What's the coolest character name you have?




My fave named character is Doctor Digitalis - Necro/Poison Mastermind Scientist.



I think Wyld Fire is the one I'm happies with, although thats a close tie with Umbral Nightwalker, my Nictus

I like most of my char names. They have to have an RP concept and decent name before they even make it past the CC

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Hmm, so many to choose from.

My WM/SD Brute named - The Euthanasist
My Claws/Invul Brute named - Sunder Thighs
My Plant/Psi Dom named - Prickly Terror
My Sonic/Pain Corr named - Super Emo Man

Etc etc.



Back in CoV beta I had a mastermind named Major Domo-natrix. (majordomo + dominatrix)

In CoV proper I have a Fire/Thermal corruptor Miss Enthropic. (misanthrope + entropic)

Before men had kilts I made Bonnie Scott, a wee lass with a big sword scrapper in CoH.

Then of course my namesake, Father Xmas, because of the shorter character names at the time. I still get a laugh out of players as an 8 1/2 foot tall Santa lands next to them with a mighty THUMP or they notice me standing next to them at the market.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
Dark Astorian, my dark melee/willpower scrapper.
Holy threadromancy, Batman! Did you need to dig up a 2 year old thread?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



My favorite of my characters' names is the Mystic Moustache: a vaudevillian magician with a mind control handlebar moustache. He's a mind/psi Dom and so a lot of his powers really do look like they originate from his 'stache.

Although I wouldn't have bothered posting about him if I hadn't simply wanted to share the most badass name I saw last night: Grim Hand of Death. Costume didn't dissapoint. I was jealous.



Chitzen Giggles

...until it got generic'd.

Stupid prudes.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



I am torn between Illusion of Choice (Ill/Kin controller) and VenoMiss (Thugs/Poison MM).

"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."



Thought Planter is a plant/psi dom on Virtue, definately one of my favorite characters and names.
Down Right Fierce is a SS/Fire brute also on Virtue. Couldn't resist having a flaming uppercut.
Bane of Pain, which started as more of a Crab build, eventually became worth the name.
Last but not least from my Triumph days is Frosted O's a Ice/Emp troller that couldn't solo a mission to save his life but was one of my very first characters.



(Thought Palnter is very clever!

My cool/funniest

Pepe' LePewPewPew

Skunk themed Rad/Dark cor.

* I Barely ever play him though. Think I expected more critter type faces in the Animal Pack.

So... Current Main.

Hexslinger DP/Dark Cor.



"Liberal Media Elite", my Stephen Colbert homage.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Luck on Infinity
Held on Victory



I sort of like all my names.

Glitter-Bug. Got her name in Praet when resistance members called her a Glitter-Bug

Grave-Dust...just cuz it's voodoo and cool

White-Swan because it's toilet paper, and a fun name. And Duck-Chick was taken

Rift-Dancer (My main) who I love

Heart Seeker...my archer.

Rift-Dancer is my favorite though.



If I have to pick five favourite names, then it is probably these:

  • Shadow Kitty (well, d'uh)
  • Little White Lies
  • Scary Li'l Devil Cat
  • Fimbulwinter
  • Unn the Thrown At

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



My favorites are-

1) Kong Fu (my villain main, a giant rampaging gorilla in martial arts robes, and yes, his battle cry is "Everybody is Kong Fu Fightin! RARRRH!")

2) Predatory Lender (BS/SR Stalker in a pinstripe suit)

3) Evil Kid Genius (Thugs/Traps mm)

4) General Pandemic (Merc/Poison mm)

5) Grim Intent (Dark/Dark Brute)

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Fire/SS tank named Hard Boiled. Nuff said

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



I'm fond of a few

Two Piece (Dual Pistol blaster)
Menagerie (ill/rad controller)
Terror Watt (elec/elec brute)
Backstroke (Ninja Stalker)
Millie Amp (Elec-Kin corr moved to Virtue and became Pico Farad)
Hasaan Chop (DB/Stone brute)
Mousepad (elec/shield scrapper)

There are more, but that's enough.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
If I have to pick five favourite names, then it is probably these:
  • Shadow Kitty (well, d'uh)
  • Little White Lies
  • Scary Li'l Devil Cat
  • Fimbulwinter
  • Unn the Thrown At

I know you! We used to play on that other MMO together. I recognize the sig.

I was Mephitidae...The Skunk Girl!

You might not remember me...I was just hoping.

I went by Rhiss.



I still like Mouse Police. ^_^ But I like semi-stupid names too. Alting still amuses me. Whenever the team leader says someone else is alting, I can protest that no, I am!

I would never claim this is a good name, but last night I decided to see if the name "AE Baby" was available on Virtue. It was. ^_^ Not a good roleplay name I guess, but neither is Alting. I don't have a clue what to do with it, but it will amuse me greatly to level a character with that name up slowly doing regular content and never setting foot in AE.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



A few of mine

Nurse Healia
Ice Pax
Rok of Aegis
Domina Vobisca

(My freind's toon has a GREAT name...Alicen Chains. I love that LOL)

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�