Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Don't know if its been mentioned or not, but I'd like to see decorative specail effects. Things like ground fog, dripping water, a ghostly mist, a fiery wall, icy ground, a mistical vorex, falling rocks, etc.

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Third! Pillars with water pouring down the sides, fountains...



I'd like all the plants in the base editor to be broken apart.

Divide them into 2 segments, Plant, and Pot. This way those of us who are trying to make outdoor areas don't have to find ways to disguise the pots (or bury them in the ground), and those who want potted plants can just overlay/stack one on the other.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I went with more of a really really poor SG theme and would love it if they made the burn barrel available for a light source.



- Doorways that are customizable, between rooms (Serious work needs to be done here!)

- The option for NO trim to ceilings and floors

Tomorrow's heroes, today!



If you mean "doors just stuck to walls as decoration" then the devs could do that.

If you mean "doors that provide access from one area to the next" then no - you won't see them for the foreseeable future.

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what about a purchasable (with prestige), and destroyable door option? in addition to that, multiple door options, like vault doors, regular wooden doors, draw bridge, iron strapped heavy wooden doors, wrought iron gates (see through), garage doors, heavy security alloy doors (futuristic type stuff), heavy roll down gates (like the ones on some parking garages), etc, etc, etc......

group leaders could have an option upon entering the base to close all/shut all (or somethin'??). during raids friendlies could open doors, but while open invaders could sneak by.

also i'd like to see single cords or multiple and varieing sizes as decrative floor items.

also everything in some warehouse maps: car lifts, tool racks, cabinets (those red craftsman types). just to name a few.

btw, is there a sexy base dev? in case there is, "Oh please sexy base dev whose name i don't know!!"

The validity of your statment does not increase in direct proportion with the frequency and volume at which you speak it.



OK this is a functional rather than decorative item...but could the arcane inventions worktable NOT have computery-tech stuff on top of it? Maybe have a small workstation (same size) with potion vials and a mortar/pestle. I want one in my villain base but i couldn't stand the thought of having the tech stuff in a completely natural/arcane temple...



Water water water water.....

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Blocks and other geometric shapes in a variety of sizes and shapes.

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Leggo ftw! Just imagine what some people could build.



Items that i woudl like to see in the base

Roman base skins

defeats trophy, (when a gladator is unlocked you get some type of trophy that you can add to the base)

Base NPC's

In the LRSF on the Assault Vindicators Base there are displays of NPC's, in a control room setting.

these little rooms would be a kick butt thing for us to buy.
Control room (Assault Vindicators Base)
med bay (think the vanguard med bay in atlas park)
work shop

single NPC's that have programable sayings
in the game Ultima Online you have Barkeepers that you can buy and place in you houses, you can change their look and have them say stuff, they aslo say system messages.
o9s if your in your base adn not payign attention to you chat window he sprouts off that there is a fire in Steel ect ect

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Items that i woudl like to see in the base

Roman base skins

defeats trophy, (when a gladator is unlocked you get some type of trophy that you can add to the base)

Base NPC's

In the LRSF on the Assault Vindicators Base there are displays of NPC's, in a control room setting.

these little rooms would be a kick butt thing for us to buy.
Control room (Assault Vindicators Base)
med bay (think the vanguard med bay in atlas park)
work shop

single NPC's that have programable sayings
in the game Ultima Online you have Barkeepers that you can buy and place in you houses, you can change their look and have them say stuff, they aslo say system messages.
o9s if your in your base adn not payign attention to you chat window he sprouts off that there is a fire in Steel ect ect

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I like these ideas. How about some skulls, body parts, and stuff to put around the room, as well?



Might have already been said but, I would like to see the ability to go to the crafting table and use whatever salvage needed and craft a statue of the yourself to been in your personal item category. So that you could place statues in the base of some of the members of the sg. It could be maybe the leaders, or new recruits, member acknowledgment for any reason, or you get the point.

Edit: just noticed that Goldbrick has mentioned statues on page 2 of this thread.




Letting us use a small portion of what's seen in game as objects would be freaking nice.



Letting us use a small portion of what's seen in game as objects would be freaking nice.

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Yes, I want the bar items used in the Chateau, the taps, the sinks, the bottles. etc etc




One thing I think would be interesting, though it may have already been selected, would be different door types and sizes. Some ideas for a different type of door would be:
curtains hanging on either side for the more mystical or hippie themed group
Sewer grates or flood valves that need to be opened, for bases that are in sewers or underwater themed (think a submarine)
The classic sci fi sliding doors, complete with little "whoosh" sound as it opens and closes

Multi level rooms would be neat as well, complete with stairwells or elevator platforms to take us up to the higher level for those without flight or jumping capability.

It'd also be nice to have some way to display pictures or statues of the members of a super group. This would be a great way to honor those heroes or villains who have not been able to play as much or had to leave the game due to real life circumstances. Our founders in the Shadow Keep have both left the game, or moved on to other servers. It'd be really neat to be able to honor their existance in some way, as our group wouldn't be around, or have as many neat features as it does, if not for their involvement early on. It could have a plaque that would give the hero's ID info and rank within the group on it so that everyone who enters the base could know their history and rank within the group.



I would like to see more various Pillars and wall skins, not to mention tintable water. And the ability to tint any item with any color you want. Oh and an UNDO button so that in case you mess up you can reset it back to the way you had it before.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute



We have a tech and magic version of the generators and computers. I'd like to see a sewer like version, since we already have sewer stuff, it would be nice to have something to add to it.

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




Yes an UNDO button!!



That's not a decorative item, as per the thread title...although, yes we'd all like that option.



More Lego blocks, including:
[*]Blank stone and metal floor plates so that we don't need to depend on bugged SG logos
[*]Hirano Wood Planks, Industrial diamond plate, Sewer brick and Miyuki straw mat versions of both the SG and blank floor plates
[*]Window and door elements 4 feet wide by 8 feet high in a variety of styles, that look acceptable pressed up against a wall or standing as part of a player-made partition. The glass parts should be tintable from very clear to almost opaque.



I would like to see

- wall fireplaces
- Graveyard headstones
- stuff to make a base look like home
- Computer terminals like the ones for control rooms (but just
for decoration)
- Stuff from the facemaker and Icon shops
- Dungeons (Acrane, Tech, and normal)
- Hanging crystals
- Keyboards to put on desk

Just wish they would put more stuff in



water in bases lol



More Lego blocks, including:

<ul type="square">[*]Blank stone and metal floor plates so that we don't need to depend on bugged SG logos [*]Hirano Wood Planks, Industrial diamond plate, Sewer brick and Miyuki straw mat versions of both the SG and blank floor plates[*]Window and door elements 4 feet wide by 8 feet high in a variety of styles, that look acceptable pressed up against a wall or standing as part of a player-made partition. The glass parts should be tintable from very clear to almost opaque.[/list]
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Yes, plain glass panes (NOT wall items) would be awesome. Another important attribute they should possess is that they should not overlap if placed next to each other or leave a gap (Perhaps your size suggestion already takes care of that, I dunno).

Also, your other suggestions would be great.

And I'd be pretty happy if some Arcane items were given bottoms, particularly the building block type items.



It would be nice, if it's possible, to have some floor pieces that duplicate some of the details in for example the ship maps- floor grates with pipes underneath, etc. Not sure, though, if those are actually 3d parts of the map, or dropins.

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.



Mirrors would be a MAJOR change to the game engine. They'd have to make the mirrors so blurry they'd really be like that ugly metallic finish all over Grandville.

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Funny aside - You know how City Hall in Atlas has a reflective floor?

Ever wonder why it reflects the room structures but not the people in the room?

That's because the floor isn't actually reflective - it's semi-transparent and there's a duplicate room upside-down under the floor.

You used to be able to teleport into there early on, but that got fixed. Some mean people would teleport team-mates down there and if you didn't have some teleport ability yourself you had to petition a GM to get out.



I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



A stand alone base editor seperate from cox where we could work on individual rooms and have the ability to save,load, share w/ freinds and of course - apply them to a live sg that has room and resources. &lt;add personal item&gt;

small to large double sided floor and wall tiles that could literally make rooms within rooms &lt;apt. complex&gt;

botomless pit as a floor/wall texture &lt;falling like in oro places you at base portal entrance&gt;

Z axis tool

the ability to select multiple objects &lt;shiftclick&gt; and save them as a custom object file &lt;upload/share/copypaste&gt;

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