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  1. Balz of Steel
    Wong Hung Lo

    Or the comlete oposite, Neutered...
  2. Kageri

    Moth Balls

    Last night she reffered the 'pigtales' to 'handle bars'.
  3. Lets just say I am older than most people think I am, which makes me feel younger than I am :P
  4. Kageri

    Moth Balls

    Another old one, but not stale
  5. Kageri

    Hello Liberty!

    Thats what she does...I've been the recipient of lots of her gas...thats didn't come out right...
  6. Don't you love it when your Brute with a full fury bar gets to fire off Energy Transfer?

    Don't you hate it when your Brute with a full fury bar gets to fire off Energy Transfer and you realize you have a half dead Rikti monkey targeted?
  7. 57 Month Vet Reward = Lame (I have toons with 30+ free tokens to the tailor now)

    60 Month Vet Reward = Cool (Assuming I'm still here in 18 months)
  8. Kageri

    Issue 13: BUGS

    The Eden Trial awards 2 merits upon completion. There are no extra merits awarded for defeating the Crystal Titan to my understanding.
  9. Kageri

    Issue 13: BUGS

    Server: Liberty
    Zone: Talos
    Character name: Light Mist
    Time: Tuesday Evening

    Bug Description: Tuesday evening I logged in and recieved a day job badge (commuter), Wednesday evening the badge was gone and replaced by an almost empty progress indicatior. This happened on multiple toons.
  10. I've been working on a Dark Armor/SS and so far I'd say it sux. It's can't take damage, and I've never been a fan of SS. Having to rely on the self heal doesn't seem very tankerish either. I'll give it a few more levels (it's at 27 now) before I deceide to keep or delete it. Maybe foot stomp will make it a little more playable.
  11. The changes are ok, but I have to agree that finding Outcasts and Trolls is now pain in the butt.
  12. I've never had an issue with the Hollows, the upgrade to it sounds pretty cool to me. But I think Boomtown needs the facelift more.