Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Decorative items in doorways, and the option of the tech mission double doors, a mid position warehouse roll up door and a mid position sewer iris door and similar.

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



It's probably been said, but I'd like to add some requests

1.Custom, roaming base NPCs for the SGs. It would not only add more life to the base, but would make visiting a SG base more inviting overall. Plus, NPCs such as an inspiration vendor, or a Black-Market/Wentworth vendor would make it so that no matter whether you are in the base or in the main maps, you'd be able to access the Market.

2.The no-ceiling option would be cool, though I'd also love to see more general options for the ceilings.

3. Custom Base Posters. Imagine how awesome it would be if any new recruit to your SG could walk in and see pictures of the Top-SG Members.

4. Custom Base Statues. Another idea, creating a statue of a character in some pose, with whatever they'd like as the plaque, would be wicked sweet.

5. Doors, Doors, More Doors. But actual functional doors. Not Doors that are actually immobile panes of glass that clutter up and block access to various parts of the base.

6. A base bulletin board with SG restrictions for posting. Perhaps sub-posts, so that different leaders with different responsibilities can make separate posts.

7. Finally, I would love to see a Public Address like system. Something you could set for proximity that would make announcements and proclamations, as we've seen in Trials, would be killer.

Thank you for hearing me out.



I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but it would be nice to see decorative only versions of the Items of Power. The models are already available and I really doubt that we'll ever see the real versions added so having a decorative one to store in our vaults would be nice. A possible option would be to make it a personal item that's awarded through the Cathedral of Pain trial.



All of the decorations in the 'Easter Egg Room' in Faultline.

Pool Table. Posters from the 'movie' walls instead of just the CoH comic covers. Things like that.

They obviously exist already.

"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"



This thread is so old, seems the Dev's still don't think about the few, but apparantly exisiting base builders.

Heck, I'd totally spend real money for a (real good) Booster Pack for bases.
Base building is an essential part of this game, so I really hope they finally will have some love for us.

What I'd like to see?
More from anything, actually. The broken ancient pillars, tech doors, more common items.
They do exist already, we've seem them on different maps, just wrap 'em up and sell a pack on the market.




Water tiles or as suggested above swimming pool & stagnant pool
Windows w/ view
arcade games
different wall art
LCD monitors that are black not screensaver



Statues of the Freedom Phalanx and Arachnos Patrons

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but it would be nice to see decorative only versions of the Items of Power. The models are already available and I really doubt that we'll ever see the real versions added so having a decorative one to store in our vaults would be nice. A possible option would be to make it a personal item that's awarded through the Cathedral of Pain trial.
I'd also like to see decorative versions of the medical room items you obtain through the SG Healing badges. (Look, I have a single account supergroup. I'm not earning those SG healing badges any time soon on my own, so.....)



What I would love to see most isn't really a decorative item, but I would simply love to be able to buy prest at will. I know they would make a fortune off me with that alone. Maybe offer 100K prest for 20 or 40 points, 2 mil prest for 500 points. Sure to be a popular, often repeat purchase item. From me at least...

An idea I have discussed a few times with some other base designers, and elsewhere in threads, is the idea of offering us personal "lairs", most likely bought with points. The way my idea of a "lair" would work is that it would be like a pre-made, one room base. There could be several themes, like "Hidden Cave", "Space Base", "Mad Doctor's Lab", "Dorm Room", "Space Station", "Fallout Shelter", "Penthouse Suite", "Nightclub", "Local Bar", "Artist's Loft", "Secret Agent Safehouse" etc. Perhaps they could offer a new lair type monthly. One of the lair types should be something like a "Public Storage Unit" which would be a room that could hold 10-20 storage bins and a crafting table, but no TP pads or rezzers. Likely to be the number one choice for soloists...

The lair could be a single 6x6 to maybe 10x10 room (various shapes, sizes and features for various costs of course) that would come pre-decorated with several unique items, and could include special versions of some of the key "functional" features of SG bases (depending on the special lair type) such as recipe storage bins, TP pads that accept more than 2 beacons, etc.

Someone brand new to editing or with zero interest in it could simply use the lair as is, no editing required, right out of the box, but as they earned personal lair prest, they could add more decorative items, storage or TP pads, and so on (if the lair type allowed it), or if they wanted to edit, they could re-arrange or erase items in their lair or change wall and floor colors, many of the things we can do with the normal editor, but with only the options that have been unlocked. If you only had the Cave lair, you could not line it with outer space windows, unless you bought the Space Station lair as well.

The lair concept could be used in many positive functional ways. It could be used as a way for non-VIPs to "unlock" bases, in a limited way (a lair would always just be a single room base, they could add items to it, but never add rooms - unlocking a lair would allow you to join a SG, but not start one or edit a base). It could be used to help promote SGs and teaming... make it so that a personal lair can only be accessed via a seperate portal found in the entrance room of a SG, so anyone who wanted a personal lair would have to join a SG first to access it (and Sg members could easily visit each other's lairs from inside a base - if the player set permissions to allow SG members to visit lair). As you play in SG mode, for every point of prest you earn for the SG, you'd earn an equal amount of "Lair Prest" for you to use in your lair. Thus players would have a personal motivation to play in SG mode. Win/win.

Also, as a VIP perk, perhaps give all VIPs one free lair of their choice.

For those that already have access to making bases, if they buy a lair pack, then that lair room and all the items that come in it become unlocked for them to use in the editor in any room. In the decorative rooms section of the editor, they could now have the named lair rooms available to be added to any normal base. The lair rooms could have unique stat or aspects that could combine features or placement of items found in other room types - for example, The Lab might allow both TP pads and medical rezzers in it, a Space Base might allow both power and control items in the same room, and so on. SGs might be encouraged to buy specific lairs just to gain the new room types.

Perhaps a unique NPC could be included with each room as an extra incentive for people to buy them. Buy the cave lair, get the butler. The nurse from the lab, dancers from a club, bartender from the bar, etc.

NPCs could also be bought seperately in packs, sort of like costumes or emotes are. As could the unique items from the lair rooms, like rock wall sections from the cave lair, windows that show "outer space" from the Space Base or Space Station lair, fancy water fountains from the Penthouse Suite, and so on.

Introducing lairs would help SGs gain membership and prest earners, as they could be made to only be accesed via a SG, and it would give all those players that want a simple personal base or apartment a means to do that without having to build a whole SG base.

And as the lair bases would be static single rooms, maybe no more than 8x8 or 10x10 in size, perhaps with an item limit of only about 10K (this would include items stored in bins), the drain on server resources should be a lot less per lair than a normal base is, though what you gain in that regard might be lost against the volume of them made...

Anyway, just shooting out some ideas on how I'd like to see it done...

-War Base-



I love base creation. I find some small issues now and again. But generally I do like making my own spot in the world. What I ask shouldn't be all that much. The dis-likes we are finding are that we want more storage bins in base. More wall,floor,and ceiling options. Like looking outside another cool thought I had is what if you could make your own building. And each floor would function in some was. Stairs and portal elevators to get around. More decrotive items that I see on ,issions that I want. Beds, pool tables, slots, jail cells workout room/gym just a bunch of items that we see every day chalk boards swimming pool. That green space buildings in atlas

Lower some of the prices on base items there crazy

I have made nice base for what it's got. It needs more
List can go on and on

Please throw us a bone. Even a few items in each issue is better then nothing at all




I wish there was a way to make doorway work upwards. Right now a door goes from high ceiling, low ceiling, wall, high floor, and low floor. Wish we could raise the floor till u get the top of the ceiling. Or if that can't work then let us put items in doorways



It's probably been mentioned before, but in regards to decorative items, how about Excercise Equipment?

Things like...

Weight benches
Medicine balls
Speed bags
Heavy bags
Balance beam
Pommel horse
...and other stuff I'm not thinking of at the moment.

Both heroes and villains should have access to such equipment in their bases to stay in peak crime-fighting or crime-committing condition. There could also be two versions of each - a standard version and a "huge" version for characters with super human abilities.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Stairs... Honest to god stairs that go a full flight up, so we can make better use of the alotted space available in our bases. And maybe additional floor/level partitions, even if we can't add more equipment, the ability to make use of all of our bases' spaces would be really nice.

Tomorrow's heroes, today!



My wish list (including excellent suggestions from earlier in the thread):

Doors, false and functional
Windows, normal & shuttered
Larger staircases
Practice dummies
Vending machines
Open ceilings

Market link
Mission TP
Ouroboros link
TP to Cimerora

Coffee is for closers only!

[/ QUOTE ]

Alec Baldwin, Glengarry Glen Ross



I don't know if having Alec Baldwin as a decorative base item is really such a hot idea.



Water effects! Ever since Atlas Park got a make over (area around SG portal and under Atlas), I've wanted to be able to have this feature in my SG base. It would also be very cool to have a choice of fountain that either sprays up, or comes out of wall.

I've seen some other SG walkthroughs on youtube or screenshots posted on the forums, but it would be so much simpler if we could choose "water" as part of the add/remove options in each room.



Windows. Windows would also be very cool. (Especially if we could choose the exterior images). I'm thinking of a shuttered window that the character could click to open / close the shutter.

Exterior views could include: (1) orbital view looking down on N.America, (2) underwater with sharks and seaweed (imagine Lusca looking in the window), (3) river of molten lava or driving snow hitting the window.

Honestly I have loved the recent issue updates and improved graphics, but I still want to have more substance for the base creator.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I don't know if having Alec Baldwin as a decorative base item is really such a hot idea.
Not sure about decorative, but I'd deal with him if he came with access to the tailor interface.



Originally Posted by Hendrake View Post
Not sure about decorative, but I'd deal with him if he came with access to the tailor interface.
Yeah, but he'd keep spouting about a certain credit card company the whole time.

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.