Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Also Mentioning since so many people spell out things with Banners, the floor tiles that can have letters on them or with a bunch of Light options or other options like vents etc.

Could we please get some base item(s) with each letter of the alphabet on them, either place able on the floor or walls that do not change if moved.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea



I'd like to see a selection of Vending machines - Crey Cola and Pspsi Brand names would be cool.

I want some Base NPCs that would greet people coming into the base.

Viewscreens, Computer Terminals, SMALL Aecane Objects, all are needed.

I'd would dearly love to be able to place STATUES of our LEVEL 50 Members (and Founders) in our Base.



How about the other members toons become base npc's while they are logged?



I added some stuff in another thread... I'm sure that list will show up here soon.

Had to add, though.

Walkway lights (think a theater, with lighting showing you to seats.)
"Plain" walls. Not factory, corrugated, brick, etc. but just completely featureless. Just painted walls.
Exit signs.
Generic room signs (Transportation, Energy, Control, Workshop, Welcome to Medbay!)
Lettering as mentioned above. (Indicating things with vents is a bit tedious.)
Wall mount TVs
Arcade machines
Entertainment centers
Ceiling mounted projectors (with wall mount and stand mount screens.)
BIG "movie" screens, complete with (colorable) curtains.
Hot tub.
Park bench and picnic table.
Basketball hoop, with and without backboard, in regular and "mini" sizes (c'mon, you've seen those cubicle basketball hoops.)
Stairs with railings.
Fencing. Chain link, wrought iron, chicken wire, barbed wire, white picket.
Weapon racks. We get them as glowies, after all. (yes, I know about the vet rewards. I'm looking for "functional" looking vs "Decorative/Trophy" looking.)
Fake "defenses." Somewhat like the raid items, but doing nothing.
Sculptures. (Modern and classical.)
Rows of desks, like the "waiting area' chairs without the tables, for training/presentation areas. Stuff like that that can be placed en masse.



That made me remember something I thought of last night...for lighting:

Variations of wall lights that can be put on the ceiling or the floor
Variations of the ceiling lights that can be put on the floor

Building a 'club' last night, and managing to float some ceiling lights below the ceiling, I found myself thinking that it would be great to face some of those *up* instead of down. Ditto some of the dome-style lights whose names I've forgotten would be wonderful as 'track lights' on the floor or ceiling.

'Course, I'd love spotlights that were animated to swivel, too. Get that whole 'Hollywood runway' (or airport runway, for that matter) feel.



I almost never post, but this one is near and dear to my heart. I haven't read all what's been suggested already, I'm just gonna post my wish list.

Floor to ceiling walls so I don't have to fake it
Workout equipment
More options for floors, walls, and ceilings
More wall art
More options for chairs, tables, and BEDS
More options for lighting
Kitchen / break room options
Additional types of bookcases
Floor to ceiling book cases
Pieces to build mechanical labs
Lab animal cages complete with animals
More computer styles
Additional floor tiles, one is just not enough

More COLORS. Even if it's just the same old stuff, give it to us in a rainbow of colors

How about the ability to remove upper and/or lower wall molding for an entire room since it disappears when you put item to close to it anyway or don't make it disappear.



Hmm, would a tool count as a decorative base item?

A variety of base items inherit the Super Group's Logo and Colors. It would be nice to have this replaced with an option in the editor to change the logo and colors on an item. Much easier with it right in the interface itself and it adds potential to make other simple objects take colors.



>.> about 2 yrs ago this Jan, holiday base items where promised for the next yr (last yr). I'm figuring that in all the hubbub (and lack of event updates that yr) that they got forgotten..

o.o anyway, can we please get them? Winter stuff like the trees from the ski area.. the packages.. some wreaths and such..

@.@ not to mention halloween bits.. the pumpkins that appear around GM spawns, maybe some spookie candles and/or masks to hand on the walls...

o_o some Vday stuff would be nice too, but I realize that there isn't really anything made and ingame yet for it, so Halloween and Winter would be great.

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Somebody's probably mentioned this, but I think NPC's would be a nice addition to bases. I say this because I look at various pictures of bases that have all these meeting rooms, reception desks, offices, and medical rooms, that have seats and the such, but look barren without anyone actually inside of them.

Perhaps one day we can have let's say a NPC doctor to stand inside our med bays, they may not do anything, but it would look cool to have a "doctor" on stand by, and maybe have them say customized text every now and then or whenever they're clicked upon. Maybe we can even have some NPC's acting as receptionist, or some PPD standing at the entrance to your base as if they're "guarding" it.

It wouldn't have a practical purpose, but an addition auch as this would look nice and would make bases look a little "fuller" I trhink.



I pm'ed CuppaJoe 2 yesr ago and asked about these. Her response was that it was too late for that year but to look for something the next. Why does it take so long for stuff we say we really want and then find that they spent their time working on... Day Jobs.



Base NPCs

I think it would be cool if several different varieties of Base NPC were made available.

To go along with this, I'd love to see some training/gymnastic and gun range items... a Danger Room flavor, you might say.

Magic - A Wizard working some Alchemical madness
Mutants - A Bald Professor manning some weird wequipment
Natural - Men in Black handling some Comm Equipment
Science - A Doctor that can be stationed in the Med Bays.
Technology - A Robby the Robot reopairing some Power Room equpiment.
Universal - A Butler who would invite people coming into the base.

To top things off it would be cool if these NPCs could be programmed to automatically say "skits" like our minions on COV can.



Something I alway notice is the poor quality of Screenshots in this game. They are always too dark and muddy and look... well... crappy. Ads for the game that feature screenshots dont make me wanna buy the game.

I have long asked for an area somewhere that was at the very least well lighted and would take good screenshots. This could be Wentworths, City Hall or any of the Stores.

Even better would be some Light Decorations that we could install in the base that actually provided the best light for tajking screenshots. I have spent hours trying to position lights in such a way that enabled me to take good screenshots.

Better yet would be a command that automatically took a "perfect" screenshot of our character and sent it to our Screenshot directory. This function coule be at iCon.

The coolest would be if the game made an animated GIF of our character that we could use in our E-Mails (thus also advertising the game!)



Looking at all the really great things that people have made in bases in I13 with the new pathing rules, it's obvious that the base editor needs the following:

1) An easy way to directly set the height of an object without having to stack it on top of something else.

2) A set of basic "building blocks" that you can use to make other things out of. In particular:

* A variety of wall sections that resemble the wall styles that already exist.

* A variety of floor sections that resemble the floor styles that already exist.

* Stair segments that can be easily combined with other stair segments.

3) A more complex type of object based on the above that can itself be resized. For example, instead of having to make 10 different wall segments of the same style but of varying heights and lengths, make one basic wall segment that can be increased size in any direction. This isn't stretching per se because the texture on the object would be replicated over the increased size rather than stretched. That is, if a basic arcane wall segment had a pattern of 40 bricks, doubling the length would result in 80 bricks of the same size, rather than 40 bricks that were stretched out.



Seconding, thirding, forthing, fifthing, sixthing, etc. etc. EVERYTHING in this thread.
Also I'd like to see:
Mission Architect terminals for SG bases (since it's supposed to be like an arcade thing)
Arena Terminals for SG bases. (Probably mentioned already, but just to be sure.)
Folding screens.
Thin Shojin screen walls that can be set up in a room.
Hot springs. Yes, freaking hot springs in a base. Because I want my katana scrapper to become an inn keeper.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



<ul type="square">[*]Kitchen items like stoves, coffee makers, refrigerator, etc. [*]Real beds[*]Entry doors[*]A larger bathroom door for the "Giant" body size[*]Roll-up doors[*]Customizable NPCs[*]WATER! Pleaseohpleaseohplease[*]Smaller "Bathroom tile" and matching wall tiles[*]Club lighting (laser lights, strobes, etc.)[*]color-changing floor tile lighting (for clubs)[*]The ability to turn items at 45 degrees each click instead of 90 degrees.[/list]

Infinity: Starbright, Little Darkstar, Fusion Meltdown, Thief



[ QUOTE ][LIST][*]Kitchen items like stoves, coffee makers, refrigerator, etc. [*]Real beds[*]Entry doors[*]A larger bathroom door for the "Giant" body size[*]Roll-up doors[*]Customizable NPCs[*]WATER! Pleaseohpleaseohplease[*]Smaller "Bathroom tile" and matching wall tiles[*]Club lighting (laser lights, strobes, etc.)[*]color-changing floor tile lighting (for clubs)[*]The ability to turn items at 45 degrees each click instead of 90 degrees.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wall tiles similar to the floor tile? Cos that would be awesome. That would really let us make one room into smaller rooms/apartments/etc without changing the over-all theme!



Haven't checked the whole thread but I see that many of my wants are already said, so consider them all seconded.

I do have something I want to add as a request though... and if it's been mentioned already, again consider it seconded: Destroyed items / textures.

Something kinda like the old SG bases in Faultline, only moreso - burst steam pipes, dangling, sparking wires, scorched panels, broken flooring, cracks in the walls exposing conduit, smashed computer terminals, mainframes with chunks blasted out of them, etc...

Stuff that thematically would make it seem like you live in a run-down, destroyed old wreck of a base. Maybe you got your base on the cheap as a "fixer-upper" from some old SG that got wiped out in a massive home-turf battle with Nemesis or Arachnos or something... or you're an unregistered hero hiding in the ruins of greatness, or something.

Just my $0.02, adjusted for inflation.

"Yes, yes this is a fertile land and we will thrive. And we shall rule over this land, and call it... ... This Land."

Main: Mikuruneko (50, Katana/Regen Scrapper)
Alts: Many



Has anybody asked for cars and trucks yet? The objects are already in the game, so that should be a simple one to add and also the objects from that mis where the warehouse room is setup like a garage.



Has anybody asked for cars and trucks yet? The objects are already in the game, so that should be a simple one to add and also the objects from that mis where the warehouse room is setup like a garage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Speaking of Cars and Trucks, I would love it if they added a Scenario where we could fight Tanks !! I think that would be so cool!

I did some more work on my base last night and still can't believe that bug got thru where you can't place an item where you want it on walls.

I want Christmas Trees!!



Building blocks of varying sizes so we don't have to keep using counters and desks to create second levels.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Building blocks of varying sizes so we don't have to keep using counters and desks to create second levels.

[/ QUOTE ]

And shapes!



along with all the fine suggestion/requests above, I just want the furniture scaled properly.....I mean I know my alts are on the short side but using a booster seat during SG meetings are a bit embarrassing



booster seats? man, are we lookin' at the same furniture? most of them, poor Tekka (6'2") can't fit her butt into cos the arms are too close together. she ends up butt-hovering above the cushion, and rather uncomfortably

edited for spelling



More "plain" items.

The Glass panels with SG logos? Give me those without logos. Give me those without *bases* beneath them. And in different colors and textures (such as frosted.)

And - we have bathroom doors. Give me individual and double doors in various styles. Just plain ones, locked ones, wooden ones, reinforced ones, etc. No, we don't *have* individual apartments yet - but most of my SGs, if they RP, mention having a hallway or corridor (or several) leading to individual apartments or offices.

Clear topped cubicles. half height cubicle walls.




sharks with freakin' lasers on thier heads!

The validity of your statment does not increase in direct proportion with the frequency and volume at which you speak it.