What's the coolest character name you have?




Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
"Liberal Media Elite", my Stephen Colbert homage.
I used to have a Necro MM named "Liberal Conspiracy" who looked as close as I could get to Bill Clinton and had zombies named Education, Labor Unions, etc.

I think I ditched the concept fairly early on, not wanting to deal with doofs taking me seriously.



I didn't have it myself but I remember crossing paths with John Travoltage and another Santa claws scrapper name Old Saint Snick.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Robber Hood (Arch/TA corr, can't believe that wasn't taken)
La Belle France (punny!)

EDIT: Favourite name I've SEEN was "Sinister Campfire" ("It's a campfire. But EVIL!")

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Best Name - Lady McDeath (Being Scottish I can just add 'Mc' to the start of any name) - ties in nicely with a certain Scottish play as well

Best couldn't be bothered thinking of a name - Carrie Ohn (must have been drunk)



TheVolt: electric tank




My Keanu Reeves / Neo / Cyberpunk tribute character : Johnny Moronic (Thugs / Traps)

Complete with inane grin, leather trenchcoat and an unlikely supporting cast of buff, cool-looking sidekicks who tend to get killed off a lot.




"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Here's a few slightly more creative names that I'm pleased with:

Quantum Butterfly, a grav/storm controller
Harlequin Romance, a Carnival of Shadows themed character
Rouge Spy, who got kicked out of a secret espionage organization for wearing too much makeup
Double Donkey Motel, a hired killer
Wilhelm Scream, a sonic blaster

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I've always gotten good comments about my stone tank, Ethergreen. Name, costume, and story.

Actions speak louder than Vets.



My all time favorite is Flamazing Sally, my first 50. I also like Hottie McFubar. I rarely play Villans, but my favorites are Scurvy Sally and Badbot Sally.



I would have to say Kobolt is my all time fave (liked the German name better but in American it means Cobalt plus Kobolt fit my concept for at the time a elec/elec blaster) and my first char in CoH and he later became my first villian too lol...my art for him is in my prestige award link in my sig.. And my second fave is Fire Chief my global/forum name and that goes back along way too. In fact I had it way before the Fire Chief badge (for putting out SC fires) came out and I thought for sure it was gonna be genercied shhhh...

Prestige Award
My DA page

@Fire Chief



Sue from Accounting

Hilarious when I met Bob from Accounting



In his mind, everything about him is golden, includung his tan.



Note: I accidentally necroed the old thread. This post has been moved from there.

I inherited Captain Epic from _Lukas_. The name now belongs to a KM/WP Scrapper.
I also have Radiant Decay (Rad/Rad Corr),
Val Halen, a rock guitarist with a Thor complex (seriously, we NEED a guitar for Warmace/Battleaxe customisation)
The Smiling Man (Thugs/Dark MM) This dude is creepy - I mean really creepy.
Narada (WS)

I'll post some more when I remember them.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Crabby McGee. ya baby!



Probably my last villain's name "Motorkill" - Electric Control/Psychic Assault.



I can narrow it down to two.

Mosh Pit, Stone/WP Brute, a telekinetic metal head whose powers become more brutal and powerful the more worked up he is, usually through music.

Big Rig, Invuln/SS Tank, ex-government Texan truck driver took his motor skills and some classified material he helped transport to create the Big Rig, a great power suit mostly made out of truck parts.

PS: I can't remember if I've already posted in this thread.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Subjective question, because I think all my toons have cool names, but the one that seems to get the most chuckles from other players is Suburban Samurai, a middle aged homeowner who has had enough of those damn gangsters tearing up his lawn.

Some others of mine include:
Atomic Volcano
All-American Boy



I was lucky, got into the game at the very beginning so I have some really cool names. My best it a tie between two of them

Taboo my sorceress extrodinaire.

Velvet Phantom my dark avenger of the night.

I also have in my collection, Icicle, Demoness and Death Shrieker. Surprisingly recent ones (within the last couple of years) I was able to get were Mighty Maiden, Silk Silhouette and Killer Tech.



So many to choose from.... I can narrow it down to:

1. Hercules - my SS/INV tanker. ( one of the advantages of preorder beta )
2. Safari - My AR/Fire blaster ( very surprised this was available even
around I4 when I made him )
3. Neverglade - My Plant/Storm troller.
4. Star Spangled Shield - my MA/SD scrapper. ( I get a lot of compliments on this character )

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )