up but! the rate people are leaving/switching to US there wont be anyone left here to play GR with
You may have a point in regards to NC hoping we all wander off on our own, mind there would still be the issue of having to “close” the eu servers, there not going to keep them open for half a dozen players

Mind I think a small indication of the current population may be indicated by the vast amount of reply’s to this thread? In the old days this would be a much bigger thread than it currently is

And your right in regards to not wanting to lose your hard work, think mine sits at 2 years and 7 months of play time, I would rather not play than start that all over again



Originally Posted by Nomolos View Post
And your right in regards to not wanting to lose your hard work, think mine sits at 2 years and 7 months of play time, I would rather not play than start that all over again
Pish Nom, I start again everytime I roll an alt!

Doing it all over on the NA servers made no difference apart from the first few characters didn't have anyone to bankroll the full set of DOs at 12, but that didn't last long!

My controllers do miss Sands of Mu though...doing it old-skool now!



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
Pish Nom, I start again everytime I roll an alt!

Doing it all over on the NA servers made no difference apart from the first few characters didn't have anyone to bankroll the full set of DOs at 12, but that didn't last long!

My controllers do miss Sands of Mu though...doing it old-skool now!

Sssh don’t say that NC are looking, they’re going to do it honest

Besides I only just qualified for the Nem Staff I want to use it