Any chance of access to USA servers pls?




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I think we are going about this the wrong way. I think we should handle this issue like professional sports teams do.
Threaten to move to the EU servers in the off-season unless they build us a new stadium at taxpayer expense?

Here's what we do. We sit the NA and EU servers down and we trade Freedom to the EU servers and in return they give us Defiant, Union, and Zukunft.

Everybody wins. They get the highest pop server in the game, and we get rid of Freedom.
And we get one called "Zukunft", which probably means something utterly mundane in German but looks excellent and intimidating to the non-German-speaker.



My top 5 reasons to have player from around the world on the same servers:

1. Super Groups can gain prestiege 24 hours a day
2. Less Servers means more money for bigger and better updates
3. More players means it will be easier to team
4. More chances to PVP
5. More opportunities to play if you can't sleep at night.



What would be the point of server list merging if it leads to EU players moving to US servers for a better connection?



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
And we get one called "Zukunft", which probably means something utterly mundane in German but looks excellent and intimidating to the non-German-speaker.
Zukunft means Future in German.



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
What would be the point of server list merging if it leads to EU players moving to US servers for a better connection?
What would be the point? You don't actually think that the NA players are going to refuse to make characters on 4 new servers. We're not all Freedom snobs. Most of us like making alts on other servers and many of us would happily welcome 48 more slots.

(Note: not all Freedom Players are Freedom snobs. Just the ones that refuse to make alts on other servers.)



Originally Posted by IronLung1169 View Post
My top 5 reasons to have player from around the world on the same servers:

1. Super Groups can gain prestiege 24 hours a day
2. Less Servers means more money for bigger and better updates
3. More players means it will be easier to team
4. More chances to PVP
5. More opportunities to play if you can't sleep at night.
You forgot one.

6. Players from other countries are often better at communicating in English than the knuckledragging inbred L33tspeakers born and raised on the booger farms of the bayou in the US.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
the knuckledragging inbred L33tspeakers born and raised on the booger farms of the bayou in the US.
Didn't they all quit to play CO?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Didn't they all quit to play CO?
They are like roaches. They get into everything.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They are like roaches. They get into everything.
Including rolling themselves in batter and crawling into the fryer.

What it could happen in Texas maybe.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They are like roaches. They get into everything.
That would explain WoW's sub numbers too then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That would explain WoW's sub numbers too then
Based on the neg rep I get, they haven't left.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I am Swedish and luckily I was smart enough to do some research before I signed up for City of Heroes. So I realized that buying the EU version would be immensly stupid and that all the players were on the US version, so I was never confronted with the EU game problems. Which is good, because I would surely have moved to the US servers or quit long ago



I would like to see a server list merge.

But I would firstly like to know the precise reasons for why it is 'impossible'. Words like that have a tendency of changing over time.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
What would be the point of server list merging if it leads to EU players moving to US servers for a better connection?
That's kind of the point. If some EU players want to move to US servers, let them. The keyword here is "some", not all of them would move, there's examples of that in this very topic. Going from server to server on the same server list is just a click away as well, playing on an US server doesn't mean you can't play on EU servers too, albeit it'd result on a decreased activity. Not that this is a one-way thing, personally I'd make alts on the french server if it was available and play less on Freedom.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
That's kind of the point. If some EU players want to move to US servers, let them. The keyword here is "some", not all of them would move, there's examples of that in this very topic. Going from server to server on the same server list is just a click away as well, playing on an US server doesn't mean you can't play on EU servers too, albeit it'd result on a decreased activity. Not that this is a one-way thing, personally I'd make alts on the french server if it was available and play less on Freedom.
I've always suspected that a server-list merge might actually increase the population of the EU servers.

Aside from US and Canadian French and German speakers wanting to try out playing in those languages, I think there might well be a bit of shiny-new-thing effect; people might well try out the two English-speaking servers just because they're new, or to interact with people they now know via the forums. Shift workers might find they're busier at more convenient hours for them. And maybe some of the European players who joined US side either by accident or because they wanted the higher population servers will come back, if we all have access to all servers.

Apologies if anyone's mentioned this as I've not read through the full thread, but I think the best solution would be a server list merge, but then some kind of labelling to give people an idea of what the servers are like - either based on language and geographical area (to help people understand what time zone it's in, and therefore when it's likely to be busy). So something like EU-FR, EU-DE, EU-EN would cover the language of the servers, and also makes it clear the population is likely to be on at European peak times. It could be very discouraging for people otherwise - for instance, a new US player makes a toon on Union at 10PM EST and wonders why there are only 20 people on.

I'd love it to happen, anyway - Union would still be my home, but I'd be glad to see new blood, and I'd probably at least try a second server from the US list - if nothing else, it'd be nice to have somewhere that's populated at different times so when I'm up in the middle of the night there are people around!



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I am given to understand that the EU server and client code have significantly more internationalization support, and thus are in separate branches of development. I suppose that support could be rolled into the NA client and the branches merged, but that would probably take some effort and produce a considerable number of bugs before it was finished.

There's also the time zone issue - I expect the idea was that the EU servers would be more active at the times when most EU players are able to play. I am not sure how that expectation has borne out, or whether it is even a particularly relevant concern.
Sorry did someone mention EU support lol?

At its peak it was dire, now it dosent exist.



This hasn't been a critical issue until the merging of the fora - but now we are all on a communicative level playng field, the can of worms has been opened.

Another thing of course is that CoH players do form a bond outside of the official game areas, for example I know of at least 20, probably more players from across the world, who love the game but who also spend time in Second Life. We'd love to get an SG going but to do that would mean that we in the EU would have to sacrifice Vet Rewards and SG bases (or buy an additional account + subs) which for many just isn't feasable.

I actually believe that universal server access would spread the load rather than deplete servers. I could be wrong but I reckon some of the bigger SGs would enjoy using that as an opportunity to swell their ranks.

Personally I have no real desire to move my home server but I'd love an opportunity to get to play with guys on here that right now I just cannot - and it's something of an artificial restriction.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk