Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Hi there. What I would like to see if the ability to place our currently most commonly used items in a special tray so I don't need to flip from one menu to another. Doesn't need to be a lot of space, maybe for like 10 items as long as we can exchange them as we wish.

That is all. Thank you and have a great day.
Bashful Banshee.

Enjoy your day please.



Decorative Items is far too limiting of a topic. This should have been Base Overhaul/Additions We'd Like To See. Seeing as there isn't a good sticky for that I'll be putting my wishlist here.

Functional / non functional npc's I'd be happy to buy them from the base editor just like any other NPC, or even better use the AE interface to design them, give them a background story and a popup menu text when clicked on.

  • Tailor
  • Fateweaver type
  • Store to sell to
  • Store to buy Insp from
  • Trainer for leveling / Respeccing
  • Market
  • AE Employee
  • PvP arena interface npc & arena match item.

Non Functional ones I'd love be able to create using the AE interface. With abilities.
  • One who just stands around. Perhaps cycles through emotes that are ticked off of a window with set variables like when clicked or approached.
  • One who paces around a room.
  • One who paces/wanders/patrols around a base.
  • Being able to set a group to patrol/wander around a base (using ae interface for group creation).
  • Ones who sit or lay down on furniture/items in the base. (place invisible marker and set marker with some sort of interact trigger. NPC then uses marker and follows the set interaction such as sit/lay)

I want my base to feel alive and be just like any other part of the city with its evil/good minions/helpers. I'd also like access to the standard critters that are in AE also for the looks with the functional/non functional abilities above.

REALLY give bases a kick up!

As for functionality on a non npc basis I'd like to see the huge gap between start up base and power/control reduced to be reasonable for the very small supergroup or solo player. Something like...

  • Create a Supergroup and gain a prestige grant of 200,000 (enough for oversite + room or two w/item and decoration.
  • Jump from oversite center reduced. You go from 75k (oversite room + combo unit) to needing 375k (450k - selling the oversite+combo) as it is now.
    • Upgraded combo unit (can only have 1 combo unit of any type) Cost 75k ~ 200 energy, 125 control.
    • Add in Greater Magic Axis/Large Mainframe. cost 125k consume 100 energy gives 200 control
    • Change Magic Axis/Mainframe. to consume 50 energy, give 100 control
      Add in Simple Generator/Small Power Crystal. cost 125k gives 500 energy & 2 aux connections.

Small base upgrade would then be:
  1. oversite center + combo unit = 75k (125 energy, 75 control)
  2. oversite center + upgraded combo unit = 125k (200 energy, 125 control)
  3. control room + magic axis + energy room + simple energy generator (sell oversite & upgraded combo unit) = 250k (500 energy, 100 control)
  4. control room + greater magic axis + energy room + simple generator = 375k (500 energy, 200 control)
  5. control room + greater magic axis + energy room + generator = 450k (1000 energy, 200 control), then on to super computers for 500 control.
This is a much more even step up for any supergroup instead of the gigantic gap there currently is.

Side Note:
Add 1 more beacon to the single teleporter. One teleportation destination is silly as the room can only hold one teleporter. This too is a huge jump from 1 destination to 4 with a greater cost increase.

Base Editing Tools:
  • Really REALLY need an xyz axis movement tool from small increments to large along with a rotational tool to rotate at angles/degrees.
  • Better organized categories in an easier way to access like a drop down list that changes the tab, or master tabs with a set of sub tabs.

Fluff Items:

  • Placeable water that spashes when you enter it. Different sizes. 1/4 a square, half a square, 1 square, 2x1 square, 2x2 square.
  • Waterfalls, water spouts & fountains.
  • Water you can swim in.
  • Water textures for walls/floors/celings
  • Cave textures for room walls/floors/celing
  • Cave placeables for rooms. rocky corners, stalactites, stalagmites, columns, pools/pits, rocks flat/round. all the above with and without crystals in them.
  • Moss/vines hanging & draped.
Nature & Outdoors:
  • Outside textures for walls/floors/celings (grass, sky, sky w/clouds, forest, light forest with sky behind, grassy hills with sky behind...think panorama).
  • Placeable trees/grass/bushes not in planters.
  • Placeable fire (small, med, large area) & lava flows
  • Placeable Clouds/Fog
  • More dirt patches, semi grassy and not.
  • Farm placeables from croatoa, equipment and hay stacks/bales.
  • Graveyard stuff. Tombstones, crypts, corpses, skeletons upright and lying down, open graves, fresh packed grave dirt mounds, etc..
  • All sorts of Placeables like cars, wrecked cars, trucks, wrecked trucks, boats, wrecked boats, mail boxes, telephone booths, bus stops, newspaper boxes (think destructable mayhem objects), streetlamps
  • City textures like smoggy sky, city scapes, paved streets, parking lots, sidewalks (like on half a square placeable)
  • Office Textures for walls/floors/ceilings
  • Office placeables from existing maps (copy machines, more desks/chairs)
  • Placeable floor segments in different sizes. 1/4 a square, half a square, 1 square, 2x1 square, 2x2 square with floor textures such as carpet(s), wood, marble, tile for making multiple story rooms.
  • Stair cases that are equal to current stair height combined. 2 stair, 3, 4, 5, 6. Spiral staircase.
  • Various Beds, dressers, fireplaces, toilets, showers, sinks, stoves, washing machines/dryers, tubs (empty and with water), hot tubs (empty & with water), ironing boards, couches, hammocks.
  • All the dressings in the small maps like the chum bucket, speakeasy, joe's garage. Stuff like the lifts the cars are on, the tool boxes, the hanging fish, cannons, wall mounted fish/nets, tiki masks, tiki themed items, like bars, stools (taken from pocket d tiki room) slot machines, pool table.
  • Throw rugs from the carnie warehouse, hanging mask from carnie warehouse.
  • Witches cauldron & dressings from KHTF mission 2 or 3. Brooms, shrooms, alchemical tables etc...
  • Sci fi Tubes and stuff from the new clone mission & arachnos labs.
Particle / Effects:
  • Mentioned fog & fire above.
  • Various lights. focused and dispersed with no fixtures attached and various intensities. Colorable.
  • Beams of light/energy, colorable.
  • sound placeables from ingame sounds with loudness/intensity settings.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Handrails. For walkways and stairs.

More stuff to use as flooring, but less thick. More stuff to use as walls, but in more colors. (Also, bring back adjacent doorways)

Signage. Wall or on a pole. "Teleporters" "Power" "Medical" "Workshop" standard universal signage for danger, radiation, exit, etc. Arrows left, right, up (forward), and down (back).

Giant wall or ceiling pipes/ducts. Air Conditioning or big liquid carrying pipes.

Red flashing lights. Yellow flashing lights.

More matching wood stuff. Wood desks don't match wood shelves don't match wood cabinets don't match wood railings. Wood floor plates like the base logo plates, only without the logo. Or with.

Tables without the annoying sides on them, so you could slide chairs under'em.

Water. :/

On a less decorative note, and possibly a repeat from above:

Teleporters to Ouroborus, the Vanguard base (not the RWZ zone), Midnighter club, and presumably Praetoria. Maybe to AE. They could be custom and not look like the regular ones, even. Maybe make'em craftable. Something you can put in your base and go, look, we work with these other guys, see?

Icon representative. Make it a medical item so we can do the size changes.

Mostro - Mr Methane - Beast Lightning - Akrasia - Contraindicator - BattleBomb - Norsewind - Poundy Hammer - Fatron - Mysteriesque - Chiisai Tora - Goth Claw - Mach Barrier - Bearly Human - Prototype Alpha - Crabbly - Puffy Morpheus



Sort of an item, but can we get zoned lighting for rooms? Such that we can have like one side of a room lit with one color and the other a different color? If not, how about colored lights? Say the wall mounted light in red and green rather than just white.



Hey guys, David has started up another of his "All Things Art" threads for booster packs.

Head on over and let him know we NEED more base items, and we'd be more than HAPPY to pay 10 bucks for them.

All things Art: Super Boosters


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Well, since I've finished all the functionality I need in my new private base and have moved onto form, I know one thing that we really do need more of:

Computer terminals that are not connected to large platforms, and that are purely decorative in nature instead of primarily being control units.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
The problem that was found with decorating doorways was having the ability to move things, delete the doorway and then you would have a "hidden item behind a wall" result. The problem with this is it made it possible to "relocate your base entrance...outside of your actual base" meaning someone could literally load into your base... and fall... and fall... and fall... and fall... and fall... and.. you get the idea. Oh yeah, it was also VERY difficult to un-break that once it was done; Meaning getting the entrance to you base to work right was difficult if not impossible... so unfortunately <or fortunately if you see it that way> no decorating doorways.
I'm wondering why the base entrance was allowed to be moved inside a doorway in the first place. It would make more sense to me to have doorways only allow decorative items.

Though it looks like doorways take their properties from the rooms they connect, at least as far as wall and floor styles are concerned; it seems like they are one half of the two room types they link together. I suppose that would have to be reprogrammed so that doorways have their own properties entirely, which means setting the styles, lighting and colors for each individual doorway. If that is what it would take to allow decorative items to be placed in them, I for one would be fine with that!



An addendum to my above post about wanting decorative computer terminals:

The big, transparent touchscreen terminals in Praetoria ... MUST HAS NAO!!!!

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
An addendum to my above post about wanting decorative computer terminals:

The big, transparent touchscreen terminals in Praetoria ... MUST HAS NAO!!!!

Along with everything else shiny and new they made for Praetoria. Some of that stuff would make for fantastic tech bases. Would especially love to see some way of having some of those wall textures in bases.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



probably late to the game on this, but how about something between tech and arcane... maybe steampunk? sewers look funny with really shiny tech stuff in them, maybe even convert some of the sewer pieces into control/power/workshop items



Since the next issue is issue19 I'd like to see a poster were you can take a snapshot of your hero/villian and/or friends and put it in the poster and hang it up were ever you want. Also some really shiny tech stuff like maybe a table that displays a hologram of your area(preitoria,Paragon city, Rouge isles) That you can interact with maybe show things like were there are currently giant monsters or things like that.Maybe like an alarm when something is happening. Also being able to have a HUGE Window were you can pick what scene your looking maybe having a vista of the city.

Edit: ALSO!!! Maybe instead of having a base portal maybe make the entrance a door of a random building or skyscraper. were you go in there is a butler or something and you take the elevator up or down which would add on to the window thing.

Join The True Galactic Empire On Villain Virtue Server.The Galactic Empire Will Rule the galaxy or at least the Rouge isles....for now . VG base under construction. Fully operational but it's being rebuilt so it looks amazing!
Or join The Giza Gold Club on Virtue villain server for loads of fun!



Originally Posted by Th Guardian of Earth View Post
Edit: ALSO!!! Maybe instead of having a base portal maybe make the entrance a door of a random building or skyscraper. were you go in there is a butler or something and you take the elevator up or down which would add on to the window thing.




After seeing the new zones, I got to thinking...why not have a building in each zone that looks like a hall of justice, pillars and all?

Clicking on the doors would zone us into our bases.

And on redside they can have a building htat looks like a hidaway with camera to warn of the cops coming.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
I think that would be overly extreme... some folks don't mind the look of the Portals... might even like them a little.

Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
After seeing the new zones, I got to thinking...why not have a building in each zone that looks like a hall of justice, pillars and all?

Clicking on the doors would zone us into our bases.

And on redside they can have a building htat looks like a hidaway with camera to warn of the cops coming.
ADDING this as an alternative would be interesting.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Allow (in terms of room parts) walls without ceilings.
This - even with the more than awkward 'flooring options' we have currently - would open up a world of oppertunity since it would allow for rooms to be connected at two levels substantially apart, contrarily to the difference between neither the low or high floor and both the low and high floors.

Right now when it comes to creating different levels in the base I find myself most obstructed by the limits of my rooms and neccessity of doorways which pull everything back to the ground before you can make someone go up again.

The vertical space spanned by the low and high ceilings together is more than enough for someone to move through. The only problem is that as soon as you click add on the wall part the editor seems to assume you wish to fill the space up, but I don't.

Imagine I'd have a center room - room A, rooms B and C north and south of that respectively and rooms D and E west and east of it respectively.
I could leave D and E with just low floors in them, construct the interior of B and C such that the player reaches the doorways to A in those rooms at the height spanned by low floors, high floors and walls and follow this through through the doorways into room A. Then it would just be a matter of making the northern and southern tiles of room A wall height as well, creating a lower level corridor from west to east and construct a higher level one using the objects we know all too well that crosses the lower one in a viaduct sort of manner. Add some stairs leading from one to the other path so you can switch between them as you get there, followed by whatever decorations you can come up with to give it all a central hall kind of feeling with an elevated glass walkway running through it or whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish et voilà - done.

Now I know all of this is already possible... in a single room - to a very limited extent like so many things - but this would allow you to follow the trend through in your entire base rather than being smacked in the face with a feeling of broken consistency in architecture everytime you're forcefully being lead into the next room as to overcome room-bound functional object limits.
And all of it could be done with but a minor change as well. It's so close, yet just out of reach because every time you click the middle "Add" button of the 5 it automatically adds all the others for you as well.



This has probably been mentioned a million times already, but Christmas trees! They already exist, we see them every year around the Ski Chalet. Pine trees, with lights.

Having to try and build a Christmas tree out of potted plants, wall lights and red bottles is pretty wacky.

And if we're really wishing for the moon, some pine-swag garlands, or maybe a wreath? and oooh, and the gift-wrapped presents...



Since I haven't read thru most of the posts, not sure if anyone asked for this or not but, how about fountains and/or reflection pools....heroes do need to unwind too

When's the next altaholics anonymous meeting again?




One is a suggestion and another perhaps a question...

Trees, the current trees are in planters, such planters are difficult to hide or cover up. The other day as I traveled by the tram in Talos, I saw trees with low bases, perhaps this model of trees could be offered for bases as well.

The question or suggestion, do we need to have so many transporters? Why not a single transporter to handle all the locations? The tram pretty much is doing it now, so why not our base transporter? I still agree we need to get the beacons, but should only need one transporter station.





Why are many of the "floor" pieces (and things that could count as floor/dirt/stone) naked from the waist down?

  1. Floor Tile
  2. All 4 Supergroup Floorplates
  3. Big Leaf Planter
  4. Dual Tree Planter
  5. Garden Planter
  6. Shrubbery
  7. All 4 Small Planters
  8. Both Tree Planters
  9. Long Planter w/Seating
  10. EZ Flooring
  11. Floor Vent
  12. Ionizing Grate
  13. Research Platform
  14. Tech Platform
  15. Voltaic Station
  16. Bonfire
  17. Altar Podium
  18. Arcane Floor Pattern
  19. Carved Stone Table
  20. Floor Dome
  21. Grand Platform
  22. Great Altar
  23. Massive Floor Dome
  24. Massive Podium
  25. Podium w/Desk
  26. Raised Corner
  27. Square Altar
  28. Square Stone Plinth
  29. Stone Floor Cross
  30. Stone Platform

What tormented soul of a developer thought it would be a good idea to give us the ability to stack things, yet make almost everything we can put on it invisible from below?

I'd be thrilled with the Floor Tile and all the SG Tiles being made opaque from below (identical to they way they are from above).

I'd be ecstatic if a plain metal/stone "Small Tile" were introduced that was the same size as the Supergroup Floorplates, and opaque from both sides. Even if I had to get it with other Base Stuff in an expansion pack (hint, hint).

The Floor Piece that one can see via 'Alakazam React!' is opaque from below. How about giving us a SG Floorplate-sized one of those?

I find it interesting that while "Alakazam React-ed", I cast a shadow on what I have been transformed into...

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.



Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post
... give us the ability to stack things...
Actually, they didn't "give" us the ability to stack things... stacking was never an intentional design feature. That's why a lot of items don't have "bottoms", because they were never intended to be seen from that angle. Also, it cuts down on rendering. There's a certain haphazardness about base items that makes me think when bases were first introduced, there may have been several different artists working on the base items. Some things have bottoms, items are out of scale with each other, and some items ended up in different categories...

Stacking is actually a "happy accident bug", that the developers have allowed to exist because they've seen all the really cool things folks have done with it.

Hopefully, though, we can keep nudging them for more items that do have bottoms (AND, as you've shown, that already exist in game!)... Heck, just giving the big floortile a bottom skin would cut down on rendering for a lot of folks (less desks used for flooring).


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Actually, they didn't "give" us the ability to stack things... stacking was never an intentional design feature. That's why a lot of items don't have "bottoms", because they were never intended to be seen from that angle. Also, it cuts down on rendering.
Ah. "Cuts down on rendering" - as in the time it takes a computer to draw (render) objects on the screen? I never heard of rendering speed being an issue inside a SG base...

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Stacking is actually a "happy accident bug", that the developers have allowed to exist because they've seen all the really cool things folks have done with it.
I didn't know that.

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Hopefully, though, we can keep nudging them for more items that do have bottoms (AND, as you've shown, that already exist in game!)... Heck, just giving the big floortile a bottom skin would cut down on rendering for a lot of folks (less desks used for flooring).
Wait -- desks can be used for flooring? Presumably if you don't care about the space below, what with all the desk legs sticking down.

I wish a small tile (the size of the SG Floorplate) had a "bottom skirt" -- I want to build a multi-level maze in my base with them as the floor, but can't because of the invisibility issue.

Not to mention that at 1K a pop -- and 2k per 'walled' side on each square using the smaller SG "glass" display -- it's a darned expensive maze. A 6 x 8 x 4 maze sets me back about 600,000 Prestige currently. o.0

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.



Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post

Wait -- desks can be used for flooring? Presumably if you don't care about the space below, what with all the desk legs sticking down.
Actually, many of the objects in the 'Desk' category have flat bottoms that do indeed have textures on them. They're commonly used for making floors.



I haven't read through the entire thread so it's probably been requested before, but:

Everything in Propel and Alakazamreact.

I'm sure there's a list in the game files somewhere of all the random items you can turn into/fling at your enemies. I would like all of them available to us.

Pretty please?