Anyone know what this will be?
One more building for the Hellions to set on fire.
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That part to the far that new? I don't remember that bit of the construction...of course I never paid it much attention anyhow.
Ya i'm gonna go with Spaceport for 300, Alex.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
Those have been there for two issues now. I've been wondering myself.
That part to the right too? I don't remember it, but I don't generally wander over that way except to occasionally get killed by exploding buildings.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Those have been there for two issues now. I've been wondering myself.
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It's been there much longer than that. Forum consensus is that it will eventually be a spaceport, much like the mysterious construction in Port Oakes behind the arena.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
I don't recall that part with the tall crane though. Maybe it IS because I hardly go there O.O
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Its going to be a Dennys.
Those have been there for two issues now. I've been wondering myself.
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It's been there much longer than that. Forum consensus is that it will eventually be a spaceport, much like the mysterious construction in Port Oakes behind the arena.
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Yeah, it's been there quite a while, maybe even when the first Rikti event in the summer of '07, whatever Issue that was. I definitely have screenshots of it from mid '07, because one of my toons was fighting a fire there and I took some screenies.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Would be somewhat less than intelligent to be launching spacecraft from inside a major city. Which means it is a spaceport, this is Paragon City, after all.
Nemesis Plot
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Probably, but SOMEONE has got to build a Spaceport, might as well be the Lord of the Americas.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
Those have been there for two issues now. I've been wondering myself.
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It's been there much longer than that. Forum consensus is that it will eventually be a spaceport, much like the mysterious construction in Port Oakes behind the arena.
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The way it looks to me now, the construction in Port Oakes appears that it'll be just a bypass to connect the two ferries.
Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
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The Steel construction was supposed to be an indication that the War Walls were going to be coming down but the Devs backed off that idea almost instantly iirc.
The PO construction was supposed to be a bypass to connect the boats and included an access road to reach the massive launch/landing strip for the Space Port. All of which was accidentally glimpsed on test a long while back. The Devs abandoned this idea as well.
My Deviant Art Page
honestly I only noticed that construction a couple days ago, but I reamember reading the forums about it and the space portness
As long as it's not a space port, and by extention, there's no moon zone, I'm fine with it just sitting there.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Nemesis Plot
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You know enn-vee.... not everything is a nemesis plot! :|
Its going to be a Dennys.
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Its going to be a Dennys.
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A Starbucks inside Denny's.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Which is inside a larger Applebee's. Which happens to be a nemesis plot.
Maybe an airport that we can finally have villians visit paragon outside of missions and heros visit rogue isles outside of missions (or pvp on either)
cause expanding the play map is always a good idea.
Nemesis Plot
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You know enn-vee.... not everything is a nemesis plot! :|
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That's just a plot by Nemesis so as to avoid us seeing all his plots.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
It's a Nemesis automaton factory.
I have watched this building area extend from one little corner to is in Steel, the northeast.
Construction site-Steel
My first guess is it will be an opening to a new area.