Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!




And add me to the list of people who believe that after 60 months the developers need to do away with veteran rewards, or at the very least move to a 6-month or 12-month reward structure. It is getting ridiculous that we expect the developers to come up with fantastic, wonderful rewards every three months. Can you imagine the uproar if the developers announced the 63- and 66-month rewards were costumes and tailor tokens like the 15- and 18-month? Move the rewards to annual and they can make each one special.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Even if you've been around 3 years, the goal-line keeps moving away.

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Really? A goal-line? This mentality is exactly why the VRs should never stop. Evah.



... And as a result, you do have control over it; continue to pay and play the game. That's it. Plain and simple.


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Realistically, any player who starts playing now, will actually probably never get the 60 month vet power ever, no matter what he or she does, given the average lifespan of most MMOs.

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Yes, when CoX was 6 months old there were people predicting its imminent death.
And I would have laughed if anyone would have said I would still be having the time of my life playing it 5 years later.

And yet . . .

And yet . . .

Here CoX still is,
and here I still am, having a blast!


[/ QUOTE ]

Predicting doom 6 months in is -just- a little different from predicting an online game (most of which, even more successful ones than CoH, already have notoriously short lifespans) with a largely stagnant player base and an engine the devs have admitted is pushing its limits in several areas, will not be around in TEN YEARS from its launch. (Double the -entire- time of its existence to date.) If you cannot tell the difference, you're being a fool, or purposely obtuse.

It's far more reasonable that we'll see either a huge engine overhaul or CoH 2 five years from now - the age and limitation of the engine itself (which is no fault of the devs by any means, for its time it was a pretty revolutionary game at launch, it's simply the reality of the situation,) combined competition from other, newer superhero MMOs will also further accelerate this process. Remember CoH did not have genre competition up until this point. I love the game but the engine is, by computer standards, archaic at this point, and has a lot of really strange restrictions. You cannot always look at the game with rose coloured glasses - to think this game will be around in an official format perpetually is fairly delusional.



57 Month Vet Reward = Lame (I have toons with 30+ free tokens to the tailor now)

60 Month Vet Reward = Cool (Assuming I'm still here in 18 months)



Even if you've been around 3 years, the goal-line keeps moving away.

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Really? A goal-line? This mentality is exactly why the VRs should never stop. Evah.

[/ QUOTE ]
LOL! True.

I can imagine those people sitting there...
"Oh Noes! How will I ever get all the VRs if they just keep adding more!
Wait, Wait! they just added another one I can get later!

Stop it! Just Stop IT!!!
Quit adding more things I can earn!"




Realistically, any player who starts playing now, will actually probably never get the 60 month vet power ever, no matter what he or she does, given the average lifespan of most MMOs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since my crystal ball is cracked, I can't see that far in the future. The world may end in 2012, the servers may shut down before then or the game may last for 10 years like UO (taking us into 2014 and conveniently 5 years from now). Look, I understand that some may not get every reward. You may be right those starting now may not make it to 60 months to use the reward. But, all of those are factors outside of the veteran reward system. The argument still boils down to the same thing I said in the quoted post - the desire to want it right now. But, if the reward is good enough to be desired, then I believe NCNC succeeded in creating a compelling enough retention incentive (which is of course what vet rewards are). Will some who start feel they cannot keep up with vets? Obviously, the post I responded to reflects just that sentiment. Will some that feel that way leave because of it? I have no doubt. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? No more than when I, as a vet choose, to cancel my subscription.






Massive, epic FAIL. Something so profoundly, massively balance altering as being able to skip a travel prereq being doled out as a veteran reward? I thought these were supposed to be perks and conveniences, not ways for vets to ignore the power rules the rest of us have to follow.

Seriously, this is an absolutely insane change to give to just a small segment of the population. Given that this reward kicks in at 5 years, it's frankly unlikely that most will *ever* get to this reward during the lifetime of the game.

And, yes, I'm mostly annoyed that I doubt I'll ever get to use this. I have about 8 billion builds that would benefit immensely from being able to drop the travel prereq. But, seriously, this is by far the biggest thing they've ever given out in a vet reward, and frankly I think it's way *too* big to give out as a vet reward. I obviously can't say for sure how I'd react if I *was* in line to get this - I know I'd be quite interested in the options it would open up - but I'd like to think that I'd find this a bit iffy even then. Allowing just a small portion of the population to ignore such a fundamental rule seems more than a bit unfair.

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Things like this will only alienate new players and make them feel like they can never compete or catch up.

Things like this don't encourage me to stay subscribed, in fact, they only re-enforce why I should not waste my money staying subscribed because there's no way I'll ever be able to "catch up" and have access to half this stuff. I'll always be perpetually years behind everyone else, even if I were to stay subscribed permanently right now from this point on.

[/ QUOTE ]

*****Sigh. Here we go.*****

I'd agree with your statement IF we DIDN'T have Temp Powers that virtually anyone can get (Via Inf or Safeguard/Mayhem issue) that did the same thing.

It's not nearly the "Big Deal" this would have been if those those Temps weren't there. Plus, HEATs get Travel at Lvl 1, and it doesn't kill balance at all.

Too much drama.....



... And as a result, you do have control over it; continue to pay and play the game. That's it. Plain and simple.


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Realistically, any player who starts playing now, will actually probably never get the 60 month vet power ever, no matter what he or she does, given the average lifespan of most MMOs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, when CoX was 6 months old there were people predicting its imminent death.
And I would have laughed if anyone would have said I would still be having the time of my life playing it 5 years later.

And yet . . .

And yet . . .

Here CoX still is,
and here I still am, having a blast!


[/ QUOTE ]

Predicting doom 6 months in is -just- a little different from predicting an online game (most of which, even more successful ones than CoH, already have notoriously short lifespans) with a largely stagnant player base and an engine the devs have admitted is pushing its limits in several areas, will not be around in TEN YEARS from its launch. (Double the -entire- time of its existence to date.) If you cannot tell the difference, ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Those 6 month doom criers gave apparently logical, kind of believable, reasons too.

And yet . . .

And yet . . .

Well, let's take your suggestions as reasonable though...

Oh Noes!
I guess we may be doomed to just acepting more VRs as we earn them.
And I guess we will just be forced to continue having barrels of fun till 'The End'.





Realistically, any player who starts playing now, will actually probably never get the 60 month vet power ever, no matter what he or she does, given the average lifespan of most MMOs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since my crystal ball is cracked, I can't see that far in the future. The world may end in 2012, the servers may shut down before then or the game may last for 10 years like UO (taking us into 2014 and conveniently 5 years from now). Look, I understand that some may not get every reward. You may be right those starting now may not make it to 60 months to use the reward. But, all of those are factors outside of the veteran reward system. The argument still boils down to the same thing I said in the quoted post - the desire to want it right now. But, if the reward is good enough to be desired, then I believe NCNC succeeded in creating a compelling enough retention incentive (which is of course what vet rewards are). Will some who start feel they cannot keep up with vets? Obviously, the post I responded to reflects just that sentiment. Will some that feel that way leave because of it? I have no doubt. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? No more than when I, as a vet choose, to cancel my subscription.


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Actually, my argument has nothing whatsoever to do with wanting the rewards 'RIGHT NOW'. It has everything to do with looking realistically at how much they're going to keep stretching the rewards vs. how probable it will be that it would even be possible for a player to EVER see them, no matter how patient they are.

Once you hit the imaginary line dividing the halfway point of an MMO's lifespan (whatever this may be, obviously nobody can see the future) than any future veteran rewards added beyond that point become impossible to achieve, ever by new players. The longer beyond that point you go, the fewer and fewer players, no matter how much they try, will be able to access that content, and beyond a point it becomes a waste of resources to keep developing them as they'll be designing them for an ever-permanently decreasing segment of the population.

Again, I HAVE the 54 month badge already on my characters. Wanting the rewards 'right now' is a total non-issue for me. I'm fine with having players have to wait 5 years for the rewards, that's fine. My entire point is that there comes a point, somewhere, where the vet reward system becomes silly, because you have an ever-growing number of veterans who will never, ever, see many of the rewards coded into it.



... And as a result, you do have control over it; continue to pay and play the game. That's it. Plain and simple.


[/ QUOTE ]

Realistically, any player who starts playing now, will actually probably never get the 60 month vet power ever, no matter what he or she does, given the average lifespan of most MMOs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, when CoX was 6 months old there were people predicting its imminent death.
And I would have laughed if anyone would have said I would still be having the time of my life playing it 5 years later.

And yet . . .

And yet . . .

Here CoX still is,
and here I still am, having a blast!


[/ QUOTE ]

Predicting doom 6 months in is -just- a little different from predicting an online game (most of which, even more successful ones than CoH, already have notoriously short lifespans) with a largely stagnant player base and an engine the devs have admitted is pushing its limits in several areas, will not be around in TEN YEARS from its launch. (Double the -entire- time of its existence to date.) If you cannot tell the difference, ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Those 6 month doom criers gave apparently logical, kind of believable, reasons too.

And yet . . .

And yet . . .

Well, let's take your suggestions as reasonable though...

Oh Noes!
I guess we may be doomed to just acepting more VRs as they come.
And I guess we will just be forced to continue having barrels of fun till 'The End'.



[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you for completely, purposely missing the point, and mocking players instead of having an actual, intelligent response to my point. If I wasn't sure you were just trolling before, this has confirmed it.



Speaking as someone with the 54 month vet badge, I really, really, really hope that 60 is the last vet badge.

They're a horrible idea and largely give things most players should have off the bat (ie boxing gear) and, let's be honest here, people who have been playing long enough to get the higher end badges would have been playing without them (and you didn't 'earn' anything folks, stop acting so superior and stuck up just because you've played a game longer - it's a game, if you feel spending money to earn things in it makes you better/deserving of these rewards somehow, you have a sad perspective on life), and realistically, given the lifespan of most MMOs, it's highly dubious that any player that starts now will even see the 60 month badge before the game is retired, even if they play for the entire rest of the game's lifespan with no break.

[/ QUOTE ]


Why can't NC Soft be kind to the people that have given them so much of their time and money on CoH? Of course, they aren't obligated to do so, but some Veterans (like myself) appreciate it.

At 60 months, you are looking at about 900.00 or so in Fees alone, not to mention Retail boxes, DVD Editions, Collectors Editions, and the various Perk packages. (Wedding, Cyborg, Valkyrie, etc...)

I'd like to think my contributions to the success of this game (via my money, time, and referrals) have contributed in some small way to the games success. To me, Vet Rewards are NC Soft's way of saying "Thank You".

I wish the "Vet Hate" would stop.



Speaking as someone with the 54 month vet badge, I really, really, really hope that 60 is the last vet badge.

They're a horrible idea and largely give things most players should have off the bat (ie boxing gear) and, let's be honest here, people who have been playing long enough to get the higher end badges would have been playing without them (and you didn't 'earn' anything folks, stop acting so superior and stuck up just because you've played a game longer - it's a game, if you feel spending money to earn things in it makes you better/deserving of these rewards somehow, you have a sad perspective on life), and realistically, given the lifespan of most MMOs, it's highly dubious that any player that starts now will even see the 60 month badge before the game is retired, even if they play for the entire rest of the game's lifespan with no break.

[/ QUOTE ]


Why can't NC Soft be kind to the people that have given them so much of their time and money on CoH? Of course, they aren't obligated to do so, but some Veterans (like myself) appreciate it.

At 60 months, you are looking at about 900.00 or so in Fees alone, not to mention Retail boxes, DVD Editions, Collectors Editions, and the various Perk packages. (Wedding, Cyborg, Valkyrie, etc...)

I'd like to think my contributions to the success of this game (via my money, time, and referrals) have contributed in some small way to the games success. To me, Vet Rewards are NC Soft's way of saying "Thank You".

I wish the "Vet Hate" would stop.

[/ QUOTE ]

I explained why pretty well like two posts up. It's less a matter of 'hey here's a nice thing for players' and more a matter of 'the longer it continues the more the resources to make them are wasted on an ever-shrinking segment of the population, which will eventually reach a point where it'd make more sense to make things everyone can enjoy because the people who can benefit from them is disproportionate to the effort to add them'.



Any chance for the 72 month Vet Reward we can get a pattern that says:

"I played this game for six years and all I got was this lousy shirt"?



Actually, my argument has nothing whatsoever to do with wanting the rewards 'RIGHT NOW'. It has everything to do with looking realistically at how much they're going to keep stretching the rewards vs. how probable it will be that it would even be possible for a player to EVER see them, no matter how patient they are.

Once you hit the imaginary line dividing the halfway point of an MMO's lifespan (whatever this may be, obviously nobody can see the future) than any future veteran rewards added beyond that point become impossible to achieve,

[/ QUOTE ] Oh Noes!
I guess we may be doomed to just accepting more VRs as we earn them.
And I guess we will just be forced to continue having barrels of fun till 'The End'.

But the balance you feel is missing already exists!

Take this moment to reassure yourself with THIS:

<ul type="square">[*]VRs were introduced when the game was 28 months old![*]So, very realistically, newer players have an advantage over older vets. They get rewards every 3 months of their CoX career, that many had to wait almost 2.5 years to get![*]If a player reaches 32 months, you can kind of call it equal. You won't get the last 28 months of VRs, but older vets went without ANY VRs for 28 months.[*]So when/if the end comes, the tragedy of those who don't get to the 60 or so VR will be balanced out by the fact that older vets did not get ANY VR for almost 2.5 years of their game.[*]What this balance means boils down to [b]The only real advantage the older vets have, is many months more of fun playing CoX.[*](I do have to admit that is a pretty sweet advantage. Oh well.)[/list]



Stever, if you're just going to keep ignoring my points and make troll posts/mock me, I'd like to kindly ask you to stop. It's not constructive and it's derailing the thread.

Your entire comparison to 3 year vets vs 1 year getting the same rewards doesn't even make sense, because those vets DID get their rewards retroactively. It's not even the same issue, you're arguing retroactive rewards and I'm discussing the possibility of rewards that will never be rewarded in the first place. If you want to mock me, please at least try to do it in a way that actually has some bearing on what I'm actually saying.



Any chance for the 72 month Vet Reward we can get a pattern that says:

"I played this game for six years and all I got was this lousy shirt"?

[/ QUOTE ]
That would be awesome!



Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

[/ QUOTE ]

Such a SMALL change
Such a HUGE impact
SO many respecs
SO little time
This change is Full of Win for your veteran's ...



The only real advantage the older vets have, is many months more of fun playing CoX.[*](I do have to admit that is a pretty sweet advantage. Oh well.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I wish we could accept that as enough of an advantage and do away with Vet Rewards entirely.

But if that is going to happen and Vet Rewards are going to continue beyond 60 months, I hope the devs will at least consider altering the way the rewards are ordered. Letting us pick one of our choice would at least solve the "ever lengthing lag time" issue.


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Stever, if you're just going to keep ignoring my points and make troll posts/mock me, I'd like to kindly ask you to stop. It's not constructive and it's derailing the thread.

Your entire comparison to 3 year vets vs 1 year getting the same rewards doesn't even make sense, because those vets DID get their rewards retroactively. It's not even the same issue, you're arguing retroactive rewards and I'm discussing the possibility of rewards that will never be rewarded in the first place. If you want to mock me, please at least try to do it in a way that actually has some bearing on what I'm actually saying.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not mocking you in any way.
Presenting logical and historical points
If you see no comparison between <ul type="square">[*]people who played the game for 2.5 years with no VRs. and[*]People who may miss out on the last couple of years of VRs[/list]Then I guess we can't help that.

But it is just logic and history.
Please do not let it make you feel mocked.

at least not by me.



I explained why pretty well like two posts up. It's less a matter of 'hey here's a nice thing for players' and more a matter of 'the longer it continues the more the resources to make them are wasted on an ever-shrinking segment of the population, which will eventually reach a point where it'd make more sense to make things everyone can enjoy because the people who can benefit from them is disproportionate to the effort to add them'.

[/ QUOTE ]

The resources required for the vast majority of vet rewards are negligible. Most of it is reworking things that are already in the game so that a vet badge unlocks them. Think Sands of Mu, Nemesis Staff, travel power at 60, more respecs, free costume changes, etc.

The costume bits (wings, trench coats) are similarly quick to develop and turn on with a badge.

Once the infrastructure for vet rewards was in place, the incremental costs of adding new ones has most likely been minimal.

Customer loyalty is extremely important. While vet rewards don't make their holders better people (or even better players), they represent a reward for loyal customers who have invested a large amount of time and money in a product. It's a nice gesture.

Management of CoH is already well aware of how limited their resources are, and the nature of vet rewards already indicates this knowledge. They are not extravagant by any stretch.



Realistically, any player who starts playing now, will actually probably never get the 60 month vet power ever, no matter what he or she does, given the average lifespan of most MMOs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since my crystal ball is cracked, I can't see that far in the future. The world may end in 2012, the servers may shut down before then or the game may last for 10 years like UO (taking us into 2014 and conveniently 5 years from now). Look, I understand that some may not get every reward. You may be right those starting now may not make it to 60 months to use the reward. But, all of those are factors outside of the veteran reward system. The argument still boils down to the same thing I said in the quoted post - the desire to want it right now. But, if the reward is good enough to be desired, then I believe NCNC succeeded in creating a compelling enough retention incentive (which is of course what vet rewards are). Will some who start feel they cannot keep up with vets? Obviously, the post I responded to reflects just that sentiment. Will some that feel that way leave because of it? I have no doubt. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? No more than when I, as a vet choose, to cancel my subscription.


[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, my argument has nothing whatsoever to do with wanting the rewards 'RIGHT NOW'. It has everything to do with looking realistically at how much they're going to keep stretching the rewards vs. how probable it will be that it would even be possible for a player to EVER see them, no matter how patient they are.

Once you hit the imaginary line dividing the halfway point of an MMO's lifespan (whatever this may be, obviously nobody can see the future) than any future veteran rewards added beyond that point become impossible to achieve, ever by new players. The longer beyond that point you go, the fewer and fewer players, no matter how much they try, will be able to access that content, and beyond a point it becomes a waste of resources to keep developing them as they'll be designing them for an ever-permanently decreasing segment of the population.

Again, I HAVE the 54 month badge already on my characters. Wanting the rewards 'right now' is a total non-issue for me. I'm fine with having players have to wait 5 years for the rewards, that's fine. My entire point is that there comes a point, somewhere, where the vet reward system becomes silly, because you have an ever-growing number of veterans who will never, ever, see many of the rewards coded into it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, my point was to another poster whose very post was very much about right now. You just jumped in.

I agree with all of your points. And it would be delusional to believe that at some point it does become a waste of resource. As you indicated, no one can know if this is that point. I have no issue with the devs stopping now, I really could not care less if they do. It was only vaguely related to my point.

I realize you are a vet from your previous post. I was not implying that this applied to you. I was however responding to your post as it relates to my response and in that context.





Stever, if you're just going to keep ignoring my points and make troll posts/mock me, I'd like to kindly ask you to stop. It's not constructive and it's derailing the thread.

Your entire comparison to 3 year vets vs 1 year getting the same rewards doesn't even make sense, because those vets DID get their rewards retroactively. It's not even the same issue, you're arguing retroactive rewards and I'm discussing the possibility of rewards that will never be rewarded in the first place. If you want to mock me, please at least try to do it in a way that actually has some bearing on what I'm actually saying.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not mocking you in any way.
Presenting logical and historical points
If you see no comparison between <ul type="square">[*]people who played the game for 2.5 years with no VRs. and[*]People who may miss out on the last couple of years of VRs[/list]Then I guess we can't help that.

But it is just logic and history.
Please do not let it make you feel mocked.

at least not by me.

[/ QUOTE ]

The huge and painfully obvious thing you keep failing to see is that those players did get all those veteran rewards. You can't be rewarded something that didn't exist, so them not having them for the first 2.5 years is a complete non-issue. The players who didn't get them for the first 2.5 years DID get them all. You'd have a point if people who'd been playing those 2.5 years didn't receive ANY of that playtime retroactively towards their rewards and had to start their vet timer at 0 the same as someone who'd started the day vet rewards were introduced, but that's not the case.

You fail to see the difference between still getting all the rewards, but having a delay (because the system didn't even exist) with never, EVER getting the rewards at all, and the compounded problem of each reward becoming accessible to an ever increasingly tiny portion of the player base.

If it reaches a point where a veteran reward will only ever be obtained by a couple dozen players, (and by definition, it must reach this point unless CoH remains online forever AND longtime players never unsubscribe) is it really worth the time and effort to develop and code it when that same time could be used for something that would benefit the playerbase at large?

It's simply a logistics problem - resources to code said reward vs. actual benefit to the game for doing so.



I explained why pretty well like two posts up. It's less a matter of 'hey here's a nice thing for players' and more a matter of 'the longer it continues the more the resources to make them are wasted on an ever-shrinking segment of the population, which will eventually reach a point where it'd make more sense to make things everyone can enjoy because the people who can benefit from them is disproportionate to the effort to add them'.

[/ QUOTE ]

The resources required for the vast majority of vet rewards are negligible. Most of it is reworking things that are already in the game so that a vet badge unlocks them. Think Sands of Mu, Nemesis Staff, travel power at 60, more respecs, free costume changes, etc.

The costume bits (wings, trench coats) are similarly quick to develop and turn on with a badge.

Once the infrastructure for vet rewards was in place, the incremental costs of adding new ones has most likely been minimal.

Customer loyalty is extremely important. While vet rewards don't make their holders better people (or even better players), they represent a reward for loyal customers who have invested a large amount of time and money in a product. It's a nice gesture.

Management of CoH is already well aware of how limited their resources are, and the nature of vet rewards already indicates this knowledge. They are not extravagant by any stretch.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would argue (and this is a slight derail) that any player who's already been playing (and paying) long enough to get the 60 month badge would be doing so with or without veteran rewards. Implying that people only remain loyal to the game because they are rewarded with veteran powers seems intellectually dishonest to me.




this WILL change the balance of old vs new.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree, and I think that's a very bad thing.




Ok, a lot of people seems to be missing my point, still. I don't object to having to earn the reward. What I object to is that I'm not being GIVEN the opportunity to earn this reward. Consider how it works for EVERYTHING else in this game EXCEPT the veteran rewards:

I can play my character to 22, fill her with 25 generic IOs, and then not touch IOs again until 50, at which point I can use the accumulated money to get sets. Or, I can put some extra effort into making money on the market and IO out at 30, therefore EARNING what I want sooner. If I don't want to wait for a freespec or vetspec to be awarded, I can run a trial or buy one on the market, putting in some extra effort to EARN what I want. If my main server is full and I don't want to wait for a vet character slot to be awarded, I can buy one, earning what I want sooner. I want to play khelds, but don't have a 50. Either I can continue playing as I do and trust that I'll get there eventually, or I can suspend my altaholic ways and concentrate on one character to get to 50 quickly, thus EARNING what I want sooner. If I decide I'm not happy with my (hypothetical) 50's performance, I can choose to expend effort on him to make money to buy purples, thus EARNING the level of performance I want.

With EVERYTHING ELSE in this game, if I want something, I can put effort into it and work towards getting what I want sooner. But for this, I CANNOT. There is literally not a darn thing I can do to get this reward any sooner than 4 years from now. Even leaving aside the distinct possibility that the game won't even exist in 4 years, I resent this. If this was a minor thing, a convenience or small perk (like almost every vet award to date has been) I wouldn't mind. But for an actual tangible benefit, which cannot be duplicated and which I would put effort or resources towards acquiring in a heartbeat if it was possible, this is infuriating. Again, let me repeat:

I wrote:
...*that's* why I resent things which are actually game-changing (rather than simply conveniences or perks) being doled out [u]based on the one distinction I can do absolutely nothing about.[u]

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, I DO NOT OBJECT to earning rewards. All I ask is that I be ALLOWED to earn them, instead of having them dangled in front of me at someone else's whim, saying "We'll let you have this, eventually, assuming it's still around, and there's nothing you can do about it".

And to whoever said, "life's not fair", to be brutally frank, [censored] off. This isn't life. This is a fantasy universe to which I (and I highly doubt I'm alone) can retreat to occasionally ESCAPE the idiocies and unfairness of life. Life's unfairnesses can't really be changed. But THIS world is under the complete control of a relatively small number of people who can change anything about it they like. They've proved in the past that they listen to their customers, and so I offer my opinion. Castle, BABs, Posi, etc have the full power to remedy this unfair arrangement, and so to say "life's unfair, deal with it" is not only totally useless but WRONG. I don't have no recourse but to simply 'deal with it'. I can voice my opinion and wishes in the reasonable hope that it will at least be heard by those who matter. I don't accept 'deal with it' as an answer.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!