Th Guardian of Earth

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
    Still looking for a VG, didn't get a reply back (Send me a message if you still may be interested in me person above!). Are there any other military-esque Mercenary groups out there?
    Sent you a message but haven't got a reply. Tell me when and where you want to meet and we'll get this set-up!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas_Gray View Post
    I'd love to join. I have a fascist sword swinging character from another universe. He's a Praetorian right now, but when he goes redside can I get an invite?
    We'd be honored to have you aboard. So tell me a time and place so we can meet.
  3. Pfft..... I knew they already made one >_> <_<

    /e smacks the crap out of his head scientist and tells them to go dismantle it*

    Huh? That? Oh that wasn't for Mars..It was for...umm... Jupiter >_> <_<

    Why does it say Mars Probe? Oh that's because...umm... Irony?
  4. Consider joining The True Galactic Empire or our Coalition The Giza Gold Club. The RP could be interesting for you since the Galactic Empire is a military type VG and we can always use mercenaries to do some of the more dirtier jobs. Our Mercenary/Spec ops rank is Agent. And from her virtue verse she could also fill in as Ambassador Rank which is more of our Political level rank. Very versatile and nice character. Great job If your interested shoot me a message or hmu through my global handle @Mr.Psychic1
  5. *Flier floats by*
    Villains and Rogues everywhere! Tired of going it alone just joining PUGs here and there? Looking for a place to call home? The True Galactic Empire has risen and is looking for people to join our ranks! Stand above the rest and maybe become more than just a soldier. All are welcome from new to experienced as well as free,premium and VIP players as long as your semi-active. Come join our campaign and be apart of the our ever growing empire! Together as one, we shall be unstoppable!!!!
    -Emperor Galaxy

    The True Galactic Empire is a fairly new but quickly growing VG already equipped with tons of helpful and fun members and a fully operational base with all your needs. The base is currently under reconstruction as well so things will slowly vanish then reappear and the VG base will slowly get better looking as it is being done by one of the best Base moders out there imo, Lt.Zerge. We host A RPVG night every week where we all try to get together and hang out, talk, do missions. Whatever we decide. We also do showings like in mercy we'll all just hang out maybe recruit some, Go to pocket D stuff like that. While we are in groups like this we are planning on having a rank based uniform to wear so we stand out. Members are the ones designing the uniforms so to get some say in it join fast . We also offer A promotion system for those who...stand above the rest either through RP, VG involvement and other things. Level will get you promoted but not much just so it is fair for all our members. For more info or to join shoot me a message. You can also contact me through global: @Mr.Psychic1
    We do active RPing. and sometimes we get together ooc and just mess around and talk.
    Our VV profile will be up soon and I'll link here.
    We have many coalitions that fit in to our RP
    Active and helpful members that will get you to where you want to be and help you get your fill of chaos.
    We are also Looking for any coalitions that would fit in to our RP and members to join one of our new branches of the Empire, The True Galactic Empire Spec ops branch. Looking for more female characters for a female specific rank as well as a male specific rank of our Spec Ops branch. Sirens for females and Recon(recon might change) for males. So join us and together we shall be unstopable
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
    Oh every idea you posted is worth doing. I just mentioned that bases were the only one that sound marketable enough to promote an expansion.
    Oh lol well i have come up with new ones now also and will be editing them in.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ura Hero View Post
    To reiterate my previous post, as of I13 a lot of the petsay chat commands are broken.

    So if you try combining multiple chats/emotes and it doesn't work, it's probably broken. This all happened when they allowed item linking and copy/paste in the chat boxes. Yes, it's a bummer. No, it isn't likely to get fixed anytime soon.
    I figured a way around it though it is time consuming. just macro or bind (whatever floats your boat) the commands and set it towards one of your last power tray bars. So like in tray 9 i have a macro that makes my bot say hey (whatever the other bots name is) then the other macro says something else and so on and so forth.
  8. OK thanks its because the way in the beginning hasn't been working for me don't know whats wrong.When i try and load it.Nothing happens
  9. ok im new to this so a macro for the laptop then him to say hey harry look at this would be..... wat?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    I agree with and have suggested many of these things myself. Of them all #8 is the only one I could care less about.
    Lol me as well.Just added it in because I was pretty mad at them cuase it was brough to my attention that I always save them from a mugging or something for ex. be on top of a wall and they will jump off without getting hurt. Lol
  11. cam you set a bind to make them move to a certain place? also how would i set an emote in there maybe if when harry is looking at the laptop he claps or something.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hart View Post
    Er.. it's easy to 'tank' stuff that can't hit back?
    lol but even when there not stunned or wat not in teams its like im always up close and personal with moves that are ment to be ranged.
  13. Yes thank you at least one is . that would be very cool.I just love the idea of having my base being a skyscraper maybe have the group sign on the front. I was thinking since it may be to crowded to put in a city maybe make an area just for it.
  14. *crying*This is the best and most helpful thread ever!!Its beautiful.
  15. Th Guardian of Earth


    yea i use petsay all the time but i just learned about macros and wanted to make one so i dont have to keep writing it in.Save time would be pretty funny if they were having a convo and out of nowhere they just start dancing and stuff.Would like to see it from far away lol. I'm weird like that

    WOW just went in and found the skit thing.Man that made my day was exactly what im looking for since i do this all the time and my pets even have there own names(Jet,laser....)! going to make a picture with them posing next to me and make it my Sig.Will need help with that since never done that lol. Man I'm excited!

    Also what or where is the c drive?
  16. I kno proboly 100s of these but.....
    I'm not sure where to put this but for future expansion or issue some ideas are (here comes the list):
    1. Being able to customize your pets give them clothes, change color, things like that
    2. Being able to if you have enough influence/infamy instead of having a base portal having like a building like a skyscraper where each of the floors would be one of the rooms from the base (Medbay, Control center etc.)Or maybe a a huge spaceship that flies through different areas.
    3. Destructible areas(I know its A LOT to ask for but just some ideas)
    4. A teleport power that will teleport you across the map or to a store in the area or something unlocked at lvl.50 maybe
    5. New powers and emotes ANY
    6. New emotes for costume changes maybe something power specific
    7. Being able to change how you use your powers such as blasting from your hands or eyes.I know already coming.See COH devs ARE psychic.Sometimes lol
    8. Being able to hurt Civilians not kill hurt maybe push them or punch them.
    9. Fixed pet commands and pet powers.
    10. More costume items.Maybe a full body robe for my magic origin toon or something.Something new and good.
    11. more coming soon
    Had a few more cant get think of them now.Comment on this and write what you would like to see here to.

  17. Th Guardian of Earth


    Ok thanks what i was wanting t do was make a convo between my pets and me since when i get bored i like to mess around with my pets for example i make them talk to each other or emote.
  18. Th Guardian of Earth


    Im not sure if there is a guide on this or not but i would like to know how to use macros i made one tanks to a mentor of mine but it was an easy line to say plus an emote which he told me what to write
  19. no I really dont shrink my pets i just have coversations with them when im bored in a place with a lot of people around so people start starring.Yea i like the attention
  20. I feel so pathetic now that this has been brought to my attention. I do the same thing and i feel bad for them.
    I mean dang I'll just be on my way flying through the air when on some random really tall building will have circle mages having some random girl in the air(How the hell they got up there in the first place is a mystery since the building doesn't have a door on top or anything). then here come my hero doing the save the damsel in distress thing and when im done wat does she do? Say "I'm scared thanks" then suddenly get the crackhead shivers and shiver not walk shivers off the top of some ten story building in to a door.If she can survive that then she can survive some random circle mages or some gang member.
    Now that i think of it i think they should make some improvements on that in the next issues and let villains mug or hit a random civilian too.

    Furthermore when i punch the civillian especially the skull girlfriends in the face i want it(yes, it) to ask me "wat was that for?"So i can answer"For being a dumb selfish Ho who gets in the way and has no respect for us hard workers who try to create peace or destruction in the g***anmed city!" then turn to my partner and say man can you beleive this civilian
  21. So on my gravity/force field controller I usually use a stun or paralyxe move first then I just start attacking pretty close.And in big teams I feel that my controller is invincible and just start going ahead start tanking and kinking *** with my controller when i though that i when i first made him I was going to be doing a more far away job. Does anybody have a take on this?
  22. Name:Galactic Control

    Currently Recruiting:Everyone is welcome.We love having lower level villains to mentor and help grow.Also looking for higher level villains to help manage the Vg and mentor the lower level villains.

    Rp Level: Sometimes if bored but we are not a Rp leveling Vg.We do however like to hunt down giant monsters simply for the badges and for fun.

    Theme/Concept:Helping each other out, growing as a player and a group, always teaming up to do missions,SFs things like that.Our base theme is an evil technology type theme, the group theme you could say is kind of like an arachnos type theme or like an evil empire type theme with the new members being Galactic Soldiers, Then Galactic Enforcers etc. with the leader being the Galactic Overlord.

    Very small right now so no exact way to tell.Know that on the weekends all members are active.During weekdays in the morning at night and for about an hour in the afternoon.Always doing missions and things when on.In bloody bay a lot.

    Requirements for membership:Be on at least two times a week,friendly,willing to help, and wanting to have fun.

    Leadership: Galactic Control (I know name of
    VG Couldn't think of anything at the time)

    In-Game contacts:Galactic control, Mr.Psychic , Usually on N P C channel.

    Out-of-game Contacts:
    Can send me PM here.

    Coalitions: Looking for some coalitions if you are interested send me a request in game, message me in game, or send me a PM here.

    Other Details:
    Currently looking to grow as a group, build our base, have fun, help each other, and things of that sort.We are currently aiming to get our first 15 members for our 300k then start recruiting and all that fun stuff and eventually become one of the biggest and best VG, there is.
  23. Th Guardian of Earth


    Yes just did it yesterday and it was fairly easy, short and i got reward merits.

    Originally Posted by Catastrophe View Post
    That's NOT what she said!
    Was thinking the same thing lol. but if she did is that a bad or a good thing? Think about that one.
  24. Th Guardian of Earth

    Mentor Project

    Ok il be sure to do that later on tonight thank you. If you can please look at my other thread and see if you could help me.