Every one has a story in this City what is yours. I opened up a Open RG some time ago called Tony's Bar and Grill it was a bar that opened up some time ago across the street from the Atlas City Hall. It is still open...come in pull up a bar stool and tell your tales. I hope this will become as big as Whitmore Apartments. Enjoy every one. Lets open the place. Two Ton Tony walks over the window and turns on the Open Sign in the window ready for another day of Heroes coming in and out looking for a good meal and a stiff drink if the time comes for it. Tony calls back to the Kitchen. "Maggie I just turned on the Sign Darlyn... Lets get this grills fired up I am expecting a good day today."
Tony's Bar and Grill (Open RP)
(The front door opened. Mr. Light and Mr. Dark stormed into the Bar and Grill. The restaurant is quickly destroyed, along with Two Ton Tony and Maggie. The two continue to Atlas Park, fighting each other and causing mayhem. Doomsday comes for Paragon City. )
((Nah, I'm just kidding. I just wanted to pop in and say hi to lordtigerhawk, since his Open RP was the first one I ever participated in. Unfortunately, since I had no idea how Open RP worked at the time, I kind of destroyed the first version of this one. Anyway, it's nice to see that you're finally continuing something you probably thought you'd left behind long ago. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to continue pulling my hair out trying to revise the old Chapters of the fanfic I'm desperately trying to revive
Good Luck with the new Tony's Bar and Grill!))

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

Captain incompetent walked into Tony's and up to the bar. He orded a beer and a cheeseburger. "and gimme a bottle of whiskey. or vodka. whatever you got, I've had a bad day."
Marshall Stack strode through the doors of Tony's, removing his sunglasses and running his hand through his long brown hair in the same motion. Sitting down heavily on the corner stool, he motions to the bartender to come down to the end of the bar. Without speaking he makes it clear that he would like a whisky sour and an order of fries. He also pantomimes a request for a pad of paper and a pen.
"Whats the matter, cat got your tongue?" Tony asked him gruffly, "It's a lot easier if you just tell me what you want."
"I try not to talk much." Marshall replied as quietly as possible. Even at the low volume he spoke at Tony's ears were still left ringing and he got a slight sunburned sensation on his face. Using the pad of paper and pen that Tony quickly provided he explains that he is a sonic blaster, and cannot turn his power off.
"Wow, buddy, that's pretty rough." Tony said with a look of sympathy on his face, "So you can't really talk to anyone without risking hurting them, huh?"
Marshall just nods once to signal agreement. Using the pad he tells Tony that the six words he just said is the most he's said in weeks.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
"Hurmmm... Yeah that might work, but what if not all of the quarks are spinning in the same direction? The dispersal of the subsequent atomic masses may result in less than adequate results. Bloody Hell... that could be bad."
A young black man strides into the bar with his nose firmly planted in a notebook. The pen scritches over the paper at a breakneck speed as the youth mutters to himself before sitting at the bar. He continues writing like a madman as Tony comes over and waits patiently for a minute, and then taps the boy on the shoulder.
"Kid... first I need to see some ID and then you should probably think about watching where you are going."
"Huh? OH! Oh, yeah I suppose this IS a logical outcome. Moreso than most I suppose. ID! Right sir, here you are!"
The young man passed over a hero ID that was also stamped with the official mark of the Kheldian ambassador, signifying this boy was a merged being with one of the alien visitors. His name was Mitchell Matthews, but the Hero ID was emblazoned with the name Phase-Space.
More importantly it also stated the kid had just turned 21 last week.
"Here you go Mitch." Tony stated while handing back the ID. "You know, you may want to watch where you're going when you're walking about."
The kid sighed and nodded gloomily. "I do watch, that's the problem at times. It all gets... Well confusing to say the least. I'll have a..." The boy paused as a distant look came into his eyes. Trails of dark purple and blue energy flared from his sockets before he relaxed. "...double cheeseburger, medium well, with lettuce, tomato, raw onions, ketchup, and mayo. Fries on the side and a black and tan to drink please."
Tony looked at the kid like he was some kind of high explosive primed to go but nodded anyway and left Mitch to bury his nose in notes once more.
"The ant country for that decision was remarkably small... am I becomming too predictible with my diet? Damn..." Mitch rubbed his head gently and looked about the bar. "This seems like a nice place though. Good decision to come here."
He smiled at the other patrons, which were few this time in the morning, and immediately began scribbling in his notebook again.
"Lets see... if the harmonic frequencies were correctly modulated the output could be tremendous..."
ShadowFalcon stepped into Tony's Bar and Grill for the first time. Actually it was his first time in any bar. Normally, he never would have thought about stepping into any bar, but this morning was different. He'd just spent his entire night saving some damned hippies from the Devouring Earth. Only problem was that this was the same group of people he had saved last week, and the week before, and so on..... They just never seemed to understand that the Hamidon did not take well to humans no matter their intentions. Intentions that would include attacking your would be rescuer with sticks and other blunt objects while that same rescuer is fighting off a horde of Sentries and Bladegrasses. Intentions that also include threating to sue their rescuer after dropping them off at the hospital for one ridiculous reason or another. After that trauma, all Falcon wanted to do tonight was eat, drink, and be merry.
Taking a seat a the nearest stool, the young hero earns a few stares from other patrons due to his ragged appearance. One buckled glove missing, large patches of his baggy black costume gone, green goo on one boot, half of his mask missing revealing messy thick black hair, a black eye, and a skinned forehead.
"Oy! Barkeep! Get me the best kind of alcohol you got in here for getting someone drunk to high heaven!"
"Sure thing bud, looks like you could use it"
Tony makes a move to grab a glass for the hero, but pauses to eye him, before moving towards Falcon to confront him.
"Son, how old are you?"
"25" He states bluntly.
"I'll ask again, how old are you"
"Do you have the ID to prove that?"
Shadow simply stares at him for a moment, before he finally rests his elbow on the counter, runs his hand through his hair and says, "Fine, I'm 19"
"Are you aware the legal drinking age is 21 years of age kid?"
"Of course I did what do you think I am stupid?"
"Well you are a teenager who just stepped into a bar asking for alcohol, and from the look on your face I'd say your getting ready to pick a fight with a man called Two Ton Tony even though you have no visible powers judging from the state of yourself. So tell me, why do you think anyone would think your stupid? So I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll get you a drink this once, I'll forget that you just tracked green goo all over my bar. And I'll let it pass that you almost tried to pick a fight with me. After that, I don't want to see you in this bar again till your 21. If you come back before that, I'll show you just why I'm called Two Ton Tony. You got that kid?" he finished, giving Falcon a look that would make Statesman cower.
"Yeah, that's swell. Fine by me." Shadow croaked meekly.
Tony retuned to Falcon's spot a minute later, bearing a glass of milk. Setting it down roughly in front of him. After eyeing the drink for a moment, Falcon shot the grining Tony a look that plainly said "Screw you."
((I usually hate writing, but for some reason tonight I felt like actually writing all this so if mine sucks, keep in mind that this is my first time trying and it will be the last time I try. But just for the heck of it, can anyone tell me how I did?))
"Did you hear the news?"
"Johnny Grimm... Is dead."
Mike miller was sitting at the bar with Jake gordon, two local reporters. "What the hell happened to him?" asked jake, who had interviewed grimm often for the paragon times.
"Base got blown up by arachnos" said Mike, and at a low whisper he added, "They say lord recluse ordered the attack himself.."
Jake couldn't believe it. Just a month ago he was visiting Grimm's mountain base in Striga for an interview and dinner. It was the birthday of Second-in-command Leader, Flambe Cat.
John was a nice guy, but a little violent in his methods, rarely sparing his enemies. But he took his job very seriously. He was a socialist, so people knew he would never be famously respected, but still many saw him and his vigilante group, "The Anti-Reich" as the paragon antiheroes. He was always fighting for those less fortunate than him, even during the base raid he died in, he prevented any other casualties by evacuating the other members.
Suddenly, Mike and Jake heard a voice from the other side of the tavern.
"Grimm... is dead? Tragic.... the good die young."
It was a tall man of about 25 years of age, wearing a black trench coat and a hat that looked like it may have been stolen from The "Family."
He walked over to them...
"I guess he must have done something to piss of lord recluse that much..."
"Yeah," said Miller, "But the thing is, the autopsy shows that he didn't die from the blast, someone else killed him. They found claw marks all over his body, and he was impaled to death by four stab wound in a row... looked like he was attacked by some sort of wild dog.."
Jake was shocked. "who was the killer?"
"Well, They found blood on the floor of the base, after running some samples, some of the blood didn't belong to grimm, it belonged to a villain from port oakes, by the name of 'Ill Reb'"
The man in black looked up from his drink.
"Ill Reb? I've heard of him... didn't he kill that mafia guy?"
"Yeah, his name was Blloody vicious." Said mike. Grimm had been trying to off the man as well.
The man stood up.
"Barkeep, I'll pay for their drinks."
As he walded away, Jale noticed that the back of the man's neck was scarred badly, and in his jacked there was hole that almost looked like it was made by a bullet...
"Yo, jake."
"Yeah mike?"
"I'm leaving too.. take it easy man. Old john would have wanted it that way."
When jake got home, he found a note on his desk. it said:
'Jake.. that is your name right? Thank you for not knowing better.. Ignorance is bliss... If it wasn't for your slow logic, i would be rotting in brickstown again.
Outside of society...is where i wanna be.'
It was signed with an "X"
The next day Jake heard the news. Mike was murdered leaving the bar....
A clawed glove was found stuck in his back.
"Did you hear the news?"
"Johnny Grimm... Is dead."
Mike miller was sitting at the bar with Jake gordon, two local reporters. "What the hell happened to him?" asked jake, who had interviewed grimm often for the paragon times.
"Base got blown up by arachnos" said Mike, and at a low whisper he added, "They say lord recluse ordered the attack himself.."
Jake couldn't believe it. Just a month ago he was visiting Grimm's mountain base in Striga for an interview and dinner. It was the birthday of Second-in-command Leader, Flambe Cat.
John was a nice guy, but a little violent in his methods, rarely sparing his enemies. But he took his job very seriously. He was a socialist, so people knew he would never be famously respected, but still many saw him and his vigilante group, "The Anti-Reich" as the paragon antiheroes. He was always fighting for those less fortunate than him, even during the base raid he died in, he prevented any other casualties by evacuating the other members.
Suddenly, Mike and Jake heard a voice from the other side of the tavern.
"Grimm... is dead? Tragic.... the good die young."
It was a tall man of about 25 years of age, wearing a black trench coat and a hat that looked like it may have been stolen from The "Family."
He walked over to them...
"I guess he must have done something to piss of lord recluse that much..."
"Yeah," said Miller, "But the thing is, the autopsy shows that he didn't die from the blast, someone else killed him. They found claw marks all over his body, and he was impaled to death by four stab wound in a row... looked like he was attacked by some sort of wild dog.."
Jake was shocked. "who was the killer?"
"Well, They found blood on the floor of the base, after running some samples, some of the blood didn't belong to grimm, it belonged to a villain from port oakes, by the name of 'Ill Reb'"
The man in black looked up from his drink.
"Ill Reb? I've heard of him... didn't he kill that mafia guy?"
"Yeah, his name was Blloody vicious." Said mike. Grimm had been trying to off the man as well.
The man stood up.
"Barkeep, I'll pay for their drinks."
As he walded away, Jale noticed that the back of the man's neck was scarred badly, and in his jacked there was hole that almost looked like it was made by a bullet...
"Yo, jake."
"Yeah mike?"
"I'm leaving too.. take it easy man. Old john would have wanted it that way."
When jake got home, he found a note on his desk. it said:
'Jake.. that is your name right? Thank you for not knowing better.. Ignorance is bliss... If it wasn't for your slow logic, i would be rotting in brickstown again.
Outside of society...is where i wanna be.'
It was signed with an "X"
The next day Jake heard the news. Mike was murdered leaving the bar....
A clawed glove was found stuck in his back.
((It lives!! I thought this RP was done for good thanks to my crudy entry. Hope more pick up on this.))
The New Age Knight's blazing red eyes pierce the smoke layered air of Tony's Bar and Grill as he glides inside. The metallic hues of his costume glisten and sparkle as he passes from the shiny sun into the welcoming shadows of Tony's. A speedster of some note blisters through the exit billowing NAK's cape in his wake. Another bit of downtime from the endless hunting of the escaped. Finding a small shady spot in a back corner, NAK floats to the spot due to it's view of the bar and it's occupants. None of those here now are of interest to him other than blurbs he has caught on the news or in the papers. He is enjoying a bit of downtime but even then his thoughts are on those that have fled the asylum. This is nothing that will benefit Paragon.