19 -
God, just one more year and I'll be on my own and able to earn some of my own moolah some I can return to this game for good. Gah, two years away is too much!
You look at the football team thinking, "Maybe with a few buffs I could get my scrapperlock on and take 'em."
Somebody's probably mentioned this, but I think NPC's would be a nice addition to bases. I say this because I look at various pictures of bases that have all these meeting rooms, reception desks, offices, and medical rooms, that have seats and the such, but look barren without anyone actually inside of them.
Perhaps one day we can have let's say a NPC doctor to stand inside our med bays, they may not do anything, but it would look cool to have a "doctor" on stand by, and maybe have them say customized text every now and then or whenever they're clicked upon. Maybe we can even have some NPC's acting as receptionist, or some PPD standing at the entrance to your base as if they're "guarding" it.
It wouldn't have a practical purpose, but an addition auch as this would look nice and would make bases look a little "fuller" I trhink. -
Which is inside a larger Applebee's. Which happens to be a nemesis plot.
Teardrops in my pants.
Yesterday in my pants.
Piggies in my pants. -
Wow, thanks for all the tips everyone. And yes I get that Karate Kid reference. I was just kinda messing around. I have plenty of free time on my hands so I guess I can just set aside an hour each day or so and maybe draw some simple things to get a hang of it. I'm going to be trying to learn how to draw comic book kinda stuff. I'm not much into the anime style of drawing.
Learn to draw so darn well? I would lik to start so I can draw some ideas I have for some heroes. But I suck. I don't really want to go through an art class (complicated reason. Don't want to get into it). Were you all just self taught. Are there any books or websites you can go to?
Sounds intersting. I always kinda wanted to get in on the roleplaying bandwagon. But I always thought that I'd never have time to really get inot one. And when I did manage to post in one it kinda died. I hope wasn't cause of me.
((It lives!! I thought this RP was done for good thanks to my crudy entry. Hope more pick up on this.))
ShadowFalcon stepped into Tony's Bar and Grill for the first time. Actually it was his first time in any bar. Normally, he never would have thought about stepping into any bar, but this morning was different. He'd just spent his entire night saving some damned hippies from the Devouring Earth. Only problem was that this was the same group of people he had saved last week, and the week before, and so on..... They just never seemed to understand that the Hamidon did not take well to humans no matter their intentions. Intentions that would include attacking your would be rescuer with sticks and other blunt objects while that same rescuer is fighting off a horde of Sentries and Bladegrasses. Intentions that also include threating to sue their rescuer after dropping them off at the hospital for one ridiculous reason or another. After that trauma, all Falcon wanted to do tonight was eat, drink, and be merry.
Taking a seat a the nearest stool, the young hero earns a few stares from other patrons due to his ragged appearance. One buckled glove missing, large patches of his baggy black costume gone, green goo on one boot, half of his mask missing revealing messy thick black hair, a black eye, and a skinned forehead.
"Oy! Barkeep! Get me the best kind of alcohol you got in here for getting someone drunk to high heaven!"
"Sure thing bud, looks like you could use it"
Tony makes a move to grab a glass for the hero, but pauses to eye him, before moving towards Falcon to confront him.
"Son, how old are you?"
"25" He states bluntly.
"I'll ask again, how old are you"
"Do you have the ID to prove that?"
Shadow simply stares at him for a moment, before he finally rests his elbow on the counter, runs his hand through his hair and says, "Fine, I'm 19"
"Are you aware the legal drinking age is 21 years of age kid?"
"Of course I did what do you think I am stupid?"
"Well you are a teenager who just stepped into a bar asking for alcohol, and from the look on your face I'd say your getting ready to pick a fight with a man called Two Ton Tony even though you have no visible powers judging from the state of yourself. So tell me, why do you think anyone would think your stupid? So I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll get you a drink this once, I'll forget that you just tracked green goo all over my bar. And I'll let it pass that you almost tried to pick a fight with me. After that, I don't want to see you in this bar again till your 21. If you come back before that, I'll show you just why I'm called Two Ton Tony. You got that kid?" he finished, giving Falcon a look that would make Statesman cower.
"Yeah, that's swell. Fine by me." Shadow croaked meekly.
Tony retuned to Falcon's spot a minute later, bearing a glass of milk. Setting it down roughly in front of him. After eyeing the drink for a moment, Falcon shot the grining Tony a look that plainly said "Screw you."
((I usually hate writing, but for some reason tonight I felt like actually writing all this so if mine sucks, keep in mind that this is my first time trying and it will be the last time I try. But just for the heck of it, can anyone tell me how I did?)) -
All those pix are pretty good. I always wished I could draw lke that. I wouldn't mind making a few pictures of my hero during my free time. Too bad I'm no good at it.
Anyone know if theirs a way to learn to draw like that online?
Thank you Sates!
Now how can anyone say that States here is a bad guy?
Falcon's battle cry is "FOR CIMMARON!!!!!" in honor of Protector servers mascot.
The little code thingy photoshop gave me doesn't wprk after I put it the little avatar box and clicked submit it said that this page has been called an invalid option, it has been aborted for security reasons, any ideas?
I've never felt prouder to be part of Protector server.
I would live in Steel Canyon. With connections to both the green and yellow lines making it quicker to get to whatever zone i need to be in