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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by D_Faust View Post
    My favorite name for one of my characters so far has to be my 50 brute, Throatpunch.
  2. My favorite is definitely my Thugs/FF Mastermind named The Initiator. I named his bruiser pet The Initiated.

    Always thought my Katana/DA Scrapper named Stygian Blade was a pretty cool name as well. Was actually really surprised I got that one, would've thought it would be a lot more popular.

  3. Stygian_Blade

    Oh come on!

    Yea this happened to me too today and Friday. Really sucks, lost about 5 bars each on 2 of my toons.

    And yea, Bacon FTW!

  4. /signed even though I already know them by heart. Just seems weird that they never had signs in the first place.

  5. Stygian_Blade

    auto powers

    /signed cuz I'm lazy too.
  6. Or you could be thinking of the really small bane spider backpack thing? They have tiny little legs like these guys:

    Either that or you might have just seen a really small Crab Spider like Ash said.

  7. Stygian_Blade


    Do my eyes deceive me or is Champion back up?! WOOT!
  8. Stygian_Blade


    I'm having double xp withdrawals.
  9. Well at least the forums are up so we can ***** and moan about our server being down!
  10. Heh, meant that I fixed the OP's post. Yea, it still won't let me in Champion...

    Edit: I lied, right after I typed that I got in. Woot!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Denomenator View Post
    Why is champion so laggy? Nobody can log on and it is stupid because it takes 30 minutes to log on and then you disconnect because of said lag. It's double experience weekend and I can't log on?! How Stupid!
  12. Yea having this problem also. Guess its just something you gotta expect with Double XP. Gonna keep trying, but really sucks cuz I'm missing out on all the TFs :/ ...

  13. Watched Sopranos and actually played the game.

    Played some Half-Life 2 as well.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Muad_Dib View Post
    Gee, maybe you all could start a team and do NON AE MISSIONS? I was on earlier and there was plenty of people looking for regular teams that don't enter that building.
  15. Stygian_Blade

    Weakest Combo?

    [ QUOTE ]
    For Corruptors, I think Electric/Sonic would be kinda nasty, in part because I hate Electric Blast and in part because it seems like /Sonic would add to it the least. Not sure tho.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This except for defenders. I finally got mine to 50 a little while back but I had to team. That toon was one of the hardest toons I ever solo'd on. Only reason why I stuck it out is because I liked his concept.

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Independance Port (TBH Just shrink the zone...)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If your gonna have Independence Port on there because of its length then you should definitely have Nerva up there for length as well. I always dread doing the first respec and one of the other SFs just because of that one huge travel. Ugh..

    I don't see too much wrong with most of the rest of your list except the few usuals like Boomtown and Mercy and maybe Grandville.

  17. Nice to hear, Niv. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Desdemona is a... "demon-summoning Mastermind?" Oh ho ho ho. I think I know for certain what the next powerset is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not like Posi already hinted at it a few months ago...
  19. I've seen A LOT of Elec/Shield brutes lately.
  20. Got another for ya.

    Arc ID: Arc# 72852
    Arc Title: The New Freaks in Town
    Author: @Initiator
    Morality: Heroic
    Number of Missions: 3
    Description: There is word around the city that there is a new villain group in town and are planning an attempt to overthrow the Freakshow. That's bad new for the Freakshow by far, but it could turn out bad for all of us. You must make sure this doesn't happen and prevent an all out gang war.