come on devs...pvp recipes are almost extinct
with the fact that you get 2 sets of bonuses in PvP from them and the fact that they exemp down with you i would say they are dropping correctly. if i understand the latest change to the drop rate for them, they drop on a 10 min timer and that is tied into the rep timer which has a 5 min reset per person.
I'm buying them all up, just so you cant have them.
I bet supply would go up if more people PvPed.
Be well, people of CoH.

im in rv everyday *shrugs*..their still not dropping
yes if more showed up they would..however that was also a case of a rebalance that went over as well as e.d. did..
remember when sally first came to us in this game and we told the devs she wasnt spawning correctly and they didnt believe us..we had to complain for months till they actually got on the game and tried it themselves then went...oh...your right
maybe they need to pvp a while...i know their busy with issue 16. but this is their 3rd time screw up...they were fine when they first came out so it wasnt so easily turned in the bm/ww's by the leecher flippers..
also being on a "low population "server doesnt help...this is why the drop rate must be fixed...i dont want to be FORcD to change servers to get better chances in thisgame. its not my fault people leave the server or they dont merge server was hopin before pvp came out
What does being on a particular server have to do with anything? Aren't all the markets tied together by faction?
Be well, people of CoH.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
He's stating there isnt enough folks PvPing on his low pop server, probably wont pay no billion per recipe.
Not everyone stands around trying to be make-believe billionaires.
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
He's stating there isnt enough folks PvPing on his low pop server, probably wont pay no billion per recipe.
Not everyone stands around trying to be make-believe billionaires. |
and you don't need to 'stand around' to make bank unless you want to.
playing the game and selling drops works great too.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
you dont get it...i am a billionaire.. but this had nothing to do with money.
yes it has everything to do with drop rate ..thers barely any in the ww/bm atm are VERY small.
so buying some of them isnt EVEN an issue cause there isnt any in stock!
so if theres none to buy i HAVE to pvp if i want any. so i am..
and still they dont come.
if i go to the ww/bm and theres none there i have to go where they drop, if i go there and they STILL dont drop then theres an issue.
Got it. That makes sense. Fewer folks to fight means PvPer A has less chances to get drops themselves.
Is there a fix for that besides making all PvP zones cross server?
But even you do that and/or crank up the drop rates only a few more would be showing up on the market. While this might make the price drop a bit, the percentage of PvPers will still be so low that the prices will remain ludicrous.
Be well, people of CoH.

I have suggested several times they make PVP CROSS SERVER.
Instead of Fighting me at every turn, why not SUPPORT me. /duh
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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
What's it with people wanting to be the absolute best with no effort? I mean, sure, PvP IOs are nearly extinct, but so are purples. If you want to be the best, prepare to work for it.
(Not that I'd be against increasing drop rates for purples and PvP IOs, just that I don't care about them that much)
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Don't blame the pvp changes for the reason no one pvp's. More ppl would if there wasnt an immature, purile attitude given by 95% - and yes thats a real number in my experience - that is when you set foot in the area you are fair game. Never mind if youre only there for badges, or this is your first time trying pvp, or if you dont know how differently an IO'd build/pvp built toon can make a difference - youre chum in the water. I've seen new ppl get pounded on repeatly and then made fun of - ya think theyll ever be back after that? Then on top of it, you tie reciepes to player defeats - so now on top of "Cry moar newb!", its "hey i have to kill you, i might get a 200 million drop!" Nice forethought there btw devs.
I have no sympathy at all for you.
*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf*
Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf*
Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf*
I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf*
Why would the devs start pvping now, when they haven't before, except to discourage people from pvping?
i just want to be able to get a recipe if their out there.hell i want a "chance"...but as of now..theres no chance atm. oh they say there is..but this is coming from those that dont enter pvp zones. they datamine for years then make the changes.
At least farming myself is still profitable.
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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
you gotta be kidding me...i know your busy and all..but theres no way you wanted pvp recipes to barely exsist at all at this point do you?
the drop rate is making recipes over 1 billion for one recipe. theres no way this is working as intended
i know were busy and all..but you have to look into the drop rate. theres no way its right.