Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!




Speaking as someone with the 54 month vet badge, I really, really, really hope that 60 is the last vet badge.

They're a horrible idea and largely give things most players should have off the bat (ie boxing gear) and, let's be honest here, people who have been playing long enough to get the higher end badges would have been playing without them (and you didn't 'earn' anything folks, stop acting so superior and stuck up just because you've played a game longer - it's a game, if you feel spending money to earn things in it makes you better/deserving of these rewards somehow, you have a sad perspective on life), and realistically, given the lifespan of most MMOs, it's highly dubious that any player that starts now will even see the 60 month badge before the game is retired, even if they play for the entire rest of the game's lifespan with no break.



I wonder if the tier 4 power will still require that you pick 2 before it, or if it will only require that one?

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Still requires 2.



Will all the travel pools be this way? Like can I take Fly, Super Speed, Super Jump, Teleport all on one toon and not take the previous power or is this a one time thing for one pool?

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Will all the travel pools be this way? Like can I take Fly, Super Speed, Super Jump, Teleport all on one toon and not take the previous power or is this a one time thing for one pool?

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Castle - is the 60 month badge planned to be the final vet reward or is there going to be more after it?




Question: Can I take, say, Whirlwind at level 6 as well?

It'd be silly to do so, but I want to know if that's possible.

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No, the final tier powers like Acrobatics and Whirlwind still have the normal requirements both in terms of level and power selections.



Will all the travel pools be this way? Like can I take Fly, Super Speed, Super Jump, Teleport all on one toon and not take the previous power or is this a one time thing for one pool?

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Castle - is the 60 month badge planned to be the final vet reward or is there going to be more after it?

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To the best of my knowledge, future veteran rewards are planned. However, I'm not on the rewards team, and don't know that answer as a certainty. Positron would have to give a difinitive answer.



Multiple 5 Merit Rewards or Single 5 Merits Reward?

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Many do make some use out of CJ. But is it really *more* useful than whatever you could put in its place?

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That depends on what you plan to put in its place. Most travel pre-reqs don't require heavy slotting. When was the last time you saw a six-slotted Recall Friend? Six-slotted Jump Kick? Even Hasten can't be six-slotted very often these days.

It'd have to be something that doesn't need any more slots than your travel pool pre-req — so probably not an expensive toggle or an attack power. About the best bang for your buck on "doesn't take many slots" would be a power like Revive, Aim, Buildup, or maybe Resurrect, but chances are you already have them.

The question is not "whatever you can put in its place," but "what one power can you put in its place that wasn't so good that you didn't already take it the first time around?"



Speaking as someone with the 54 month vet badge, I really, really, really hope that 60 is the last vet badge.

They're a horrible idea and largely give things most players should have off the bat (ie boxing gear) and, let's be honest here, people who have been playing long enough to get the higher end badges would have been playing without them (and you didn't 'earn' anything folks, stop acting so superior and stuck up just because you've played a game longer - it's a game, if you feel spending money to earn things in it makes you better/deserving of these rewards somehow, you have a sad perspective on life), and realistically, given the lifespan of most MMOs, it's highly dubious that any player that starts now will even see the 60 month badge before the game is retired, even if they play for the entire rest of the game's lifespan with no break.

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I think I agree with you.

It must feel to a newer player like the max lvl keeps getting pushed higher. Even if you've been around 3 years, the goal-line keeps moving away. Might be better to set a point where you can get to and leave it at that. 60 is a nice round number.



Will all the travel pools be this way? Like can I take Fly, Super Speed, Super Jump, Teleport all on one toon and not take the previous power or is this a one time thing for one pool?

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Castle - is the 60 month badge planned to be the final vet reward or is there going to be more after it?

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To the best of my knowledge, future veteran rewards are planned. However, I'm not on the rewards team, and don't know that answer as a certainty. Positron would have to give a difinitive answer.

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Ah, that's a shame. Thank you for responding, though.



Meh. 5 merits is nice, but the rest are lackluster.

You can get a temp jetpack at level 5 that is sufficient until level 14. The only good thing here is not needing hasten/CJ/hover.

Kind of disappointed in these to be very honest

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

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I am quite disappointed with the 50% tailor discount. The 60 month reward is quite cool, but 5 merits?

Suggestion: I think it would be better to reward 20 merits at L57 (1 free recipe roll), and remove the 5 merits from L60. (haven't read the rest of the thread, apologies if I am repeating)

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



From what I read it only gives you access to tier 1, 2 or 3 powers at level 6, so therefore I don't see how you can skip right to Acrobatics which is the tier 4 power. I would guess that the tier 4's still require two previous powers to unlock them.

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This seems to be a common misconception. There are only three tiers of pool powers: the first two are are tier 1 (Hover and Air Superiority, for example), the third is tier 2 (Fly), and the fourth is tier 3 (Group Flight).

Positron should have said "any of the first three powers can be taken at level 6" instead of talking about tiers. He has already clarified this to say that you can skip the tier 1 power. The Original Post should be modified to reflect this.



I have to agree. The Vet Rewards are a neat idea, but speaking as someone who only got into the game a couple years ago -- because, up until then, I didn't have a computer that could run City of Heroes -- it's very frustrating to know that I'll have to wait three years for the newest rewards, particularly when a lot of the rewards seem like very basic costume sets and other items that should just be a part of the game from the beginning. Yeah, all right, the angel and demon wings are unique enough that perhaps they deserve to be a vet reward; the samurai armor is very unique; a lot of the veteran powers seem like appropriate rewards, though I admit I'd like 'em in the here and now. But the boxing set? Or the rewards that are nothing more than badges or merit rewards, essentially acting as 'filler' while we wait an extra three months for a reward we really want?

It'd be one thing if the veteran reward system worked on some kind of merit model -- i.e., for every month of play, you get so many merits, and you can spend them selectively on the rewards you want, rather than waiting through a bunch of rewards that aren't very interesting. But the way it's set up now...I appreciate what NCSoft is trying to do. I really do. But the current model seems more daunting than fun unless you were fortunate enough to be a part of the game from the beginning, and at this point, I'm honestly wondering if there'll still be a City of Heroes in three years, rather than a City of Heroes 2. I just think it's time that the distribution model was revisited and reconsidered.

That 60-month reward does look sweet, though.

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Boy, the gift horse's mouth gets more attention in this game than a teenager at an orthodontists' convention!

Any 60-month vet who feels the 5 merit reward is a slap-in-the-face is invited to look me up in game and donate them to me. I will happily accept free stuff.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



The 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards are designed to help our ‘Vets’ hit the ground running and in high style without breaking the bank! With players having so many opportunities to create new character concepts we feel these rewards will help our long standing fans suit up in style.

[u]57 Months[u]

Abiding Badge: 50% discount on all tailor sessions: Start out your new characters in style!

[u]60 Months [u]

City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground running… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.
<ul type="square">[*] Flight
[*] Superspeed
[*] Teleport
[*] Superleap [/list] (1) Additional Character Slot: This reward is granted annually to each player that has been part of our Veteran Rewards Program. Months: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 should all reflect this value.

5 Merit Rewards

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I like the 60 month reward but not to happy with the 57 month one. My main character has 50 free icon tokens already. OK I can benefit a with new characters but due to all the free tokens that get given out it isn't that much of an issue getting a new costume.

There is also the new day job of fashion designer that gives you a discount already. Sorry to sound ungrateful but for 57 months I don't think the reward is that great. Maybe a 6th costume slot or a unique costume item or aura would have been nicer (for me anyway)

Infamy, infamy, they've all got it infamy!!!



I'd be happy with 50% discounts on idiotic recharge times on temp powers.

- a team teleport vet reward power that recharges every 12.5 minutes
- a self destruct that recharges in 30 minutes
- a mission teleport that recharges in an hour




Castle - is the 60 month badge planned to be the final vet reward or is there going to be more after it?

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To the best of my knowledge, future veteran rewards are planned. However, I'm not on the rewards team, and don't know that answer as a certainty. Positron would have to give a difinitive answer.

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That's unfortunate. But thanks for all the clarifications, Castle!


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#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Suggestion: I think it would be better to reward 20 merits at L57 (1 free recipe roll), and remove the 5 merits from L60. (haven't read the rest of the thread, apologies if I am repeating)

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No way. That would lead to infinite rolls.



Woops, I meant to say 57 month/60 month... but what do you mean, infinite rolls??

(edit) OMG, now I understand. New character, roll, trade to another character, logoff, delete character, repeat.

My apologies, I see my folly now. I am such a twinker!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Woops, I meant to say 57 month/60 month... but what do you mean, infinite rolls??

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Umm roll a new toon and roll for a new recipe. Trade off or sell the rolled recipe. Delete the toon. Create a new toon. Roll for a new recipe.



Create a newbie, get a free recipe from merit roll, transfer recipe to another character, delete newbie, rinse and repeat.

Sell and profit.



Ok then, 19 merits. HA!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



I like the 60 month reward but not to happy with the 57 month one. My main character has 50 free icon tokens already.

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I've thought about this, and I like it.

Save Costume #1. Change costume to something else at half-price. Save Costume #2. Re-load costume #1 for half-price.



How many old timers are there still around to be able to get the 60 months Vet Reward during this year anyway? I'm due for late June.

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Yo. I get 57 in ten days, and 60 on May 1.

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Feb 10th, May 10th for me.

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Jan 29th, Apr 29th for me (12 days after my birthday for 60 so that will be a nice present)