Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!




Not to be dumb.

But how do you get 4 tiers of powers in a set with only three tiers?

1: Swift/Hurdle (No prereqs)
2: Health (One prereq)
3: Stamina (L20 and 2 prereqs)

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Abiding Badge: 50% discount on all tailor sessions: Start out your new characters in style!

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Not bad, though I still have 60 free tailor sessions on my main, and I've already gone through a number of changes.

City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground running… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.
(1) Additional Character Slot: This reward is granted annually to each player that has been part of our Veteran Rewards Program. Months: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 should all reflect this value.
5 Merit Rewards

[/ QUOTE ]

The free character slot is nice, and I'll have to admit getting a Travel Power at L6 would make things a little easier. For most of my Fliers this would free up a power choice, though no extra Enh slots. Interesting.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Not to be dumb.

But how do you get 4 tiers of powers in a set with only three tiers?

1: Swift/Hurdle (No prereqs)
2: Health (One prereq)
3: Stamina (L20 and 2 prereqs)

[/ QUOTE ]

You lumped Swift and Hurdle into one tier, which is not the case.

1: Swift
2: Hurdle
3: Health
4: Stamina

My understanding is that the tier-4s will still require level 20 and 2 previous powers in the pool to unlock them. Your earlier example of taking team teleport without any pre-reqs is not (or should not) be possible.




[u]60 Months [u]

City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground runningÂ… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.
<ul type="square">[*] Flight
[*] Superspeed
[*] Teleport
[*] Superleap [/list]

[/ QUOTE ]

Holy crap! I never, ever expected something like this! Thank you.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Looking into the future:

City of Heroes Developers: Vet Reward 63 - We're going to give all veterans a custom sculpted, solid silver statue of their very first creation's best costume for everyone to display in their home.

The Rabble: But I want it in GOLD!

They're never going to please everyone. Ever. But at least they try to give us cool stuff. I am several months away from these - SEVERAL, several - but I think these will be cool when I eventually get them. Nice work, guys! And thank you!



Not to be dumb.

But how do you get 4 tiers of powers in a set with only three tiers?

1: Swift/Hurdle (No prereqs)
2: Health (One prereq)
3: Stamina (L20 and 2 prereqs)

[/ QUOTE ]

You lumped Swift and Hurdle into one tier, which is not the case.

1: Swift
2: Hurdle
3: Health
4: Stamina

My understanding is that the tier-4s will still require level 20 and 2 previous powers in the pool to unlock them. Your earlier example of taking team teleport without any pre-reqs is not (or should not) be possible.

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Swift and Hurdle are not tier 1? When did they change that?

For those that seem to think this is "game changing"...I suggest you do it now.

Yes...do it now. Use the temp fly powers....save TWO power picks and ONE pool pick. Downside is that you have to renew it every so often in the Shard and it's slower. ...But if it is truly "game changing" that is a small price to pay, right? You'll have a "big advantage" over the 5 year vets...who will have to waste a pool pick AND a power pick to get their travel power. Will the game survive this "imbalance"? Who knows...but you heard it here first.

This looks to be a bone to teleporters at most. (We need a bone if you ask me!) Since the community of us who actually use teleport is tiny...along with the community of 5 year vets being small.....a big deal?



I for one love the 60 Month Reward.

Now, I realize that this comes across as "Yeah well your getting it" but I don't see how this is going to be as unbalancing as some people are claiming.

It's a great gift for people who have proven to be loyal to the game. This is coming from somebody who's main is a Regen Scrapper. The first couple of years every time they moved the game forward with a new patch they nerfed Regen. People argued, whined, tested, persevered and/or quit and, in the end, I think most people (still playing) think that the game is better for it.

With the introduction of temp powers, having the travel power early and (possibly) gaining an extra power [I think a lot of people will still be using the Tier 1 powers on most builds] is not that game threatening.

For those who are saying "We'll never get it" then obviously this game may not be for you. When I started playing this game it was different enough that it could keep my attention and I knew I would be playing for a long time. Every other MMORPG I have tried lost my interest within 6 months. COH is still has my interest, game-time, and monthly fee after nearly 5 years.

The Vet rewards are achievable by everyone who subscribes. The devs did not put a limit on these saying only people who subscribed to the game in 2004 get the rewards. If they did that I would agree that it would be unfair. However, what they did was say look what you can get if you stay with is three more months, 6 more months, 2 years, etc.



Not to be dumb.

But how do you get 4 tiers of powers in a set with only three tiers?

1: Swift/Hurdle (No prereqs)
2: Health (One prereq)
3: Stamina (L20 and 2 prereqs)

[/ QUOTE ]

You lumped Swift and Hurdle into one tier, which is not the case.

1: Swift
2: Hurdle
3: Health
4: Stamina

My understanding is that the tier-4s will still require level 20 and 2 previous powers in the pool to unlock them. Your earlier example of taking team teleport without any pre-reqs is not (or should not) be possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, Swift and Hurdle are both Tier 1s. They are both opened for availability at level 6.
Level 14 opens Tier 2 - Health
Level 20 is the Tier 3 power - Stamina

There is no tier 4 Pool power.



Wow, absolutely fantastic rewards. Really, shockingly amazing. This so radically redefines the builds of so many of my characters, I'm not quite sure where to begin. Travel as early as level 6, essentially an extra power pick for a lot of characters and a significant ease in picks during the pre-20 crunch. Just... wow.

The tailor thing is also extremely nice. I have quite a few free tailor tokens on some of my characters, but when I make new ones, the price of a costume change is pretty striking really.



How many old timers are there still around to be able to get the 60 months Vet Reward during this year anyway? I'm due for late June.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Yes...do it now. Use the temp fly powers....save TWO power picks and ONE pool pick. Downside is that you have to renew it every so often in the Shard and it's slower. ...But if it is truly "game changing" that is a small price to pay, right? You'll have a "big advantage" over the 5 year vets...who will have to waste a pool pick AND a power pick to get their travel power. Will the game survive this "imbalance"? Who knows...but you heard it here first.

[/ QUOTE ]

Temp travel powers are a pain in the butt. They're slow, come with funky FX that may or may not work with your costume/concept (of all my characters who have problems fitting in travel powers, I have exactly *one* for which relying solely on temp fly jetpacks is a conceptual fit), you have to manage the time carefully, and they're sharply limited in variety. They're useful to have either early on, or as an adjunct to something vertically challenged like SS, but don't pretend they're remotely equal to a REAL travel power. And what if you want to SS, teleport, or superjump instead of fly (the only endlessly renewable temp)? "Sorry, you're SOL"? The ability to use temp travels (which *everyone*, vet and non-vet alike, has access to) does not remotely compare to the ability to get a REAL travel power for half price.

Re: Crawler
For those who are saying "We'll never get it" then obviously this game may not be for you. When I started playing this game it was different enough that it could keep my attention and I knew I would be playing for a long time. Every other MMORPG I have tried lost my interest within 6 months. COH is still has my interest, game-time, and monthly fee after nearly 5 years.

The Vet rewards are achievable by everyone who subscribes. The devs did not put a limit on these saying only people who subscribed to the game in 2004 get the rewards. If they did that I would agree that it would be unfair. However, what they did was say look what you can get if you stay with is three more months, 6 more months, 2 years, etc.

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Unless something extremely drastic happens, I fully plan to be around for a long time. However, I still don't expect that I'll ever see this reward. You know why? Because it's still 4 years off for me, and I am skeptical that this game will still be around by then. It's not just a question of perseverance. By 2012, the game will be almost 10 years old! That's a long time, and we all know that the long term trend in subscribers is not up. My *hope* is that CoH will have been supplanted by a sequel instead of simply shut down, but either way I don't expect to ever get access to this reward.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Not to be dumb.

But how do you get 4 tiers of powers in a set with only three tiers?

1: Swift/Hurdle (No prereqs)
2: Health (One prereq)
3: Stamina (L20 and 2 prereqs)

[/ QUOTE ]

You lumped Swift and Hurdle into one tier, which is not the case.

1: Swift
2: Hurdle
3: Health
4: Stamina

My understanding is that the tier-4s will still require level 20 and 2 previous powers in the pool to unlock them. Your earlier example of taking team teleport without any pre-reqs is not (or should not) be possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, Swift and Hurdle are both Tier 1s. They are both opened for availability at level 6.
Level 14 opens Tier 2 - Health
Level 20 is the Tier 3 power - Stamina

There is no tier 4 Pool power.

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In your primary pool, you get to choose between two powers. That does not make the ninth power in your primary pool "tier 8".

At the very least, there is a legitimate question about whether the "tier" in a Power Pool is the position in the list, or the group it's in.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
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How many old timers are there still around to be able to get the 60 months Vet Reward during this year anyway? I'm due for late June.

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Yo. I get 57 in ten days, and 60 on May 1.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



*sigh* Imagine the up-roar that would occur if they ever announce that at 66 or 72 months, you get to create one character per year that goes straight to level 20. NOW that would be something for everone to B***H about. It'll never happen, but I'd love to get it.



How many old timers are there still around to be able to get the 60 months Vet Reward during this year anyway? I'm due for late June.

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Yo. I get 57 in ten days, and 60 on May 1.

[/ QUOTE ]

Feb 10th, May 10th for me.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges
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Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Definitely a creative twist, well done.

As for balancing issues with pre-requisites, I honestly don't think it would be much cause for concern. People are talking about massively build altering changes, but when you think about it...

Speed: Hasten's always useful.
Super Leaping: Combat jumping's always taken luck of the gambler's quite well and had it's mobility uses.
Flight: Hover and air superiority definitely have their offensive/defensive uses.
Teleportation: Teleport friend is useful, although some consider it a waste. Teleport foe could also be put in a similiar position.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been thinking about this, and you're right. I probably won't drop the prereqs on many (if any at all) of my characters. However, I will take them later. It will make exemplaring much more fun if I get one more primary or secondary power below level 20, and a travel power even in the lowest level ouroboros arcs.

Combat Jumping, Hasten, Recall Friend, Hover, and Air Superiority-- when I've taken them, I've wanted them in almost every single case.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Not to be dumb.

But how do you get 4 tiers of powers in a set with only three tiers?

1: Swift/Hurdle (No prereqs)
2: Health (One prereq)
3: Stamina (L20 and 2 prereqs)

You lumped Swift and Hurdle into one tier, which is not the case.

1: Swift
2: Hurdle
3: Health
4: Stamina

My understanding is that the tier-4s will still require level 20 and 2 previous powers in the pool to unlock them. Your earlier example of taking team teleport without any pre-reqs is not (or should not) be possible.

Nope, Swift and Hurdle are both Tier 1s. They are both opened for availability at level 6.
Level 14 opens Tier 2 - Health
Level 20 is the Tier 3 power - Stamina

There is no tier 4 Pool power.

[/ QUOTE ]

not to nitpick but, by that logic all primaries only have 8 tiers, since you can 'choose' which of the first two powers you want to take.

regardless, all tetrapyloctomy aside, the 60 mo vet rewards are a nice perk for long time players, without being overpowered or game-breaking



I mean I can't think of a term for a person who goes beyond 60 months with this game, but the term veteran for such folks just doesn't do them justice.

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heh, while i failed miserably at my quote pyramid thingy, you beat me to my point :/





(1) Additional Character Slot: This reward is granted annually to each player that has been part of our Veteran Rewards Program. Months: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 should all reflect this value.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does this mean we get 1 additional character slot for each year we've played?

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Yes. I have all character slots unlocked on the only server I play on, so future year-mark Veteran badges won't really do me any good as far as additional character slots go.

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You have 36 characters on one server already?

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I've got something like 42 on Pinn (only one &lt; lvl 20 )...

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Not to be dumb.

But how do you get 4 tiers of powers in a set with only three tiers?

1: Swift/Hurdle (No prereqs)
2: Health (One prereq)
3: Stamina (L20 and 2 prereqs)

[/ QUOTE ]

You lumped Swift and Hurdle into one tier, which is not the case.

1: Swift
2: Hurdle
3: Health
4: Stamina

My understanding is that the tier-4s will still require level 20 and 2 previous powers in the pool to unlock them. Your earlier example of taking team teleport without any pre-reqs is not (or should not) be possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, Swift and Hurdle are both Tier 1s. They are both opened for availability at level 6.
Level 14 opens Tier 2 - Health
Level 20 is the Tier 3 power - Stamina

There is no tier 4 Pool power.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have a distinct feeling that the devs would not agree with that assessment. It's the way I always thought about it. But, based on Posi's response that there are, in their view, four tiers.





I get 57 in about 5 days, then 60 in April on my main account. Next month I get the 48 on my 2nd account, and then in March I get the 36 on my third account. I love having them staggered like that as I get a vet reward every month on at least one account

Emerald Sky

@Emerald Sky
@Lava Dome
@Power Chip



How many old timers are there still around to be able to get the 60 months Vet Reward during this year anyway? I'm due for late June.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yo. I get 57 in ten days, and 60 on May 1.

[/ QUOTE ]

Feb 10th, May 10th for me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Feb 23rd, May 23rd for me.



The rug really ties the base together man!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Temp travel powers are a pain in the butt. They're slow, come with funky FX that may or may not work with your costume/concept (of all my characters who have problems fitting in travel powers, I have exactly *one* for which relying solely on temp fly jetpacks is a conceptual fit), you have to manage the time carefully, and they're sharply limited in variety. They're useful to have either early on, or as an adjunct to something vertically challenged like SS, but don't pretend they're remotely equal to a REAL travel power. And what if you want to SS, teleport, or superjump instead of fly (the only endlessly renewable temp)? "Sorry, you're SOL"? The ability to use temp travels (which *everyone*, vet and non-vet alike, has access to) does not remotely compare to the ability to get a REAL travel power for half price.

[/ QUOTE ]
But this is a "game changing" deal! Are you saying it should not have a downside? By doing this, you save TWO power choices and ONE pool choice. You will have a HUGE advantage over everyone else...right? From reading this thread, we've seen that the ability to save ONE power choice will be a big advantage....so saving TWO power choices and a power pool pick must border on "game breaking"...yes? That's just too much to fathom!

Surely something so BIG is worth having something not fit your costume, right? You just know those who want such a monumental advantage are going to be willing to forgo SS, teleport, or SJ.


Really...much ado about nothing? The more I think about it, the more I realize that only my teleporters will see a benefit. Any of us that know the joy of Combat Jumping/Hurdle are not giving that up. I have Hasten on exactly one character and she isn't giving that up. (I hit it after Dull Pain) Hover isn't going away on my fliers.