Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!





You can buy the Jetpack Booster for 4.99 and have a travel power available at level 1. The pack will expire after 30 days, plenty of time to have earned the permanent travel powers on a number of lowbie alts. Why aren't you whining about how unbalancing that is? Is it because it is available to you while the 60 month reward is not?

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No, Im suggesting a different delivery than what was announced. the intent of the reward remains in the core of my proposal; an early travel power. However the only difference im putting forward is to not allow vets to ignore a power pick.

Who needs to buy a jet pack with real money these days anyway? thats ridiculous.




You can buy the Jetpack Booster for 4.99 and have a travel power available at level 1. The pack will expire after 30 days, plenty of time to have earned the permanent travel powers on a number of lowbie alts. Why aren't you whining about how unbalancing that is? Is it because it is available to you while the 60 month reward is not?

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No, Im suggesting a different delivery than what was announced. the intent of the reward remains in the core of my proposal; an early travel power. However the only difference im putting forward is to not allow vets to ignore a power pick.

Who needs to buy a jet pack with real money these days anyway? thats ridiculous.

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City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground running… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, and 3 powers early on by choosing the lower requisite powers and travel power at one time.

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There you go.... so now we still have to pick the first two powers before we can choose our travel power. We just do it at level 6... Argument over...

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



...Travel powers, like all pool powers, have requirments that MUST be met to have them. All Tier 3 pool powers are available at level 14 (requirment one) so long as you have at least one of the Tier one or Tier two powers from that pool (requirment two).

Now what this reward is doing is ignoring not one but two requirements for the power selection. which sets a precedent for other potentially more game breaking additions/changes. For instance, what if you could buy stamina at level 6 for 5 bucks per toon? sure not the best example but the point is simple.

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The only "requirements" are the ones the Dev Team stipulate. There are powers and ATs that don't follow the same "requirements" as others. The Dev Team is making this decision, so your argument is invalidated by their wishes.

...I believe 60 month Vets deserve an early travel power, im not disputing the intent of the reward. im disputing the delivery, ignoring the rules of the game is steping into a dangerous area is all im saying. And if only they allow the level requirement to be bypassed we all walk away feeling good about it.

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No. YOU walk away feeling good about it. I'm certain a 60 month Vet getting this perk would like the option of skipping the prerequisite. In fact, this would make Teleporters much more desirable. A TP'er could skip TP Friend or TP Foe and take Hover or Fly instead.

I am glad you "agree" with the Devs that Vets should be able to get travel powers early, but that's not your call.

Stop presuming to know what all the "Non Vets" think.

...60 month vets get an early travel at 8 and non vets will have to at least be happy that 60 month vets cant bypass a power pick. everyone happy.

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This is what set me off....

How does a perk I get affect you, or others that think like you? Nothing is being taken away from you? Plus, if YOU put in 60 months, you get the same perk. It's this envious mentality that galls me.

...And id like to point out "AGAIN" that the temps are unenhancable and generally terrible compared to pool equivilants. They are also available to everyone, including 60 month vets, so we all can deal with having them until our travel power (at level 8 or 14, either or). So there is no point mentioning something that is accessible to all and subpar by comparison in everyway as an excuse to allow this precedent of imbalance.

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It is merely your opinion that temp travel powers are "subpar". Compared to the alternative (i.e. Running) all of the temp travel powers are superior.

People didn't demand that they receive these Vet Rewards. They were freely given. Every Vet Reward is available to every player that subscribes long enough to receive them. Do the time and you'll, eventually, receive the reward.

Like I said previously, stop the Vet Hate.




Whatever, bottomline here is if this is to become the standard operating procedure then no doubt the devs will alienate newer members. Or if such things as this become purchase required they would alienate the not so well off people of our community.

This particular issue, bypassing 2 requirements for a travel power at 6, however isnt gamebreaking or grossly unfair (I never said it was). But it sets a dangerous precedent that could easily jump to a game breaking seperation of 'The Haves and The Have nots'.

Even if they gave everyone this reward as a new addition to the game, I would still be here making the same proposal. When you drasticly change things like this, people start to expect it more and more.

And by limiting it to the exclusive few it only creates hate & jealousy from the 'Have nots' and isolated narrow minded 'Haves' that would defend every inch of it without listening to a reasonable counter-argument.

I have nothing further to add beyond my objection to one of the two requirment bypasses and full endorcment of whatever comes from this, even if it remains the same.

Good day and thank-you for reading.



Forget the "Have Nots". The "Have Nots" need to get over themselves. They'll eventually be "Haves", if they put in the time too.



I'm only a 3 month vet, but I think some people are missing the point. These rewards are there as incentives for you to play the game! I think it's cool that the longer you play the more rewards you get.

This rewards people who have played a long time and also entices people to stay in CoX. Without it, there is less to entice people not to cancel between Issues.

Not going to say that I don't want the rewards, because I do, but it's also a goal I can strive towards.



Wow i think the 60 month thing is a terrible terrible idea. I am really shocked the devs would do something like that and my faith is highly shaken in them. Freeing up a powerslot is MASSIVELY game altering for some sets, as far as i am concerned.

Flame away, won't change my opinion that this was a horrid idea. What with the broken promise of not game altering rewards from vet rewards, i am wondering how much longer till game balance changes for IO's. And some seem to be misunderstanding why this is game altering to us. Or maybe i just misread what this means, but not having to take a pre-requiste seems massive. I'd care less if you could have flight or tp by 8 with taking prerequistes but skipping them just seems massively unfair.

I gotta say CO and DCUO are now looking alot more appealing.



And id like to point out "AGAIN" that the temps are unenhancable and generally terrible compared to pool equivilants. They are also available to everyone, including 60 month vets, so we all can deal with having them until our travel power (at level 8 or 14, either or). So there is no point mentioning something that is accessible to all and subpar by comparison in everyway as an excuse to allow this precedent of imbalance.

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What you left out:

1) Temp travel powers allow you to save TWO power picks to get a travel power
2) Temp travel powers allow you to save a POWER POOL pick to get a travel power

You can easily grab the early one and make it last until you are able to get to the Shadow Shard for an endless supply of them. At most, you would have to take a travel power late in the 20s somewhere and then could respec out of the whole thing once you unlock the Shard.

By way of comparison, the vet reward only allows you to save ONE power pick to get a travel power and does NOT allow you to save a power pool pick at all.

Sounds like a fair trade off. If this is such a great advantage, then the Vets aren't doing as well as the player that skips the power pick completely. (Which ANYONE can do)



Quick Reply:

Personally... I don't get what all the fuss is about. Really. A Lot of posters must be so pessimistic that not only is the glass half-empty but it must also have a crack in it.

Good GOD. Stop whining so much. It's not a massive, gamebreaking thing. People can -say- it is all they want: Still isn't.

I've got 3 level 50 characters. A Claws/SR Scrapper a Thugs/Dark Mastermind, and a Crab Spider.

By level 41 on my Scrapper I was looking for powers to take. I had skipped almost a -third- of my secondary because my attack chain was so fast I didn't feel I needed it. So I wound up taking all of the secondary and all of my primary but swipe and confront. Then I had to take Recall friend just to fill out my level 49 slot.

Did I mention she has Stamina, Superjump, and Hasten?

For my Thugs/Dark I was, again, skipping plenty of my secondary. I didn't really -need- that cone Fear or single target hold. Especially not after I got Ghost Widow's Patron set and took the hold from there. NOW I can stack holds on Bosses as a MM. How Sick is that?

On my VEAT I didn't even BOTHER with a travel power. Swift and hurdle 3 slotted right along with swift were more than enough to get me ANYWHERE in the Isles as fast as a flier. Pop my jetpack or jump-pack on for vertical, when I needed it, and I was good.

Opening up the travel power pools at 6 (the last tier still waiting at 20 and requiring 2 power picks) isn't game breaking. And anyone who thinks it is clearly needs to take a long look at the list of builds that benefit from it as well as the list that don't.

Then, with that in mind, calculate how many members of the population will, likely, have the 60 month vet reward at any given time. Roughly 1/4? GREAT!

So now 1/4 of the community can have one extra power in their builds if they bother taking travel powers at all. And for those builds WITHOUT a travel power they can now take one on a single-sacrifice basis.

Though, personally, I've only had one 'tight' build. And it was my VEAT. Still got every power I ever wanted AND Took the Black Scorpion Mace pool.

Heck, even my Shield/SS Tanker has only skipped Grant Cover (for now! =-3) at level 31. Well... That and Handclap.




i just got 42 months >.> and I think honestly that this travel power adjustment should have Zero to do with Vet Rewards. In Issue 14 you should just re arrange the travel pool powers. And at lvl 6 Travel opens. and then from there allow people to get extra powers from the sets at later times... like Hasten.



i just got 42 months >.> and I think honestly that this travel power adjustment should have Zero to do with Vet Rewards. In Issue 14 you should just re arrange the travel pool powers. And at lvl 6 Travel opens. and then from there allow people to get extra powers from the sets at later times... like Hasten.

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"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



i just got 42 months >.> and I think honestly that this travel power adjustment should have Zero to do with Vet Rewards. In Issue 14 you should just re arrange the travel pool powers. And at lvl 6 Travel opens. and then from there allow people to get extra powers from the sets at later times... like Hasten.

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why? because you want to wait 60 months to compete with newer games coming out where you may or may not... but MAY get travel at lvl 1?

you have to compete.



From the view point of a newer player:

I love CoX.
I have 3 accounts and characters on every server.
Overall, I find the CoX player base one of the best groups of players I've encountered.

Vet Rewards and the PvP discussions being the exception that proves the rule.

I am a somewhat competitive player.
I like the though of potentially getting involved in the PvP aspects of the game.
Telling me that because I've not been playing continuously since Beta means that I'll never be able to compete with players who have, not because of any amount of skill or dedication, but because I did START at the same time they did is somewhat a slap in the face for my $45/ month and the ungodly amount of time I spend on this game.

The more powers and advantages you give vets, the more disheartening it is for those who know they'll never EVER catch up, short of buying someone's account. The longer the game goes on, the greater the desparity between the "haves" and the "have-nots/ have-lesses".


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How on earth does letting old players get their Travel Powers early make *YOU* Uncompetitive? They might have a few Temp Powers that you MIGHT not have (They are available to everyone in missions), but really - How does it Affect you?

And Really ... "somewhat a slap in the face"? Really? Drama does not become you.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



i just got 42 months >.> and I think honestly that this travel power adjustment should have Zero to do with Vet Rewards. In Issue 14 you should just re arrange the travel pool powers. And at lvl 6 Travel opens. and then from there allow people to get extra powers from the sets at later times... like Hasten.

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why? because you want to wait 60 months to compete with newer games coming out where you may or may not... but MAY get travel at lvl 1?

you have to compete.

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So they should make travel powers available at a lower level for everyone to compete with a game that may or may not have travel powers at level 1? A game that may or may not attract people. A game that may or may not be just a WoW clone with a superhero skin.

Was Soranbird an alt forum name of yours?



I still don't see the imbalance. As a 60 month veteran if I decide to take Super Speed at level 6 I will still wind up taking Hasten to tighten up my attack chain between level 8 and 14. I'm doing that now only I do so at levels 6 and 14. How is changing the order in which I choose said powers unbalancing?

The honest truth is that with the advent of temp travel powers no one needs to select things like Hasten at all. The argument that temp travel powers are fundamentally inferior to the normal travel powers holds no water because at last check they have not added a racing mini-game to CoX. The PvP zones don’t open up until level 20 at which point everyone should have their fully slotted travel power and most folks in the PvP zones are all running Super Speed anyway.

While the 60 month reward could possibly affect arena PvP it’s possible to disable travel powers in an arena match thus leveling the playing field.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I love the 60th month!! But the 57 suck, I have up to 20 free tailors by the time you are there lol. I barely use the tailor.



Quick Reply:

Personally... I don't get what all the fuss is about. Really. A Lot of posters must be so pessimistic that not only is the glass half-empty but it must also have a crack in it.

Good GOD. Stop whining so much. It's not a massive, gamebreaking thing. People can -say- it is all they want: Still isn't.

I've got 3 level 50 characters. A Claws/SR Scrapper a Thugs/Dark Mastermind, and a Crab Spider.

By level 41 on my Scrapper I was looking for powers to take. I had skipped almost a -third- of my secondary because my attack chain was so fast I didn't feel I needed it. So I wound up taking all of the secondary and all of my primary but swipe and confront. Then I had to take Recall friend just to fill out my level 49 slot.

Did I mention she has Stamina, Superjump, and Hasten?

For my Thugs/Dark I was, again, skipping plenty of my secondary. I didn't really -need- that cone Fear or single target hold. Especially not after I got Ghost Widow's Patron set and took the hold from there. NOW I can stack holds on Bosses as a MM. How Sick is that?

On my VEAT I didn't even BOTHER with a travel power. Swift and hurdle 3 slotted right along with swift were more than enough to get me ANYWHERE in the Isles as fast as a flier. Pop my jetpack or jump-pack on for vertical, when I needed it, and I was good.

Opening up the travel power pools at 6 (the last tier still waiting at 20 and requiring 2 power picks) isn't game breaking. And anyone who thinks it is clearly needs to take a long look at the list of builds that benefit from it as well as the list that don't.

Then, with that in mind, calculate how many members of the population will, likely, have the 60 month vet reward at any given time. Roughly 1/4? GREAT!

So now 1/4 of the community can have one extra power in their builds if they bother taking travel powers at all. And for those builds WITHOUT a travel power they can now take one on a single-sacrifice basis.

Though, personally, I've only had one 'tight' build. And it was my VEAT. Still got every power I ever wanted AND Took the Black Scorpion Mace pool.

Heck, even my Shield/SS Tanker has only skipped Grant Cover (for now! =-3) at level 31. Well... That and Handclap.


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my 50 Inv/SS tank has...hover as a travel power
my DB/WP has....combat jumping
My MA/INV has hover, super speed, and combat jump
my MA/SR had at one point swift+quickness
my DM/DA has SJ
my Shield/SS has Teleport and Recall Friend
at one point my Bubbler/Rad had *deep breat* Recal Friend, Teleport, Team Teleport, Hover, fly, Group fly
Noe she just has TP. Team TP, Recall, and Hover

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



I love the 60th month!! But the 57 suck, I have up to 20 free tailors by the time you are there lol. I barely use the tailor.

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Too bad the 60 month only applies to the travel pools. It sure would be nice to be able to ulock the tier 3 power on all pools at level 6. Can't wait! Only 7 months to go...

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



50% off ICON sessions is not a reward that is worth handing out. I have so much influence from normal gameplay over the past 4+ years that I could fill all of Crey's Folley with it. I'm just sayin'...

The other awards sound fine to me. I would appreciate very much if the FITNESS pool was included in the list of pools that eliminate prerequisite power choices. I have come to a point as a player to not even take a travel power any more if I don't feel like it... but having stamina available early and without having to take the other 2 would be outstanding.



Seriously. The travel power at lvl 6 is too over the top. All the vets rewards thus far have been "helpful" but not game changing. This is far too overpowered.

Not solely because you get a travel power 8 levels before everyone else (which is pushing it, but not game altering), but mainly because it will give the character an EXTRA POWER SLOT.

All characters 60 months + will now have an extra power slot available to them that is unavailable to players new to the game. That is huge. That is too big of an advantage to be included in vet rewards.



Honestly all the vet badges show to me is how old your computer is. If you are near 60 month then seriously find a new game.
There are far too many good games in this world to spend 5 years playing the same one. Especially one that hasn't aged that well.

I love this game don't get me wrong, but it's not good enough to be played (i.e. paid for) 5 years straight.



Honestly all the vet badges show to me is how old your computer is. If you are near 60 month then seriously find a new game.
There are far too many good games in this world to spend 5 years playing the same one. Especially one that hasn't aged that well.

I love this game don't get me wrong, but it's not good enough to be played (i.e. paid for) 5 years straight.

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Hmmm thats funny.

When did they change the meaning of "hasnt aged well" to mean, "greatest MMO ever created">

Kids and theyre slang.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



Honestly all the vet badges show to me is how old your computer is. If you are near 60 month then seriously find a new game.
There are far too many good games in this world to spend 5 years playing the same one. Especially one that hasn't aged that well.

I love this game don't get me wrong, but it's not good enough to be played (i.e. paid for) 5 years straight.

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Hmmm thats funny.

When did they change the meaning of "hasnt aged well" to mean, "greatest MMO ever created">

Kids and theyre slang.

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and i'll bet you he plays WoW :P

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



I just love this discussion... I can remember the HOWLING that occurred when the game started up, and you couldn't Fly, SJ, SS or TP right off the bat.

Cutting the travel power down to level 6 seems a nice compromise on the part of the Devs in my mind... 1st level would have been nicer... ah, but that's what Kheldians are for!

Oh, and please re-read the opening statement... 60 Month players aren't getting an extra power slot... we'll be using our normal 6th level power slot for our use as we see fit, travel power or non-travel power.

What we will be getting for free is another Character Slot to be used on the server of our choice, so we can expand our Altitis.

So many Alts, so little time!

My 50s since Apr 28 2004:
Sugoi Emp/Psi Def (x3), Sugoi-chan Emp/Psi Def (x2), Sugoi T Bot/FF MM
Frankie Fusion Kin/Rad Def (x3), Ramu Ele/Ele Bla (x2), Krystal Kinnison ILL/Kin Con
Sakaki Neko Cla/Reg Scr, ViArc PB, Vinda Nordstrom Kin/Ice Def
Shooting Emp Emp/DP Def, Yuri Shimazu Kin/DP Def, Incarnette EB/EM Bla (x2), Infinette PB



Vet rewards are great but come on i think you all can do better on the vet 57 and 60 month reward. I mean these are the people that have been with the game since Luanch, surely you all can come up with better then what you guys have thought of then just here. How about when they exemp down on there level 50s they retain all there powers, I know over powered but can make it be a locked deal with Flashback missions only or in regular missions and tfs if you want to be super nice. What about extra slots for powers? I know these suggestions may seem far fetched and the average player might cry, but the guys that have been around for 57 months and 60 months are not average, either something wrong with em, or they are just your loyal customers and i only know a few of em on my server that something is wrong with em but most, just love the game. Time to cough up some real rewards to the players.