come on devs...pvp recipes are almost extinct




Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
What's not being sold? If someone places something on the market to sell and has a price higher than anyone is willing to pay, then the seller is dumb.

If prices are high and there's nothing to buy, that just means that the market is working. Or/and more people are hording. I know I horde good crap.

As for Castle stating that they'll look at PvP drop rates, I took that as a "yea, we hear you think there's a problem, we'll take a look but don't expect to see a problem."
I understand your point, but personally I liked it when items were flowing regardless of price.
I never did horde (only on items I need for that toon). I generally put things on the market and sell what's being bid on, and due to space limits, sell the rest to a store. But I have started utilizing dual builds, so I'm slotting more too.

I guess I'm just a little bit liberal on the topic of rewards. Don't start me on merits, I can go on for days about that...

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



I'd be surprised if people are hording pvp IO's, do they think they will get MORE expensive? probably hahahaha lolpvp so much fail.



come on devs...pvp recipes are almost extinct

You know why? Because PvP is "almost extinct". This game has never really been acout PvP, it's actually a VERY small percentage of the playerbase that actively PvPs more than "once in a while". Thus the lack of PvP drops. It's only natural. Less people fighting in PvP zones = less drops.

I'd suggest opening up a store contact in PvP zones where you can buy them for "PvP merits" by completing PvP missions, like the rest of the merit system.

Then again, I don't PvP, so it might already be like this and I wouldn't know. If it isn't like this, wouldn't that be an interesting idea?



I <3 how most of the people posting in this thread -myself included- don't pvp.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I <3 how most of the people in this game -myself included- don't pvp.




Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I <3 how most of the people posting in this thread -myself included- don't pvp.
I used to pvp almost exlusively in this game then Castle got his hands on the system and like many many people no longer partake in that area of the game.

I've posted my suggestions on how to fix PO's and am now content to join the surge of people and just make fun of pvp. At times I wonder if the devs are actually trying to kill pvp off...

For how much I used to love pvp in this game it pains me to say I'd actually rather it was removed entirely (hey they already pulled base raids, the next step is arenas and zones haha). They have failed at every turn, so it isn't surprising the PO's are also a failure. I'd personally respect them more if they just admitted they can't do it and focus on more missions on the lab map.



Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
This is the problem I'm having, as well: post-i13 PvP blows chunks.
Pre-I13 PVP didn't interest me either. PVP in CoH has always been fundamentally flawed in my eyes.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I <3 how most of the people posting in this thread -myself included- don't pvp.
Does arena farming for recipes count as PvPing?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



welll..been in rtv every night since posted...guess recipes still..

come on castle...did you find anything?...update on this plz



how long are you staying in there? how many kills are you getting? i was in RV yesterday for around 20 mins and dropped 1. remember that the drops are based off the RNG to. if your number isn't comming up then you won't drop any. if that is the case log out for a min or so then log back in to change the number you were assigned when you logged in.


Posted least around 4 hours...many kills and on a team of 8.

maybe thats why im gettin screwed...cause i team...maybe the reward system is screwed for teaming.

either way i would like an update on this....



It would be nice to get a PvP recipe, but to be honest the only places anyone bothers to PvP (on Union server at least) is in Recluse's Victory. And even then it's usually a smattering of players, nowhere near the large volume we had before I13 came and screwed things up.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
if i pvp everyday and never get one..i say theres an issue.
Yes. However, the issue is with your luck, most likely.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
maybe thats why im gettin screwed...cause i team...maybe the reward system is screwed for teaming.
in PvE drops are generated by the team and randomly allocated.
So large teams stink for getting drops.

I assume PvP works the same way.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
Oh excellent.

Threadumping turns you on?
I'm not sure whether to read that as "Thread-bumping" or "Thread-dumping". It's funny either way, but if I were to hazard a guess as to what Thread-dumping was, (which I don't know) it would be:

Thread-Dumping. Verb: to deposit fresh excrement into a forum thread, adding nothing of value to the conversation.

Did I guess right? If so, do I win a cookie?



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I'm not sure whether to read that as "Thread-bumping" or "Thread-dumping". It's funny either way, but if I were to hazard a guess as to what Thread-dumping was, (which I don't know) it would be:

Thread-Dumping. Verb: to deposit fresh excrement into a forum thread, adding nothing of value to the conversation.

Did I guess right? If so, do I win a cookie?
Maybe he meant thread-humping...

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I'm not sure whether to read that as "Thread-bumping" or "Thread-dumping". It's funny either way, but if I were to hazard a guess as to what Thread-dumping was, (which I don't know) it would be:

Thread-Dumping. Verb: to deposit fresh excrement into a forum thread, adding nothing of value to the conversation.

Did I guess right? If so, do I win a cookie?

Why is everyone always talking about me all the time?



BBQ Pork is wise and delicious.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
With AE and dual builds my opinion is that drop rates need to be looked at again. Or they can stay as they are and influence sellers can remain happy.
This is the biggest thing that jumped out at me in this whole thread...the fact that dual builds only complicates things, since the drop rates have stayed the same since dual builds were released.

Dual builds (and the *possible* ability in the future to have even MORE builds on a single character, according to some of the Devs at Comic-Con) is a big issue... By having a 2nd build, you've just effectively doubled the amount of demand on the market. That has to have at least some effect on supply/demand... I know I took advantage of the dual-build thing when it came out, because I was interested in expanding the abilities of my Kheldians (one build human form, one build tri-form, and in the future... *maybe* a dual-form build and a PvP build)...

Now, considering the fact that both builds are purpled out (Five 5-slotted sets--I did both builds before AE, thank the gods), my single toon "VestigeOne" on today's post-AE markets could be worth up to 10 billion.

You guys are talking about making 150 million in 150 hours as if it's nothing... So, say a "hardcore" player wants to "purple out" both builds (say, PvE and PvP) on a single toon. That's going to take him four to five years to earn that much playing 40 hours a week... And most people who have jobs and a family can't put in that amount of time, but this is for the sake of the math based off of what YOU guys have stated the "average" player can earn per hour according to this thread. Now, someone could easily get more influence than that by doing a "54 boss farm" in AE or something like that, but this game doesn't encourage farming....right?

Now, take into consideration that a person can make, what? 30 toons per server? Maybe it's more... I can't remember off the top of my head. And each of those toons can have TWO builds.

Even the most hardcore player in the WORLD (who most likely doesn't play this game...haha) would not be able to set out all those toons based on your "average influence earned" in the lifetime of this game. So, basically, unless you pay money to those influence companies, or you don't have a job and play ungodly amounts of hours per week , you're not going to be able to ever really afford to "set out" a build with purples OR PvP IOs with post-AE prices, barring the extremely occasional "luck of the draw" drops.

And people say this game doesn't encourage farming.

What a crock.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



You guys are talking about making 150 million in 150 hours as if it's nothing
Yes, it *is* nothing. If you're doing nothing but running missions at level 50, you should be far exceeding this just by vendoring everything you get as drops, unless you're on a toon that's bad/slow at soloing, like an Ice/FF Controller. If you actually sell your drops at Wentworth's, you can exceed this rate by a huge margin.

Even the most hardcore player in the WORLD (who most likely doesn't play this game...haha) would not be able to set out all those toons based on your "average influence earned" in the lifetime of this game.
The average* player doesn't even attempt to "purple out" *one* build. I doubt there's more than a handful people out there that would even think about doing the same to both builds. The vast, vast majority of people that even use dual builds only use it on some of their toons...and if they use it at all, they use a much cheaper build on their lesser-used build.

Even good level 50 builds can be done for quite cheap. I recently did a soft-cap build for my boyfriend's Claws/SR that ended up costing me less than 100 million. (I wasn't paying attention to the exact amount). And for the return that gives, that's a great price. I have a couple really expensive builds, but most of them are pretty cheap. And there are a lot of people in this game that just use SOs, or basic IOs.

So, considering that the 2 billion inf uber-purple build is *anything* but required, and if you *do* want it, it can easily be gotten without, the game does not encourage farming. Except to the lazy.

* and no, I'm not talking about the mythical "casual" player. I'm just saying that most people don't bother with purples on most of their least as far as I can tell.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
By having a 2nd build, you've just effectively doubled the amount of demand on the market.
Potentially, sure.
Realistically, very few people are going to dual spec a character, and even fewer will dual spec with super powerful set IOs.

A dual build isn't much different from rolling an alt.
It adds some % to demand, certainly, but nowhere near 'double'.

You guys are talking about making 150 million in 150 hours as if it's nothing...
I can make 150 million overnight- it isn't hard when you know what you're doing.

So, say a "hardcore" player wants to "purple out" both builds (say, PvE and PvP) on a single toon. That's going to take him four to five years to earn that much playing 40 hours a week...
You're delusional, or you're ignoring the reality of what any reasonably intelligent player can earn on the market.

Either way, you're comically wrong.

And most people who have jobs and a family can't put in that amount of time, but this is for the sake of the math based off of what YOU guys have stated the "average" player can earn per hour according to this thread.
The "average" player shouldn't have access to the best loot in the game- it isn't balanced for them, it isn't aimed at them.
How long it would take them to earn it is irrelevant- they aren't its intended audience.

Now, someone could easily get more influence than that by doing a "54 boss farm" in AE or something like that, but this game doesn't encourage farming....right?
It doesn't specifically encourage it, but it certainly supports the playstyle.
But that's somewhat irrelevant.
You don't need to farm to make huge piles of inf, all you need is the market.

Now, take into consideration that a person can make, what? 30 toons per server? Maybe it's more... I can't remember off the top of my head. And each of those toons can have TWO builds.
I have two servers full of characters and a bunch more scattered around others. I'm a fairly "serious" player, whatever that means. And I have exactly one dual build in my stable. And it is kitted out with generic IOs.

Just because a possibility exists doesn't mean players will all take advantage of it.

Even the most hardcore player in the WORLD (who most likely doesn't play this game...haha) would not be able to set out all those toons based on your "average influence earned" in the lifetime of this game.
They aren't supposed to be able to.

Where do you get these crack-brained ideas of yours, the Dollar Store?

So, basically, unless you pay money to those influence companies, or you don't have a job and play ungodly amounts of hours per week , you're not going to be able to ever really afford to "set out" a build with purples OR PvP IOs with post-AE prices, barring the extremely occasional "luck of the draw" drops.
You just drove your truck full of Wrong down a Wrong Way Street and crashed into a busy Wrong Station, rupturing the tanks and triggering a Wrongferno.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



You guys are talking about making 150 million in 150 hours as if it's nothing... So, say a "hardcore" player wants to "purple out" both builds (say, PvE and PvP) on a single toon. That's going to take him four to five years to earn that much playing 40 hours a week...
1 Hour. Solo. In PI doing paper missions and selling everything I get on the market.

As others have stated, one shouldn't speak when they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post

Even the most hardcore player in the WORLD (who most likely doesn't play this game...haha) would not be able to set out all those toons based on your "average influence earned" in the lifetime of this game. So, basically, unless you pay money to those influence companies, or you don't have a job and play ungodly amounts of hours per week , you're not going to be able to ever really afford to "set out" a build with purples OR PvP IOs with post-AE prices, barring the extremely occasional "luck of the draw" drops.

And people say this game doesn't encourage farming.

What a crock.

"The One"
Who said every one of your toons needs to be purpled? That's vastly unrealistic, even if you PvP a lot.

Hey here's a story for you:

In my SG we have a mix of people, young and middle-aged with different commitments. One of the members is a 15-year old kid. He plays baseball, has a girlfriend, works 6-7 hours a day for expenses and his bills (pays for his CoH account, his phone line, some food expenses). He has a MA/SR Scrap which had basic IOs in its build.

In TWO WEEKS after I explained the Market, crafting, tickets he had over 175,000,000 on him. How did he do it? He cashed in tickets, crafted and sold. He crafted drops and sold them. He cashed in Merits for recipes, crafted those and sold them.

5-10 million per recipe sold x 4 = 20-40,000,000.
Salvage sales = 15,000,000
Tickets turned into more Pool A recipes and sold = 30,000,000 +

He then bought a bunch of Red Fortunes, Crushing Impacts, an occasional LOTG for +Regen and +Health as well. His build is good enough that by his own admittance "I'm so much more powerful now its great" (sic).

If a 15-year old in grade 10 or 11 whose economic knowledge consists of "Work a part-time job, get money to spend" can make a fortune just playing a few hours a week, anyone can!

I also have a married couple with 5 kids in my SG. The husband, wife and their nephew log in 3 hours per week at most. They make tens of millions just selling crap on the market. The husband just plows Freakshow on one of his old farm maps, has no freaking idea what AE does and still makes tens of millions.

My Warshade, The Casual Player, has two million inf at level 9 just from selling salvage and cashing in tickets.

It does not take months to get over 100,000,000.
You do not need to have every build with two builds purpled.
You can slot well with a combination of uncommon/rare and basic IOs and Hamis.

Money rains from the sky in this game. EVERYTHING you do gives you money or outlets for money.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
By having a 2nd build, you've just effectively doubled the amount of demand on the market.
I don't think so. All concrete and anecdotal information indicates otherwise. To double demand, every player would have to have two builds on every character. That's a total flight of fantasy.

I estimate the ACTUAL demand increase to be between 5 and 10%.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I don't think so. All concrete and anecdotal information indicates otherwise. To double demand, every player would have to have two builds on every character. That's a total flight of fantasy.

I estimate the ACTUAL demand increase to be between 5 and 10%.
And I think that estimate is still wildly optimistic.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone