Base room side by side door openings




I noticed in several bases I have visited, that the builder was able to open multiple door openings, side by side. Thus they were able to merge 2 rooms into one.. How can I do the same thing? It would help the appearance of the base a lot. I have done a thorough search of many sites, but nobody can seem to tell me how it is / was done.




If the room has atleast 4~5(?) squares on one side, then you can goto the door option in the create room function and selectively create doors so long as the area turns blue and doesn't have anything on the walls preventing it.



I can only get one door at a time to open. The bases I saw had up to 4 door slots open at once, creating an open room to the next room. No parial openings between room, but one big opening. How do they and I do it?



In the past, the 'double doors' look was achieved through a glitch in the base mechanics involving pathing and bounding boxes. After they got rid of raid pathing, this became impossible.

That is, of course, unless someone has re-figured out how to glitch it, in which case they should please share because I would love to have double doors back.

The Sixth Column

"Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue."
Izaak Walton



thank you very much for the information. It figures, they would "FIX it", before I could use it. I really wish they would re allow that ty again



Actually, there's a simple "trick" that can still be done to create something that looks like a wider "door" between two rooms: Just use a larger room and fill it with walls until it looks like it's really two rooms. You can then create "doorways" by removing the walls at the desired locations. Since they're not actually doors, you can make them as wide as you like.




Originally Posted by Tenjoy View Post
Actually, there's a simple "trick" that can still be done to create something that looks like a wider "door" between two rooms: Just use a larger room and fill it with walls until it looks like it's really two rooms. You can then create "doorways" by removing the walls at the desired locations. Since they're not actually doors, you can make them as wide as you like.

heh, I just came back in here to mention this as I'd done this in my recent base revisions.



Originally Posted by Tenjoy View Post
Actually, there's a simple "trick" that can still be done to create something that looks like a wider "door" between two rooms: Just use a larger room and fill it with walls until it looks like it's really two rooms. You can then create "doorways" by removing the walls at the desired locations. Since they're not actually doors, you can make them as wide as you like.

This will definitely work if you just want the double door aesthetic; I know for my purposes, though, I'd like to be able to make my control and energy rooms look like one big room, which is impossible now.

The Sixth Column

"Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue."
Izaak Walton