Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!




But this is a "game changing" deal! Are you saying it should not have a downside? By doing this, you save TWO power choices and ONE pool choice. You will have a HUGE advantage over everyone else...right? From reading this thread, we've seen that the ability to save ONE power choice will be a big advantage....so saving TWO power choices and a power pool pick must border on "game breaking"...yes? That's just too much to fathom!

Surely something so BIG is worth having something not fit your costume, right? You just know those who want such a monumental advantage are going to be willing to forgo SS, teleport, or SJ.

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You're missing my point. I *AM* saying such a thing as being able to skip a prereq should have downsides. As it currently stands, though, there is absolutely no penalty whatsoever if you weren't using the prereq for anything. Those with this reward can get the benefit without paying any cost, unlike everyone else.

And, second, my complaint is that this is being doled out to only *some* of the population. Skipping travel powers entirely by relying on temps is not a "HUGE advantage over everyone else" because said everyone else has the option to do the *exact same thing*. But only those with this reward even have the *option* to skip a travel prereq while still getting a real travel power. And, again, only those with the reward have the option to save a power choice while using anything but fly.

Really, this is about the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. Unlike almost every single other division in this game (rich/poor, high level/low level, uber PvPer/newb PvPer, etc), the vet/newbie division *cannot* be erased by any effort on the part of the newbie. No matter what he does, the vet will *always* be X months ahead of him in the endless vet reward treadmill. And *that's* why I resent things which are actually game-changing (rather than simply conveniences or perks) being doled out based on the one distinction I can do absolutely nothing about. (And, yes, this is game changing. It would drastically change how I build many of my characters, and so, *at least for me*, this is a game changing ability - one that I have *no possibility* of getting any other way.) Look at the veteran rewards: respecs you can get other ways. Costume sessions you can get other ways. The temp powers are mostly conveniences to let you do faster something that you can already do (kill stuff, get places, etc) or are almost totally fluff (pets). But this, this is something you can't mimic any other way. (And, yes, I have almost the same complaint about the costume parts, but it's more of an intellectual concern for me since I'm not focused so much on looks.)

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!




I started to read through the thread and I got to I think it was page 7 before it hit me. I can have Superspeed without taking Flurry or Hasten now!

I'm usually one of they types of players who has an attack on auto, so Hasten for me, especially since it's no longer perma-able (well, it is, but... it ain't cheap) is a waste of a power. And with sets like Shields, Ninjitsu and SR, I need to have my mez protection on auto, so trying to remember to click Hasten is a pain for me.

But now, yahoo! I can have Super Speed and take Combat Jump to get around a little bit better. Or Recall Friend and Fly. Or just Super Speed and Teleport.

I'm still a ways off from getting my 60 month, I just got 54 yesterday, but it's gonna be so sweet to mix and match a little for added flavor on a lot of my characters.

Thank you Devs!

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



I am quite disappointed with the 50% tailor discount. The 60 month reward is quite cool, but 5 merits?

Suggestion: I think it would be better to reward 20 merits at L57 (1 free recipe roll), and remove the 5 merits from L60. (haven't read the rest of the thread, apologies if I am repeating)

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Problem is this is per toon so 20 merits would generate a ton of drop farming.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit




Really...much ado about nothing? The more I think about it, the more I realize that only my teleporters will see a benefit. Any of us that know the joy of Combat Jumping/Hurdle are not giving that up. I have Hasten on exactly one character and she isn't giving that up. (I hit it after Dull Pain) Hover isn't going away on my fliers.

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I've got a ton of Flyers who can't efficiently use Air Superiority, nor have any real use for Hover. They'll enjoy this.

I've also got a lot of characters with tight builds that got stuck with SS/SJ because they need Hasten/Combat Jumping. That's a great change too.

I'm mainly seeing myself use Fly and TP more on characters that didn't before.



Although it is too bad that they didn't give the option for all power pools. It would have been nice to get tough/weave without the throw away boxing/kick.

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They've got to save something for the 72 month...




...And, second, my complaint is that this is being doled out to only *some* of the population. ...

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umm, yes...
Today only SOME of the pop will earn their cape.
This month, only SOME of the pop will get their Greek symbols Vet Reward...
That is the way life works... Time only exists to keep everything from happening all at once.
BUT, . . .

Your total premise is without logic. <ul type="square">[*]VRs are for EVERY player.[*]Like most rewards, you simply have to earn them first.
And EVERY player does.[*]VRs are the easiest reward in the game. Just keep paying and playing.
and EVERY player just keeps getting them.[*] VRs are the FAIREST reward in the game.
You can't buy them;
You can't PL to get them.
You can't cheat to get them.
and EVERYone gets them at the same milestones in their CoX playing life.
[*]EVERY one gets the VRs. every 3 months like clockwork, everyone gets the next VR in sequence.
No have/have-nots. just not-have---YET.[/list]Perfectly equal, perfectly fair.
If you want fairness, . . . The oldest vets, did not get their FIRST VR ... for over TWO years. If you want fairness, should new vets have to wait two years for their first VRs?

EVERY player is a Veteran.. of a certain number of months. The VRs are for EVERY player, each as soon as it is earned. . . . and every player is earning them, every 3 months.




I am quite disappointed with the 50% tailor discount. The 60 month reward is quite cool, but 5 merits?

Suggestion: I think it would be better to reward 20 merits at L57 (1 free recipe roll), and remove the 5 merits from L60. (haven't read the rest of the thread, apologies if I am repeating)

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Problem is this is per toon so 20 merits would generate a ton of drop farming.

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Maybe. A level 1 can't buy a reward roll. I think you would have to level to 7 to be able to earn a recipe roll which as a level 10 recipe is all but certain to be crap.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Really...much ado about nothing? The more I think about it, the more I realize that only my teleporters will see a benefit. Any of us that know the joy of Combat Jumping/Hurdle are not giving that up. I have Hasten on exactly one character and she isn't giving that up. (I hit it after Dull Pain) Hover isn't going away on my fliers.

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I find it awesome on Scrappers when you don't want the single target taunt and wants something actually useful at level 12, for example. Perfect chance to get a travel power and saving level 14 for Health, hurrying up your way to Stamina and getting cooler choices at levels 16 and 18. All that still getting the pre-requisite of your preference (Hover/CJ/Hasten).

So even picking a pre-requisite, I think it's a nice and convenient option to have.



...And, second, my complaint is that this is being doled out to only *some* of the population. ...

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Your total premise is without logic. <ul type="square">[*]VRs are for EVERY player.[*]Like most rewards, you simply have to earn them first.
And EVERY player does.[*]VRs are the easiest reward in the game. Just keep paying and playing.
and EVERY player just keeps getting them.[*] VRs are the FAIREST reward in the game.
You can't buy them;
You can't PL to get them.
You can't cheat to get them.
and EVERYone gets them at the same milestones in their CoX playing life.
[*]EVERY one gets the VRs. every 3 months like clockwork, everyone gets the next VR in sequence.
No have/have-nots. just not-have---YET.[/list]Perfectly equal, perfectly fair.
If you want fairness, . . . The oldest vets, did not get their FIRST VR ... for over TWO years. If you want fairness, should new vets have to wait two years for their first VRs?

EVERY player is a Veteran.. of a certain number of months. The VRs are for EVERY player, each as soon as it is earned. . . . and every player is earning them, every 3 months.


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VIRTUE:Psychic Angel [Strm/Psy Def], Psychic Demon [Fire/Psy Dom], Spider Mime [Crab], The Cast Iron Chef [DB/WP Brute], Paintball Wizard [Dual Pistols/Sonic Cor], ACME Archer [Grav/Trick Con], Johnny Sonata Jr. [Sonic/Energy Blas]

EXALTED: Quantum Angel [PB], Psycho Angel [Necro/Psn MM], Holiday Spirit [Ill/TM Con]



Something I have wondered since I started playing this game:

Other than PvP, how is a perk like this such a huge deal in the game? In PvE my blaster doesn't fight other blasters, so why should I care that Joe Ampere can skip Recall Friend and go straight to Teleport at lvl 6, allowing him to pick up one more attack than me by lvl 14? Is his ability to kill mobs faster because he has more attacks a detriment to me? Do I get less XP/Inf/Prestige/Drops because he can do more DPS?

The only factor I see here that would cause someone consternation or anger over any of the Vet rewards is jealously. "If I can't have everything s/he has, I quit!"

I'll admit, I love having access to Sands of Mu at lvl 1 now, but I made it through a whole year of playing without that ability, and never once did I think, "That guy has Sands of Mu at level 1 and I don't, so what is the sense in even playing this game?"

I just. don't. get. it.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon




I've got something like 42 on Pinn (only one &lt; lvl 20 )...

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Multiple accounts? Otherwise, not possible I'm afraid, 36 is the max for a single account

Anyway...the level 57, kinda meh, but I'll take it. At least in October I believe it is, I will...the 60? Fantastic, great present for my next birthday in January next year Wonder how many people will do like I'm thinking of doing, take a combination of Super Jump and Super Speed without the prereqs?

Truthfully, I can't see this as being terribly unbalancing for most people...since it's quite possible nowadays to have NO travel pools on a character, thereby freeing up two (minimum) powers, something I've considered doing honestly...ah well. Whatever



Why do I hear South Park Saddam Hussein when you say that?

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Boy, the gift horse's mouth gets more attention in this game than a teenager at an orthodontists' convention!

Any 60-month vet who feels the 5 merit reward is a slap-in-the-face is invited to look me up in game and donate them to me. I will happily accept free stuff.

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Ummm, you realize that you can't trade merits right?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



VRs are the FAIREST reward in the game.
You can't buy them;
You can't PL to get them.
You can't cheat to get them.
and EVERYone gets them at the same milestones in their CoX playing life.

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Well said, mate.

I do admit that I was wondering if they'd ever "cap" the Veteran Rewards program. I believe EQ2 has a finite number, for example (not sure about other games.

Personally, I think the VRs are a nice perk for loyal players, and it's especially nice that they apply to all characters. It gives veterans something new to look forward to. No, players starting just now may not ever get to the multi-year VRs... but so what? They're neat perks, not must-have bonuses. "Bonus"... as in "extra"!



Post deleted by me upon viewing Castle's clarification.

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[u]57 Months[u]

Abiding Badge: 50% discount on all tailor sessions: Start out your new characters in style!

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Let's see... 50% of nothing is... hmm.... not so good. Should have added a 2nd costume slot or Capes at L1.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



. . . The only factor I see here that would cause someone consternation or anger over any of the Vet rewards is jealously. "If I can't have everything s/he has, I quit!"

I'll admit, I love having access to Sands of Mu at lvl 1 now, but I made it through a whole year of playing without that ability, and never once did I think, "That guy has Sands of Mu at level 1 and I don't, so what is the sense in even playing this game?"

I just. don't. get. it.

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True, and if VRs did not exist, people with this mentality would just do it with something else.

WAH! I am level 10, and I can't have the cape those people have, . . . want them right Nao!
Wah! I am not high enough to run the mish to get the Roman armor! I wants it Right Nao!

This is life.
There are things you don't get till your alt is a certain level. There are things you don't get till you meet certain requirements. There will always be things one does not have . . . yet.

But these people, like all players CAN get all those capes, Roman armor, and rewards...
as soon as they earn them like everyone else.




You're missing my point. I *AM* saying such a thing as being able to skip a prereq should have downsides. As it currently stands, though, there is absolutely no penalty whatsoever if you weren't using the prereq for anything. Those with this reward can get the benefit without paying any cost, unlike everyone else.

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The penalty is we had to wait 60 months for it.

And, second, my complaint is that this is being doled out to only *some* of the population.

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So it's not game-breaking, since relatively few have it. You probably won't even notice the difference between a few people being able to fly at lvl 6 and everyone else who will just turn on the raptor pack.

Really, this is about the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. Unlike almost every single other division in this game (rich/poor, high level/low level, uber PvPer/newb PvPer, etc), the vet/newbie division *cannot* be erased by any effort on the part of the newbie.

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The newbie just has to wait 60 months, like everyone else, including the vets who are closest to this reward. You will of course counter by saying that the vets will then be at the 120 month (ten year) reward, or the game might not be running.

Trust me, ten years from now you will probably be plugging the latest MMO directly into your special brain jack and you will barely remember nor care about your current agony over not having the CoH 60 month vet reward.

No matter what he does, the vet will *always* be X months ahead of him in the endless vet reward treadmill. And *that's* why I resent things which are actually game-changing (rather than simply conveniences or perks) being doled out based on the one distinction I can do absolutely nothing about.

[/ QUOTE ]

Conclusion: life isn't fair. You will suffer less if you accept life as it is more.

Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle



Okay, thanks for clarifying now.

So you ARE classifying powers into tiers by their numerical order.

Okay, I can live with that.

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IMHO I think the vets deserve it. *shrug*

RL offers a lot more to worry about.



You're missing my point. I *AM* saying such a thing as being able to skip a prereq should have downsides. As it currently stands, though, there is absolutely no penalty whatsoever if you weren't using the prereq for anything. Those with this reward can get the benefit without paying any cost, unlike everyone else.

And, second, my complaint is that this is being doled out to only *some* of the population. Skipping travel powers entirely by relying on temps is not a "HUGE advantage over everyone else" because said everyone else has the option to do the *exact same thing*. But only those with this reward even have the *option* to skip a travel prereq while still getting a real travel power. And, again, only those with the reward have the option to save a power choice while using anything but fly.

Really, this is about the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. Unlike almost every single other division in this game (rich/poor, high level/low level, uber PvPer/newb PvPer, etc), the vet/newbie division *cannot* be erased by any effort on the part of the newbie. No matter what he does, the vet will *always* be X months ahead of him in the endless vet reward treadmill. And *that's* why I resent things which are actually game-changing (rather than simply conveniences or perks) being doled out based on the one distinction I can do absolutely nothing about. (And, yes, this is game changing. It would drastically change how I build many of my characters, and so, *at least for me*, this is a game changing ability - one that I have *no possibility* of getting any other way.) Look at the veteran rewards: respecs you can get other ways. Costume sessions you can get other ways. The temp powers are mostly conveniences to let you do faster something that you can already do (kill stuff, get places, etc) or are almost totally fluff (pets). But this, this is something you can't mimic any other way. (And, yes, I have almost the same complaint about the costume parts, but it's more of an intellectual concern for me since I'm not focused so much on looks.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Everyone has the same opportunity to get this reward. Everyone bar none. It is being 'doled' out to all of the population. It is being 'doled' out to all of the population. The only difference between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' is that the later are not are getting it right now. They still have the ability to get it in the future. And as a result, you do have control over it; continue to pay and play the game. That's it. Plain and simple.





You're missing my point. I *AM* saying such a thing as being able to skip a prereq should have downsides. As it currently stands, though, there is absolutely no penalty whatsoever if you weren't using the prereq for anything. Those with this reward can get the benefit without paying any cost, unlike everyone else.

And, second, my complaint is that this is being doled out to only *some* of the population. Skipping travel powers entirely by relying on temps is not a "HUGE advantage over everyone else" because said everyone else has the option to do the *exact same thing*. But only those with this reward even have the *option* to skip a travel prereq while still getting a real travel power. And, again, only those with the reward have the option to save a power choice while using anything but fly.

Really, this is about the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. Unlike almost every single other division in this game (rich/poor, high level/low level, uber PvPer/newb PvPer, etc), the vet/newbie division *cannot* be erased by any effort on the part of the newbie. No matter what he does, the vet will *always* be X months ahead of him in the endless vet reward treadmill. And *that's* why I resent things which are actually game-changing (rather than simply conveniences or perks) being doled out based on the one distinction I can do absolutely nothing about. (And, yes, this is game changing. It would drastically change how I build many of my characters, and so, *at least for me*, this is a game changing ability - one that I have *no possibility* of getting any other way.) Look at the veteran rewards: respecs you can get other ways. Costume sessions you can get other ways. The temp powers are mostly conveniences to let you do faster something that you can already do (kill stuff, get places, etc) or are almost totally fluff (pets). But this, this is something you can't mimic any other way. (And, yes, I have almost the same complaint about the costume parts, but it's more of an intellectual concern for me since I'm not focused so much on looks.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Everyone has the same opportunity to get this reward. Everyone bar none. It is being 'doled' out to all of the population. It is being 'doled' out to all of the population. The only difference between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' is that the later are not are getting it right now. They still have the ability to get it in the future. And as a result, you do have control over it; continue to pay and play the game. That's it. Plain and simple.


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Realistically, any player who starts playing now, will actually probably never get the 60 month vet power ever, no matter what he or she does, given the average lifespan of most MMOs.



63 month vet reward: The option to swap out your power choice at lvl 49 for 3 more slots instead.



... And as a result, you do have control over it; continue to pay and play the game. That's it. Plain and simple.


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Realistically, any player who starts playing now, will actually probably never get the 60 month vet power ever, no matter what he or she does, given the average lifespan of most MMOs.

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Yes, when CoX was 6 months old there were people predicting its imminent death.
And I would have laughed if anyone would have said I would still be having the time of my life playing it 5 years later.

And yet . . .

And yet . . .

Here CoX still is,
and here I still am, having a blast!




This seems to be a common misconception. There are only three tiers of pool powers: the first two are are tier 1 (Hover and Air Superiority, for example), the third is tier 2 (Fly), and the fourth is tier 3 (Group Flight).

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If this is true then no one would talk about "Tier Nine" powers in the primary and secondary sets. Clearly "tier" in CoX context does not mean the number of steps necessary to choose the power. It means the number of the position of the power in the list of powers. Swift is a tier 1 power that you can choose at level 6. Hurdle is a tier 2 power that you can choose at level 6. Health is a tier 3 power that you can choose at level 14 provided you have either the tier 1 or tier 2 power already. Stamina is a tier 4 power that you can choose at level 20 provided that you have two powers from tier 1, 2, and 3 already.

Per Castle: This vet reward will allow you to choose a tier 1, 2, or 3 power from a Travel pool at level 6 without any prerequisites. The tier 4 power prerequisites have not changed.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]