Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!




Hey, I think it's awesome all the way around. It does give a slight advantage to vets at the earlier levels, but so what? If someone has been around for 60 frickin months, HAVE AN ADVANTAGE! Please, you deserve it by all means!

but seriously? It takes like an hour to get to 14 and get a travel power. It's not like it's some huge unattainable goal that can never be met by new players! I really wish people would get over themselves and stop bickering about everything that comes out. It's really sad to see the same people complaining over and over again, yet they're still here.... hmmmmm....

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



So....which is "tier 1"....Hurdle or Sprint? Hover or Air Superiority? Hasten or Flurry?

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Technically: Sprint, Hover, and Flurry.

The word "tier" does imply the lvl you can take it. A "lower tier" or "higher tier" anything is not something with the exact same requirements. In this case...lvl 6....you can take either of the tier 1 powers in a pool. You certainly don't have to do anything extra to earn what you are referring to as "tier 2". (And we still don't know which power is "tier 2")

This was just badly worded for what they mean.

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Actually, the term "tier" has never had that meaning generally accepted. Players have consistently referred to both the final primary power and final secondary power as a "tier 9" power, which ignores level availability. In fact, the phrase "tier-9" itself has been used often enough that it has a special meaning: the phrase "Instant Healing is Regen's best Tier-9" has unambiguous generally accepted meaning. But even discounting that, if I were to ask players to name the tier 8 power in Energy Blast and Energy Manipulation, I'm reasonably sure the overwhelming majority would be naming Explosive Blast and Boost Range, not Nova and Boost Range.

Furthermore, during the Defiance 2.0 discussions, the three powers you can use while mezzed were most often referred to as the "tier 1 and 2 primary powers and tier 1 secondary power" and not the "three tier 1 blaster powers." This was true by overwhelming margin, even though the second phrase would have been shorter. Its obvious most players are not inclined to describe powers in that way.

Just for fun, I decide to search for the word "tier" among all of the threads I have saved from the forums 2006 and earlier, and interestingly I found *zero* instances of people referring to powers by "tier" except for tier 9s. I found several instances of people referring to inspirations by tier.

Random sampling of relatively recent posts shows the term "tier" when used to refer to powers to most often refer to "tier-9" powers; the first two powers in primaries or secondaries are most often referred to as "tier 1 and 2" and much less often referred to as "the two tier 1s;" and in context are often used specifically to refer to order where no other terminology exists (tier 6 invention bonuses, tier 2 inspirations, tier 3 mastermind pets). It is only very rarely used to denote level-unlocking.

The most common usage of the word tier by overwhelming margin is to denote the place in the order of a list, where the list has well-accepted definition in context (the "tier 3 pets" for masterminds for example are a generally accepted synonym for the tier 8 mastermind primary power entities). The presumption should be that the phrase "the tier 3 power of the flight pool" refers to Fly, given what the majority consensus meaning of the word "tier" would be in almost every other context.

(The most likely way to naturally reference all four powers of a power pool would seem to be to refer to "All powers in the Flight pool" rather than "tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 powers in the Flight pool.")

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All this confirms what I suspected...

We are using the word "tier" wrong.

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And have been for a very long time. Its a Nemesis plot.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Any idea when these activate?

My account info says I get it today, but so far there's nothing.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Hey, I think it's awesome all the way around. It does give a slight advantage to vets at the earlier levels, but so what? If someone has been around for 60 frickin months, HAVE AN ADVANTAGE! Please, you deserve it by all means!

but seriously? It takes like an hour to get to 14 and get a travel power. It's not like it's some huge unattainable goal that can never be met by new players! I really wish people would get over themselves and stop bickering about everything that comes out. It's really sad to see the same people complaining over and over again, yet they're still here.... hmmmmm....

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I haven't read the whole thread, but the advantage I would think /most/ people are complaining about, is this will give 60 month+ vets the advantage of one additional power choice.

I know I'll be dropping Hover or Air Superiority on a few toons, to grab something else I find more useful (this isn't to say Hover or AS aren't useful...on some I won't drop them on others I'll be glad too)

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection




Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



man that rocks for everyone that can get to that point of having that many months in. but i would hope someday soon they will get rid of hover and such and let us all move right into flight. but alas ive got along way to go being only at round 17 months grats to all you that get this reward.




Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

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As a closed beta player, I was really upset about 57 and 60 month rewards. But you're right, not only do I get all the small vet rewards, but I also get all the new content too. I mean I'd love to have something amazing after 5 years of play, but I enjoy my PB and my VEATs. I even have used my extra character slots.

I guess when you put it like that I see all the other perks we as long time vets are getting some amazing rewards. We always want something unique to show off, but we get great game play too.

Thanks Devs!





Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

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Could not have been explained any better... or more elequantly than this... Bravo!

/e clap

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.




Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

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This says it all.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



well i'm happy with this -it's been some time since i've looked foward to vet reward. As far as idea on a Vet Reward - how about a Universal Vault for all toons. Actually I'd like to see everyone have this - not just Vets. Imagine being able to get items off your other toons w/o looking for people to do transfers...ahhhh!




Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

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This says it all.

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And I would also add: the newer players never had to play when critters had to stop running to be able to actually use a melee attack against them. Yes that's right, in the beginning, you could NOT attack a critter with a melee attack unless they were standing still.

I like that universal vault idea too.



I'm pointing out that the veteran is not paying $45 per reward: he's paying zero per reward. You already get his money whether or not he gets any reward. But the $10 you get from the fly-by-nighter is actually for the reward: you only get it if he gets the reward. And that's in addition to the cost for him to keep his account active long enough to purchase the shiny.

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The status of veteran cannot be purchased. It's not about money, it's about time spent. For example, you cannot purchase a 20 year stint in the Army at age 18. You must have participated.

People who stuck with this game for five years contributed something much better than mere cash, and that something more is what the vet rewards are about.

The vets gave of their expertise to newer players, demonstrated their advanced skills (and builds), helped test things, posted their longer-term perspectives on the forums, in short, they participated in the game for year after year and helped make it better for everyone, and did it for longer than most ever will. That long involvement is NOT convertible into currency.

I am continually amazed to find that there are people who think everything is for sale.

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Yes, I agree. Some people in the world are solely motivated by money...like accelerating $18 billion worth of bonuses because they KNOW they are about to get the hammer dropped on them for basically ripping off an entire country's investments and tax dollars, shredding the Constitution along the way for good measure. Always following objectivism and the individual and never thinking about the simple fact that Ayn Randian objectivism NEVER leads to E. Pluribus Unum.

Others, like me, are NOT motivated by money. Some things are NOT for sale, like my soul.

The 60 month vet reward is a very significant reward as a concept of playtime actually modifying in-game mechanics.



I get the feeling a lot more characters will be getting Teleport with the 60 month reward in place >_>

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Actually yes, I'll be making some porters, I hate recall friend...and I don't do droning.




Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

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Could not have been explained any better... or more elequantly than this... Bravo!

/e clap

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Agree 110%.

I am one of those vets, and yea, I know exactly what you're talking about.

Well said, bravo



Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs.

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You didn't have to wait for a GM to explain what you were supposed to do in a mission like this.

Its a small world after all.

(Oh my god I can't believe I ever used that hair style)

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Yes that's right, in the beginning, you could NOT attack a critter with a melee attack unless they were standing still.

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I seem to remember that it wasn't that they had to be standing still, but rather that you had to initiate your attack from their front.
Not nit-picking, just curious if my memory is flawed.



Yes that's right, in the beginning, you could NOT attack a critter with a melee attack unless they were standing still.

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I seem to remember that it wasn't that they had to be standing still, but rather that you had to initiate your attack from their front.
Not nit-picking, just curious if my memory is flawed.

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No, you are correct and thanks so much for resurrecting such painful memories.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat




Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for this!

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat




Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

[/ QUOTE ]

Granted, but the underlineing fact is this allows you to bypass not one but two requirements to get a travel power. Im willing to accept one bypass but not two. I dont think this is unreasonable, to be able to get your travel power at 8 with the Tier one requirement at 6.

My point is if this is let slide then what next; Allowing 6 year vets access to tier one and two secondarys at level 1? Giving Vets free Fitness? The point is this sets a standard for potentially imbalanced decisions making, so I implore you all to consider the compromise I have proposed.



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Granted, but the underlineing fact is this allows you to bypass not one but two requirements to get a travel power. Im willing to accept one bypass but not two. I dont think this is unreasonable, to be able to get your travel power at 8 with the Tier one requirement at 6.

My point is if this is let slide then what next; Allowing 6 year vets access to tier one and two secondarys at level 1? Giving Vets free Fitness? The point is this sets a standard for potentially imbalanced decisions making, so I implore you all to consider the compromise I have proposed.

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Using what you think *might* be unbalancing perks in the future doesn't validate your position that the 60 month perk is unbalancing NOW.

AGAIN, you can get the functional equivalent at level 5/6 after a safeguard/mayhem mission. The Temp would last until you could get your own chosen power at 14.

60 month Vets had to work with Character after Character from I1 to I7/I8 without the ability to have a travel power to work The Hollows, KR, or Port Oaks with. Newer players benefit immensely from all the changes previously mentioned that were made to make this game even more accessible.

This is a nice perk that, in a post I7/I8 world, is not unbalancing. The prerequisites for the Travel Powers are pretty much so useful that people wouldn't skip them anyway.

Stop the Vet Hate.....



It's always the same thing. Someone has something someone else doesn't.. so complain and cry.

You've only played for 24 months.. well I've been playing for FIVE DAMN YEARS. I was here in CoH BETA. I have stuck around, kept my account active and PAID a hell of a lot longer then you. So I get to fly at lvl six with my new toons... so what?

Frankly.. I earned it for having to play pre-I3.

And 50% off at the tailor may not be useful to my older toons with dozens of tailor tokens.. but every new toon I make will benefit from it from now on.



Got the 57mo Vet badge, so I just tested a costume change on a character on Pinnacle. Sure enough, it gave me 50% discount on cost. It also gave me the option to use one of my FREE tokens. However, it did *not* give me the option to use one of my ICON Day Job costume tokens (which supposedly gives a 25% discount). I know the Day Job tokens worked before, but now with Abiding I can't access them?? What's the motivation for a 57mo Vet to get the ICON Day Job then?? (aside from the dual-Day Job accolade, of course...)




Dear newer players,

Your advantage is that you have started playing when the game was in a more advanced state than it was in the beginning.

You didn't have to deal with the same buggy missions, early-level travel issues, the lack of radio/newspapers and the lack of a difficulty slider. You didn't have to wait for the level cap to be raised to 50. You didn't have to wait for capes/auras to be introduced, or or for any number of new costumes/pieces. You didn't have to wait for APPs, PPPs, HEATs, VEATs. You didn't have to wait for respecs, the markets, or IOs. In short, you didn't have to wait for a countless number of quantitative/qualitative changes which have improved the game over time.

Veterans did have to wait for many if not all of those things. Anyone who will be eligible for the 60-month badge any time soon will have waited for every single one. So sure, argue all you like that the fees vets have paid were "for five years of fun, and they would have paid anyway!" Just do keep in mind that the game is a much better product now -- and I don't believe it's a stretch to conclude that the participation of those very vets is a large reason for many of the game's improvements over the last five years.

That's your perk.

The 60-month badge is not as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Travel powers are optional, nowadays, more so than they ever were before -- and at least for some people, the usefulness of the pre-requisites is among the main reasons they take travel powers at all. Temp powers are marginally inferior mechanically, and certainly inferior conceptually, to normal pool travel powers, but they also don't cost power picks (and perhaps more importantly, pool picks).

Saving a power pick or having more flexibility in the early part of a build if they choose to take a travel power is the extremely long-time vets' perk. Take it from someone who's been around awhile; you've gotten the better part of this deal.


Level Six Flyer.

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Granted, but the underlineing fact is this allows you to bypass not one but two requirements to get a travel power. Im willing to accept one bypass but not two. I dont think this is unreasonable, to be able to get your travel power at 8 with the Tier one requirement at 6.

My point is if this is let slide then what next; Allowing 6 year vets access to tier one and two secondarys at level 1? Giving Vets free Fitness? The point is this sets a standard for potentially imbalanced decisions making, so I implore you all to consider the compromise I have proposed.

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You can buy the Jetpack Booster for 4.99 and have a travel power available at level 1. The pack will expire after 30 days, plenty of time to have earned the permanent travel powers on a number of lowbie alts. Why aren't you whining about how unbalancing that is? Is it because it is available to you while the 60 month reward is not?





Using what you think *might* be unbalancing perks in the future doesn't validate your position that the 60 month perk is unbalancing NOW.

AGAIN, you can get the functional equivalent at level 5/6 after a safeguard/mayhem mission. The Temp would last until you could get your own chosen power at 14.

60 month Vets had to work with Character after Character from I1 to I7/I8 without the ability to have a travel power to work The Hollows, KR, or Port Oaks with. Newer players benefit immensely from all the changes previously mentioned that were made to make this game even more accessible.

This is a nice perk that, in a post I7/I8 world, is not unbalancing. The prerequisites for the Travel Powers are pretty much so useful that people wouldn't skip them anyway.

Stop the Vet Hate.....

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look champ I dont care how long you've been playing or what 'Hardships' you had to endure during your time playin a game. this isnt about vet hate, quite the opposite in fact, if i really hated Vets i would outright oppose Rewards of any sort and flat out demand this reward be dumped entirely.

Travel powers, like all pool powers, have requirments that MUST be met to have them. All Tier 3 pool powers are available at level 14 (requirment one) so long as you have at least one of the Tier one or Tier two powers from that pool (requirment two).

Now what this reward is doing is ignoring not one but two requirements for the power selection. which sets a precedent for other potentially more game breaking additions/changes. For instance, what if you could buy stamina at level 6 for 5 bucks per toon? sure not the best example but the point is simple.

I believe 60 month Vets deserve an early travel power, im not disputing the intent of the reward. im disputing the delivery, ignoring the rules of the game is steping into a dangerous area is all im saying. And if only they allow the level requirement to be bypassed we all walk away feeling good about it.

60 month vets get an early travel at 8 and non vets will have to at least be happy that 60 month vets cant bypass a power pick. everyone happy.

And id like to point out "AGAIN" that the temps are unenhancable and generally terrible compared to pool equivilants. They are also available to everyone, including 60 month vets, so we all can deal with having them until our travel power (at level 8 or 14, either or). So there is no point mentioning something that is accessible to all and subpar by comparison in everyway as an excuse to allow this precedent of imbalance.



From the view point of a newer player:

I love CoX.
I have 3 accounts and characters on every server.
Overall, I find the CoX player base one of the best groups of players I've encountered.

Vet Rewards and the PvP discussions being the exception that proves the rule.

I am a somewhat competitive player.
I like the though of potentially getting involved in the PvP aspects of the game.
Telling me that because I've not been playing continuously since Beta means that I'll never be able to compete with players who have, not because of any amount of skill or dedication, but because I did START at the same time they did is somewhat a slap in the face for my $45/ month and the ungodly amount of time I spend on this game.

The more powers and advantages you give vets, the more disheartening it is for those who know they'll never EVER catch up, short of buying someone's account. The longer the game goes on, the greater the desparity between the "haves" and the "have-nots/ have-lesses".
