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  1. Seriously. The travel power at lvl 6 is too over the top. All the vets rewards thus far have been "helpful" but not game changing. This is far too overpowered.

    Not solely because you get a travel power 8 levels before everyone else (which is pushing it, but not game altering), but mainly because it will give the character an EXTRA POWER SLOT.

    All characters 60 months + will now have an extra power slot available to them that is unavailable to players new to the game. That is huge. That is too big of an advantage to be included in vet rewards.
  2. I must say this issue looks quite impressive. It shall propably by my favorite since I-9 and the introduction of IO's and WW.

    Only thing i don't like is the Psi blasters. I have always hated that idea (personal taste). I would love to see a Dark/ blaster though. And I could care less about the VEAT's. I can't get a villian past lvl 10 and feel that my sanity is still intact. I hate playing villian-side.

    But over all it sounds very promising.
    the New co-op zone sounds fantastic and the introduction of the midnight group sounds cool. The hollows make-over is definitly welcome, I've been looking forward to that for a long time. And the Power proliferation sounds DOWNRIGHT AWSOME! I am totally looking forward to this.
  3. Nice post. I personally was thinking of typing one of these up a while back (Glad you did it, now I don't have to )

    This is a nice guide to have. I know when I first started playing this game I knew nothing of "Game-Speak".

    Thanks for taking the time to type this up!
  4. Wow... Haven't seen this post in months.

    It's still an... "Interesting" idea.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Wanna make a regen unhappy?

    In the Terra Volta reactor: "Max_Speed, your bubble is gone, go bubble up."

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Grrr.... Yes, I've been told that 1 too many times. Okay I am regenerating at over 300% and once every second my health drops 1%. DO THE MATH! I don't need a frikin bubble.
  6. lol, the Guide to Regenisms was unearthed. Boy did it raise some contraversy.
  7. lol, this would be out of control. CoH Soccer based SG's and the like
  8. Masterful

    Moon Hazard Zone

    wow, i really like this idea. I could totoaly dig fighting baddies on the moon. the accolades seem nice too.
    Maybe we could have a PvP zone on the moon too. A free-fire zone, for lvl 50 hereoes and villians to box each other in.
  9. Alrighty, i have added a Regens thoughts on Kheldians for those interested.
  10. Things that make a Regen happy

    - Let them do their thing, mainly killing enemies. Stay out of their way; they’re better at it than you.
    - Bubbles make Regens happy. Lots and lots of bubbles. Feed a Regen a bubble and he will like you. He will like you even more if you make him the first teammate you bubble.
    - Fortitude, AM, SB, most buffs make a Regen happy. Some sccrappers dislike SB, so it is ok to ask if they want it. Buff away, but don’t kill their prey.
    - Debuff those villains, but don’t use a boss as an anchor. Bosses are the first thing a Regen goes after.
    - Don’t attack a Regen’s prey. It belongs to him.
    - If you are a blaster, you can make a Regen happy by ceasing to exist. That’s about it.

    In Closing

    Regens are bold and crazy. And they work best when they act as such. Don’t try to stop them from being so; they will be ineffective and unhappy. If they want to do something insane, allow them, and stand in amazement at the results.

    Many of these Regenisms can be applied to any scrapper, but many are unique to the Mighty Regen. The Mighty Regen is a strange and hard to understand fellow, and until you master this incredible scrapper secondary you cannot truly understand the mindset of a Regen.

    I hope that this guide has somewhat enlightened you to the inner working workings of a Regen’s mind. And that you now have a slightly better understanding of how to team effectively and peacefully with Regen Scrappers.
  11. A Regen’s opinion on the other (inferior) AT’s

    Blasters: Blasters are the most disliked hero AT by a Regen. Not only do they put out as much damage, and often more, than a scrapper, but they do it from what should be a safe distance. This alone is enough to cause the tension between these AT’s. A Regen hates when a blaster steals his kill from across the battlefield. Regens also loath when a blaster flees from battle, a Regen would often rather die than flee, or runs wildly though the battle yelling “HEAL ME!” at the defender. A Regen thinks of blasters as pansy, whiney, kill-stealing thieves.

    Defenders: Defenders are the closest thing Regens have to a friend. Regens like defenders because they debuff and buff, Regens like this, and defenders do not kill the Regen’s targets often. Regens are especially fond of bubbler, radiation, and an occasional dark defender. These defenders are a great help to the Regen, and he will even put forth the effort occasionally to ensure the defender’s well being. Regens are indifferent to Empathy defenders, as long as the defender doesn’t claim to be keeping the Regen alive; this is an ignorant and stupid thing to claim (see Regenisms above for results). Regens find defenders to be helpful, for the most part, and even like them occasionally.

    Tankers: Tankers are viewed, by a Regen, as a living shield for those not fortunate enough to be graced with sufficient hit points. Nothing more. Their damage is inferior, compared to a fellow scrapper. Though Regens are not particularly fond of tanks, they do respect them. After all, if it wasn’t for tanks then many good defenders would die.

    Controllers: Controllers are irrelevant, to Regens, for the most part. With the exceptions of AVs, a Regen could care less if his target is held, the opponent will be dead in a few seconds anyways. Regens are fond of controller’s secondary powers. Once again especially if it is a bubbler or debuffer. Regens aren’t fond of controllers with DoT holds or effects, such as fire or gravity, because there is the chance that the Regen’s victim will die as a result of the controllers DoT, resulting in a stolen kill. Almost every scrapper hates Fire Imps. Being run by AI they lack the courtesy to leave a Scrappers’ target alone and often times steal kills. Imps also get in the way, blocking bosses and forcing the Regen to kill minions… unworthy adversaries at best. A Regen gives a silent laugh whenever a Fire Imp falls in battle. For the most part Regens are indifferent to controllers unless they are battling an AV or GM.

    Kheldians: Due to the extremely diverse nature in PB's and WS's, Regens have mixed feelings in regards to them. Most Kheldians can blast, tank, troll, or scrap effectively. In Nova form they are very blaster-like, they are not disliked as much as blasters though(they are very shiney!), and in Dwarf form they are very tank-like and we think of them basicly the same as a tank. A Regen's favored form is Human form. A good Kheldian in Human form knows when to blast, when to troll(more-so WS's), and when to scrap(more-so PB's). In all a Regen respects a good Kledian due to their capabilities.

    A Regen’s thoughts in PvP

    The ideal PvP experience for a Regen scrapper would involve an honest 1v1 match in a confined area. No running, no inspirations, only powers and only two players battling it out. Honest and honorable battles are where a Regen shines, and they love it.

    But this seldom happens. Regens are often attacked by multiple players, who stack inspirations and if the Regen is prevailing in the battle then the opponents scatter. The Regen is forced to pursue one of his prey. Regens, like most scrappers hate having to chase what is clearly their victory. Especially when, after the Regen gives up on the pursuit, the player who fled moments ago returns with full health and attacks the Regen from behind.

    Fear is a ridiculous and cheap power in the opinion of a Regen. Regens have no resistance from it and can be held easily by it. Many Regens throw away any break frees they receive, because they are not used to being held, and do not see the risk. It ticks a Regen off to be held by stacked fears, and be able to do… nothing. Especially when the opponent cannot kill the held Regen because of his outrageous regeneration rate, but continues to try for multiple minutes (stacking fear the entire time) before giving up and fleeing. Not a good way to make a Regen happy.

    Stalkers are the most hated AT by Regens, much more so than Blasters. Stalkers thrive in dishonorable sneak attacks, Scrappers shine in honest battles. Stalkers are invisible, they hit hard, and they run after. Regens see this as annoying, deceitful and wrong, and they will tell the stalker this over the broadcast, then they will challenge the stalker to a 1v1 match. Which the stalker will often respond to by attempting a 1 hit KO. Then they will flee again when it fails and the Regen heals himself instantly. It’s a sad and never-ending cycle.

    Masterminds are an AT that many Regens love to fight. It is a challenge and Regens love those. Nothing pleases a Regen more than fighting the odds, defeating minions left and right, and then killing the MM. Regens do not like fighting MMs; when they are invisible, send only their minions out, or flee after a couple of their minions are killed.

    * edited to add A Regen's thoughts on Kheldians
  12. Reflections of a Regen Scrapper
    A Guide to Regenisms

    As the proud owner of a 4 times respected level 50 Regen scrapper, and numerous alt Regens, I believe myself qualified to enlighten you all on the mindset of the legendary Regen scrapper, so that all other arch types may better understand, and react to, the inner workings of the Regen mind.


    Regens tend to be natural soloers. Nothing pleases a Regen more than soloing the impossible. Fighting and slaughtering multiple reds and purples gives Regens a natural high. Regens are forced to team though occasionally. This can be caused by
    1. Being faced with an AV. Regens live to kill bosses, and elite bosses, but when faced with soloing an AV, Regens must spend time, and lots of it, to defeat their target, if it is even possible, most of the time it is not. When faced with an AV, many Regens will attempt the mission, and if they fail to defeat the AV, either they are defeated, or it results in a standstill, they will seek out a team to help complete it or they will return to contact and skip the mission.
    2. The drive for faster experience. Scrappers are born to kill and do so well, but no matter how fast a Regen is, and we hate to admit it but, he cannot kill as many enemies as quickly as a full balanced team. The desire for faster exp is one of the leading causes that drive a Regen to a team.

    Regens, when on a team, love the spotlight. A Regen, as most scrappers do, will take it upon themselves to kill a larger number of villains than anyone else. And when there one or more other scrappers on a team, they will compete, silently in most cases, to see who can kill the majority of the villains. A Regen who fails to kill more villains than anyone else feels silently shamed, and may then wander off on his own to kill a mob and redeem himself.

    A Regen, loathes, detests, and hates with a burning passion from heaven, when a defender or controller, especially an empathy, claims that they are keeping him alive and he needs to stay closer. NEVER SAY THIS! This is a stupid and mindless thing to tell a Regen scrapper. The Regen will now hate you. He may come closer but he will loath the very core of that defender forever and into eternity. Regens are fully capable of healing themselves, and they know their limitations and will seldom exceed them. Once a Regen gets Instant Healing they seldom require healing, so never ever claim you are keeping a Regen alive.

    A Regen, being a melee unit, hates knock back. They loath Energy Blasters and the excessive knock back they cause. Regens hate watching an energy blaster jump into the middle of a mob and hit Nova, it leaves the foes alive, barely, and spread out, while the blaster runs back to the defender yelling “HELP!” Then the scrappers must go and clean up their foolish companion’s folly. Scrappers hate chasing their prey, and they will let you know if you do it too often. Energy blappers are the most annoying to a Regen. Sending foes flying where ever they go.

    A Regen has a love-hate feeling when being asked to tank. Regens hate the thought of having to spend more time protecting people and less time killing things. However a Regen also wants to show off his ability. And taking massive amounts of damage in front of the squishies helps them show that. A Regen’s decision to take the bullets for the team is affected mainly by their personality.

    If a Regen wanders off alone to battle groups, let him. Any Regen has the capability to solo and is good at it. DO NOT yell at a Regen for doing this! Regens know their limits and will plan according to them. DO NOT follow them into battle if they are obviously trying to prove themselves! They may take it as a direct attack on their abilities, and any respect they had for you will be lost. DO NOT rush in and heal them, unless they specifically ask. Allow a Regen to do his thing and he may just like you.

    Regens when attacking a group will start with the bosses, or elite boss, if there is one, then kill the lieutenants, then the minions. The bosses belong to the Regen. Do not seek to kill the opponent that a Regen is fighting. This will anger the Regen, especially if you get the final hit in on the enemy and kill him. Please just let the Regen do their thing, they are good at it. Many Regens would rather risk dying than receive aid from someone else, especially blasters.

    A Regen is fully capable of taking and managing agro. Tanks, it is okay if a Regen steals some of your agro! DO NOT yell at a Regen for stealing your “perfect” agro. If it was perfect they wouldn’t be able to steal it in the first place. Regens can take it, so let them.

    If a Regen’s health suddenly and randomly drops to dangerously low levels go ahead and try to heal him. If his hit points do not rise then he is using Moment of Glory, or MoG for short. Do not continue trying to heal him. Your efforts will be in vain. He knows the risks of MoG and has decided to take them. Never try to heal a Regen with MoG active for two minutes straight, then get pissed off at the Regen for your ignorance. I have had that happen to me multiple times, despite me making an announcement that I was about to use MoG.
  13. MoG is a very situational power. Extremely nice in some situations, making you all but invincible. But its a terrible power in other cases, sending you instantly to your death. In PvP i never use it, because real players are smart enough to drop an auto hit attack or use a few yellows. In PvE though, the AI is not as smart and will continue to drop normal attacks.

    Do survive, and excel, using MoG
    1. DO NOT use it around Psi units. If you do you are begging for them to kill you.
    2. DO NOT use if you know your enimies have any auto-hit attacks. once again if you do you are down on your knees beging for them to kill you.
    3. Use an extra purple or 2 when you activate MoG, any extra DEF will help you live.
    4. Let your teammates know what your doing (if you have time), then they will not waste heals on you, and they can give you any extra buffs(sheilds or Fortidude is nice)
    5. Use this power as a last resort. do not go charging into battle with a quarter health. no matter how high your DEF is, its just a dumb thing to do.
    Follow these instructions, play smart and you may yet master MoG