25 -
thank you very much for the information. It figures, they would "FIX it", before I could use it. I really wish they would re allow that ty again
I can only get one door at a time to open. The bases I saw had up to 4 door slots open at once, creating an open room to the next room. No parial openings between room, but one big opening. How do they and I do it?
I noticed in several bases I have visited, that the builder was able to open multiple door openings, side by side. Thus they were able to merge 2 rooms into one.. How can I do the same thing? It would help the appearance of the base a lot. I have done a thorough search of many sites, but nobody can seem to tell me how it is / was done.
IF you still can read this, we really miss your kind energy and good will. I hope you are well.
Oh well, Since the game is down, I guess it is time to do some work around here. Oh, I hate that four letter word: work.
Some people could not enter some of their bases or some missions. Symtoms
of a severe problem. Wentworths failed to function. All good reasons to shut down the system and fix it.
Some people could not enter some of their bases or some missions. Symtoms
of a severe problem.
No that is not what I am talking about. If a level 45 or higher villian toon goes to Grandvile and speaks with the Arbiter, one can ally oneself with an arch villian. You do a story arc for them and you recives a new power set, which is quite powerful. Is there a similiar set up on the Hero side?
On the Villian side, a toon can aqcuire power sets from Ghost Widow, etc. , after completing a task force / story arc. Is there a similiar set up on the Hero side. If so, where does my toon go to contact the story arc? I am not asking about Incarnate powers, but something else. Thank you in advance.
Well, I guess I can mow the lawn during the down time. Boy the real world is work, while COH is fun.
Being angry at them does not solve anything. BUT, a little bit of information from them , as to why this is happening, does.
Thank you for your help, the problem appears to be resolved.
I recived an in game notice , that I needed to update my laucher by tonight, to log back in on the 4th. I have not been able to find anything on the website or how to do it. My current game launcher does not have any updates or information. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you in advance,
I was there when they dropped a Drop ship. It took well over 70 toons, level 50, The ships did fall and crash, but there was no XP given. They seperated in mid air, into 3 pieces and then crashed. It was neat to see. If anyone once to try agin, I am for it.
Hello: I am having problems with my Base energy. I have the largest plot and the ley taps. The info on the base and energy room says it will accept unlimited "Energy Aux." , but it does not. It will only accept 2 capacitors per Ley Tap. I have tried the Mana lens and every other energy extra from my work shop, to no avail. Any suggestions are apreciated and TY in advance, L1011A
Thank you Rangle, for answering my question.. I am sure it will help others as well.
L1011A -
I have found the fighting set , to be very helpful with my tankers. it gives them that extra little punch.
L1911A -
I have noticed a lot of toons are in Leagues and you can not invite them to a team. Can someone please explain what is a League and how does it work? A reference link would also work.Thank you in advance, L1011A -
In his mind, everything about him is golden, includung his tan. -
Well, they are down again. I hate to say this, but I am actually getting stuff done around the house. OH, THE TERROR !!!
In a way they are junk. BUT, if you are leveling new toons, put them into the SG storage and use them as your toons level.
Have fun,
L1011a -
On a positive note, I am getting stuff done around the house.
They rolled back the servers by one day? That explains what happened to my finished tip mishes. I redid them after the servers came back this morning.