Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!




*does the "that's so badass" dance*

Unlock Tier 1, 2 and 3 travel powers at level 6?

Flight without Hover? Superspeed without Hasten? Teleport without Recall Friend?

Baaaaaaaad. Can you dig it?

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Yes. Yes, I can dig it.

Although it is too bad that they didn't give the option for all power pools. It would have been nice to get tough/weave without the throw away boxing/kick.

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NOW THAT would have been EPIC FAIL. For game balance at least.

Stamina by lvl 8? Just lol.

Even with IOs you could not get that much recovery by lvl 8 (not counting purpled out 50s who exemp. )

[/ QUOTE ]Stamina has a level requirement of level 20, and 2 prerequisites. Stamina is a tier 4 power. Health is tier 3. You'd be able to get Health with no prereqs, but you'd still have to have 2 powers and level 20 for Stamina.

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Seeing as how the devs didn't do it this way, I bet there were thinking of the balance issues related to that. Ofcourse a dev can just step in and say why. Till they do I'll just leave it alone.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



You said it pefectly right here.

It's not silly at all, it opens up a lot of options for vets who have played for YEARS

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That's all that really needs to be said. After all, that is the point is it not?



I think they should just allow people to buy Vet rewards early. That way you can wait get em for free, or if your one of the noobs screaming DOOOOM!! you can just open up your wallet and pay $5 per reward.

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I would not be opposed as I already get most of them anyway.

The game is having more and more stuff that needs to be bought, so /shrug, why not.

Plus more money towards development. :-P

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Anyone who has played a PB or WS knows how nice it is to have a REAL travel power at low level as opposed to a crappy knock off temp power.

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It WAS a big deal... right up until we could get a temp flight pack at level 5 by doing 3 paper/scanner missions and a mayhem/safegaurd.

Now? It's just a perk of rolling a HEAT. Saves you 5 levels of ground pounding. And 5 levels takes me about... oh, 30 minutes of street hunting? Solo.

As for taking 4 travel powers, that still locks you out of of all the other power pools.

Be well, people of CoH.



Anyone who has played a PB or WS knows how nice it is to have a REAL travel power at low level as opposed to a crappy knock off temp power.

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It WAS a big deal... right up until we could get a temp flight pack at level 5 by doing 3 paper/scanner missions and a mayhem/safegaurd.

Now? It's just a perk of rolling a HEAT. Saves you 5 levels of ground pounding. And 5 levels takes me about... oh, 30 minutes of street hunting? Solo.

As for taking 4 travel powers, that still locks you out of of all the other power pools.

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Taking 4 travel powers would be stupid.

Plus you can BUY a temp travel power with INF in the shard and grandville.

Yeah this being a 60+ reward is not that big a deal.

EDIT: Though to be honest with you, you really don't need any of the pools to build a pretty good toon, for some builds/ATs. Especially with IOs.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



You said it pefectly right here.

It's not silly at all, it opens up a lot of options for vets who have played for YEARS

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That's all that really needs to be said. After all, that is the point is it not?

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Way to twist my words.

No, that isn't the point. Vet rewards are supposed to be neat little perks. This is a BIG deal. Not little. More than a perk.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.




Re: 57 month.

Solid "Meh" here. I mean, I've got plenty of characters with 50+ tokens, so it doesn't affect my older characters, and the newer ones have all the vet costume change tokens to that point... plus can log out in Icon for discounts...


Re: 60 month

Before Safeguard/Mayhems, Goldbricker packs, etc. I'd wonder what they were thinking with this. Now? Just saves running a few radio or newspaper missions. *shrug* Not a game-shaker to me.



You said it pefectly right here.

It's not silly at all, it opens up a lot of options for vets who have played for YEARS

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That's all that really needs to be said. After all, that is the point is it not?

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Way to twist my words.

No, that isn't the point. Vet rewards are supposed to be neat little perks. This is a BIG deal. Not little. More than a perk.

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I didn't twist anything, just quoted your first sentence. You shoulda just stopped there was my point.

Look, you don't even need a travel power nowadays. With speed bonuses and a 100k Flight pack ANYONE can skip the travel pools entirely. You really are just whining over nothing here.



Stamina at 8th is the 72 month reward. See you in $180. Duh.




Now that i think about it. I don't have ANY character who will benefit from this... lol. All of my Heroes and Villains have Hover/Fly, CJ/SJ/ Acro built into their builds and they're NECESSARY. i couldn't drop Hover or CJ for the risk of gimping myself. Even my Empath Defender NEED's Recall Friend AND Teleport...lol. Man, this isn't as useful as i thought it would be for me.... Even if i took Fly at lvl 6, I'll still have to get Hover for my +Stealth IO and my LotG +Recharge...lol.

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I don't see the problem at all with the 60 month vet power, in pve or pvp. Seriously, think about it for a moment, sure there is the "possibility" to "skip" the pre-req and go straight for a Travel power which could free up a spot on your toon....but who's really going to do that? What happens when you "skip" these pre-req powers? Lets take a look shall we?

The Speed power pool requires that you "take" Hasten before SS. Last I checked, Hasten was still a very necessary and helpful power for any pvp build. So no advantage there with this vet reward. Even Flurry has become a pretty amazing power there lol (<---not sure for how long...but yea lol).

The Leaping Pool requires that you take Combat Jumping before SJ. Again, no huge advantage there, as MANY people still opt to take CJ for both the combat manueverability and the ability to cheaply slot a couple uniques into it with no fuss.

The Teleport Pool requires that you take TP-Foe before accessing TP. Again, no "huge" help there either. Many people who are going the TP route find TP-Foe a VERY useful tool for them and couldn't imagine dropping it. In zones, barring cheap droners, it can be quite a handy and amazing tool. Furthermore, TP-Friend is both a substantial help in and out of pvp no matter what your preference. So no help there from this vet reward. I will state however, that the Teleport travel pool will probably benifit the "most" from this reward, but not hugely, especially not in pvp. We all remember just how "useful" TP is in pvp now with the new suppression...right?

The Flight Pool requires that you take Hover before taking Fly. Once again, no problem here, even in pvp as Hover proves some decent mitigation from -fly powers. If you happen to be a flyboy(there aren't many) in pvp, Hover is a staple platform and must have power for you. Heck, even AirSup is a decent power to many, both for it's decent damage and -fly component. So no help from the vet rewards there either.

Soooooo.....uhm....I'm realy not seeing this huge "advantage" that some people are claiming that 60 month vet players will have in pvp.....odd. Why am I not seeing it? Because it's not there...that's why. There really is very very little advantage in pvp with this reward.

Now, if it was a "free" power gift, and slottable, sure, I'd see the advantage in it, however, this is not the case. In fact, I really don't see it being all that helpful or useful in pve either, at least not for Speed or Leaping Pool users, and even Fly users to a lesser extent. The pre-req's for these pools are very very helpful to any toon, be them low level or not, so skipping them early on really doesn't do much, I'd rather have them earlier than my travel powers in some cases....



It's not silly at all, it opens up a lot of options for vets who have played for YEARS

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That's all that really needs to be said.

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So you agree, then, that it's not silly to act like it's a gamebreaking advantage after all.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



It's not silly at all, it opens up a lot of options for vets who have played for YEARS

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That's all that really needs to be said.

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So you agree, then, that it's not silly to act like it's a gamebreaking advantage after all.

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Indeed. He's so.. contemptibly fatuous... he didn't even realize he was agreeing with me.

I'm done with this thread. I'm right, he's wrong. End of story.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Lol. I agreed the 60 month Vet reward wasn't silly, you on the other hand are an entirely different story.



[u]60 Months [u]

City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground runningÂ… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.
<ul type="square">[*] Flight
[*] Superspeed
[*] Teleport
[*] Superleap [/list]

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So it just takes 5 years of subscription to be able to skip pool prerequisites (which everyone should be able to do on ALL pools, with the level restrictions in place) and take travel powers that superheroes should have from the start at level 6.

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fixed that for ya.

only thing the 60 month reward does is allow 1 additional power pick from your primary/secondary. no getting Acrobatics or Stamina at 6 or 8. heck look at it this way.. the healers can now take SS and recall, and run to a mish and port everyone to the door so they can start rockin the aura



REAL Flight or Super Jump without having to wait 'til level 14? Sign me up!

The 60 month vet reward is officially full of win. =)


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



fixed that for ya.

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I don't know WHAT you're talking about.

::to the invisible sleep waiters:: More coffee! Stat!

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Folks, some Veteran Rewards are highly usable for others and some aren't even given a second look. Not everyone wants a set of Greek letters for chest detail as their Veteran Reward, but plenty enough were still over-joyed to have it. Not all of my characters can use any of the non-buff Veteran pets and still be in-theme, but there are still plenty that enjoy the Impish Demon, or the Mek Man, etc.

Half price for costume changes? AWESOME. Some of my characters have gone through all of their granted tailor tokens and Veteran tokens.

Being able to skip Combat Jumping... that will be great on some of my characters, not so great on others! Some need the Immobilization protection and some have that area covered. The extra power pick would be immense on some of my builds, I tell ya!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it




Now that i think about it. I don't have ANY character who will benefit from this... lol. All of my Heroes and Villains have Hover/Fly, CJ/SJ/ Acro built into their builds and they're NECESSARY. i couldn't drop Hover or CJ for the risk of gimping myself. Even my Empath Defender NEED's Recall Friend AND Teleport...lol. Man, this isn't as useful as i thought it would be for me.... Even if i took Fly at lvl 6, I'll still have to get Hover for my +Stealth IO and my LotG +Recharge...lol.

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Well, it's not that it isn't useful in your situation, just a different kind of utility. Now you take your travel power at 6 (rather than say Hover) and put off Recall Friend until later opting for more utility powers in between.

In that situation, it's useful in two ways, it allows you to have you Travel Power early and allows you better power selection options in the lower levels where it really really counts rather than burning a power on a power that will be very useful later (especially in the case of IO slotting) but has less utility early on.

Nore directly to the topic of the thread, I don't see this as that out of balance. It could possibly make a very slight difference in PvP seeing as you could have one more attack/mez/defense than a non-vet by skipping the pre-req and a practically ignorable effect in PvE where you can get a "one-power-more" attack chain or defensive set up going a little easier by the same system and get to missions faster than non-vets.

Basically, it's desirable enough I want it, but not so desirable I'm put out by having to wait a bit to get it.



The dude abides

I like!

I should ask in the Costume Suggestions Thread for Housecoat for Trenchcoats, Slippers for Boots, and Boxing Undershorts for Kilts/Shorts...



....but who's really going to do that? What happens when you "skip" these pre-req powers? Lets take a look shall we?

The Speed power pool requires that you "take" Hasten before SS. Last I checked, Hasten was still a very necessary and helpful power for any pvp build. So no advantage there with this vet reward. Even Flurry has become a pretty amazing power there lol (&lt;---not sure for how long...but yea lol).

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What if you don't PvP? Hasten is useful, yes. In PvE, at least, it being necessary went away with ED. What if you don't want it because of the orange/yellow glow it sticks on your hands? What if you just don't see the need - i.e. a melee who already has a complete attack chain, and something non-clicky like wp or sr for a defense set?

The Leaping Pool requires that you take Combat Jumping before SJ. Again, no huge advantage there, as MANY people still opt to take CJ for both the combat manueverability and the ability to cheaply slot a couple uniques into it with no fuss.

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Many do make some use out of CJ. But is it really *more* useful than whatever you could put in its place? Super jump is the only travel power that fits her concept, but my controller has absolutely no use whatsoever for CJ - I already have enough maneuverability with stamina prereqs, and she doesn't have the money to buy uniques to stick in it. I would kill for the ability to drop that power and take something more useful. Being able to find some use for the prereq you are forced to take doesn't mean that there isn't something better you could replace it with, given the option.

The Teleport Pool requires that you take TP-Foe before accessing TP. Again, no "huge" help there either. Many people who are going the TP route find TP-Foe a VERY useful tool for them and couldn't imagine dropping it. In zones, barring cheap droners, it can be quite a handy and amazing tool. Furthermore, TP-Friend is both a substantial help in and out of pvp no matter what your preference. So no help there from this vet reward. I will state however, that the Teleport travel pool will probably benifit the "most" from this reward, but not hugely, especially not in pvp. We all remember just how "useful" TP is in pvp now with the new suppression...right?

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Again, what if you don't PvP? In PvE, tp foe is more or less a toy - you can use it, but it doesn't really give you any significant advantage most of the time. Recall friend, again, is undoubtedly useful - but is it more useful than what you could get in its place? My grav/storm is absolutely jam packed on his power choices - I have to overflow a power from my primary/secondary into the 40s to make it all fit (and that means I can't take the epics I want). Again, his concept basically demands TP. Would I drop recall friend? In a heartbeat. If I didn't simply use that to get all the primary/secondary powers I want before the 40s, I'd replace it with hover. Ever try using TP on a laggy computer? Falling out of the air is depressingly common. Hover is a wonderful tool to stop that, but *normally* it's an unjustifiably expensive choice in terms of power slots. Getting hover+TP in two power picks is a huge advantage.

The Flight Pool requires that you take Hover before taking Fly. Once again, no problem here, even in pvp as Hover proves some decent mitigation from -fly powers. If you happen to be a flyboy(there aren't many) in pvp, Hover is a staple platform and must have power for you. Heck, even AirSup is a decent power to many, both for it's decent damage and -fly component. So no help from the vet rewards there either.

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And, yet one more time, what if you don't PvP? Air sup is good, yes. Hover is useful, yes. They're not universally so, though. I have a controller who must be on the ground to use some powers, so I don't need hover even though I have it. But I don't particularly care to engage in melee either on that character, so I don't need air sup. So, would I drop hover? You bet. What about a weapon meleer, who wants to avoid redraw but doesn't want to deal with hover's slow speed and extra end cost in combat? What use do they have for the fly prereqs?

Soooooo.....uhm....I'm realy not seeing this huge "advantage" that some people are claiming that 60 month vet players will have in pvp.....odd. Why am I not seeing it? Because it's not there...that's why. There really is very very little advantage in pvp with this reward.

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And, again, not everyone PvPs. I'm not sure where this is coming from. I, at least, was referring to the advantage of flexibility it'll give them in power choice, whatever game mode we're looking at. I plan out builds as a sort of idle hobby, when I'm not actually in a position to play. I've seen, again and again and again and again, builds where I just can't make everything fit. So many times, I'm sitting there staring at a junk prereq, unslotted and totally useless to the character, wishing I could drop it. What overriding need does my teleporting ninja scrapper have for recall friend? What use does my blapper have for CJ when he already has the stamina prereqs? It's the flexibility not to be limited by such things that I'm seeing here.

Now, if it was a "free" power gift, and slottable, sure, I'd see the advantage in it, however, this is not the case. In fact, I really don't see it being all that helpful or useful in pve either, at least not for Speed or Leaping Pool users, and even Fly users to a lesser extent. The pre-req's for these pools are very very helpful to any toon, be them low level or not, so skipping them early on really doesn't do much, I'd rather have them earlier than my travel powers in some cases....

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If you actually have a use for the prereqs, then no, it's not really a free power. However, saying that the prereqs are so useful that all characters would want to take them anyway seems rather... unsupported. And, again, even if they're useful, who's to say that they would be *more* useful than something you could put in their place. It *is* "a 'free' power gift, and slottable" in at least a significant percentage of situations. And that's what I'm crying foul on.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Not too bad. Nothing I feel is gamebreaking and far better then some veteran awards. Shame about 60 months though, about two more years of me playing the game if I ever reach that...



*shrugs* so at 6 i can get a travel power instead of 14...isnt that what all the temp travel powers in the game is for?

we running out of ideas arent we

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Considering the amount of time until quite a number of people would reach the 5 year mark, there's plenty of time for the temp travel powers.

Actually this comes in handy for those who want to have Teleport without the TP Ally or TP Foe.



Workout Warrior Badge: Hit the ground running... this badge unlocks access to the Fitness Power Pool at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.


Pwetty pweese with a chewwy on top?

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"You got it. Did I mention that the tier 3 has not had it's prerequisites changed?"

Guess it is a good thing I'm not a dev...


Edit: Corrected typo. I meant 3 not 4.




57 Months

Abiding Badge: 50% discount on all tailor sessions: Start out your new characters in style!

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Color me confused, but aren't my new characters in style as I'm able to pick it before they even start? I can't remember the last time I paid for a costume change/ update. Enless this means they'll use half a token on a change.

60 Months

City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground runningÂ… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.





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Wow, way to make me regret those 2 breaks. Is it almost Halloween yet?
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth I'll say this
57 reward............................................ .............................

60 reward, yeah uhm makes up for 57.



Wow they make up for the weak-sauce of the 57 month with the 60 month. I mean most vets have so many free tailor tokens no one actually pays anymore.

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agreed, 57 months is pretty lame, maybe they can add another unlockable custom, or one of the many things suggested on the forums. (Can't find post atm).

60 gets a thumbs up!!
