come on devs...pvp recipes are almost extinct




there is a chance to get a PvP drop. you just have to spend more then 5 mins in zone. you can get 1 with the first kill you make or it may take 150 kills to get 1. they were made rare for the reasons i gave at the start of this thread.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
there is a chance to get a PvP drop. you just have to spend more then 5 mins in zone. you can get 1 with the first kill you make or it may take 150 kills to get 1. they were made rare for the reasons i gave at the start of this thread.
They should indeed be rare. But "rare" is a very flexible term. I think most players would say that a recipe that goes for roughly 1 billion inf is too rare. I wouldn't mind seeing the drop rates increased for PvP recipes. This isn't the same as the "how can a casual player purple out his warshade?" scenario.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
so if theres none to buy i HAVE to pvp if i want any. so i am..

and still they dont come.

if i go to the ww/bm and theres none there i have to go where they drop, if i go there and they STILL dont drop then theres an issue.
Yeah...I was lucky enough to get a set of the Targeted AoE set at level 50 for 150,000,000 total the other day (Javelin's Volley I think it's called).
If you're on a low-pop server, my advice would be to get some friends/sgmates, organize some kickball or somesuch and hope for the best.

Whereas before AFK farming would generate one to three per half hour, the new drop rate is...very very low.

Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I have suggested several times they make PVP CROSS SERVER.

Instead of Fighting me at every turn, why not SUPPORT me. /duh
Perfect_Pain is right again...if we could at least get cross-server Arena this would help things a ton.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



If only there were more pvpers left, lol.


LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs



I have a few PvP recipes I can share... here...

Dutch Scrapple Pie

Ingredients: 1 Brute(any), 1 Fire Dominator, 2 Regeneration Scrappers

Place 2 Scrappers in Fire, make sure they are on center rack. Keep well heated before introducing the Brute. Beat repeatedly. For extra flavor add Ice Blaster afterwards to make the pie A La Mode.

Duck A L'Orange

Ingredients: 1 Super Reflexes Brute or Scrapper, 1 POST-Issue 16 Energy Blast Blaster or Corrupter

Prior to mixing, ensure Energy Blaster/Corrupter's color scheme has been turned entirely orange. Place both ingredients into arena or pvp zone... now watch the SR dodge and "duck" a l'orange blasts.


Ingredients: One team of nothing but Brutes... One team of nothing but Controllers... Huge supply of Break Frees...

Prior to mixing ensure that the team of Brutes has every available inspiration slot filled with break frees. Place ingredients in "bowl" together. Space use of break frees so that protection never lapses. Watch Brutes turn Controllers into ground chuck. Once tenderized, launch Warburg missile and broil to preference.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
you gotta be kidding me...i know your busy and all..but theres no way you wanted pvp recipes to barely exsist at all at this point do you?

the drop rate is making recipes over 1 billion for one recipe. theres no way this is working as intended

i know were busy and all..but you have to look into the drop rate. theres no way its right.
Yes, they are very rare. This is by design. Since they drop from players, they pretty much *have* to be rare.

Think about it this way: Say there is a 1 in 10 chance of a recipe dropping. In normal PVP play, that would make it relatively uncommon and a decent drop rate. However, players could also line up and let a friend kill them repeatedly. Let's say in this circumstance, a player can kill an average of 10 characters per minute. That would mean 1 recipe per minute, roughly.

Our reward scheme is not as naive as what I outlined above, there are other checks to help prevent the Conga Line of Death style of farming, for instance. Still, there are major concerns regarding these becoming too prevalent.

Now, all that said, I'll ask the Rewards Team to take a look at the data and see if we are happy with the overall drop rate.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Yes, they are very rare. This is by design. Since they drop from players, they pretty much *have* to be rare.

Think about it this way: Say there is a 1 in 10 chance of a recipe dropping. In normal PVP play, that would make it relatively uncommon and a decent drop rate. However, players could also line up and let a friend kill them repeatedly. Let's say in this circumstance, a player can kill an average of 10 characters per minute. That would mean 1 recipe per minute, roughly.

Our reward scheme is not as naive as what I outlined above, there are other checks to help prevent the Conga Line of Death style of farming, for instance. Still, there are major concerns regarding these becoming too prevalent.

Now, all that said, I'll ask the Rewards Team to take a look at the data and see if we are happy with the overall drop rate.
Comment about cross server pvp please.

Come on... Don't ignore meh



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Comment about cross server pvp please.

Come on... Don't ignore meh
Ok. It's something we've discussed and have a design for. It is *not* something currently on the schedule.

Everyone wants something like this; the trick is figuring out when/how to get it onto the schedule and whether or not the increased infrastructure would be cost effective.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Ok. It's something we've discussed and have a design for. It is *not* something currently on the schedule.

Everyone wants something like this; the trick is figuring out when/how to get it onto the schedule and whether or not the increased infrastructure would be cost effective.
Ooh, that still sounds promising - if it's at the design stage, then it's off the wishlist at least

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



:edit" just looking into and getting a were happy or not will be better then a pvp server...although that wouldnt be bad either

i honestly dont think their ( the drop rates) right at all...i think their somehow over exposed in all the changes youve made...they can be rare...but i pvp everyday and to not get any for a full time pvper says alot about how they currently are.

if i pvp everyday and never get one..i say theres an issue.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Ok. It's something we've discussed and have a design for. It is *not* something currently on the schedule.

Everyone wants something like this; the trick is figuring out when/how to get it onto the schedule and whether or not the increased infrastructure would be cost effective.
That is exciting to read

This would be like super ultra epic if it was smooshed magically into Going Rogue.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
there are other checks to help prevent the Conga Line of Death style of farming
That is quite a funny mental picture, Castle.

I'd like them more common, but hey, I have 5 gladiator's nets listed redside at the high end of the bid spectrum. You're welcome to have at them!



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Yes, they are very rare. This is by design. Since they drop from players, they pretty much *have* to be rare.

Think about it this way: Say there is a 1 in 10 chance of a recipe dropping. In normal PVP play, that would make it relatively uncommon and a decent drop rate. However, players could also line up and let a friend kill them repeatedly. Let's say in this circumstance, a player can kill an average of 10 characters per minute. That would mean 1 recipe per minute, roughly.

Our reward scheme is not as naive as what I outlined above, there are other checks to help prevent the Conga Line of Death style of farming, for instance. Still, there are major concerns regarding these becoming too prevalent.

Now, all that said, I'll ask the Rewards Team to take a look at the data and see if we are happy with the overall drop rate.
yet you almost always forget a few details that hurt players..lemme add onto your rewards system

when you place a player defeat recipe in this game you HAVE to take into account the amount of people who actually pvp. since you have no pvp server you can go by just 1-10 andcut it so it isnt as farmed.

the issue here is the same 10 people i play with everday are on..we get 300 people on guardian at high time.

freedom has 900...this gives them a bigger advantage and us it hurst severely. your rewards shouldnt hurt the player based on which server they play on..and it has done just that.

out of the 300 that play on guardian i can honestly say maybe 50 will actually pvp ..that includes blue and red side.

never on at once..never reaches more then 15 in the place at once and if it does...VERY rarely..and if it is.its loopsided since alot dont play red side at all or vise versa. you simply cant put in a reward system based on b asic reward set up with the current server set ups

its unfair for players right off the start. the "go move to freedom" speech wil not help out the freedom players nor help guardians low population

if you want to keep the rewards the same then everyone should have the same chance or its an unfair player reward.

server merge is the only way you can fix it with your current rewards system without making us a pvp server



i got a javalins proc lvl 42 i think only one for sale, the enhancment get it while it's hot.



There really isn't much they can do about server disparities.

My advice would be seeing if your server's PvPEC rep can get a big throwdown event going in one of the zones. People show up, get into the action, more IOs are produced and either sold or slotted.

Sadly, this is mostly a PvE oriented game so getting people to kickball/RV/whichever is an uphill battle most of the time. Add to that, as Castle explained (thanks for your reponse!) they don't want them easily farmed either, we have a deeper problem.

You *may* want to ask for an alternate supply for them. Of course, they are intended for PvP acquistion, so where would the alternate supply come from? Perhaps you could cash in "Rep" for an IO roll at the Siren's Call merchant (only merchant I can remember) or an Arena store.
More PvP = more Rep = more IOs?

Not sure they have the time/inclination for such coding...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



an i.o roll would be ok like as they do in sirens

use the points system in rv...get too 1000 and get a roll or even just a chance of a roll...doesnt happen alot in rv anways . or make it every 100 rep or something.

any new point system would help then its current position



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Yes, they are very rare. This is by design. Since they drop from players, they pretty much *have* to be rare.

Think about it this way: Say there is a 1 in 10 chance of a recipe dropping. In normal PVP play, that would make it relatively uncommon and a decent drop rate. However, players could also line up and let a friend kill them repeatedly. Let's say in this circumstance, a player can kill an average of 10 characters per minute. That would mean 1 recipe per minute, roughly.

Our reward scheme is not as naive as what I outlined above, there are other checks to help prevent the Conga Line of Death style of farming, for instance. Still, there are major concerns regarding these becoming too prevalent.

Now, all that said, I'll ask the Rewards Team to take a look at the data and see if we are happy with the overall drop rate.

From my perspective the problem isn't the drop rate, it's the lack of players generating drops.

But if you can't get people to PvP, you probably need to loosen up the drops or provide an alternative supply method ala tickets or merits.

I'm all for 'super rare and ultra expensive', but you need some baseline of supply to keep the rubes interested.

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Now, all that said, I'll ask the Rewards Team to take a look at the data and see if we are happy with the overall drop rate.
Regardless of the outcome of your Rewards Team (aka Synapse ) analysis, this is why you guys rock: thanks for the feedback, Castle. I love that you take the time to post an "I hear you" reply, rather than staying silent and having us wonder if you know or care about the issue.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
From my perspective the problem isn't the drop rate, it's the lack of players generating drops.

But if you can't get people to PvP, you probably need to loosen up the drops or provide an alternative supply method ala tickets or merits.

I'm all for 'super rare and ultra expensive', but you need some baseline of supply to keep the rubes interested.
Agreed. I'd be in favor of them bumping the drop rate now, but in the future if they enhance PVP such that more players participate they can always drop the rate back down again if they feel the recipes are becoming too abundant.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Regardless of the outcome of your Rewards Team (aka Synapse ) analysis, this is why you guys rock: thanks for the feedback, Castle. I love that you take the time to post an "I hear you" reply, rather than staying silent and having us wonder if you know or care about the issue.

yes its find..but a report of his findings would be better.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Sadly, this is mostly a PvE oriented game so getting people to kickball/RV/whichever is an uphill battle most of the time. Add to that, as Castle explained (thanks for your reponse!) they don't want them easily farmed either, we have a deeper problem.
Oddly, the more rare, less-farmed they make them, the more of an incentive they give me to do so.

Back when they were worth 40-50mil a pop, meh. Now that I can get several hundred a pop per, yup I'm farming 'em.

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(shameless plug)
Victory server has a weekly PvP Arena event (PvPEC). I'm not a hardcore PvPer, but I do participate 1-2 hours on some Monday nights, and not only is it fun, but profitable!

I have gotten 3 or 4 PVP recipes this way, which sold for good bux, I know just last Monday, at least 3 recipes dropped during the 2 hours of play. About 18 people showed up. Do the math - it seems a pretty good way to get some recipes.

So instead of whining, organize an event!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

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And yes, what Castle said sounds very cool.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
And yes, what Castle said sounds very cool.
you mean what he replied to me right...



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Agreed. I'd be in favor of them bumping the drop rate now, but in the future if they enhance PVP such that more players participate they can always drop the rate back down again if they feel the recipes are becoming too abundant.
If more players are participating in PvP then logically there would be more demand as well, since the sets give extra bonuses to theory anyway.

In practice, how many of the people seeking these sets are actually using them to PvP, and how many are using them to get PvE bonuses you can't get elsewhere? How many of those Gladiator's Armor uniques that sell for 1 billion+ inf ever see the inside of a PvP zone?

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

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