Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Desks you can actually SIT behind. The various executive desks, desks w/compies etc are far too close to the attached chairs. You CAN make your own, but that requires more time and more pieces, and honestly usually doesn't look as good.

Heck, though, at this point I'd settle for ANYTHING added at all in the way of items...

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.



In 3 years of playing CoH I can't remember a single item added for base builders. (I'm not counting the invention workbench and vault since they are just functional items required as part of something else.) I big part of the reason I started playing CoH was the base building.



It may be 'functional' as opposed to 'decorative', but I'm still WAY behind the 'click to sit' seating suggestion from much earlier in the thread. Ideally click and select from which type of sitting style (they have them broken down by Chair, Executive Chair, Bench, etc already). As it is, you have to spend more time getting your toon in the right position on the seat to make your sit emote look right than you're likely to spend sitting in it.

And the SG members statue/portrait suggestion. I just mentioned this to a SG-mate last night actually, before I read any of these base request threads.



I'll admit I've not read over all of this thread but I just wanna throw in my two cents worth.

I'd LOVE actual water to add to bases, having a little fountain/pool would be fantastic for alot fo bases, and for those who do nature-inspired rooms, being able to add water selectively for a little brook or river would be amazing.

I'm also seconding the option of adding windows that look out at different things. All it would take is a simple animation and we'd be thrilled. A space pattern that is slowly moving as if the base is rotating, or an underseascape with fish that slowly float past the window.

I'd also enjoy some customizable objects for bases ala plaques that you can enter your own text on, but much simple I'd also like a few color options on objects. For example, say you want to use a couch, but the green just doesn't do it for you, give us a few color options of black, red, blue, green, white, etc. Doesn't have to be seperate items, just click on the item and select color from a pop-out, or place the item and right click on it to select color.

Aaaand my last real wish as far as bases: More wall/floor/ceiling themes. I have a toon red-side that is more or less a ruthless CEO with a bit too much pilfered company technology and alot of street cred, and I'd love to give her base an office building look, or even just a luxurious apartment, but I don't have anything even remotely close to that and it makes me sad. A simple option for tintable carpet, a simple stucco wall (or just SOMETHING that looks residential as opposed to industrial) and perhaps an option for a balcony sliding glass door that you can't open, but you can see out to, i.e. two glass doors with a patio outside overlooking Paragon/The Rogue Isles with a little table and chair. Nothing really functional, but that simple detail would add so much to smaller bases and ones intended for personal use.

Who knows, with going rogue we may be getting a huge chunk of base love, or even personal apartments/bases of some sort. Time will tell, and I'll keep hoping.



Aaaand my last real wish as far as bases: More wall/floor/ceiling themes. I have a toon red-side that is more or less a ruthless CEO with a bit too much pilfered company technology and alot of street cred, and I'd love to give her base an office building look, or even just a luxurious apartment, but I don't have anything even remotely close to that and it makes me sad. A simple option for tintable carpet, a simple stucco wall (or just SOMETHING that looks residential as opposed to industrial) and perhaps an option for a balcony sliding glass door that you can't open, but you can see out to, i.e. two glass doors with a patio outside overlooking Paragon/The Rogue Isles with a little table and chair. Nothing really functional, but that simple detail would add so much to smaller bases and ones intended for personal use.

[/ QUOTE ]

After starting up a new supergroup, I agree with this and think it would be best to take the preexisting model texture from the various offices to acheive this.



Really, I'd love to see the system revamped so you have a bunch of standard "block" objects in various configurations, with selectable textures for each.

So you'd have one desk object, instead of dozens, but it would have a selectable texture.

A 4 x 8 wall, one unit thick, could have a brick texture, a computer console texture, a transparent texture (to make windows), etc.

You could easily add many objects in the future by just adding textures instead of having to model new geometry every time.

Similar to what we have in the costume creator, many costume parts have a selectable texture.

While we're at it, in the same control window where you could select texture, have controls for numerical positioning (x-y-z coords), and maybe even object glow and aura controls.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Please make the stone blocks stackable. Please, please, please.

Of course this does mean that the issues of them clipping when you try to put them right next to each other will need fixed.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



I dunno DJKyo-

The burrow has tons of those.

I would absolutely love it if they were stackable, but there would have to be some kind of detection that would enable better placing of them, to avoid that horrible clipping Iv'e seen so many do... and to avoid the spacing that Iv'e also seen...

I know! come by for a visit! I would love to show you what I mean.

What I would love to see in the future <or asap> A stand alone editor <talking to the server every time an object is placed slows construction to a crawl and is exausting> and! and and and ... a wireframe mode...

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Really, I'd love to see the system revamped so you have a bunch of standard "block" objects in various configurations, with selectable textures for each.

So you'd have one desk object, instead of dozens, but it would have a selectable texture.

A 4 x 8 wall, one unit thick, could have a brick texture, a computer console texture, a transparent texture (to make windows), etc.

You could easily add many objects in the future by just adding textures instead of having to model new geometry every time.

Similar to what we have in the costume creator, many costume parts have a selectable texture.

While we're at it, in the same control window where you could select texture, have controls for numerical positioning (x-y-z coords), and maybe even object glow and aura controls.


[/ QUOTE ]

also- THIS to the 223476285263846321784215 power

edit: With HAWT SAUCE

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



How about the option to replace the glowing base portal with a door, or bank of doors?

I've been trying to build my base to resemble a mansion, but there's little to help with that.

Ordinary doors


Plain interior walls

Wood planked walls




Hammocks! Maybe strung between posts that stick out horizontally from the wall. Then we could make things like dorm rooms a lot easier (because we're superheroes, most of us have no problem flying/jumping/teleporting to get into the bunks on top) and they would look really nifty in some of the outdoors-type bases!

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Okay here is my list of what I'd like to see in the bases, I know it's not possible to have it all, but a Ninja can wish can't he?

Would it be possible to make NPCs in the base? Like random people that just walk around, as they do in cities. We could place them whereever, set their paths and give them names, maybe even design their clothes. Think about it >_>

Also, a different entranceway, that glowing portal is getting old

And maybe some smaller sewer items, they are all gigantic!

More chairs, the only ones we can actually sit in are the black ones or the highback ones. Or at least make the other ones a bit bigger so we can fit in them?

More in the Base Detail section that doesn't involve random bottles or stuff like that, maybe some more techy things that we can put on desks and such, staplers? rubik's cube? a computer? a cup? a plate of food? a pencil/pen? just little things that are normally in the house

more wall details, more pictures, maybe give us the ability to put screenshots into pictures on the wall? That'd be really cool!

While we are on the issue of adding things: TARGET DUMMYS!! There needs to be a way to use our offensive powers in the base, for many reasons. Maybe like a little target (as seen in archery or whatever) or a bullet practice dummy, or even just a plain ol scarecrow that we can beat the snot out of. Or a barrel that we can attack. Make it like the rikti drones in the tutorial for heroes, no matter how much we attack it, it never dies!

Would Open and closable doors be possible? Building jail cells would be a lot easier if the cell door slid open. Or even doors at all! Maybe make the room connectors not so big?

Speaking of room connectors, We should be able to build in them! The fact that we can't is quite annoying, to say the least!

Hows about some more generic items to be in the halls, rugs maybe? bear pelts? Deer heads on the wall? pots on the floor, little nightstands that we can put stuff on? a shoe rack? shoes? just little things to fill up the halls, so they aren't so bare and boring.

What about some more arcane stuff? What we have is good, but what about like a scroll on the wall? or a magic tome, maybe some generic relics? or other generic arcane items?

Statues? Gargoyles, lions, cats, heroes? Small ones and big ones! Maybe let us turn our hero/villain into a statue and stick em in the base?

Televisions with different channels than generic science stuff... maybe cartoons? Would it be possible to let us choose from like 3 or 4 different stations to put it on? Maybe let us go and click it with the blue hand and a list pops up and we can select a channel?

videogames? How funny would it be to have a computer with CoH playing in someone's base?

speaking of computers, keyboards are needed, along with mice, speakers, and the sorts. Maybe some new monitors other than the science one spoken of before.

What about some more plants? Grass? Grass flooring at that! Instead of us ghetto making grass floor, could it just be a style we pick?

Gold! Money! Chests! Piles of gold with gems and golden statues, loads of booty, chests from wall to wall. Or more modern, bags and cart fulls of money, cold hard cash laying in our vaults! Along with personal storage boxes as seen in almost every bank ingame.

Wooden crates? Tech crates are nice, and so are arcane barrels, why not combine them?

Would blood be taking it too far? Maybe toss some on an alter or something? Not everyone is a good guy, some of us like to shed some blood here and there

Water! swimming pools, the makeshift defense item just doesn't suit me! I wanna hear a *SPLASH!* when I jump half naked into a pit of water

new beds, the ones we have all have restraints on them >_> Are we not allowed to sleep without being strapped down?!

Toilets, even heroes need to poop.

What about some rocks? Just some rocks. Make the cave-themed bases seem more cave themed

Speaking of rocks, and themes, what about some new styles? Rock walls would be cool, what if we could not have the rooms so... square? could we choose between a cave-based or square? Maybe the base is in the woods, and a thicket of trees make up the walls, not actual walls... It's been done in perez for sure

Windows? Scenery outside, maybe a choice to view different zones, moving scenery at that! If the base is a building, couldn't we see people ouside walking around, maybe someone is getting mugged right by the front door! How would we know unless we saw!!

I know this list is long, but there is a lot to talk about, what about multiple floors? Elevators? Mission maps have them, why not our bases?

While we are adding things, what about letting us choose where our door is placed, when we create a new room, without having to place the room first! Going through and deleting everything on a wall, only to have to go back and replace it is very annoying

some different hospital-type items? The little fluid things, wheel chairs, crutches, gloves! stay clean, heart rate monitor, more skeletal x-rays for the walls, other than the two or three we have. a giant CAT scan machine?

what about some curtains? Privacy is a need, not a want! Maybe curtains that we can walk through, and they will blow out of the way, the way our capes flow when we jump

desks? Like for schools, theres a few school themed SGs/VGs out there. Along with school supplies?

What about bathroom stuff, aside from toilets mention earlier, showers, stalls, mirrors? MIRRORS! I'm very vain, I like to look at myself, paper towels? regular towels?

carpet flooring? rock flooring?

gardening stuff? Rakes, shovels, lawnmowers, of course, we'd need stuff to garden. More plants, maybe some flowers? the same potted plants are old. How about some non-potted plants, glitching them through the floor to make them look real is a pain.

fire places, camp fires, shorter torches?

Kitchen stuffs, blenders, ovens, microwaves, stoves, fridges, there are some hungry heroes! Hungry hungry heroes!

going along with the NPCs from the beginning of the list, what about animals? Maybe the SG has a pet dog... or a pet bear?

What about some more weapons, other than the vet rewards? Ninja blades on the wall, a huge sword over the mantle? Maybe a giant evil ray-gun in the mad scientists' lairs.

Stars, an observatory room would be cool (giant telescope!)

what about various types of dirt? dirt, mud, rocks, not all heroes and villains are clean-freaks. maybe some trash laying around

what about a pillar of poison gas or something that shoots out of the wall? a laser beam or a fire blast, maybe a spike trap, it would be cool to create a crash-course for the heroes to run and train with. Swinging pendulums are fun and dangerous! maybe we could actually take damage for it, put our medbays to good use! (this goes along with the target dummys)

I think that's good for now. If I think of anything else, i'll post it too! Thanks in advance!



Is it just me or is this post completely ignored by the Devs? I have recently put alot of time into my base with stacking and decorating, and have become very frustrated by the lack of such simple items as normal hospital bed. Have the Devs EVER paid this thread any attetion or is it all just wishful thinking?



Is it just me or is this post completely ignored by the Devs? I have recently put alot of time into my base with stacking and decorating, and have become very frustrated by the lack of such simple items as normal hospital bed. Have the Devs EVER paid this thread any attetion or is it all just wishful thinking?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not that it's ignored, it's that they know bases are pretty messed up and they don't (yet) have the time to fix them. They need a serious re-vamp from the ground up and they've got make sure those that already have them won't be hurt by a major change.



Okay, here is my list:

Base Suggestions
The following are suggestions for items to be included in a base. Many of these will be pretty much cosmetic. There should be a basic rule that anything you see in a normal mission map should also be available for a SG/VG either to be purchased outright or else crafted.

Base Splash Screen: Instead of having a typical “wait” screen, have one that introduces the player to the base. The splash screen would consist of the group’s insignia, group name, and a choice of backgrounds (tech or arcane).

Auxiliary Floor Textures: to be added to the floor on the highest level. If the texture exists on high floor, then all floors below it will have this.
• Water (tint-able)
• Snow (always white)
• Fog (tint-able)
• Sand (tint-able)

Auxiliary Ceiling Textures: to be added the ceiling of the lowest level. If the texture exists on the lowest ceiling, then all ceilings above it will have this.
• Clouds (tint-able)
• Stardust (always white)
• Aurora (tint-able)

Floor Textures: Include the following textures
• Floor Tile (currently listed as a “room detail”, should actually be a floor style)
• Ice/oil slick
• Carpet (shag carpet – can double for grass)
• Crystal
• Cavern
• Cobblestones

Wall Textures: Include the following
• Cavern
• Crystal
• Drywall (plain wall)
• Drywall 2 (low wall with molding and wooden baseboards)
• Cobblestones

Ceiling Textures: Include the following
• Cavern
• Crystal
• Stucco

Counters: All counters (not wall cabinets) SHOULD be stackable, especially for “room detail” items! Same for bookshelves. All counters currently listed under “Desks” should be moved here. The following should be added as well:
• Refrigerator/Freezer (stand-alone model)
• Refrigerator-Freezer-1 (combo model – vertical split)
• Refrigerator-Freezer-2 (combo model – horizontal split)
• Horizontal Freezer
• Large Glass Cabinet (basically a larger and wider glass cabinet)
• Range Oven & Stove
• Washer/Dryer

Room Details:
• Pizza boxes (if you’re going to have a mess, make it worth something)
• Drink can (single)
• Drink cans (several)
• Bonzai Plant (small)
• Bonzai Planet (large)
• Water fountain (decorative kind, not drinking)
• Pinball Machine
• Slot Machine
• Pool table
• Vending Machine
• Stacks of money
• Drinking glasses
• Coffee mugs
• Dish rack (empty)
• Dish rack with dishes
• Water fountain
• Dirty dishes
• Dishes with food
• Place-settings (plate, silverware, glass) - no food
• Place-settings (plate, silverware, glass) - food and full glasses
• Grandfather clock
• Jukebox
• Cash Register
• Radio boom microphone

Tech Items: Purely decorative items, not to be confused with control items
• PC terminal (not to be confused with a control item – pure decoration)
• Radar Terminal
• Atomic Clock (tech version of grandfather clock)

Arcane Items: Again, not to be confused with actual control items
• Crystal Terminal (think crystals instead of keys or buttons)
• Candle Circle (circle of lit candles surrounding the SG/VG emblem)
• Sundial
• Crystal Display (similar to Tech monitors only using crystals)

Wall Items:
• Windows (see the windows at the police station if you need an example)
• Windows with blinds
• Windows with curtains
• Small Touchscreen panel (decorative only)
• Large Touchscreen panel (decorative only)
• Country flags (US, Rogue Isles, USSR)
• State flags (Rhode Island)
• SG/VG flags (as opposed to vertical banners)
• Small mirror (doesn’t have to be really reflective)
• Large mirror (see small mirror)
• Wall mirror (see small mirror)
• Flowing water
• Pipe Outlet - no water
• Pipe Outlet - with falling water
• Waterfall - Thin
• Waterfall - Big

Pillars: Make pillars more versatile so they can be placed next to each other, and add the following textures:
• Greek (white)
• Water/Energy (tintable)
• Dark Matter (Black with stars)
• Dimensional Swirl (multicolored)

Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server - The Battlerock X Chronicles - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667



For Base Items I would like to see would be some of the stuff that already exists. Meaning I run into missions that have stuff that I say wow would I love to place that item in my base. But sadly they just are not there in the itmes to choose from in the base options. A bigger would be stairs or perhaps a better way to make floors. yea yea I know the tricks for stacking but would like to cut down on how many itmes I have in my base, which currently is over 10,000.



Y'know those little green crystal lamps that hang from the ceiling in the Oranbega map?

Those are so made of win.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Accumulated requests from our Super Group...

Hanging/Free Standing Placeable:
<ul type="square">[*] Signs (Warning, emergency, exit, authorized, security) [*] Arcane emblem display. (Stone and wood carved shrines/statues of emblems)[*] Holiday decorations (X-mas tree, banners/streamers, gift boxes, American flag, balloon clusters)[*] Wall calendar[*] White and red first aid box (Already found in game hospitals)[*] Skylight ceiling squares[*] Wall breach (Crumbled and burnt/blasted wall damage)[*] Freestanding curtain panels (Room dividers)[*] Treasure chests[*] Foot lockers[*] Tunnel hole/floor breach square[*] Bar stools[*] Stationary NPC models (Male/female variety of tech, arcane, and citizen)[*] Scattered papers for floor (Office clutter/crumpled paper)[*] Metal lockers (Already found in game)[*] Open lab coat lockers (Already found in game/TV reactor area)[*] Telescope[*] Wall clock (Traditional and tech-countdown style)[*] Arcane sundial[*] Stone floor pots and jars[*] Oriental folding screens (Room dividers)[*] Single plank wall shelves (Metal/wood both modern and worn)[*] Arcane brewing pot (Work well with current fire pit)[*] Archery/Gun targets[*] Combat dummies[*] Floor panel carpet runners and throw rugs[*] Wall-mount security cameras[*] Wall-mount flat screen monitors[*] Wall coat racks variety (Official gun belt, tactical, cape, robe, supply sacks)[*] Bunk beds/military racks[*] Warning light/strobe bulb (Red, green, yellow, white)[*] Hoist chains (Polished tech and ancient rusted)[*] White chalk scrawls for walls[*] Blood splatters/puddles for floor and walls (Villain bases)[*] Chalk-drawn arcane floor patterns/circles[*] Ceiling/floor stalagmites, stalactites, and crystal formations[*] Stones, boulders, and mounds[*] Vehicles (cars &amp; motorcycles - standard and under repair and possibly on lifts, in a variety of styles from modern to futuristic)[*] Large roller-style tool boxes[/list]
Table-Top Placeable:
<ul type="square">[*] Large open arcane book[*] Drinking Mugs (Arcane)[*] Dinner plates[*] Beverage cans/bottles[*] Inkwells[*] Rolled scrolls[*] In-out boxes[*] Magazines[*] Chess board, card decks[*] Table-Top map[*] Scattered papers for desk (Office clutter)[*] Candles/Candelabras[*] Flashlight[*] Binoculars[*] Handcuffs[*] Brass knuckles[*] Hand knife (Both flat and upright-embedded) [/list]



WINDOWS... to give the base character.. like underwater windows with fish... or space windows with satellites blinking and a planet in the background... WINDOWS



Grated metal catwalks and balconies. I never understood why we have the rickety wooden bridges but no tech-themed catwalks.


It would be awesome to have doorway options, specifically made to fit in current doorways. Even better would be automatic doors that go "SWOOSH!" like in Star Trek :P

Target dummies. Just like Vaguard's, maybe some variations like more human-looking ones instead of resembling Rikti.

General smattering of gym equipment.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



an AE varient room, no exp needed or tickets, no level adjusting other then normal team side-kicking... prestige for time spent "training" would be great though:
training room-rank permissions for design of missions/opponents, room sizes up to Huge (bought room sizes) allowing access to designed or default, room/maze settings. [edit]buyable combat bots/monsters/slaves[edit]
Make it instanced to save server issues.

and windows



seeing how i just made a movie theater for my base....

I would like a projector :P

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



I could be very happy if many of the stone items in arcane had bottoms, so I could make stone floor (without using the stone blocks). Also, just stuff that already exists in game. The Teardrop shaped green crystal, for example. And .... to be able to rotate items at 45 degree angles, rather than 90.



I would like second and third floor floor pieces so I don't have to continue to frustrate myself by using thousands of pres worth of desks. If the second floor piece stacks easily then I could just double them up. As wide as a desk but square would be awesome, and if It is already at the correct height (9 feet head clearance) it would be grand.

Stairs and ramps to connect the two levels as well please.

I would also like thin interior walls. If they are the proper measurements to work well with the aforementioned floor pieces wonderful.

On another note, I would like to have unlockable costume stands that players can add to the base. If your character is not wearing a specific costume it would show up on the costume stand.