Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!





Now that i think about it. I don't have ANY character who will benefit from this... lol. All of my Heroes and Villains have Hover/Fly, CJ/SJ/ Acro built into their builds and they're NECESSARY. i couldn't drop Hover or CJ for the risk of gimping myself. Even my Empath Defender NEED's Recall Friend AND Teleport...lol. Man, this isn't as useful as i thought it would be for me.... Even if i took Fly at lvl 6, I'll still have to get Hover for my +Stealth IO and my LotG +Recharge...lol.

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Consider this:

I have a character that because of concept needs Flight. But because Fire Armor (her secondary) has a ridiculous hole to Immobilize and KB it's very beneficial to take the Leaping pool.

Now this character can skip Hover/Air Sup, and take CJ and Fly (and maybe Acro) without all the problems of having to worry about unnecessary pre-reqs. The mixing and matching is awesome.

For your Hover/Fly character, you could switch in CJ if you have the pool room and use the same IOs and it will be easier to have on since CJ costs almost no end and doesn't move a slow as Hover.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



You said it pefectly right here.

It's not silly at all, it opens up a lot of options for vets who have played for YEARS

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That's all that really needs to be said. After all, that is the point is it not?

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Way to twist my words.

No, that isn't the point. Vet rewards are supposed to be neat little perks. This is a BIG deal. Not little. More than a perk.

[/ QUOTE ]Its not a big deal like yall are making this out to be. You get 1 extra power, big whoop. If you just used the temps guess how many extra powers you get? 2, thats right 2. So if it wasnt game breaking with being about to get 2 free powers what makes you think its game breaking to get 1 free power.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



The 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards are designed to help our ‘Vets’ hit the ground running and in high style without breaking the bank! With players having so many opportunities to create new character concepts we feel these rewards will help our long standing fans suit up in style.

[u]57 Months[u]

Abiding Badge: 50% discount on all tailor sessions: Start out your new characters in style!

[u]60 Months [u]

City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground running… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.
<ul type="square">[*] Flight
[*] Superspeed
[*] Teleport
[*] Superleap [/list] (1) Additional Character Slot: This reward is granted annually to each player that has been part of our Veteran Rewards Program. Months: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 should all reflect this value.

5 Merit Rewards

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Been playing since closed beta and now you guys wait until I cancel my account to finally have a worthwhile Vet reward...

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



These are VERY full of win!

Now, for a request for something that's been ignored:

In honor of the fifth anniversary of "City of..." any account that has not been logged in for five years will have all thier character names "released" similar to the level 6/inactive for 90 days policy.

I know this shouldn't have a huge effect...



Its not a big deal like yall are making this out to be.

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I agree. Playing 60 months is a long time and deserves some reward. It allows for creativity within reasonable constraints. Now if they did this across all pools, like getting tough without boxing or kick or staight to Vengance!!, that would be too much (AWSOME!!! but too much).

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server




[/ QUOTE ]Stamina has a level requirement of level 20, and 2 prerequisites. Stamina is a tier 4 power. Health is tier 3. You'd be able to get Health with no prereqs, but you'd still have to have 2 powers and level 20 for Stamina.

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*nitpick* There are no tier 4 powers. Health is tier 2 and Stamina is tier 3. Hurdle and Swift are both tier 1.

But, yes, you are correct that there have not been any dev posts saying that the pre-reqs for tier 3 have changed so if Fitness followed the same route it would not free up Stamina early for anyone.

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Well, Fitness was not included in the announcement, only travel powers.
Otherwise, I agree with your interpretation of the tiers.

And for the travel powers, Ex, in the OP for this thread announced [ QUOTE ]
City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground running… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.

[/ QUOTE ] for travel powers for 60 month VR.

So, since nothing has been announced for fitness at all, no early Stamina.

But for 60VR, it does look like tier3 is included, for travel pools.




Now wait a sec. I paid 720 dollars to get the 60 month reward

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No, you didn't. You paid to play the game, or else I want to be able to play for a discount without accumulating Vet badges.

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Mine and all players fees go into development and operational costs. This fee allowed access to the game. Not arguing that. But, my point was not that I am against the idea per se. More on the dollar amount proposed (this was particularly in the portion you snipped out).


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The dollar amount in question was irrelevant due to the fact that whether it's $5 for all of it or $100 it's still more than it actually cost to get the bonuses the normal way.

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We will have to agree to disagree on that. Currently the only charge that can be associated with it is the monthly fee and was there for the basis of my figure. The requirements are to pay and play for that period of time. The proposal is to eliminate both of those requirements for $5 each (the $100 dollars was based off that amount as there is a total of 20 rewards to be bought).

Does it give $100 more then the might have have received from the player if they leave before 60 months? Certainly, there is no disagreement there.





I think they should just allow people to buy Vet rewards early. That way you can wait get em for free, or if your one of the noobs screaming DOOOOM!! you can just open up your wallet and pay $5 per reward.

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Now wait a sec. I paid 720 dollars to get the 60 month reward after "waiting" for 5 years, and a newbie gets them all for $100. Granted I understand that would be upfront and I could see a discount being applied for shelling it out in a lump sum, but that is one hell of a disparity.


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Look, I personally don't care. I have 36 month Vet rewards and I'm good with that. I wouldn't buy them if they were available. With that said I have three things to point out.

1. You did NOT pay $720 for your Vet rewards. You paid that money to play the game for 5 years and your Vet rewards are a FREE bonus thrown in to show appreciation. If other people could buy them it doesn't affect you in the least. In the immortal words of James Brown "I gots mine, so don't worry bout his" Letting players purchase Vet rewards for $5 each would not reduce the value of your Vet rewards, yours are still free to you. It would however bring in a bunch of extra income, which is a good thing for all players.

2. If you think these great rewards at 3 years - 5years keeps people playing longer your crazy. I promise you noone is going to play for an xtra year just to get some boxing shorts or a Nemesis Staff. For people just starting this game, well who knows if this game will even be around in 5 years? Even if it is, they will have 10 year Vet rewards by then so a new person can never get half this stuff. The idea that Vet rewards keep people playing longer is just false. The money they'd pay to get these rewards immediatly is quite real.

3. If players were aloud to buy the rewards, I don't think they should be able to pick and choose. They would be aloud to buy them in order from whatever reward they are currently on. So if you have 9 months of Vet rewards and want the 24th month vet reward, you'd have to buy 12, 15, 18, 21, and then 24. That's $25 that just went to the game and that helps now, not in 2 years when this player will supposedly still be playing just so they can get this reward. Just don't include the Badge with the rewards, this way you can still see how long people have actually been playing.



not reading the whole post to search for this.... but i think i remember mention that 60 months would be the last Vet Reward?

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



I can *almost* see the point being made against the 60 month VetReward. As I'm reading through the feedback, the arguments make sense on the surface - this does indeed allow a Veteran to potentially dispense with a power in a tight build that he/she woudl otherwise have been forced to take, a build advantage that could create a gulf between haves and have-nots.

However, let's look at the four travel powers. The obvious weak cases are Flight and Super Jump, since temp power analogs of these can already be easily obtained and maintained forever by doing any of a number of things (spending real money, spending inf, doing an Ouroboros arc - if redside - and even just logging off in the right spot). Those temp powers create an even larger build issue if you argue it on these merits, since they allow you to skip not only the prereq but the power itself if you're so minded.

So let's look at the two you can't easily replace with temp powers - Teleport and Super Speed. Teleport temp powers are rare and to the best of my knowledge not possible to attain on a permanent basis (for one Siren's Call has to be in your faction's control, and the other is a villain-only temp that's not renewable - yet, anyway). Furthermore, the 60-month reward allows the much beloved Hover-Teleport combo to unlock with only two power choices rather than three. This is I think the strongest case, since Veterans already have acces to a team teleport power and therefore may not think much of dropping Recall Friend given the opportunity. The alternative, Teleport Foe, is useful but often situational. I can see a great many teleport-using characters dropping the prereq for something more useful.

Then there's Super Speed. With IOs, the stealth portion of the power can be attained with any number of other powers, so that's hardly a concern. And as for skipping the prereqs, the prereq that's overwhelming chosen here is Hasten, and I don't see that vanishing from many builds that are using it now.

So, I can see a case for a clear Veteran game-changing advantage in only one of the four travel power pools. But this is mitigated by the fact that a non-Veteran, if so minded, can create an even larger build advantage by relying on temp powers for travel rather than using a travel power pool at all. Yes, this reward is significant, but I don't feel it's game-breaking in light of the temp powers available to all players.

As for it acting as a negative for the retention of new players who feel they can't catch up, in my experience people who get upset because they can't have something RITE NAO usually get bored once they do have it. Just my opinion of course, but I suspect anyone the game loses over an issue like this they'd have lost in any case.

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I'm going to agree with Justaris on this.

When I first read the announcement, I thought that the 60-month reward was too much, but then I sat down and looked at my 50+ alts. In most cases, it really doesn't "free up" another power slot. In fact, in several cases, I took the pre-reqs from more than one pool and I am using both of them.

Folks are assuming that vets will never take a pre-req again and will therefore always have an extra power pick - and that just really isn't the case.

Travel faster at level 6? Not really, unslotted Fly isn't better than the Raptor Pack. I have no numbers to support myself, but I suspect that unslotted Superjump or Superspeed won't be all that much faster either at level 6, and at least Superspeed will still have the disadvantage of being stuck on the ground (no hunting CoT on the rooftops of KR).

At best, the reward probably changes the order in wich I pick powers, delaying the pick of the pre-req to a later level. But since the lower levels go by kinda fast, in terms of the passage of playing time, it won't really delay it all that much, since I still want the use of the pre-req sooner rather than later.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

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I do not feel this is an appropriate benefit for a Veteran's Reward, certainly not one that take s 5 years to earn. It is very analogus to giving a an extra power pick (possibly 2 picks for some characters) to vet characters: some characters may well pick what they already had, but that's still a bigger advantage than I think is appropriate for this system.

I shudder to think what the 6 year reward will be.


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Dont know if it was asked, but does this mean that a Warshade will finaly get access to the flight pool?

or is that a hard-coded restriction into the AT?



I can *almost* see the point being made against the 60 month VetReward. As I'm reading through the feedback, the arguments make sense on the surface - this does indeed allow a Veteran to potentially dispense with a power in a tight build that he/she woudl otherwise have been forced to take, a build advantage that could create a gulf between haves and have-nots.

However, let's look at the four travel powers. The obvious weak cases are Flight and Super Jump, since temp power analogs of these can already be easily obtained and maintained forever by doing any of a number of things (spending real money, spending inf, doing an Ouroboros arc - if redside - and even just logging off in the right spot). Those temp powers create an even larger build issue if you argue it on these merits, since they allow you to skip not only the prereq but the power itself if you're so minded.

So let's look at the two you can't easily replace with temp powers - Teleport and Super Speed. Teleport temp powers are rare and to the best of my knowledge not possible to attain on a permanent basis (for one Siren's Call has to be in your faction's control, and the other is a villain-only temp that's not renewable - yet, anyway). Furthermore, the 60-month reward allows the much beloved Hover-Teleport combo to unlock with only two power choices rather than three. This is I think the strongest case, since Veterans already have acces to a team teleport power and therefore may not think much of dropping Recall Friend given the opportunity. The alternative, Teleport Foe, is useful but often situational. I can see a great many teleport-using characters dropping the prereq for something more useful.

Then there's Super Speed. With IOs, the stealth portion of the power can be attained with any number of other powers, so that's hardly a concern. And as for skipping the prereqs, the prereq that's overwhelming chosen here is Hasten, and I don't see that vanishing from many builds that are using it now.

So, I can see a case for a clear Veteran game-changing advantage in only one of the four travel power pools. But this is mitigated by the fact that a non-Veteran, if so minded, can create an even larger build advantage by relying on temp powers for travel rather than using a travel power pool at all. Yes, this reward is significant, but I don't feel it's game-breaking in light of the temp powers available to all players.

As for it acting as a negative for the retention of new players who feel they can't catch up, in my experience people who get upset because they can't have something RITE NAO usually get bored once they do have it. Just my opinion of course, but I suspect anyone the game loses over an issue like this they'd have lost in any case.

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I'm going to agree with Justaris on this.

When I first read the announcement, I thought that the 60-month reward was too much, but then I sat down and looked at my 50+ alts. In most cases, it really doesn't "free up" another power slot. In fact, in several cases, I took the pre-reqs from more than one pool and I am using both of them.

Folks are assuming that vets will never take a pre-req again and will therefore always have an extra power pick - and that just really isn't the case.

Travel faster at level 6? Not really, unslotted Fly isn't better than the Raptor Pack. I have no numbers to support myself, but I suspect that unslotted Superjump or Superspeed won't be all that much faster either at level 6, and at least Superspeed will still have the disadvantage of being stuck on the ground (no hunting CoT on the rooftops of KR).

At best, the reward probably changes the order in wich I pick powers, delaying the pick of the pre-req to a later level. But since the lower levels go by kinda fast, in terms of the passage of playing time, it won't really delay it all that much, since I still want the use of the pre-req sooner rather than later.

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Well yes and no on the extra power. A lot of folks would have rather not have had to chose hover or combat jumping (for example) since although they have that defense aspect, it's really not that good to warrent having to take the whole power just to have. Now then there was the - to hit in fly, lots of folks took hover to retain acc while in the air.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



not reading the whole post to search for this.... but i think i remember mention that 60 months would be the last Vet Reward?

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It's never been officially said that 60 months would be the last reward. This has been inferred from Pigg divers noting that they have no badge art as of yet for any rewards past 60 months. No red name has ever come out and confirmed (or denied) the conjecture.

Though honestly, I'm a 56.75 month vet right now, and wouldn't terribly mind if it stopped at 60 months. Let's face it, the reward IS fantastic but game-changing... and anything they could do to top it would start to border on game-breaking.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



The 60th month reward will actually make rolling a new toon not so bad in the future...yeah!



not reading the whole post to search for this.... but i think i remember mention that 60 months would be the last Vet Reward?

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No you are incorrect.

The only people who have said anything about the last reward...have been the Monopoly Badge Players who post on this forum.



I am still curious about the 5 Merit Rewards. Plural - rewardS. Not 5 Merits Reward but 5 Merit Rewards. What is the criteria for more than one reward? Every arc/TF complete adds 5 more merits? 5 merits for every 3 months past 60?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



We are going to look back on this just like how it was when they said we were getting the buff pets. Everyone thought they were overpowered and the game was going to break, hella doom and all that good stuff. We all know how the buff pets turned out. When the next uber reward comes out after this the same folks are going to [censored] and moan as usual and would clearly forget about the 60 month reward. Personally for me right now the only thing that could top this would be to allow veterans to skip the first power in the secondary if they wanted.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Hi Positron.

So..... any plans too make this a, for dollars, add-on?

$4.99 per account? Please?

So close on one account......

Edit: I was refering to this part of the 60 month vet.

City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground running… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.





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No, that isn't the point. Vet rewards are supposed to be neat little perks. This is a BIG deal. Not little. More than a perk.

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And playing the game for 5 years, not "taking breaks" to go to other games, playing and paying for 5 years IS a BIG deal. There's nothing wrong with thanking those loyal customers with something nicer than a costume piece or a cute little pet. It's 5 years for goodness sake. Let them thank their most loyal customers in a big way for sticking it out this long.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



So Tier 1-3 powers for travel pools avaible at lvl 6 is awsome. Do we still have to wait for 20 for tier 4?




Wow. Go Vets!

I'm just past 15 months, so I have no idea if I (or even this version of the game) will be here in another four years, and I am so freakin' jealous! That 60month reward is easily the best one on the list, at least from my viewpoint.

I don't think that we "young'uns" are "entitled" to be given some way to get the vet rewards, I recognize that they are a "thank you" for contributing to the existence of the game for so long. But this is the first one that's really made me go "WANT! WANT! WANT!!!"

I haven't read the whole thread (it went from 4 pages to 20 (at 25/page) while I wasn't looking, so I don't know if this has already been covered. If so, I apologize for my laziness.

With the 60-month reward, the ENTIRE travel pool unlocks at level 6, right? Has it been clarified, do you still have to take prerequisites? Or can you take, say, Group Fly at level 6?

Obviously, this is purely an intellectual exercise for me, but I am curious.



personally to me it just sounds like they are running out of ideas. 50% off? pointless. 5 merits? again pointless. and even if you can get fly, ss, tp, or SUPERJUMP(superleap?) at lvl 6, thats pretty pointless. and also damaging to their own greed machine, the new time cards w the flight pack. yep all sounds lazy to me. heck in i14 we have to design our own missions. cool concept, but reading between the lines it sounds highly like "we have no more ideas so let the players think we are doing something good for them when in reality we are asking them to do our jobs for us."



57 Months

Abiding Badge: 50% discount on all tailor sessions: Start out your new characters in style!

Wouldn't somebody who's been playing for 54 months have a crap-ton of free tailor sessions anyway? And even if they rolled a new toon they'll have a lot of free tailor sessioins in their vet rewards. Lame



Let them thank their most loyal customers in a big way for sticking it out this long.

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It's all subjective, I know--but if the Dev's want to thank me for playing for five years, I have a few ideas beyond "Fly at level 6."

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.