Do you feel bad for pedestrians being mugged?
im prolly the opposite lol
im one who is in favor of being able to kill civies in mayhem mishs

No, I do not care. They are a waste of my time. If I ever do defeat enemies mugging civilians, it is most likely I was in a bad mood and wanted to punch something in the face.
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Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

I always feel bad for people on the street being mugged. So even if Im level 50 flying through atlas, and I see someone yelling for help I'll swoop in and blow away the level 2 criminals to save them.
Even though its a fake computer generated victim. I feel bad for them so I save them. im sad. |
Types of Swords
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Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

You should be banned from Fort Trident with that attitude
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I always feel bad for people on the street being mugged. So even if Im level 50 flying through atlas, and I see someone yelling for help I'll swoop in and blow away the level 2 criminals to save them.
Even though its a fake computer generated victim. I feel bad for them so I save them. im sad. |
Back in the Day it was tough because my two heroes were so low they could not fly and had to run everywhere. I kept responding every time I heard someone cry out for help, which got a bit dicey.
But even when playing any of my 50s now, I help the victims. It certainly is a lot easier when a Fireball smokes everyone involved in a flash.
And I absolutely will not leave ANYONE who is crying out for help while being cooked in the green flames of the Circle of Thorns.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Paragon Quinch: "Never. If they bothered to learn to operate a firearm, or took self-defense classes, they would have been able to deal with the muggers on their own. Consider it an object lesson."
Praetorian Quinch: "Of course. I have the power to defend the victims, I should use it to do so. What would be the point of it otherwise?"
Feel bad for 'em?
You gotta be kidding....
Let's see...
1) The bad guys next to never get the purse.
2) Even when they stop struggling for the purse the civillian usually just stands around casually right next to the "mugger" until a hero drops by.
3) When I HAVE saved these so-called victims, what do they do? Run straight away from me and right through the door leading to the Hellions Mission I'm supposed to be running. You KNOW they are security standing outside the door to let the gang know when a hero shows up.
4) Don't even get me started about the so-called "victims" hanging around as bait in the Hollows.
5) Have you ever noticed how many of the Hellions and Skulls girlfriends look like that mugging victim you "saved" just last week? And now they're with their former mugger... It's not a purse-snatching... it's a g***amned mating ritual!
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
well, savign everyone does add a lot of travel time between things, and adds in the unpleasant possibility of effectively griefing lower level heroes in the zone, if the zone is quiet and the character has a scripted call for help thing, then yeah, also circle sacrifices, thats a bit more than a mugging, those guys fly.
heck i even save pedestrians on my vills, sometimes out of role-play justification, and sometimes out of habit.
How will young heroes learn with you doing this? You've basically come along and kicked the training wheels off their bikes.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

"You are the individual known as bAss_ackwards. You are under suspicion of unheroic activities and will come with us for questioning. Now."
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
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Are we talking about the "same" pedestrians that when I do break up a purse snatching say things like.. "Maybe I was WRONG about capes" "Yeah your welcome. And thanks for making me feel so special " LOL
These are the same pedestrians that can't be bothered to take a single step to the side when the approach me and knock me out of the way?
The same ones that inside missions run around like maniacs instead of hiding from the bad guys while I am fighting and sometimes even knock me out of melle range?
hehehe When I come out of Outbreak with a new 2 level I'll wander around Atlas Park defending the innocent mainly because I like to hit the sewers at level 4 ( gives me 3 attacks or a couple attacks and a little defense before I start battling Red and Purple bosses). After that.. At level 50 I am NOT stopping to help some citizen being mugged in Atlas Park. If I am there at all it's probably because some contact sent me there to stop Nemesis from blowing up half the city or The Carnies are up to some new plot. If a Hellion is robbing someone.. that's what the NEW heroes are sent to Atlas for.. let them handle the little stuff.. I am trying to save the whole city from ruin.
By the way.. I fully support the right of Villains in Mayhem missions to shoot to kill. Once all the civilains are gone maybe I can actually get a lock on the PPD Boss trying to remove my head from my shoulders. :-D
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
And I absolutely will not leave ANYONE who is crying out for help while being cooked in the green flames of the Circle of Thorns.
![]() |
Are we talking about the "same" pedestrians that when I do break up a purse snatching say things like.. "Maybe I was WRONG about capes" "Yeah your welcome. And thanks for making me feel so special " LOL
These are the same pedestrians that can't be bothered to take a single step to the side when the approach me and knock me out of the way? |
2) Even when they stop struggling for the purse the civillian usually just stands around casually right next to the "mugger" until a hero drops by.
4) Don't even get me started about the so-called "victims" hanging around as bait in the Hollows. |
So funny. I do wonder why civvies hang out in such dangerous neighborhoods.
And it does bug me that when you save them they just stand there, fixing their hair and picking the lint off their sweaters, etc, while youre fighting the people who are mugging them. They should be running away
Global: @Fire Beam
I have certainly taken to saving anyone in trouble on the way to some missions with my new hero. I feel great satisfaction on helping to stop petty crime..
...and build Domination before I enter the mission, because the Tip ones seem to like putting Bosses right in front of me.
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
Paragon Quinch: "Never. If they bothered to learn to operate a firearm, or took self-defense classes, they would have been able to deal with the muggers on their own. Consider it an object lesson."
Praetorian Quinch: "Of course. I have the power to defend the victims, I should use it to do so. What would be the point of it otherwise?" |
Open Palm.
To put it in Jade Empire terms. Neither is good or evil.
As for myself, it totally depends on the character I'm playing on. My Dark/Shield whose background is that he is a homeless man who got the powers of a demon in a CoT ritual gone awry; he always stops and helps out everyone he hears. Most of my other characters... well, they're more Closed Fist style.
@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters
I always feel bad for people on the street being mugged. So even if Im level 50 flying through atlas, and I see someone yelling for help I'll swoop in and blow away the level 2 criminals to save them.
Even though its a fake computer generated victim. I feel bad for them so I save them.
im sad.
Global: @Fire Beam