Independant Mercenary Looking for VG




Okay, so! I have a character I really enjoy, though she is not the kind to make herself known... On purpose. She accepts contracts and gets paid for some jobs, but she has her own moral code which she doesn't break. Why? Because she has SOME kind of conscience.

Anyways, the point of all this? I am looking for a Mercenary/Military VG (Since she is classified as a rogue) to join because, well... I need more interaction with her! And she isn't the kind to join world-detruction/conquest nor 'we're all friends here!' VGs. She is an ex-Arachnos agent and, mechanics-wise, a fully VR incarnated out, level 50 Soldier of Arachnos.

Story wise she's a self-claimed 'boring/uninteresting bureaucrat' that has had some minor press about her in the past and has been laying low and deflecting praise/blame for any of the current jobs she has been doing.

I do have a Virtueverse on her, and keep it up-to-date even if it is rather bare-bones:

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Consider joining The True Galactic Empire or our Coalition The Giza Gold Club. The RP could be interesting for you since the Galactic Empire is a military type VG and we can always use mercenaries to do some of the more dirtier jobs. Our Mercenary/Spec ops rank is Agent. And from her virtue verse she could also fill in as Ambassador Rank which is more of our Political level rank. Very versatile and nice character. Great job If your interested shoot me a message or hmu through my global handle @Mr.Psychic1

Join The True Galactic Empire On Villain Virtue Server.The Galactic Empire Will Rule the galaxy or at least the Rouge isles....for now . VG base under construction. Fully operational but it's being rebuilt so it looks amazing!
Or join The Giza Gold Club on Virtue villain server for loads of fun!



Still looking for a VG, didn't get a reply back (Send me a message if you still may be interested in me person above!). Are there any other military-esque Mercenary groups out there?

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Still looking for a VG, didn't get a reply back (Send me a message if you still may be interested in me person above!). Are there any other military-esque Mercenary groups out there?
Sent you a message but haven't got a reply. Tell me when and where you want to meet and we'll get this set-up!

Join The True Galactic Empire On Villain Virtue Server.The Galactic Empire Will Rule the galaxy or at least the Rouge isles....for now . VG base under construction. Fully operational but it's being rebuilt so it looks amazing!
Or join The Giza Gold Club on Virtue villain server for loads of fun!