82 -
I just got my demon/thermal mastermind to level 50 today. I have been on and off with her for like a year. I am glad she is 50 now but I find the set very cumbersome. I liked my concept for her but the mastermind set is a hard play style. I buff my pets with thermal shields get my heal ready to go, attack a mob and splat the demon are dead. I really don't think the minions should die so fast. Make me have a shorter leash and not run off. If you don't want to change the squishiness of the pets and want us to recast the then there empowerments should be automatic on them. I don't when the pets go down I have to re cast the then I have to empowerment them. To much energy to do. I hope there is a plan to make mm better.
Thanks -
So I think it's just me but wonder if there is anyone else out there that feels the way I do. So does anyone else feel that controllers on trials are a bit weak. Like on BAF escapee part we can't hold leuts which I understand why. On other parts in BAF or on other trials the standard rule should apply. A single target hold applies two times on a boss should hold them. I am finding that that's not the case. In fact I can't seem to lock down much of anything. I know trials are ment to be more extreme, but controller should control. Over anything else in my opinion. So is it me or does anyone else feel this way. P.S. I am currently playing a gravity/dark controller. Also, I really think that controller AOE mez powers need to be brough up to there 1.00% acc. The way the game is evolving I think so should the controller main powers.
Side note. The Hybrid Control - chance for a +1 mag on hold
From the sound of it. I was like sweet. After trying it. I am like blah
While the toggle is on they should have gave a +1 mag on all control 100% of the time. There should have been a passive mez protection not resistance.
Again this is just how I feel.
I have been a long time player of COH but don't like when an AT that is called controller, but can't control. -
So when you look through all the io's in the game there is a certain chain I see. If your Melee you can really build up you defense, resistance, and damage. Range toons can build up damage , acc, etc. controllers and dominators kind of get left out. There nothing in there sets that can increase the mag of there overall control powers. No I am not say they should hugh mag bonus like plus 5 or more, but even a way if there was a set that add a plus 2 to mag on the entire control and dominator character. Would make life a little nicer for this community . No I don't want to break the game. Just wish my crowd control toons could feel as power using what they use best as a brute like to smash. Maybe a new ATEs set for us with that in it. As my primary ATs to play I want to grow to. Why should everyone else all the glory .
I have unlocked my hybrid on two of my characters. One being a dominator and the other being a controller. I have the tier 4 control core. Chance for +1 mag. Frankly I don't see anything different on my character with it on. I was kind of upset on that. What with the amount of time you have to get hybrid unlocked and completed. Also maybe it was just my but I totally misunderstood the passive to the control tree. I thought I gave mez protection not resistance. So much for not being held. Don't like the 2 min cool down. I would have just let it stay on cause we earned it or make it a straight toggle.
Can we please have an alternate looks and less in your face looks for thermal radiation and cold domination shields. There just to crazy
I don't know I don't like the sound of the numbers. I have it in my tornado and bonfire on two different characters I play. Was loving the fact that the baddies weren't flying all over. Just feel I finally get a proc that worth while to my characters and wham overpowered. Bonfire I can understand the damage and short recharge making it really really good. No excuse for tornado.
Sigh -
Well I have it in my tornado and bonfire and I love it so much. Was the best thing that ever happened in a proc io. To bad that on the coffee talk there planning on changing it on these two powers. People are whining about them and ruined it for the people who really wanted this.
So I am lost on what I should take for alpha, interface, destiny, and hybrid incarnates and thoughts that may help
Was gonna do water blast with cold but may wait till nature affinity comes out and then try water/ nature.
Quote:I agree. Bonfire is not gonna break the game at this stage. I have it on my mastermind and the team i was on killed the baddies before i could get it off. I am sorry, have you seen some of the scrapper and brutes out there. How about we nerf them. Not saying we should but come on. Who really cares if bonfire or any power is changed by this proc. I think this is a stupid to be calling out for nerfs when other part of the community get a decent proc. I am waiting for a proc to increase controllers mag. So because that might benefit my lock down powers I should be nerfed. Give me a breakI don't exactly agree with this. It's not wrong to say that Bonfire is very, very strong now and probably is more effective than the devs would like. But 'game-breaking' seems a bit much to me.
There are Tanker/Brute/Scrapper combos that can do more damage in more safety than a character using Bonfire. My Fire/Shield Scrapper for instance is still SIGNIFICANTLY stronger in most ways to my Fire/Rad Controller with this proc. The proc narrowed the gap. -
Well the drivers are up to date. Tried playing the game in safe mode and got about 20 minutes in and it crashed and right during a summer event. This totally sucks. Worse off I can't even contact someone in support to help me. Only been playing since day one.
Guess I will try to strip and reinstall the drivers to see if that works.
Ok real quick post. My vid card died a few days ago and so I had to go buy a new one. I got a nvidia GE force gt640. It seems to be in my price range as well as meet the requirements to coh. However, I tried to play three times this evening after work. I joined up on an abandoned sewer trial and crashed three times during it. I had no issue before on my old vid card nothing has changed. I just totally freeze up to the point where I have to turn off the computer manually. I sent in a ticket in hopes they can give me some info. Figure I ask the community out there to see if anyone knows what I can do.
Thanks -
Where can I go to see patch notes and or a forum on what's current on subscriber beta?
Two request
Can you please make an alt look for
Cold domination/ Ice shield and glacial shield
(don't like the block look all that much but other may so an alt look would be nice)
Thermal radiation/ Thermal shield and plasma shield
(these tend to be a bit overpowering on the eyes and would like it if there was another look)
Thanks -
So my gravity/dark controller is at level 35 and for concept blackhole sounds good. The question is it worth taking. Seems very situational and don't like to take powers that hinder teaming. Also is there any word on the Devs re working that power?
I really wanted to have my own dark mistress carnie kind of toon. So I rolled a ill/dark. What disappointed me the most is that I cant use my superior invisibility with shadow fall. I was really hoping that since they were in my primary and secondary it would work but no shadow fall de toggles the other and vice versa. So sad. Not sure if group invisible will work with shadow fall. I am guessing not. I don't think the Devs will change this rule. Would have been awesome if it wild have worked the way I thought.
I know we just got powers a few weeks ago, but so can't for more. I hope they come this year.
Lots more damage and accuracy. We don't have the defense and/or resistance like brute, scrapper, and even stalkers. So we should be killing like no tomorrow. All blaster tier 9 power should not have the crash. Think it's silly IMO the way the game is now. Longer range attacks would be nice but I would settle for faster recharge and a steady flow in attack chain.
I would love to have aid self as the first choice. Not that I hate aid other just for me I feel that on my builds I waste a power choice having to take it. I like aid self for like my blaster or dominator after a battle. It helps me sometimes. Just don't like taking powers I don't want to get ones I do. In fact I wish all power pools would let us take the powers we want. Even if they made it that we couldn't take a power till x level.
That's just my opinion -
So I was looking over the leviathan patron pool for the archetypes and I keep looking at scrapper/stalkers vs. brutes/tanks/SoA/widows. My request is this and hope that maybe they would consider this. I like powers from patrons but can't seem to get them all out in one archetype. Can you please add the bile spray to the scrapper/stalkers and the spirit shark jaws to the brutes/tanks/SoA/widows. I am a huge fan of Capt' Mako among most patrons for some reason. I would just like the option of getting all the leviathan powers in the sets. It would really make me one happy player.
Thanks -
Right now my main suggestion or want I should say is letting SoA/Widows/Brute/and Tanks get spirit shark jaws for and alternate level 47 power. As well as give scrappers/stalkers bile spray. Man I just love all the leviathan mastery powers.
Now I know that the Devs don't like to work on old content and no plans of us changing the colors to power pool, ancillary, patron power pools. So my question is this. Will we ever see more ancillary options across the archetypes. Like mind ancillary for blaster or electric for controllers. Think this would give players a bit more options for there characters.
Blaster need more damage output
So even though storm was made into a support set. Does any but me think that some of the powers could use a tad more damage. I think gale, freezing rain, tornado, and lightning storm could use some damage output.