What's the coolest character name you have?




Ex Nihilum Salus - Bubbler - Pinnacle Server
Coriolis Effect - Storm Defender - Pinnacle Server
Purity Unveiled - Peacebringer - Champion Server
Revenge - Stalker - Champion Server
Spirit of Kings Row - Kat/Regen Scrapper - Pinnacle Server
Dreadful Avails - Spine/SR Scrapper - Pinnacle Server
Roaring Arpeggio - Willpower/EM Tanker - Pinnacle Server

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



My favorite is definitely Hint, my Nin/EA stalker.




In the Grand scheme of things people don't know when to shut up.

Elprede- 50 Blaster Ice/elec
Flaron Llothren- 50 Tank Ice/SS
Technic Flame- 50 Controller Fire/kin
Lance Indalen- Brute 50 Em/elec
Heart widow- Widow 50



Magnificent - Claws/Regen Scrapper
Fossil Fuel - Earth/Fire Dominator
Lilliput - Sonic/Sonic diminutive Corruptor
Hi Jinkies - (Velma homage) - Fire/Traps Corruptor - level pacted with "Chains of Woah" (Shaggy homage)

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Major League Tease, a female WP/Mace tanker in a jersey, hat, and shorts that uses a baseball bat.



Wreck Lass, my level 32 Inv/SS brute.



My favorite name for one of my characters so far has to be my 50 brute, Throatpunch.



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Hmmm...I think of all my characters my favorite name would have to be Maiden America, a MA/SR scrapper.
I have American Mage on Guardian.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



I have so many that I love, so it's hard to choose, but I think I'd have to say my original Warshade, Iscariot, remains my favorite name.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



*Points to Sig*

To be fair - after scrolling through the pages here there are plenty of great names, especially those who seem to have put thought into the background around it.

But just to remind you

*Points to Avatar*

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



My favorite names have been Sonic Wail, Static Vibration, Poisonous Ice, Radiation Emission, and Lady Arrow. Admittedly Lady Arrow is a remake from Diablo ii but I like it non the less.

Poisonous Ice 50 Ice/Rad
Icy Jax 50 Ice/SS
Jaxon Penn 50 Shield/Mace
Cpt Clax 50 Thugs/Dark
Lady BlackIce 50 Dark/Cold
Lady Black Ice 50 Dark/Ice
Bella Jax 50 Storm/Sonic
Operative Jax 50 SoA
Level 50 Trick Arrow Alts
Level 50 Claws Scrappers



Best (not necessarily the coolest) name is for my fire/ fire tank on union- 'Thermadyne'

Best name not used is for a female kin Character 'Torque Wench'

( I already have a female kin/psi called Psiclone...I came up with Torque Wench for an old forum game)

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



My favorite is definitely my Thugs/FF Mastermind named The Initiator. I named his bruiser pet The Initiated.

Always thought my Katana/DA Scrapper named Stygian Blade was a pretty cool name as well. Was actually really surprised I got that one, would've thought it would be a lot more popular.




Originally Posted by D_Faust View Post
My favorite name for one of my characters so far has to be my 50 brute, Throatpunch.



Dark Astorian, my dark melee/willpower scrapper.



Sorrow Reaver DB/EA Stalker



i have a Night Widow name Shadow Blood



I don't play him alot, but my level 24 Necro/Pain MM named "Death Panel Chairman" get alot of comments.

Bio is: How long did you say your grandmother has been alive?

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Norse Force - Ice/Axe Tanker

Other names I'm fond of:

Glitter - Energy/Energy Blaster - Kind of an obvious name, but this was one of my first characters, shortly after the game launched. The name gets better with the later addition of glitter effects, and much later addition of power customization (blue -> gold).

Disaster Flower - Plant/Psy Dominator

Hot Topic - I actually didn't know that there was a popular store with this name when I created my Fire/Fire Brute.

Demonitronic - Tech Demons/Pain Mastermind

Intense Essence - Magic SS/Will Brute



Its not my 'Best' but I have Magic Master on Virtue, so that is telling you how old that character is.



I'm fond of Quicksilver Falcon, Shade in Shadow and Mister Bibbles.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Bringing up a long Dead thread, I am not digging through 20+ pages to see all my replies.

1. Noah Jenda (No Agenda)
2. Eel Nats (Stan Lee)
3. McArchvillain (Yes he looks like Ronald McDonald, many screenies have been posted, and AE mission with him, and my Twitter Wallpaper)
4. Dragun (Reptile MM with Mercs)
5. General Relativity
6. Psy Fy
7. Knight Elf Mohawk
8. Czar Chazm

I use to have Luna Tick on Gaurdian, I do have it on a couple of Servers though

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Pallas, on Virtue. I feel I really got lucky with that name. It doesn't have any commas or points to cheat to get it. I think most people don't know what it refers to or what the origin of the name is but I love it.



I think my current favorite name is Victoria Von Heilwig

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."