come on devs...pvp recipes are almost extinct




Originally Posted by BillZBubba View Post
I bet supply would go up if more people PvPed.



LULZ, if you hover over Billz rep meter it says he is a glorious beacon of light.................

i wet myself a little when i saw that.

Glorious beacon of light = Billz :P

he is many things, but not one of them is that (meant in the best possible way of course)

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Ooh, that still sounds promising - if it's at the design stage, then it's off the wishlist at least
Er, no. Anything not on the schedule is still on the wishlist. I'm sure they've kicked around designs for many things that will never, ever be implemented. I'm all in favor of cross-server teaming and cross-server PvP, just saying we need to be realistic.

If they don't make changes to get more people involved in PvP, it's hard to see how cross-server PvP could have a good ROI. Unless they conclude that cross-server PVP itself would make it hit critical mass and draw more players, perhaps.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



<General QR>

PVP IO's should be restricted to the account that was rewarded with them. No WW/BM or traded except within the account for the PVP IO you want. Seeing that is probably never going to happen, keep 'em rare Castle! I made 300+ mil from PVPing for a week in RV.

"Adapt or die" i beleive were the pver's chants. If only you hadn't pretended to like the PVP changes in i13 to get rid of pvpers, there might be more left to get the rewards for you!


LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs



Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
<General QR>

PVP IO's should be restricted to the account that was rewarded with them. No WW/BM or traded except within the account for the PVP IO you want.
so your solution to no supply is to further limit supply?


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I dont care about your supply and i can get mine fine by PVPing. My solution is for you to "Adapt or die"


LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs



Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
I dont care about your supply and i can get mine fine by PVPing.
I wonder how many hundreds of hours of gameplay it would take for one player to outfit themselves using only their own drops?
It's theoretically possible, but comically inefficient.

And no need to worry about 'my supply', I picked up everything I wanted before they nerfed farming. The market regs saw the famine coming and a bunch of us stocked up accordingly.

My solution is for you to "Adapt or die"
I've got all the PO's I need, and could afford more if I wanted them.
But if part of the intent of POs is to lure people into trying PvP (and it is) the current situation isn't healthy.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Yes, they are very rare. This is by design. Since they drop from players, they pretty much *have* to be rare.

Think about it this way: Say there is a 1 in 10 chance of a recipe dropping. In normal PVP play, that would make it relatively uncommon and a decent drop rate. However, players could also line up and let a friend kill them repeatedly. Let's say in this circumstance, a player can kill an average of 10 characters per minute. That would mean 1 recipe per minute, roughly.

Our reward scheme is not as naive as what I outlined above, there are other checks to help prevent the Conga Line of Death style of farming, for instance. Still, there are major concerns regarding these becoming too prevalent.

Now, all that said, I'll ask the Rewards Team to take a look at the data and see if we are happy with the overall drop rate.
WAI? nah, not even close, unless the developer intentions are completely disconnected from the player base. It is pvp we're talking about though so maybe...maybe.

I've seen several pvp IO proposals that solve all the issues of "player farming" and allow them to actually reward people for their pvp efforts. But you'd need to pvp to get them, which is probably auto fail at PS.

I (like most people) just play like they don't exist. It is my understanding that one of the key design points of rare rewards is that you want people to strive for them even if they never actually attain them. Some rare rewards have been done well, but PvP IO's are a complete failure right now in these categories:
1/ pvp activity motivation (ie the carrot)
2/ rewarding pvp participation in a predictable manner
3/ filling the need for character progression via pvp
4/ adding more depth to pvp

If you can figure out how to address even some of those failings pvp IO's might have a chance, but it sounds like you believe they are WAI so c'est la vie.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
if the devs went in on their "regular" ( supoosedly they say they play this game) toons and said come get some..dont you think the server would die just from the amount of people enterting rv?

i just want to be able to get a recipe if their out there.hell i want a "chance"...but as of now..theres no chance atm. oh they say there is..but this is coming from those that dont enter pvp zones. they datamine for years then make the changes.
1. If they entered PVP zones with their namesake characters, you wouldn't get PVP. You'd get all the fanbois begging for yellow titles. It'd make you crazy.

2. If they datamine correctly, they don't need to play. Why waste time on personal, anecdotal evidence when the Real Numbers tell the True Story?


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
That is quite a funny mental picture, Castle.

I'd like them more common, but hey, I have 5 gladiator's nets listed redside at the high end of the bid spectrum. You're welcome to have at them!
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Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
1. If they entered PVP zones with their namesake characters, you wouldn't get PVP. You'd get all the fanbois begging for yellow titles. It'd make you crazy.

2. If they datamine correctly, they don't need to play. Why waste time on personal, anecdotal evidence when the Real Numbers tell the True Story?

remember sally in croatoa?..remember when the issue was pushed live and everyone and their mother went there looking for her for the badges?

also remember when at that point she was "suppose" to spawn every like 27 mintues and she only spawned once a day?..

we said to the devs hey shes not spawning...what did they say?...yes she was spawning

until many cries later they actually went IN the game and tried it themselves to realize it wasnt. the point is sometimes its not the numbers or the data but actual playing that counts.

datamining is great...but never tells a whole story.

that said im not a fan of just sitting on datamining ...oh clearly you never pvpd with the cox people cause when we did some of the test me no titles were being was more like gang war on the cox rep.



I dont really give a **** about pvp ios. I dont have them cuz I dont need them cuz i dont pvp ever.

What I do think is important is getting cross server pvp in this game, because I WANT this games subscriptions to go UP. And I think that would be a STEP in the right direction.

I also believe REMOVING the travel speed CAP in the PVP zones would help alot to.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
remember sally in croatoa?..remember when the issue was pushed live and everyone and their mother went there looking for her for the badges?

also remember when at that point she was "suppose" to spawn every like 27 mintues and she only spawned once a day?..

we said to the devs hey shes not spawning...what did they say?...yes she was spawning

until many cries later they actually went IN the game and tried it themselves to realize it wasnt. the point is sometimes its not the numbers or the data but actual playing that counts.

datamining is great...but never tells a whole story.

that said im not a fan of just sitting on datamining ...oh clearly you never pvpd with the cox people cause when we did some of the test me no titles were being was more like gang war on the cox rep.
and if you PvP all day long everyday like you said you do earlier,then you should be getting drops. no question about that. it also helps to get on a team when you do this as it actually increases your chances of getting a drop. also remember that just because you saw 1 bought for 1 bil, that is not what they are going for that is what someone paid for it because they have the IWANTITNAO syndrome.

before i was unable to use my comp, which was right before the opening of the new forums, we had a huge debate just like this about purples. people who wanted something for nothing and just couldn't grasp the concept i just pointed out about the IWANTITNAO crowd.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
and if you PvP all day long everyday like you said you do earlier,then you should be getting drops. no question about that. it also helps to get on a team when you do this as it actually increases your chances of getting a drop. also remember that just because you saw 1 bought for 1 bil, that is not what they are going for that is what someone paid for it because they have the IWANTITNAO syndrome.

before i was unable to use my comp, which was right before the opening of the new forums, we had a huge debate just like this about purples. people who wanted something for nothing and just couldn't grasp the concept i just pointed out about the IWANTITNAO crowd.
It is my understanding the teaming actually decreases your chances as it isn't a linear progression of roll chance which would then be divided among teammates.

ie. If solo you have a 1/200 chance of getting a drop on a team of 8 it doesn't jump up to 8/200 (1 in 25), but then get spread among the team (thus resulting in the same 1/200 chance).

I have a feeling (but don't know for sure) that even in a team you still only have a 1/200 chance, but then it is still divided by the number of teammates within range.

Similar to how in solo pve you fill up your loot tables a LOT faster than in a team, but in pve this is offset by faster xp and more inf and chances at "better" loot through TF's.

I also haven't looked closely at the rep timer lately, but I believe that if a team of player A, B, C kills you they all show up on your timer list. If that is accurate it means that in some cases you could see the effective drop rate of PO's drop to nil. Though lowering the timer to 5 min helps as does no longer having it reset with each kill before it expired the first time.

*1/200 is just an example drop rate, my understanding is that pre changes is was closer to 1/100, but I don't know for sure.



TEAMING is terrible if you care about drops.



So we talking about all PVP recipes or just the real super duper ones?



I'd suggest starting grassroots movements to introduce more people to the fun of PvP. Events, challenges, broadcasts on the appropriate channels. If you want the supply, you'll have to start your own pool of opponents and teammates. is a great source of information for this game.

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Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
and if you PvP all day long everyday like you said you do earlier,then you should be getting drops. no question about that. it also helps to get on a team when you do this as it actually increases your chances of getting a drop.

How does splitting drops with teammates increase your chances?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
I'd suggest starting grassroots movements to introduce more people to the fun of PvP. Events, challenges, broadcasts on the appropriate channels. If you want the supply, you'll have to start your own pool of opponents and teammates.
emphasis mine. It would have to be the bolded state for this to occur



Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
I'd suggest starting grassroots movements to introduce more people to the fun of PvP. Events, challenges, broadcasts on the appropriate channels. If you want the supply, you'll have to start your own pool of opponents and teammates.
This is probably true. I've barely even glanced at PVP since coming back to the game in January. Before I left I had some good times in PVP, but they were few and far between. Mostly I spent time either with a big team trying to hunt down heroes who would hide in their base or out wandering around only to be jumped by a full team of heroes who would make me into applesauce in 2 seconds flat. I tried signing up for Arena tourneys but one only ever launched once and when it did, it was me and a blaster (!) against a lone scrapper who we spent 15 minutes pummeling silly.

If there were organized team oriented PVP events, that sounded like fun, I'd probably give them a chance if someone broadcast about them in game. I'd especially be interested in zone PVP with multiple teams on each side, but I know that's probably way too much to ask for.

I stopped PVPing because it was really boring (I gank you, you gank me... yawn) and hardly anyone does it (Chat: /whoall... characters in this zone: Smurch. )) If some people worked to build up PVP, I'd be tempted to at least give it another look.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Er, no. Anything not on the schedule is still on the wishlist.
No, the design stage it the stage between the wishlist and the schedule

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
I'd suggest starting grassroots movements to introduce more people to the fun of PvP. Events, challenges, broadcasts on the appropriate channels.
No amount of player actions will make the current (or previous) implementation of PVP fun to me.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
How does splitting drops with teammates increase your chances?

I'm guessing a team can gank an opponent faster, and the faster you can gank opponents the sooner and more often there's a chance for a drop.

But that's just a guess.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Ok. It's something we've discussed and have a design for. It is *not* something currently on the schedule.

Everyone wants something like this; the trick is figuring out when/how to get it onto the schedule and whether or not the increased infrastructure would be cost effective.
If yous are looking at some kind of cross server PvP areas any chance they could be made so they covered both EU and US?



Ironically yesterday was the first time I have PvP'd since it first came out. I've been exclusively playing my DM/SR scrapper for the past few months and farming in Cimeroa for at least an hour per day 5 times a week (on top of TFs and missions) with no success. So my plan was to PvP for recipe drops in order to finance my purples. I figured I'd just need one really good one and I'd be set. I spent about 30 minutes in the arena before I realized how futile it was and went back to Cimeroa.

After months of grinding I have 187 million influence I can buy 1 purple for my scrapper project! Go me!

I now realize why there are so many companies selling influence.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

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Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Still, there are major concerns regarding these becoming too prevalent.
This sets off alarm bells to me. If you mean "we want them to be worth something" then it's all well and good. If you mean "these are potentially game-breaking and we don't really want people to have too many" then you made a mistake putting them in in the first place, because people WILL get them, somehow. And break the game. And then justify it by saying "but these were EXPENSIVE, so I DESERVE to be able to do what I do."

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