Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Swimming pools.

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Different kinds, that you can swim in, like in the ITF!

Oh and Slurpee Machines


-The Corporation-



A portal that lets us transfer directly between coalition bases and for a BHAG... a small base "zone" like firebase zulu, complete with the jet transports between rocks and falling off taking you to the entrance.

Actually I would like to be able to pick any map in game as the template for my base.



Ouranbega tileset, complete with knicknacks and unfinished cave walls.



I'm going to repeat others and say...

Vending Machines
coffee machines

The concept of a SG base that I have always had includes the idea of a break room. This isn't just a place for the serious business of superheroing and supervillainy, it's also a retreat, a refuge, a place to kick back and relax.



Ouranbega tileset, complete with knicknacks and unfinished cave walls.

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That's exactly what I want. I would LOVE to have one of those huge Ourenbega maps for my base, and could you imagine a base raid in one?



A clear panel of glass that can tesselate without leaving gaps



Ouranbega tileset, complete with knicknacks and unfinished cave walls.

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That's exactly what I want. I would LOVE to have one of those huge Ourenbega maps for my base, and could you imagine a base raid in one?

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=P don't be silly, what you really want is a Nemesis Tileset!

*Nemesis/Steam Punk Tile set
*most of the stuff from WentWorths and the Blackmarket's storage and Yin's Market

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



moss covered, glass, mirrored, plain

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Yes. This.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



I think its worth the effort. Given the removable of bounding block restrictions and pathing restrictions it could open them up to do decorative things that would previously have been too restrictive (walls, for example). Here's a list from me.
[*]Pinball machines, such as in Pocket D
[*]Delivery truck, such as the one parked in Pocket D
[*]Portals, like the CoT demon portals, and tech versions similar in size but looking more like the portal corp portals
[*]Pool tables. See the easter egg area in faultline for example
[*]Bars and Barstools. Again, pocket D.
[*]Target Dummies, as in the Vanguard base in the RWZ. Could also be functional like those, or purely decorative.
[*]Decorative walls. Basically, take the lateral file and double the height and length, change the texture to one that will fit for tech and one that will fit for arcane. Add another variation of each with a standard sized doorway cutout. Add as many colors and textures as you can afford to, resource wise. Add the ability to stack, if possible.

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Our SG briefly had a shooting range in it, great for RP when someone can lay down an Oil slick I'd like to see these as functional items that can't be destroyed like what is in the Vanguard base. I would limit how many could be placed in a room to say.. no more than 4-6 so they couldn't be as an exploit in raids.



The furniture in the Tsoo Mr. Po arc and Carnie MoM arc Missions.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Musical instruments:
- drum kit
- guitar amps
- guitars and stands
- music stands
- kettledrum
- tuba

Gym stuff:
- weightlifting bench
- weight machines
- treadmill
- stationary bicycle
- wrestling / boxing ring

Greco-Roman stuff:
- all Classical orders of pillars, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

More wall art:
- Firemullet!

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



And as I mysteriously had time to kill, here is your mid thread summary:

Ceiling Items
<ul type="square">[*]Chandeliers[*]Dome lights[*]Hanging SG Logo Banners (Arachnos uses these types of banners everywhere)[*]Ventilation ducts[*]Fans[*]Cables (like the ones dangling off the AES, or in the Arachnos labs)[*]Stalagtites[*]Catwalks / scaffolds / support beams[*]Disco Ball[*]Skylights[*]"Retractable" Roof[*]Stalactite[*]Archways[*]Creeping vines/roots[/list]

Wall Items
<ul type="square">[*]More Art[*]Curtains[*]Windows, with a view and curtained[*]Functioning Doors (man door, garage door, gate, prison, ect.)[*]Basketball hoops, Dartboards, and other games.[*]Wall signs[*]Waterfalls, lavafalls[*]SG Bulletin board (properly a functional item though)[*]Nonfunctioning Doors[*]Porthole[*]Scrying Mirror[*]View Screen[*]Pillars[*]Creeping vines/roots[*]Did we mention windows already?[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Neon Lights[*]Laser Lights[*]Tintable lighting colors[*]Sourceless lighting/ shaft of light[/list]
Room Details<ul type="square">[*]Snack Machines[*]Kitchen Appliances (Microwave, Fridge, stove, cutting board, knife block, ect.)[*]Different color couches and chairs[*]Televisions (Showing recreational type images)[*]Items for desks (note pads, staplers, pencil holders, ect.)[*]Chain link fence[*]Pinball Machine[*]CoT and Portal Corp Portals[*]Pool Table[*] Bar and Barstools[*]Target Dummies (see Vanguard base in RWZ), Punching Bags[*]Decorative Walls and Floors (Essentially reskinned shelves to serve as walls, floors and ceilings)[*]Beds (Twin, Hospital, Bunk, King, Water, ect.)[*]Liquor Bottles[*]Computers with Keyboards[*]Standalone Computer workstations[*]Printers[*]Plants that are not in planters[*]Hot Tub and Tanning bed[*]Variety of Ponds (lilly, carp, stagnant, swimming, lava)[*]Fountains[*]Games (Chess, Checkers)[*]Card Table[*]Hat, Coat, and Towel Racks[*]Statues (Custom would be most desirable, but existing work too)[*]NPCs, and pets[*]Posters (of Screenshots?)[*]Stacks of Pizza Boxes[*]Jukebox (with music)[*]Fitness Equipment (Weight bench, treadmill, ect.)[*]Medical Equipment[*]Tribal Masks[*]Weapons from costume creator[*]Small scale Tech and Arcane items [*]Barb Wire[*]Fire Pole, smaller poles/pillars[*]Lighted floor panels[*]Kegorator[*]slot machines[*]Area rugs[*]Differing color arcane crystals[*]Arcade Games[*]Trucks, Cars, and other vehicles[*]Stalagmite[*]Beach Chair, umbrella ect.[*]Seasonal/Holiday themed items[*]Stacks/Sacks of cash[*]Evil looking substances and vials[*]ATM[*]Railings[*]ATM[*]Construction Cones[*]Glass Table[*]Fish Tanks[*]Spiral Staircase[*]Longbow Helicopter and other special vehicles[*]Gun Racks[*]Helipad[*]Glowing mushrooms[*]Flat bottomed rocks[*]Creeping vines/roots[*]Moss, grass[*]Mausoleum artifacts[*]Bones and skulls[*]Small campfire[*]Cobwebs[*]Tree with swing/arbor[*]Gazebo[*]Wooden Bench[*]Empty pots and planters[*]Haybale[*]Barbecue[*]Wheelbarrow[*]Musical instruments and supporting equipment[/list]
Room Styles
<ul type="square">[*]Warehouse[*]Pocket D[*]Longbow, Council and Sky Raider styles[*]Garden/Outdoor[*]Office (CoH and CoV versions)[*]Midnighter Club[*]Just plain more styles[*]Arachnos, including Arbiter Sand's submarine bay[*]Frozen (see Frostfire mission)[*]Underground[*]Art Deco[*]Faux 50's futuristic[*]Decor from other NC Soft Games[*]Moonbase[*]60's secret agent style[*]Lava, Sewage and water floor textures[*]Rikti theme[*]Steampunk/Nemesis[*]Oranbega style[*]Greco-roman[/list]
General Styles and requests
<ul type="square">[*]Steampunk style items (for functional items)[*] Working elevators and multiple floors[*]Midnighter Club decorations[*]Tsoo room decorations[*]Carnie decorations[*]Hero magic shop items[*]Yin Market items[*]Black Market Items[*]Vanguard items[*]Ability to rotate items 45 degrees[*]Select items to place in doorways[*]Greater number and variation in room sizes and shapes[*]Better room transitions for doorways[*]Holiday event items[*]Tools for subdeviding rooms, both vertically and horizontally[*]Actual water for rooms (See Cimerora for example)[/list]
Alternate Entrances
<ul type="square">[*]Tech Lift/Elevator[*]Hidden Rock Door[*]Vault Door[*]Portal Corp Portal[*]CoT Portal[*]Office/Warehouse Doors[*]Henge[*]Farie Ring[/list]Whew! Someone else can update it in a few more pages, I'm spent!



Great update Shadow_Fire!

I would like to see the dancing cages in the carnie maps or pocket D along with the lazer lights in the warehouse party missions (lvl 1-5 natural arc(1st or second mission)).

other than these I would love everything on Shadow_Fires updated list

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.



Zen garden style; Asian style to match the more asian style wall set we already have.



One think I would like would be floor/ceiling tiles without the seams between them. Not everyone has tile floors in their Sewer you know.

A nice combination with that would be a texture that is just randome dots. This would enable you with the right colors to either make those cheap white cielings with the black dots all the schools and Dennys used to have or by reversing the color scheme make it look like stars.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



4 words: Items With Bottom Textures.

specifically Room Details -&gt; Floor Tile (the large white honey comb patterned one) these make great second floor tiles since you can float a whole second floor on one stack of desks. They will stack on them self so with a little work, you can do the whole room in 5 min tops. But it looks odd when you can see the top of the room from below the floor.

Victory Wiki
Login Screen changer (OS X/Windows/*nix)
Web based Base designer
SO/DO Enhancement Standardization Pack
CoH Community Mods Installer



My first and simplest choice for new decorative items: doors and windows. Not functional, not for doorways - just regular-sized ones to put in rooms. Make the base look like it's actually part of the city, that it opens out on somewhere, and that it has rooms beyond the big ones filled with high-tech Stuff.



havent seen anyone mention it but how about a target range with both paper targets, and dummy targets?

ala the warzone range

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.




* Baby Bed
* Diaper Djinnie
* Rocker
* toys

Every hero can't be childless...



Window scenes that are place able that have a Paragon/Rogue Island scenes in them. Much Scaled down but not too small version of the ones in Pocket D - Something like the tech base portal beacon art -

Oddly enough I have requests from time to time to ask if i can put in a pool table.

Bar stools

More variety of plants

More variety of plant sizes something between large potted/tree would be good and a bit bushy.

Pillars that are somewhere between the shorter arcane squat one and the tall skinny ones that adjust to ceiling height.

More of the Arcane decorative Crystals in blue/white/purple/yellow/red/black/green.

Throne chairs that are more elaborate then the wooden arcane chairs.

tea tables

More variety of SG wall art

More decorative items that have a light effects to them.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea



I haven't read through the entire thread, but if someone hasn't mentioned it yet:

Let us put some of those pinball machines in our bases!

Cats are independent, they don't listen, they don't come in when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they're home they like to be left alone and sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat. - Jay Leno



I'd love to see more paintings and styles/colors of bookshelves. Heck, I'd like to see a knick-knack shelf too. Also fountains or pools, something to give those whose theme is more aquatic something to work with.

But what I'd really love to see? The ability to move placed items via X, Y, Z axis arrows.

"If Everquest is Evercrack, then City of Heroes is City of Heroin... it's just as addicting and is a gateway MMORPG." - Me, when explaining MMORPG's to my mother.



The items listed would be awesome! For me and my SG mates we would like to see a recipe storage bin, maybe a tech blueprint bin for Tech and an old scroll table for Arcane.



My big two, that have already been mentioned:
<ul type="square">[*]Bar Stools[*]Windows showing zone locations[/list]