Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!




Real rewards? To someone who has paid to play a game for 5 years?

- Divorce counciling?
- Job headhunting?
- Lap dances complete with a handful of pre-folded singles?
- Diet and exercise life coach vouchers?

Vet rewards are fun perks like airline miles that shouldn't massively change how you enjoy the CoH experience. No one should expect the world of them.

And for the record... unless your toon needed Air Superiority, Combat Jumping, Hasten or Recall Friend (all very useful powers), that vet reward may be the best of bunch.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Honestly all the vet badges show to me is how old your computer is. If you are near 60 month then seriously find a new game.
There are far too many good games in this world to spend 5 years playing the same one. Especially one that hasn't aged that well.

I love this game don't get me wrong, but it's not good enough to be played (i.e. paid for) 5 years straight.

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How would a vet badge in any way be relevant to the age of a computer?



Honestly all the vet badges show to me is how old your computer is. If you are near 60 month then seriously find a new game.
There are far too many good games in this world to spend 5 years playing the same one. Especially one that hasn't aged that well.

I love this game don't get me wrong, but it's not good enough to be played (i.e. paid for) 5 years straight.

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How would a vet badge in any way be relevant to the age of a computer?

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Exactly this is my 3rd computer, and second laptop
i started coh on a 1.6 gz pentium 4
now im rocking a 2.1 ghz duel core laptop

I didn
t upgrade for COH but just cause you upgrade doesnt mean you give up whats fun.

Afterall people still play Diablo 1 and StarcrAFT 1, and well Warcraft 1 and 2

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



This does not seem right at all.
All of the other vet rewards might give you a bonus power that someone does not have or a new costume piece.

But this one seems pretty cheap to me.
This makes it able to fit in the one power that you never could, making it so that those with this badge can make builds never before seen.

Now I can understand wanting to be good to your loyal customers...but i mean im only at 24 months right now, by the time i might hit 60 months this game may not even be around anymore.

I'm suggesting that you turn this into a buyable expansion...much like that of the cyborg pack.



Honestly all the vet badges show to me is how old your computer is. If you are near 60 month then seriously find a new game.
There are far too many good games in this world to spend 5 years playing the same one. Especially one that hasn't aged that well.

I love this game don't get me wrong, but it's not good enough to be played (i.e. paid for) 5 years straight.

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How would a vet badge in any way be relevant to the age of a computer?

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Exactly this is my 3rd computer, and second laptop
i started coh on a 1.6 gz pentium 4
now im rocking a 2.1 ghz duel core laptop

I didn
t upgrade for COH but just cause you upgrade doesnt mean you give up whats fun.

Afterall people still play Diablo 1 and StarcrAFT 1, and well Warcraft 1 and 2

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Yeah, I give a double /FAIL on the previous poster's comment. I've actually shied away from other games to keep playing this one, punching in 4.5 years currently. This game just keeps me coming back for more.

I even try out new games now and again-they just don't seem like as much fun to me.

I figure, do what makes *you* happy. If you like variety, great, more power to you. I do, but I also like doing what I think is fun-for 4.5 years now, this game has been fun to me, and it still is. So, for *me* and my $15 a month, I'll keep right on playing, tyvm.

Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.



This does not seem right at all.
All of the other vet rewards might give you a bonus power that someone does not have or a new costume piece.

But this one seems pretty cheap to me.
This makes it able to fit in the one power that you never could, making it so that those with this badge can make builds never before seen.

Now I can understand wanting to be good to your loyal customers...but i mean im only at 24 months right now, by the time i might hit 60 months this game may not even be around anymore.

I'm suggesting that you turn this into a buyable expansion...much like that of the cyborg pack.

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Sure and why play to 50 with heroes and villains to get HEAT and VEAT characters either. We could totally make them paid too.

The 5 year vet still can't take the tier 4 power off the bat, and still would need to pick up a second power to grab it if they wanted it. They're still limited to 4 power pools.

So go ahead take hasten and then pick fly (no need for super speed and hover), now you've got 2 pools left. Good luck fitting other pools if you were thinking about it.

Why does the ability to move at a low level need to be a purchasable?

IF you're playing heroes:
Does it take too long to go to the sewers for 30 minutes hit level 5, run to KR run 3 mishes, drop a 4th and do a bank mish to get a jetpack, which if you play the game right can give you travel powers (without even spending a slot) through the whole game?

Or as a villain have you not earned 10k inf to head to grandville to buy the jetpack there which you can get at level 1?

Seriously with the changes in the game you can do without movement powers at this point if you want, this really isn't an "unfair" advantage since both heroes and villains can get a travel power before level 6 with no cost or time constraints.

Oh you could also buy that "pack" that costs like $5/mo for everyone on your account and you get at level 1.

White Valkyrie - BS/Regen Scrap
Fear of Silence - Ninja/Dark MM
Corporate Zombie - Necro/Poison MM
Ardent Cataclysm - Stone/Fire Tank
Angelic Heart - Peacebringer
Maelstrom - Elec/Elec Brute
Novastar - Energy/Fire Blaster



Honestly all the vet badges show to me is how old your computer is. If you are near 60 month then seriously find a new game.
There are far too many good games in this world to spend 5 years playing the same one. Especially one that hasn't aged that well.

I love this game don't get me wrong, but it's not good enough to be played (i.e. paid for) 5 years straight.

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How would a vet badge in any way be relevant to the age of a computer?

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Exactly this is my 3rd computer, and second laptop
i started coh on a 1.6 gz pentium 4
now im rocking a 2.1 ghz duel core laptop

I didn
t upgrade for COH but just cause you upgrade doesnt mean you give up whats fun.

Afterall people still play Diablo 1 and StarcrAFT 1, and well Warcraft 1 and 2

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Yeah, I give a double /FAIL on the previous poster's comment. I've actually shied away from other games to keep playing this one, punching in 4.5 years currently. This game just keeps me coming back for more.

I even try out new games now and again-they just don't seem like as much fun to me.

I figure, do what makes *you* happy. If you like variety, great, more power to you. I do, but I also like doing what I think is fun-for 4.5 years now, this game has been fun to me, and it still is. So, for *me* and my $15 a month, I'll keep right on playing, tyvm.

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I periodically play commodore 64 games from like 1986 still because they are more fun than some new games. I mean heck my PSP is loaded with old nintendo, sega, and snes games. I barely play any psp games.. They aren't as fun as the old games.

Apparently I need to get a life though.. Or at least according to that previous poster :P

White Valkyrie - BS/Regen Scrap
Fear of Silence - Ninja/Dark MM
Corporate Zombie - Necro/Poison MM
Ardent Cataclysm - Stone/Fire Tank
Angelic Heart - Peacebringer
Maelstrom - Elec/Elec Brute
Novastar - Energy/Fire Blaster



And for the record... unless your toon needed Air Superiority, Combat Jumping, Hasten or Recall Friend (all very useful powers), that vet reward may be the best of bunch.

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I have to disagree here.. without doubt.. the coolest and most game-changing Vet reward power is the Assemble the Team power.

Having a Travel power at level 6 isn't that big a deal really.. and I expect the biggest change it'll make for MOST of us really old timers is the ORDER we take our powers..


"I burn my candle at both ends, it will not last the night. But Ahhh my friends and Ohh my foes it makes a lovely light!"



And for the record... unless your toon needed Air Superiority, Combat Jumping, Hasten or Recall Friend (all very useful powers), that vet reward may be the best of bunch.

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I have to disagree here.. without doubt.. the coolest and most game-changing Vet reward power is the Assemble the Team power.

Having a Travel power at level 6 isn't that big a deal really.. and I expect the biggest change it'll make for MOST of us really old timers is the ORDER we take our powers..


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I'm waiting intently on getting this power, it's a huge deal for me!

White Valkyrie - BS/Regen Scrap
Fear of Silence - Ninja/Dark MM
Corporate Zombie - Necro/Poison MM
Ardent Cataclysm - Stone/Fire Tank
Angelic Heart - Peacebringer
Maelstrom - Elec/Elec Brute
Novastar - Energy/Fire Blaster



Err... It's only the people that have been here since launch for the first three months. After that and every three months thereafter it's for people who have been here for less and less time as of the creation. So you can see that determining what a veteran's reward should be based on the receiver's proximity to launch can not possibly be relevant.

--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



i think the best part of this is Accrobatics at lvl 6 without the need for 2 other powers... will free up alot of room for alot of toons, KB pro that early will be sweet, plus will be less of a need for KB pro IO's, will be a bit of a market flood there, considering that Accro offers Hold pro aswell, it may be another toggle, but it's a choice for the player to make then... the support types will luv it



i think the best part of this is Accrobatics at lvl 6 without the need for 2 other powers...

[/ QUOTE ]This vet reward doesn't allow for that. It lets you take SJ without 1 other power, but Acro you still have to wait until 20 and take 2 powers for.




City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground runningÂ… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.

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doesn't allow for what, ... either your incorrect, or the devs are, i'm guessing it's not the devs

there are 3 tiers in each pool, without the vet power,... tier 1 unlocks at lvl 6, giveing access to the first two powers,... tier 2 unlocks at lvl 14, giveing access to the third power in the pool,... tier 3 unlocks at lvl 20, giveing access to the forth and final power ,..., the vet reward allows access to all three tiers at lvl 6 on those four travel power pools



City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground runningÂ… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.

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doesn't allow for what, ... either your incorrect, or the devs are, i'm guessing it's not the devs

there are 3 tiers in each pool, without the vet power,... tier 1 unlocks at lvl 6, giveing access to the first two powers,... tier 2 unlocks at lvl 14, giveing access to the third power in the pool,... tier 3 unlocks at lvl 20, giveing access to the forth and final power ,..., the vet reward allows access to all three tiers at lvl 6 on those four travel power pools

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Sorry, but you're incorrect. Source. Also, this.

It would appear that the Devs consider the power pools to have 4 tiers, even though the first two have always unlocked at the same level.




Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



o'kay, i see, so it actually is the devs that are incorrect, tier 3 remains unchanged,... sorry, didnt bother reading up to page 26, but it still doesnt change the fact that there are 3 tiers of progression in the power pools and the OP is very misleading



Can the 50% tailor session be replaced with being introduced to a rare contact and task force?

Might be cool to have veterans be sought after and valued in this way.

Ive got quite a way to go before 57-60 lol But i think it be cool



[/LIST] (1) Additional Character Slot: This reward is granted annually to each player that has been part of our Veteran Rewards Program. Months: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 should all reflect this value.

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Just be clear, at 60 months I get 1 more character slot or 5 more character slots?



[/LIST] (1) Additional Character Slot: This reward is granted annually to each player that has been part of our Veteran Rewards Program. Months: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 should all reflect this value.

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Just be clear, at 60 months I get 1 more character slot or 5 more character slots?

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1 slot.

You get 1 slot per 12 months.

If you're almost at 60 months, you already got credit for the 12, 24, 36, & 48 month Vet Rewards.



oh, so i already got the others, dam Altitis.

/buys 5 more slots.



the 57 month badge makes as much sense as giving a glass of water to a fish.

By 57 months I know I did and would assume most others that 50% off talioring fees considering the different methods to obtain additional costume slots, free costume changes etc won't care about a tailor discount. In fact it's insulting to someone like myself who has played for so long to get such a lame "reward" for playing so long.

"what do you mean do I know what the sun looks like?"



the 57 month badge makes as much sense as giving a glass of water to a fish.

By 57 months I know I did and would assume most others that 50% off talioring fees considering the different methods to obtain additional costume slots, free costume changes etc won't care about a tailor discount. In fact it's insulting to someone like myself who has played for so long to get such a lame "reward" for playing so long.

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its only good for new alts who only have 7 vet tokens for the tailor, noting of value to established toons

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



the 57 month badge makes as much sense as giving a glass of water to a fish.

By 57 months I know I did and would assume most others that 50% off talioring fees considering the different methods to obtain additional costume slots, free costume changes etc won't care about a tailor discount. In fact it's insulting to someone like myself who has played for so long to get such a lame "reward" for playing so long.

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I believe that is for new characters. Be insulted, you're clearly in the minority on it.

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



the 57 month badge makes as much sense as giving a glass of water to a fish.

By 57 months I know I did and would assume most others that 50% off talioring fees considering the different methods to obtain additional costume slots, free costume changes etc won't care about a tailor discount. In fact it's insulting to someone like myself who has played for so long to get such a lame "reward" for playing so long.

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I believe that is for new characters. Be insulted, you're clearly in the minority on it.

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What i think hes refering to is that by 57 months a new char(lvl 1) will have 9 Costume tokens as soon as the create the character and go treu thier vet rewards. So i can see some being insulted or annoyed or even peeved by the fact that a vet reward is more geared towards the minority rather then the majority.



the 57 month badge makes as much sense as giving a glass of water to a fish.

By 57 months I know I did and would assume most others that 50% off talioring fees considering the different methods to obtain additional costume slots, free costume changes etc won't care about a tailor discount. In fact it's insulting to someone like myself who has played for so long to get such a lame "reward" for playing so long.

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I believe that is for new characters. Be insulted, you're clearly in the minority on it.

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What i think hes refering to is that by 57 months a new char(lvl 1) will have 9 Costume tokens as soon as the create the character and go treu thier vet rewards. So i can see some being insulted or annoyed or even peeved by the fact that a vet reward is more geared towards the minority rather then the majority.

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This is an example of the devlopers rewarding somthing at the wrong time.....most likely due to lack of testing.....or maybe they did test but just didnt listen to the testers.

In my opinion the reward for 50% should be at the point where the person would get their first free costume token....
I mean i dont mean to sound lame about this....but i have characters wiht 100s of free costume tokens on them...i think i might have used the veteran reward ones maybe a few times....but thats about it.

This reward should be made into an incentive...something that will make people want to stay to get it...but also should be worth while enough to get people to stay playing.

Its like the developers have forgotten what its like to be a new character or new player...

They come up with geat ideas...but their timing and implementation show some really weird lack of vision and forethought.

What might help their group....is if they actualy read the patch information stuff before it was released....

You know they might notice then that they for example: balanced say some defensive set by making it half as effective....then went and did a global balance at the same time....halving that same set again....then cretead an enhancement diversification...whihc resulted in halving that same set again.....the net result was a set that performed at 12% of what it used to.....
And all the developement team seams to be able to say about it is that they are mystified why no one wants to play that set.

Its like someone came along hit them all over the head with the stupid hammer....